单词 | Level-5 |
释义 | Level-5 (1500 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWY~ A.D. AIDS Aaron Afghan Air Force Alabama Alexandria Allah Am Apollo Arizona Asian Atlanta Augustus Austin a trifle abbot abolition abominate abort abstain academic accede acceptable acceptance accepting accommodation accompanying accountable adherent administrative admirer adoption adorned adventurer adversary adverse advertisement affecting afflicted affliction agitated ail air force aircraft aisle alight all along all the same alley allied allies aloft alteration analogy anecdote ankle anniversary annoyance annoyed annually anonymous ant anticipation appall appealing applaud appreciated apprentice approximate apron arbitrary archive arena armor armour arrogant arsenal ascertained ascribe aspiration assassinate assess assets assuming assumption asylum at large at sea athletic attacking attire auction audacity audible aught austere authentic authorized awaited awfully axe B.C. Babylon Baptist Belgian Benjamin Berlin Best Blake Boer Bonaparte Bridges Brooklyn Brussels Buddhism Burton babe bachelor baffle baggage bait balcony ballad balloon ballot banquet barbarian bath be after be quiet be sick bead beckon begging belle belly besiege bewildered binding biology blamed blazing bleeding bluff blunder bobby bored bounce bounds bout brandy bravely break off breeding brew bridle brighten bring down broker browse bruise bug builder bull bully bump bunk burial bus bust bustle butcher butterfly buyer buzz by and by by nature Calif. Call Caroline Carter Celt Celtic Charlotte Chester Co Colorado Confederate Connecticut Constance Constantinople Cromwell Cross Crown calculation calendar calf calif cancel cancer cane capitalism caprice carelessly carry away catalogue catastrophe catch sight catch up category cavern cedar celebration celebrity celestial censure channels characterize chariot charitable cherished cherry chin chivalry chocolate choked chum civilise clad clan clash clause claw clay clement clinic close in closet clue clumsy cohere coldly collecting collective collide colonist coloured comb come across come forward come near come off come through comfortably commandment commencement commentary commitment common sense commonplace commonwealth comparable competitive competitor compile composer comprehensive compress comprise conceivable concentrated condescend cone confederate confidential confounded conjure conscientious consolidate constituent constituted consultation contemplation contemptuous contingent contracted contradiction contrived convenience conversion convincing coolly coordinate coral corporal corpse corrected counting countless courteous courtier coverage coward cowboy cracked cradle creditor creek creeping cricket cripple criticize crooked crust cultural cured cursed cushion cut down cut in cylinder DA Darwin Davy Dean Defense Denmark Dublin Duncan daddy dagger dam damaged damned dancer darkened dazzling deacon dearly debut decease decorated decoration decrease deepen defending defiance deficient degenerate demanding democratic demonstrated denial denote depict deplore descendants descending designer desirous desperately despised despot destination destructive detached detachment detected detest devastate devout diary dictator dictionary differently diffuse digging digital dimension diminished dimly dining disable disabled disadvantage disagree disapprove disastrous discharged disclosure discord discreet disguised dismal dismount dispensable disposal disputed disregard dissatisfy dissipate dissolved distort distressed distrust diver divinity dogma doings dolly dome dominant dominion done for doomed dose dot doubled download downstairs downward dragging drape draught draw back draw near draw up drawer dreaded drip drop in duel duly dump dusty dwarf dynasty Edgar Esq Esther Eugene Evans eastward eccentric ecstasy edited efficiency ego eighteenth ejaculate el elapse elderly emancipate embarrassed emerging emit emphasize emphatic empress enclosed endorse endowed energetic engineering enlarged enlightened enrich entangle entertaining entrust environmental envoy epic epoch equate equipped equity era esteemed eve even so ever so every year exaggerated exalted exasperate exceptional exclusively exempt exhort expanded expectant explosive expressive extend to extinguish eyebrow Ferdinand Four Hundred Fox Fr fabric face to face faction fain faithfully fall asleep fall down fall in love falsehood famed famine fanatic fascinating favored fearless feat federate federation feel like feller ferocity ferry fervent feverish fiddle fiend fighter figured filth finer finishing fireplace first of all fisher flap flashing flavor flexible flicker flora fluid foliage footing for anything for good forbear forcible fore forfeit forgiveness formally forthwith four hundred fowl framed frantic freight fret friar frigate fringe frog furiously furnace fuss futile GMT Gilbert Graves galley gardener gauge gear gem generosity genial genus germ get at get off get over get through ghastly gifted gild gleaming glee glen glimmer go along go forth go forward go to sleep good enough good fortune good time good-by good-natured gorge gorgeous governing grandeur granite gravel grease grimly grocer groom grudge grunt guidance gut Harrison Hastings Herr Holmes Hope House of Commons Houston hack handled handling hang on hap harass hardship hare harmless harness hatch haunted haven haze heading headline hearth heated helm helmet henceforth herb hereditary heroine hesitating hip hiss hoist holiness homage honestly honesty honored hoof horizontal horseback hostess housekeeper hug human beings humbly humility humorous hunted hurricane hurrying husky hypothesis hysteric IT Indiana Iowa Isaac ibid. identical ignored imaginary immigrant impatiently implement imported imposing imprisoned imprisonment improving impudent in any case in earnest in person inconsistent inconvenience incorporate indebted indefinite indict indie indirect indispensable indulgence industrious inevitably infamy infection infinitely influential ingredient inherited initiative inland inmate inning innovation inquiring insensible insight insignificant instinctively insurgent integrate integrity intelligible intensely intercept interference interpreter interruption intervention intimacy intolerable intoxicate intuit invalid investigator invoke isolated ivory Jason Jersey Jesuit Jove Julian Jupiter jam jasper judging judicious jumping jurisdiction just about Kelly Korean k keenly kept up kettle kindred kit kneeling knocking know nothing Leo Leonard Lie Lloyd Louisiana Luther laboratory laborer lacking laden lame last word lasting lastly later on lavish leaping lease ledge left hand legion lemon lessen lesser lever levy lick lid lie down lifetime lift up lighter lighting likeness liking lime limitation limp linked links listener litter loaf lobby located lodgings long-term look around loosen lounge lumber lump luncheon lure lurk luxurious lyric Madrid Maine Marquis Maryland Mediterranean Miami Milan Miller Minnesota Mitchell Mon Morton Muslim mac magnetic maintenance majestic make good maker manhood manifestation manual mare mariner maritime massacre matter of fact maximum mechanism meditation melted memorable middle age militant militia mill miraculous mirth mislead modesty modification modified molly monarchy monthly morals mortify mound mounting mournful move on musket muster mutiny Naples Nation Nelson New Zealand Nile North Carolina nationality naught navigation nearby neatly neighboring nigger nineteenth ninth nobleman nomination non northward notorious novelist novelty nowadays nursery nuts OR Olympic Oregon Orient Oscar Oxford obstruct occupant odds odor offspring oft old age ominous on the side on the spot one by one one-half onion only when onward opposing oppressed oppression optimism oracle orange orator orderly ore organism orthodox out of the way outbreak outcome outfit outlaw outlook oven over and over overflow oversee owl oyster Palestinian Parker Percy Peru Philippine Pitt Plato Price Prophets Providence Prussian packet paddle pagan painfully pamphlet pang parcel parson partially partisan partnership passive paste patiently patriotism patty pavement paw pea peculiarity peculiarly peninsula penitent perceptible performing perilous periodical pertinent petroleum pier pierced piety pigeon pike pint pitched pitcher pitiful placid plank plantation plaster plastic pleading pleasantly pledged plume poetical poise pollute portray postpone pottery pour out practicable precedent precipice precipitate preface pregnant premise premium preservation presidency pretence primarily principally printer printing privately proclamation prodigy profane professed profile progressive projected prolonged prop prosecution prosecutor prosper prostrate protecting protector proudly proverb psychological public opinion publishing pull out pulpit purify pursuing put down Quebec qualification questionable quicken quivering quotation Rhine Rio Roberts Rogers racial rack radiant ragged ramble random rap rapidity ratify rating raven ravine re realised realism reap reappear rebound rebuild rebuke receiver recess recession recipient recording recovering rector recur reel reformer refugee regardless regent regime regional rehearse rejoicing relaxed relent reliable relic relish rely on remarkably remembering reminisce remnant rendering repeating repentant repetition repress repulse requisite rescued reserves respectively restrained restriction revel revival revived rhetoric rib richly rip ripple roam roaring robbery rocket rogue rotten rounded royalty rubber rug rugged rumour run on runner rust SD Sabbath Satan Scot Scotch Scripture Sicily Sidney Sister Socrates South Carolina Spencer St. John St. John's St. Paul Sun Sydney sacrament sadness saloon sanctuary sands sandwich sarcasm satellite savings scan scanty scar scheduled schooner scold scope scornful scoundrel screw script scrub scrupulous sealed seaman seclude secondary secondly seizing send for set down set on settle down settling sever severity shades shadowy shaped shareholder shattered shawl sheltered shipping shopping shove shrink from side by side similarly simultaneously sincerely sincerity singer singularly sit by skate skeleton ski skilled slack slam slap sleepy slim slug sly smoked smuggle snake sneak soak softened solar solely soothing sorrowful sounding sour southward sovereignty span sparkling speak for specify spectacles spice spider spine spit splendor splendour spoiled spontaneous spoon spray sprinkle stab stability stadium staircase stammer stand out stand still start up stealing steed sternly stifle stillness sting stitch stooped stops stormy straighten strained strap strategic stratum strengthened stretching strew strings stripped striving stubborn stump sturdy submission subscriber subscription subside subsist suburb succeeding sue suite summary summons sunrise superb superintendent supernatural supplement suppressed surplus survivor suspense swan swelling sworn syllable symphony systematic Ted The Netherlands The Virgin Tho tablespoon tablet tact tailor take for tan tape tavern tearing teaspoon tech tedium telescope tennis tenth terrific terrified terrorist tested testing theatrical theft theological thereafter thicket thoughtfully thrive tidings tighten tinge tint tissue to a man to order to the south toast toll tops trait trample transactions transformed transition transparent traveled treacherous treatise tribunal tribune trifling trigger trivia trivial tropical trot true to trunks truthful tuck tug tunnel turf turn over tutor twin US umbrella unconsciously underground underneath unexpectedly unfair unfit unfold unkind unnatural unreason unsuccessful unusually up here uphold urging usage Venus Virgin vacation vaguely vainly valiant valued vegetate venerable verdict verge verily vertical vest vexed vibrate vicar vicious victorious vigilant vigorously violation violin vocal void voting Watson Webster Westminster Whig World War II waiter waking ware warmly wary watchful waver way out wearied whatsoever whisk whispering white man wickedness widen width wilderness willow wink wisely wistful withdrawn withhold wits wonderfully wondrous wont to woo worthless woven wrestle wring wrinkle write on yawn yearn yielding yoke youngster 101 105 10th 110 115 125 12th 130 135 140 14th 15th 160 16th 170 17th 180 18th 19th 2nd 3D 4th 5th 87 89 91 92 94 96 97 98 99 |
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