单词 | Level-9 |
释义 | Level-9 (2000 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ~ A battery AM Abraham Lincoln Agamemnon Aire Aladdin Algiers Angola Antioch Arcadia Argentine Aryan Asia Minor Astor Atlantic Ocean aback abbess abhorrence abide by abounding absently abstinence absurdly accelerated accentuate acclamation accountant accredit accrue ace acorn acutely adduce adept adherence admittance adorable adornment advertent advocacy affixed aftermath aggressively agility ala alchemy alias align allocate altering alternating amalgam amass amazingly amnesty amphitheatre amplify amputate analyse analyzed anarchist ane annexation annihilated annihilation annotate annuity annul anonymity antic antidote antiquarian antiquary antiquate antiquated apothecary appendage appertain appreciable apprenticeship apprise appropriately archaic archway ark armada armored arraign arresting artificially artless assassinated assembling assortment astronaut at the best at the most at variance athletics atop attache attested attic auspices authenticity authorise automaker availability avenged aviator avid awesome awkwardness awning axiom Bacchus Balfour Bangladesh Bank of England Bavarian Bayard Beecher Beirut Belfast Benedict Benton Berry Bill Clinton Black man Bohemian Bonn Booth Borneo Bourbon Brahman British Empire Burroughs Bush administration Byzantine back door back out backbone backer bad luck bad weather bairn ballroom balmy barber bared barefoot barring bask bastion baton batten battlement bedding beet begotten beheaded belie bellows bereft beseeching bet on betoken betrayal bewail bewitched bey biddy bile biographical birth rate bivouac blackguard blackmail blameless blanc blending blow out blurt body and soul boo booth boudoir bountiful bow down bowler bowman box in bracing brakes brawn bread and butter breakthrough breezy brewing bribery briefing brine bringing up brittle broadcaster brocade brotherly brougham browser brunt brusque brutally buccaneer budget deficit bulldog bumper bun burnish burthen bushy business school buttoned buttress buy in by hand Cadiz Caldwell Californian Camden Capitol Hill Carmichael Cassius Castile Cavendish Central America Centre Chad Chang Charles I Cherokee Christian Church Christian religion Christmas Eve Claudius Clyde Congo Contra Corinthian Cornish Cornwallis Cowper Cox cactus cadence cairn call attention call back campaigning canary candor candour canned canteen capital expenditure capitalize capped caption carbonate carnage carnal cascade catch on catch up with catcher caucus caustic celery center on centralize cereal certified challenger chancel chaotic chartered chasten chastisement cheaply cheating cheer up cherub chi chief of state childless chloride cinder circulating circumstantial city hall civil service clam clamp clank claret clarity classmate clean out cleaner cleansing clemency clink clipped cloudless clutches coating coaxing cobbler cobweb coffer cognizant coiled cold weather collateral collectively colonization colt combustion come in for commanding officer commando commoner complacency complacently completeness concerted concerto conciliatory concise concourse concurrence condemning condescension condole confect confection confer with confidant conglomerate conical conjure up connoisseur conscientiously consecration conservatism consoling consummation contemplative contentedly contort contour contrasting controllable controller convoke convulsively coo cookery coon cooperative coordinator cornice corona corporeal corrode cosmopolitan costing cosy coughing counselor country house couplet court of justice courting courtroom coy cozy crater craved crease credulity creeper crib cringe crown prince crystallize cube cubit cucumber cumulate cumulative cumulus cunningly curator curtly curving cuss cut away cute cutting off cyclone cynicism Dana Dartmouth Declaration of Independence Devon District of Columbia Dominion Downing Dragon dally damnation darkening deafening debile debility decadent decently deceptive decisively decorous deep water defenceless defiled definable defining definitive deformity defraud deftly dejection demolished demur department store deportment depravity derange derrick descry despicable despoil despondency desultory devastation deviation devoutly dewy diabolical diagonal dictatorship diction difference of opinion digress dilapidated dime dirk disaffect disagree with disband disbelieve discernible disclaimer discomfiture disconnect discordant discouraging discreetly discrepant disfigured dislocate dislodge disparate disqualify disruption dissemble disseminate dissenter distaste distemper distinctness disuse divan divergent diversified diverting divinely divulge do up doggedly dogmatic dominating dormant doubles doublet downhill downturn dowry drab draper draughts dreamily dress up dresser drop off ducat dummy dune dyer East Coast East India Ecuador Elector Emilia Emmy English people Euphrates earthen easing eat in eaves ebony economically edible effectiveness effigy effusion elaborately elector elegantly elegy elimination elongate elope elucidate emaciate embankment embargo embed embedded empirical emptiness enactment enclosing encroachment encumbered end of the world endorsement endurable engulf enjoyable enlargement ennoble ensemble enviable environ epitome equatorial equipage equitable eternal life ethereal evacuation evasive every inch evoked exam excerpt excise excusable executing executive branch executive officer exemplary exhausting exhaustive expansive explanatory explicitly exponent extortion extremist exuberant exultant exulting Falstaff Far East Fiji Foreign Office Franciscan Frankfort Franklin Roosevelt Fulton faithfulness falconer famish fanatical fanned fasten on fatality fatally fateful fatten faultless favourably fearlessly federal court feedback felon felony feminism fencing fettered fiddler field of battle figurative figuring finale finance minister financially finch fine arts finery firelight first and last first class first floor first lieutenant first moment first person fixedly flagrant flagship flapping flaunt flax flexibility flimsy flirtation florin flotilla flowery fluff focusing font footage foothold forceful forestall formulated forsooth fraudulent free trade free will freshen fretful fretted friendless frightening frightfully frigid full moon full-time fullness functional functionary fundamentally funded furtively fusion futility Gaelic Galilee Gardiner Garrick George W. Bush Georgetown Georgian Ghent Goodman Granada Great War Grimm Gustavus gangway garbage gardening garlic garter gash gauntlet gauze gendarme generality generator genre gentlemanly gentlewoman get around get by get on with gipsy girlfriend girlhood give notice give vent glacial gladden gladiator glassy glazed gleeful gloriously gloss go across go to war go under goalkeeper goblin godfather godmother gold medal golfer gong good humour good spirit government officials grace of God gradate gradation graduation grammatical grand duke gratuitous graver great hall greenish grenade grenadier greyhound grievously grimy gripping grossly ground floor grouping grouse growling grudging guillotine gunman gym gypsy Hale Hamlet Hancock Hartley Hawaiian Hell Henry IV Hermann Hero Herodotus Hispanic Hoffman Holy Father Hubbard Hull Huntington Hutchinson hag half-dozen hallucinate hallucination hallway halter hammered hammering handcuff haply harem harshness hatched haughtily haunch have a good time have in mind heart and soul heart disease heft hemp hermitage hesitatingly hewn high court high spirits high street higher up hilarious hillock hilly hind leg hitter hoary holler home rule homicide homogeny hopper hormone hornet horticulture housemaid hovel humiliated hump hunch husk hussar hypnotize hypocritical IPO Ibrahim Indian Ocean Injun Ionia Isis ice cream iceberg id ideological idiom idiotic idler ii illuminating imago imbibe imbue immemorial immorality impeded imperturbable impious implicitly impregnable impressively improvised impulsively imputation in conclusion in kind in operation in the flesh in theory inaccurate inadvertent inanimate inarticulate inaugural inauguration incalculable incapacity incarnation incoming inconsiderable incredulity indemnity indicative indicator indisputable individualism ineffable ineffective inestimable infant mortality inferiority inflated inflation rate inflection influx informant infuriated infusion inhibit initiation injection innkeeper innovative inordinate inquest inquiringly insatiable insensibly insidious insinuation insomuch instal intellectually intentionally intermit intern internally interrogation intersperse interstate intoxicating introductory invective inventive inverted inveterate invigorate ion ire irksome iron ore ironic irrepressible irresistibly irresolute irreverent isthmus Jacobin Jacobs Johannesburg Judaism Judas jack jailed jailer jargon jaunty jesting jobless jointly journeying jubilant jumble jump on jumper jut KY Keller King James Kipling Klein Kremlin Krishna keep off keep pace keg kennel keyboard kind-hearted kindergarten kingly kinship knack knapsack knitted knocked out knotted LA Lambert Lamentations Laos Lazarus Lebanese Leyden Li Liberia Lima Liszt Lombard Lu labeled laboriously laced laid up lair lamentation lamenting landowner laptop larva lashing lassie laudable law school lay aside leaflet least of all leave off ledger leer leftism leftist legal system legation legible lenient leone leper let it go lethargy lettuce levee leverage li licking lie with life expectancy lifelong lifestyle light-hearted lineage linebacker linguist listen in litigation littered little brother little finger live birth livestock loathing lobbyist locking lodger loins look across look away loophole lordly loth louse lovable love affair lower class loyalist lulu lyre lyrical MAK MEd MacArthur Macedonian Madagascar Madeira Makin Mansfield Martian Mercury Minerva Mona Mongol Muhammad Murdoch Mussolini mack maddened maddening mag magdalen magnanimity magnate magnificently mailing main line main road maize majors make fun make off make over malevolent man of the world man-of-war manageable manful manfully mangled maniac manipulation mantel mantelpiece many another maraud marbles marcel marijuana marketplace masterful matching matchless mater mathematician matrimonial matter-of-fact matured maverick mayo meaningful measles meddling mediation mediator medication melon mermaid metamorphosis meteorology mi microscopy microwave milestone military force milky milliner minimal ministerial mink miscarry misconduct misguide missus misuse mitigated moccasin modernize molten monitoring monumental moralism moralist morose mortally mossy mother-in-law motherly motorcycle moulding muddle mulatto murky musketry mysticism mythical Nassau National Guard New Deal New Guinea New Haven New South Wales Nice North Sea Nova Scotia naive narcotic narration narrator nasal national bank nautical navigable neatness nebula negotiator ness nestled new edition news agency nitrate nitre nocturnal node nonchalant nonprofit noose nostalgic not surprised notoriety notoriously nudge nugget number one numbering numerical nutmeg Odin Old English Olivier Olympus Omaha Opposition Osiris Othello oasis obsession obstructed officiate oftentimes oil company oily ointment old maid on time once in a while one-fourth only if opaque opera house orchid ordinate orgy orthodoxy oscillate ostensibly ostrich outdo outgrow outlay outlive outlying outnumber outweigh overbear overjoy overjoyed overland overlap overrule overview overwork P.M. PAC PC Pacific Ocean Padre Paraguay Passion Paterson Peabody Pembroke Pepys Pericles Perth Phoenicia Pierce Pilate Pisa Pizarro Polynesia Porte Porto President Roosevelt Proverbs Ptolemy Puerto Rico painstaking palatable palisade palpitate pantomime papacy paralyse parasol parentage parishioner paroxysm parsonage partiality participating pass up pastry patched patsy payable peace of mind peat pedal pedantic peerage pendulum penguin penitentiary per year perforate perforce perfumed period of time periodic permeate perplexing persecutor persevering perturbed perverted petrify pharmaceutical phenomenal philanthropist philology phone call phosphate photographic pictorial pigment piling pinion piping piteously pith pitiable placard plaid planetary platter play out playhouse plaything pleasurable plebeian ploughed pneumonia pneumonic pod pointer political economy polluted poop poor devil popularly populated portentous posterior postman potentate pour down prance prattle precocity predestine predicate prehistoric prehistory prematurely preoccupation prepossess presbyter presentiment presumptuous pricing prickle principality prism prod productivity profanity professing programming progression projectile proletariat prologue promiscuous proofread propagation propeller propitiate propitious propound proprietary prosaic proscribe prostitution prototype providential provocative prow psalm psychiatrist public library puddle pumped pumpkin pun punctuation pungent pup push forward puss put aside put forward Qaeda Qatar quadruped qualifying quartermaster quaver quenched quid quietness quietude quirk RES Rabbi Recent Redskin Reformation Rembrandt Robespierre Robin Hood Rocky Mountains Ronald Reagan racer racism radically radius rafter railway station rallying rampant rancher range in rapacity rapturous rasp raspberry reactor real thing rearing rebuff receding recklessly recklessness reclining recognizable rectangle rectify rectory recurrence recurring red-hot reddened reeve refining reflex refract regeneration regimental rein in reindeer relegate relinquished reminiscent renegade renewing renunciation replica repression reprimand reproachfully repugnance resentful residential resolving resonant resounding respiration restful restitute restitution restructure retinue retract reunite reverberate revile reviving revolting rhetorical rhythmic ride off rift rigged right-hand riotous ripened rippling roasting roe roll down roll out rounding rudimentary ruefully rule out ruly running back rut SS Sahara Saigon San Antonio San Juan Sanchez Sand Sardinia Secret Service Serbian Seville Shannon Sheffield Si Sicilian Sigurd Simeon Slovenia Somalia Somerset South Korean Southey Southwest Sparta St. Augustine Stern Stockholm Sunday school Sunni Susanna Sutherland Swede sacked saintly salient sallow salted salvage sanity sapphire sardonic satiable savor sawyer scarecrow scarred scathe scepticism schism schoolhouse schooling schoolroom scion scorched scorching scouting scraping scrawl scriptural scrupulously scuffle sculptured scuttle seaport seaside seasonal seaward secession second thought secretion sectarian security force sedan seductive see to it seek out seething seigneur seize on self-denial seller semicircle sensitiveness serenely serge serial setback sewer shackle shading shamble shapeless shaven sheathe sheik sheikh sherry shin shirk shopper shorn short-lived shotgun showy shrapnel shrewdly shrewdness shrimp shrink back shuffling shut in shut off shyly sibyl sign on signification silhouette silky sill silva simile single out singles sit out six times skiff skinny slanting slashed slaying slide down slip in sloth slouch slough small boat smartly smashing smelling smoker smoulder smuggling sneaking sneering snow-white sodium sol solar system solicitation solicitous solidity soliloquy solving somber sonata soot sooth sorcerer sorrowfully sot sparse spasmodic spinal spinster spiritualism spiritually splashing spleen splitting spoiling spontaneously spoonful spore spotlight sprain sprinkling sputter spying squabble squalid squash squint sr. stagnant stagnate stance stand back standstill stanhope starred starring state government steadfastly steamship step by step stepmother stereotype stewed sticky stipulation stirred up storehouse strangeness straw hat stressed stretcher strike out stringent stroking stubbornly stunted stupefied subcommittee subdivision subscribe to subscribed succor sucking suddenness suffuse sully sultry summoning superhuman superman supermarket supposedly supremely sustainable sustenance swain swarthy sweater sweating swish symbolism symmetrical sympathetically synthesis synthetic systematically Tacitus Thanksgiving Thebes Tiberius Tibet Tibetan Titian Townsend Transvaal Trinidad Tuileries Turin taboo take effect take for granted take heed take office take to be takin talisman talker tam tamper tanned tanner teamster technician technological teeming teenage telecommunicate telecommunication terrier terse tether textbook thankfulness the Indies the boot the likes of thenceforth theoretically think out thinly thistle thong thorny three-fourths thresh throttle through and through timed tireless titan to perfection to that effect to windward tomahawk tombstone tome topography tortoise town hall toxic tracked trade union trailer trampling transcript transept transfigure transparency transverse trauma tread on treasured trek triangular tribulate tribulation trinket troth troupe tsar turning away tut twirl twitching two-year twofold typewriter typography tyrannical U.K. UV Uganda Unitarian United States of America ugliness ulcer ultimatum unacquainted unavailing unawares unbelievable unbeliever unborn unconcerned unconditional unconsciousness unconstitutional undaunted undergrowth underscore undesirable unduly unearthly unfailing unfavourable unfolding unforeseen unholy uninhabited unionist unison unmistakably unmolested unnecessarily unoccupied unofficial unpack unprotected unruly unsafe unseemly unstable unsuspecting untidy untimely untold unwillingly unwitting upbraid upheaval urchin urgently use up usher in utilized uttermost VII Valencia Valentine Vanderbilt Veda Victorian vaccinate vampire vanilla vendor venomous veracity verdant vermin veronica versed very fast very much like vestibule vindication visa vitamin voiced volition voluminous voyager vulgarity War Department Watergate West End White people Wilde Willard Wimbledon Winslow Woodward World Series wakeful walk around wall in wallow waning ward off warranty wash away wasteful watering weakening wean wear out wearer weir welcoming weld well up well-bred well-dressed wend whack what is more wheeling whiff white horse whizz wick widowed widower wildcat windmill wink at wiped out wired wisp withering woeful wonderingly wooing working class working out worsted wounding wow wrapper wrathful wreathe wreckage write out wrongly wry Yugoslavia yeast yellowish yoga you bet Zimbabwe Zurich zigzag zoo 1950s |
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