单词 | increase |
释义 | increase (once / 30 pages) nv The noun increase indicates growth of something that gets bigger in number or volume. When used as a verb, it means the act of growing or gaining more. However it's used, it refers to something that has gotten bigger. Anything that can add on can increase. You can increase your speed to go faster, increase your strength by working out, increase your knowledge by studying, and increase your circle of friends by meeting more people. You can work harder to see an increase of profits, and you can prevent an increase in your electric bill by turning out unnecessary lights. And now you’ve increased your vocabulary by learning a new word! WORD FAMILYincrease: increased, increases, increasing+/increasing: increasingly USAGE EXAMPLESThey say all potential revenue increases should be on the table, including raising the gas tax and imposing tolls. Washington Times(Jan 03, 2017) Another possible target: The automatic increases to the state’s minimum wage that start in 2018. Washington Times(Jan 03, 2017) But some lawmakers, particularly Republicans and those representing more rural parts of the state, say they are not enthusiastic about increasing child-care aid. Washington Post(Dec 22, 2016) 1n a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important the increase in unemployment Syn|Ant|Hypo|Hyper growth, increment decrease, decrement a process of becoming smaller or shorter accession a process of increasing by addition (as to a collection or group) accretion, accumulationan increase by natural growth or addition accretion(geology) an increase in land resulting from alluvial deposits or waterborne sediment accretion(biology) growth by addition as by the adhesion of parts or particles accretion(astronomy) the formation of a celestial object by the effect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases multiplicationa multiplicative increase population growthincrease in the number of people who inhabit a territory or state proliferationa rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons) pullulationa rapid and abundant increase relaxation(physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers broadening, wideningan increase in width backupan accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage buildupthe result of the process of accumulation deposit, depositionthe natural process of laying down a deposit of something doublingincrease by a factor of two irruptiona sudden sharp increase in the relative numbers of a population quadruplingincrease by a factor of four quintuplingincreasing by a factor of five triplingincrease by a factor of three physical process, process a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states 2n the act of increasing something he gave me an increase in salary Syn|Ant|Hypo|Hyper step-up decrease, diminution, reduction, step-down the act of decreasing or reducing something addition the act of adding one thing to another advance, riseincrease in price or value appreciationan increase in price or value surge, upsurgea sudden or abrupt strong increase augmentationthe act of augmenting amplification(electronics) the act of increasing voltage or power or current enlargement, expansionthe act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope escalationan increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy maximation, maximisation, maximizationthe act of raising to the highest possible point or condition or position exaggerationthe act of making something more noticeable than usual expanding upon, expansionadding information or detail accrual, accruement, accumulationthe act of accumulating inclusionthe act of including aggrandisement, aggrandizement, elevationthe act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something strengtheningthe act of increasing the strength of something intensificationaction that makes something stronger or more extreme intensificationthe act of increasing the contrast of (a photographic film) split, split up, stock splitan increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity retrofitthe act of adding a component or accessory to something that did not have it when it was manufactured fluoridation, fluoridisation, fluoridizationthe addition of a fluoride to the water supply (to prevent dental decay) dilatation, dilationthe act of expanding an aperture distension, distentionthe act of expanding by pressure from within stretchingact of expanding by lengthening or widening inflationthe act of filling something with air magnificationthe act of expanding something in apparent size extensionact of expanding in scope; making more widely available amplification, elaborationaddition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail annotating, annotationthe act of adding notes subjoining, subjunction, supplementationthe act of supplementing buildupthe act of building up an accumulation incorporationincluding by incorporating ego trip, self-aggrandisement, self-aggrandizementan act undertaken to increase your own power and influence or to draw attention to your own importance roughnessharsh or severe speech or behavior aggravation, exacerbationaction that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms) worse concentrationstrengthening the concentration (as of a solute in a mixture) by removing diluting material focalisation, focalization, focusingthe act of bringing into focus change of magnitude the act of changing the amount or size of something 3n a quantity that is added Syn|Hypo|Hyper addition, gain accretion something contributing to growth or increase indefinite quantity an estimated quantity 4n the amount by which something increases they proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare Syn|Ant|Hypo|Hyper increment decrease, decrement the amount by which something decreases amplification, gain the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input fare increaseincrease in the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance price increaseincrease in price hike, raise, rise, salary increase, wage hike, wage increasethe amount a salary is increased boost, cost increase, hike, risean increase in cost supplement, supplementationa quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency) tax boost, tax hike, tax-increasethe amount by which taxes are increased up-ticka small increase loop gain(telecommunication) the gain of a feedback amplifier or system as a function of how much output is fed back to the input amount the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion 5n a change resulting in an increase the increase is scheduled for next month Ant|Hypo|Hyper decrease, drop-off, lessening a change downward augmentation the amount by which something increases concentrationincrease in density explosiona sudden great increase jump, leapa sudden and decisive increase run-up, runupa substantial increase over a relatively short period of time waxinga gradual increase in magnitude or extent quantum jump, quantum leapa sudden large increase or advance compaction, compression, concretion, densificationan increase in the density of something rarefactiona decrease in the density of something alteration, change, modification an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another 6v become bigger or greater in amount The amount of work increased Ant|Hypo|Hyper decrease, diminish, fall, lessen decrease in size, extent, or range accrue grow by addition spikemanifest a sharp increase add tohave an increased effect gain, gatherincrease or develop explode, irruptincrease rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner pyramidincrease rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base snowballincrease or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate accumulate, amass, conglomerate, cumulate, gather, pile upcollect or gather addmake an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of deepen, intensifybecome more intense compound, deepen, heighten, intensifymake more intense, stronger, or more marked growbecome larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain pullulatebecome abundant; increase rapidly widenbecome broader or wider or more extensive appreciate, apprise, apprize, revaluegain in value broadenbecome broader shoot uprise dramatically climb, mount, rise, waxgo up or advance full, waxincrease in phase crescendogrow louder swellincrease in size, magnitude, number, or intensity hypertrophyundergo hypertrophy climb, go up, riseincrease in value or to a higher point jumpincrease suddenly and significantly redoundcontribute enlargebecome larger or bigger augmentgrow or intensify advance, gainrise in rate or price backlogaccumulate and create a backlog accretegrow or become attached by accretion modify, qualifyadd a modifier to a constituent gild the lily, paint the lilymake unnecessary additions to what is already complete adjoinattach or add work inadd by mixing or blending on or attaching add onmake an addition includeadd as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category mix, mix inadd as an additional element or part put onadd to something existing butylateintroduce the butyl group into a chemical compound put onadd to the odometer injectto introduce (a new aspect or element) weltput a welt on intercalateinsert (days) in a calendar mark, punctuateinsert punctuation marks into concatenateadd by linking or joining so as to form a chain or series string, string upadd as if on a string combine, compoundput or add together milkadd milk to fortifyadd nutrients to builddevelop and grow redoublemake twice as great or intense heat up, hot up, screw upmake more intense fanmake (an emotion) fiercer enhance, heighten, raiseincrease vegetategrow or spread abnormally mushroomgrow and spread fast grow over, overgrowgrow beyond or across stretchbecome longer by being stretched and pulled developgrow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment expandbecome larger in size or volume or quantity amplifyincrease the volume of flare, flare outbecome flared and widen, usually at one end dilate, distendbecome wider break open, burst out, erupt, flare, flare up, irrupterupt or intensify suddenly boom, expand, flourish, thrivegrow vigorously proliferategrow rapidly lengthenbecome long or longer branch, ramifygrow and send out branches or branch-like structures burgeongrow and flourish roottake root and begin to grow condensebecome more compact or concentrated sharpenbecome sharp or sharper sharpenmake crisp or more crisp and precise heighten, sharpenmake (one's senses) more acute accelerate, quicken, speed, speed upmove faster driftbe piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current studprovide with or construct with studs buttonprovide with buttons prove, riseincrease in volume expand, spread outextend in one or more directions enrichmake wealthy or richer supplementadd as a supplement to what seems insufficient change magnitude change in size or magnitude 7v make bigger or more The boss finally increased her salary The university increased the number of students it admitted Ant|Hypo|Hyper decrease, lessen, minify make smaller extend, stretch increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance augmentenlarge or increase build upenlarge, develop, or increase by degrees or in stages enlargemake larger upraise raiseraise the level or amount of something blow up, enlarge, magnifymake large manifold, multiplycombine or increase by multiplication build, build up, ramp up, work upbolster or strengthen amplify, blow up, expand, inflateexaggerate or make bigger escalate, intensify, step upincrease in extent or intensity boostgive a boost to; be beneficial to lengthenmake longer regenerateamplify (an electron current) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit maximise, maximizemake as big or large as possible heightenmake more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity heighten, risebecome more extreme rev, rev upincrease the number of rotations per minute rev up, step upspeed up advance, boost, superchargeincrease or raise broaden, extend, widenextend in scope or range or area kiteincrease the amount (of a check) fraudulently bump upincrease or raise double, duplicateincrease twofold treble, tripleincrease threefold quadrupleincrease fourfold quintupleincrease fivefold proliferatecause to grow or increase rapidly puff upmake larger or distend redoubledouble in magnitude, extent, or intensity broadenmake broader draw out, extend, prolong, protractlengthen in time; cause to be or last longer elongate, stretchmake long or longer by pulling and stretching territorialise, territorializeextend by adding territory globalise, globalizemake world-wide in scope or application expandmake bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity reamenlarge with a reamer stretchextend the scope or meaning of; often unduly deepenmake deeper alter, change, modify cause to change; make different; cause a transformation |
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