单词 | inflammation |
释义 | inflammation (once / 1200 pages) n An inflammation means "setting something on fire." Maybe it's a political movement that suddenly takes hold, romantic feelings, the heat making your shoes feel tight, or someone lighting a campfire. Inflammation comes from the root inflame, from the Latin word inflammare meaning "to set on fire with passion." That meaning sounds pretty good, but an inflammation on your face, like a terrible rash, probably isn't going to inflame anyone's passion, at least until the swelling goes down. It probably also causes pain and discomfort. WORD FAMILYinflammation: inflammations+/flame: flame-colored, flamed, flames, flaming, inflame/flaming: flamingest, flamingly, flamings/inflame: inflamed, inflames, inflaming, inflammation, inflammatory/inflamed: inflamedly/inflaming: inflamings/inflammatory: anti-inflammatory, inflammatorily, noninflammatory, pro-inflammatory USAGE EXAMPLESPhototherapy, which uses ultraviolet light to tame inflammation, is an option, too. Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016) The theory is that moisturizers “seal” a baby’s skin against some invader that triggers inflammation. New York Times(Jan 02, 2017) “We might be able to activate the inflammation in a controlled manner that actually works,” he said. Washington Times(Jan 02, 2017) 1n the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation Syn|Hypo|Hyper excitation, excitement, fervor, fervour fever pitch a state of extreme excitement sensationa state of widespread public excitement and interest emotional arousal the arousal of strong emotions and emotional behavior 2n arousal to violent emotion Syn|Hyper inflaming arousal, rousing the act of arousing 3n a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat Syn|Hypo|Hyper redness, rubor adenitis inflammation of a gland or lymph node alveolitisinflammation of the alveoli in the lungs caused by inhaling dust; with repeated exposure the condition may become chronic alveolitis, dry socketinflammation in the socket of a tooth; sometimes occurs after a tooth is extracted and a blood clot fails to form angiitisinflammation of a blood vessel or lymph duct aortitisinflammation of the aorta appendicitisinflammation of the vermiform appendix arteritisinflammation of an artery balanitisinflammation of the head of the penis balanoposthitisinflammation of both the head of the penis and the foreskin blepharitisinflammation of the eyelids characterized by redness and swelling and dried crusts bursitisinflammation of a bursa; frequently in the shoulder carditisinflammation of the heart catarrhinflammation of the nose and throat with increased production of mucus cellulitisan inflammation of body tissue (especially that below the skin) characterized by fever and swelling and redness and pain cervicitisinflammation of the uterine cervix cheilitisinflammation and cracking of the skin of the lips cholangitisinflammation of the bile ducts cholecystitisinflammation of the gall bladder chorditisinflammation of the vocal cords chorditisinflammation of the spermatic cord colitis, inflammatory bowel diseaseinflammation of the colon colpitisinflammation of the vagina colpocystitisinflammation of the vagina and bladder conjunctivitis, pinkeyeinflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye corditisinflammation of the spermatic cord costochondritisinflammation at the junction of a rib and its cartilage dacryocystitisinflammation of the lacrimal sac causing obstruction of the tube draining tears into the nose diverticulitisinflammation of a diverticulum in the digestive tract (especially the colon); characterized by painful abdominal cramping and fever and constipation cephalitis, encephalitis, phrenitisinflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and neck pain and drowsiness and nausea and fever (`phrenitis' is no longer in scientific use) encephalomyelitisinflammation of the brain and spinal cord endarteritisinflammation of the inner lining of an artery endocervicitisinflammation of the mucous lining of the uterine cervix enteritisinflammation of the intestine (especially the small intestine); usually characterized by diarrhea epicondylitispainful inflammation of the muscles and soft tissues around an epicondyle epididymitispainful inflammation of the epididymis epiglottitisinflammation of the epiglottis; characterized by fever and a severe sore throat and difficulty in swallowing episcleritisinflammation of the sclera of the eye esophagitis, oesophagitisinflammation of the esophagus; often caused by gastroesophageal reflux fibrositisinflammation of white fibrous tissues (especially muscle sheaths) fibromyositislocal inflammation of muscle and connective tissue folliculitisinflammation of a hair follicle funiculitisinflammation of a funiculus (especially an inflammation of the spermatic cord) gastritisinflammation of the lining of the stomach; nausea and loss of appetite and discomfort after eating glossitisinflammation of the tongue hydrarthrosisinflammation and swelling of a movable joint because of excess synovial fluid ileitisinflammation of the ileum iridocyclitisinflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye iridokeratitisinflammation of the iris and cornea of the eye iritisinflammation of the iris jejunitisinflammation of the jejunum of the small intestine jejunoileitisinflammation of the jejunum and the ileum of the small intestine keratitisinflammation of the cornea causing watery painful eyes and blurred vision keratoconjunctivitisinflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva keratoiritisinflammation of the cornea and the iris of the eye keratoscleritisinflammation of the cornea and sclera of the eye founder, laminitisinflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse laryngitisinflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx; characterized by hoarseness or loss of voice and coughing laryngopharyngitisinflammation of the larynx and pharynx laryngotracheobronchitisinflammation of the larynx and trachea and bronchial passageways lymphadenitisinflammation of lymph nodes lymphangitisinflammation of a lymph vessel mastitisinflammation of a breast (or udder) mastoiditisinflammation of the mastoid endometritis, metritisinflammation of the lining of the uterus (of the endometrium) myelitisinflammation of the spinal cord myositisinflammation of muscle tissue myometritisinflammation of the myometrium neuritisinflammation of a nerve accompanied by pain and sometimes loss of function oophoritisinflammation of one or both ovaries orchitisinflammation of one or both testes; characterized by pain and swelling osteitisinflammation of a bone as a consequence of infection or trauma or degeneration otitisinflammation of the ear ovaritisinflammation of the ovaries pancreatitisinflammation of the pancreas; usually marked by abdominal pain parametritisinflammation of connective tissue adjacent to the uterus parotitisinflammation of one or both parotid glands peritoneal inflammation, peritonitisinflammation of the peritoneum phalangitisinflammation of a finger or toe phlebitisinflammation of a vein (usually in the legs) pneumonitisinflammation of the lungs; caused by a virus or an allergic reaction posthitisinflammation of the foreskin of the penis; usually caused by bacterial infection proctitisinflammation of the rectum; marked by bloody stools and a frequent urge to defecate; frequently associated with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis prostatitisinflammation of the prostate gland characterized by perineal pain and irregular urination and (if severe) chills and fever rachitisinflammation of the vertebral column radiculitisinflammation of the radicle of a nerve retinitisinflammation of the retina coryza, rhinitisan inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose (usually associated with nasal discharge) sinusitisinflammation of one of the paranasal sinuses salpingitisinflammation of a Fallopian tube (usually the result of infection spreading from the vagina or uterus) or of a Eustachian tube scleritisinflammation of the sclera sialadenitisinflammation of the salivary glands splenitisinflammation of the spleen spondylitisinflammation of a spinal joint; characterized by pain and stiffness stomatitisinflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth synovitisinflammation of the synovial membrane that lines a synovial joint; results in pain and swelling tarsitisinflammation of the eyelid tendinitis, tendonitis, tenonitisinflammation of a tendon thyroiditisinflammation of the thyroid gland tonsillitisinflammation of the tonsils (especially the palatine tonsils) tracheitisinflammation of the trachea tracheobronchitiscommon respiratory infection characterized by inflammation of the trachea and the bronchi tympanitisinflammation of the inner ear ulitisinflammation of the gums ureteritisinflammation of the ureter uveitisinflammation of the uvea of the eye uvulitisinflammation of the uvula vaginitisinflammation of the vagina (usually associated with candidiasis) valvulitisinflammation of a valve (especially of a cardiac valve as a consequence of rheumatic fever) vasculitisinflammation of a blood vessel vasovesiculitisinflammation of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles; usually occurring with prostatitis vesiculitisinflammation of a seminal vesicle (usually in conjunction with prostatitis) vulvitisinflammation of the vulva vulvovaginitisinflammation of the vulva and the vagina shin splintspainful inflammation of the muscles around the shins; frequent among runners Paget's disease, osteitis deformansa disease of bone occurring in the middle aged and elderly; excessive bone destruction sometimes leading to bone pain and fractures and skeletal deformities housemaid's kneeswelling of the bursa in the knee (due to trauma or excessive kneeling) water on the kneehydrarthrosis affecting the knee dermatomyositismyositis characterized by weakness of limb and neck muscles and much muscle pain and swelling accompanied by skin rash affecting cheeks and eyelids and neck and chest and limbs; progression and severity vary among individuals polymyositismyositis characterized by weakness of limb and neck muscles and much muscle pain and swelling; progression and severity vary among individuals inclusion body myositismyositis characterized by weakness of limb muscles (especially the thighs and wrists and fingers); sometimes involves swallowing muscles; onset after 50 and slowly progressive; seen more often in men than in women Marie-Strumpell disease, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid spondylitisa chronic form of spondylitis primarily in males and marked by impaired mobility of the spine; sometimes leads to ankylosis rheumatic aortitisaortitis occurring in rheumatic fever periarteritisinflammation of the outer coat of an artery polyarteritisinflammation of several arteries Takayasu's arteritis, pulseless diseasedisorder characterized by the absence of a pulse in both arms and in the carotid arteries temporal arteritisinflammation of the temporal arteries; characterized by headaches and difficulty chewing and (sometimes) visual impairment ophthalmia, ophthalmitissevere conjunctivitis farmer's lung, thresher's lungalveolitis caused by an allergic reaction to fungal spores in the dust that is inhaled from moldy hay bagascosis, bagassosisalveolitis caused by inhaling bagasse (sugarcane dust) Crohn's disease, regional enteritis, regional ileitisa serious chronic and progressive inflammation of the ileum producing frequent bouts of diarrhea with abdominal pain and nausea and fever and weight loss irritable bowel syndrome, mucous colitis, spastic colonrecurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea (often alternating with periods of constipation); often associated with emotional stress ulcerative colitisa serious chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and fever and chills and profuse diarrhea endocarditisinflammation of the endocardium and heart valves myocardial inflammation, myocarditisinflammation of the myocardium (the muscular tissue of the heart) pancarditisinflammation of the entire heart (the epicardium and the myocardium and the endocardium) pericarditisinflammation of the pericardium acute hemorrhagic encephalitisencephalitis that resembles apoplexy due to blood extravasation equine encephalitis, equine encephalomyelitisencephalitis caused by a virus that is transmitted by a mosquito from an infected horse acute inclusion body encephalitis, herpes encephalitis, herpes simplex encephalitiscommon form of acute encephalitis caused by herpes simplex 1; usually affects the temporal and frontal lobes leukoencephalitisinflammation of the white matter of the brain cerebromeningitis, encephalomeningitis, meningoencephalitisinflammation of the brain and spinal cord and their meninges panencephalitisdiffuse inflammation of the entire brain encephalitis lethargica, epidemic encephalitis, lethargic encephalitis, sleeping sickness, sleepy sicknessan encephalitis that was epidemic between 1915 and 1926; symptoms include paralysis of the extrinsic eye muscle and extreme muscular weakness West Nile encephalitisencephalitis caused by the West Nile virus; can be fatal in humans and horses and birds necrotizing enteritisenteritis characterized by bloody diarrhea and severe abdominal pain acute gastritisgastritis caused by ingesting an irritant (as too much aspirin) chronic gastritispersistent gastritis can be a symptom of a gastric ulcer or pernicious anemia or stomach cancer or other disorders acute glossitisglossitis resulting from injury or infection and characterized by swelling and pain chronic glossitisglossitis with atrophy of tongue tissue; sometimes accompanies pernicious anemia Moeller's glossitis, glossodynia exfoliativaa superficial form of glossitis marked by irregular red patches on the tongue and sensitivity to hot or spicy food labyrinthitis, otitis internainflammation of the inner ear; can cause vertigo and vomiting myositis trichinosa, trichiniasis, trichinosisinfestation by trichina larvae that are transmitted by eating inadequately cooked meat (especially pork); larvae migrate from the intestinal tract to the muscles where they become encysted osteomyelitisan inflammation of bone and bone marrow (usually caused by bacterial infection) otitis externainflammation of the external ear (including auricle and ear canal) otitis mediainflammation of the middle ear; common in children multiple neuritis, polyneuritisinflammation of many or all of the peripheral nerves (as in leprosy) retrobulbar neuritisinflammation of the optic nerve behind the eye; common in multiple sclerosis thrombophlebitisphlebitis in conjunction with the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) chorioretinitisinflammation of the choroid layer behind the retina pansinusitisinflammation of all of the paranasal sinuses vesicular stomatitisa disease of horses, cattle, swine, and occasionally human beings; caused by the vesiculovirus lateral epicondylitis, lateral humeral epicondylitis, tennis elbowpainful inflammation of the tendon at the outer border of the elbow resulting from overuse of lower arm muscles (as in twisting of the hand) tendonous synovitis, tendosynovitis, tenosynovitisinflammation of a tendon and its enveloping sheath allergic rhinitisrhinitis caused by an allergic reaction symptom (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease 4n the act of setting something on fire Syn|Hyper firing, ignition, kindling, lighting burning, combustion the act of burning something |
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