单词 | utter |
释义 | utter (once / 45 pages) 1adj 2v 3v The adjective utter is often used as an intensifier to mean "total" — often with negative connotations (like "utter failure"). As a verb, the word has a totally unrelated meaning: to speak or to articulate a sound. If you utter something, you give it voice. You could utter a cry or utter complete sentences; either way, you are expressing yourself. However, if you declare someone an utter moron, you are saying he is a complete and total moron; not that he is a moron expressing himself. Don't confuse the spelling of utter with udder — the latter is the part of the cow that you milk. WORD FAMILYutter: utterable, utterance, uttered, utterer, utterest, uttering, utterly, uttermost, utterness, utters+/unutterable: unutterablest, unutterably/utterable: unutterable, utterably/utterance: utterances/uttered: unuttered/utterer: utterers USAGE EXAMPLESThe chaebol all wrote checks, prosecutors say, usually after Mr. Ahn uttered the magic words: “The president is interested in this.” New York Times(Jan 02, 2017) By design, Kai utters that hello once every seventeen times. The New Yorker(Dec 31, 2016) David Bowie and Prince were fed up with our national hissy fit, our utter lack of cool. Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016) 1 1adj without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers utter nonsense Syn arrant, complete, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, staring, stark, thoroughgoing, unadulterated unmitigated not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier 2adj complete 2utter seriousness Syn dead complete having every necessary or normal part or component or step 1v express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words) He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand Syn|Hypo emit, let loose, let out call utter in a loud voice or announce gibberchatter inarticulately; of monkeys crowexpress pleasure verbally crowutter shrill sounds trumpetutter in trumpet-like sounds coocry softly, as of pigeons call, cry, holler, hollo, scream, shout, shout out, squall, yellutter a sudden loud cry miaou, miaowmake a cat-like sound tsk, tut, tut-tututter `tsk,' `tut,' or `tut-tut,' as in disapproval echo, repeatto say again or imitate callutter a characteristic note or cry shootutter fast and forcefully gurgleutter with a gurgling sound cryutter a characteristic sound nasalespeak in a nasal voice bite oututter sighutter with a sigh troatemit a cry intended to attract other animals; used especially of animals at rutting time liftmake audible pantutter while panting, as if out of breath volleyutter rapidly break intoexpress or utter spontaneously heaveutter a sound, as with obvious effort chorusutter in unison splutter, sputterutter with a spitting sound, as if in a rage deliverutter (an exclamation, noise, etc.) hootto utter a loud clamorous shout gruntissue a grunting, low, animal-like noise wolf-whistlewhistle or howl approvingly at a female, of males snortindicate contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully through the nose spit, spit oututter with anger or contempt groan, moanindicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure growl, grumble, rumbleto utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds howl, wrawl, yammer, yowlcry loudly, as of animals barkmake barking sounds baa, blat, blate, bleatcry plaintively bellow, roarmake a loud noise, as of animal cheep, chirp, chirrup, peepmake high-pitched sounds churr, whirrmake a vibrant sound, as of some birds chirrmake a vibrant noise, of grasshoppers or cicadas meow, mewcry like a cat quackutter quacking noises hootutter the characteristic sound of owls cronk, honkcry like a goose hiss, sibilate, siss, sizzmake a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval sibilateutter a sibilant bray, hee-hawbraying characteristic of donkeys oink, squealutter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs clack, click, cluckmake a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens low, moomake a low noise, characteristic of bovines cacklesquawk shrilly and loudly, characteristic of hens gobblemake a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys neigh, nicker, whicker, whinnymake a characteristic sound, of a horse gargleutter with gargling or burbling sounds cawutter a cry, characteristic of crows, rooks, or ravens mewutter a high-pitched cry, as of seagulls hawutter `haw' hemutter `hem' or `ahem' croak, cronkutter a hoarse sound, like a raven singto make melodious sounds smackpress (the lips) together and open (the lips) noisily, as in eating giveemit or utter hollocry hollo hurrahshout `hurrah!' hallooshout `halloo', as when greeting someone or attracting attention whoopshout, as if with joy or enthusiasm pipe, pipe up, shriek, shrillutter a shrill cry reciterepeat aloud from memory cuckoorepeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call reechorepeat back like an echo parrotrepeat mindlessly regurgitate, reproducerepeat after memorization pant-hootcommunicate by hooting and panting, as of primates grunt-hootcommunicate by hooting and grunting, as of primates howl, roar, ululate, wail, yaup, yawlemit long loud cries bay, questbark with prolonged noises, of dogs yap, yelp, yipbark in a high-pitched tone screak, screech, skreak, skreigh, squawkutter a harsh abrupt scream chitter, twittermake high-pitched sounds, as of birds assibilateinsert a sibilant sound before or after (another sound) gagglemake a noise characteristic of a goose 2v articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise He uttered a curse Syn|Hypo express, give tongue to, verbalise, verbalize blaspheme, curse, cuss, imprecate, swear utter obscenities or profanities wishmake or express a wish call out, cry, cry out, exclaim, outcry, shoututter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy clamor, clamourutter or proclaim insistently and noisily shout out, vociferateutter in a very loud voice marvelexpress astonishment or surprise about something voicegive voice to raisecause to be heard or known; express or utter breatheutter or tell droputter with seeming casualness pour outexpress without restraint get offdeliver verbally platitudinizeutter platitudes sayutter aloud representserve as a means of expressing something say, state, tellexpress in words pooh-poohexpress contempt about hurl, throwutter with force; utter vehemently lay out, present, representbring forward and present to the mind misstatestate something incorrectly answer, reply, respondreact verbally belie, misrepresentrepresent falsely geegive a command to a horse to turn to the right side aah, oohexpress admiration and pleasure by uttering `ooh' or `aah' introduce, precede, preface, premisefurnish with a preface or introduction announce, declareannounce publicly or officially articulate, enunciate, vocalise, vocalizeexpress or state clearly dramatise, dramatizerepresent something in a dramatic manner portrayportray in words get outexpress with difficulty declarestate emphatically and authoritatively declaremake a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official mention, note, observe, remarkmake mention of bring forward, call upbring forward for consideration add, append, supplystate or say further explaindefine giveconvey or reveal information embodyrepresent or express something abstract in tangible form sum, sum up, summarise, summarizebe a summary of 3v express in speech 3Syn|Hypo|Hyper mouth, speak, talk, verbalise, verbalize verbalise, verbalize be verbose read look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed phonate, vocalise, vocalizeutter speech sounds trollspeak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice beginbegin to speak or say lip off, shoot one's mouth offspeak spontaneously and without restraint shoututter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking) whisperspeak softly; in a low voice peepspeak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice speak upspeak louder; raise one's voice snap, snarlutter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone enthuseutter with enthusiasm speak in tonguesspeak unintelligibly in or as if in religious ecstasy swallowutter indistinctly verbalise, verbalizebe verbose whiffutter with a puff of air talk about, talk ofdiscuss or mention blubber, blubber oututter while crying drone, drone ontalk in a monotonous voice bumble, falter, stammer, stutterspeak haltingly rasputter in a grating voice blunder, blunder out, blurt, blurt out, ejaculateutter impulsively inflect, modulate, tonevary the pitch of one's speech deliver, presentdeliver (a speech, oration, or idea) generalise, generalizespeak or write in generalities blab, blabber, chatter, clack, gabble, gibber, maunder, palaver, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddlespeak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly chattermake noise as if chattering away jaw, rattle on, yack, yack away, yap awaytalk incessantly and tiresomely open uptalk freely and without inhibition snivel, whinetalk in a tearful manner murmurspeak softly or indistinctly maunder, mumble, mussitate, muttertalk indistinctly; usually in a low voice slurutter indistinctly barkspeak in an unfriendly tone bayutter in deep prolonged tones jabber, mouth off, rabbit on, rant, rave, spouttalk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner hiss, sibilate, siss, sizzexpress or utter with a hiss cackletalk or utter in a cackling manner babbleutter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way chant, intone, toneutter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically gulputter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly singproduce tones with the voice numerateread out loud as words written numbers dictatesay out loud for the purpose of recording discuss, hash out, talk overspeak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion blasphemespeak of in an irreverent or impious manner coospeak softly or lovingly scream, yellutter or declare in a very loud voice holler, holler outshout out roar, thunderutter words loudly and forcefully rhapsodise, rhapsodizesay (something) with great enthusiasm speechifymake speeches; hold forth, or harangue with a certain degree of formality babble, blather, blether, blither, smatterto talk foolishly susurrateissue soft noises bawl, bellowshout loudly and without restraint placesing a note with the correct pitch trollsing loudly and without inhibition croonsing softly cantillate, chant, intonate, intonerecite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm descant, warble, yodelsing by changing register; sing by yodeling quaver, trill, warblesing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below treblesing treble humsing with closed lips callread aloud to check for omissions or absentees belt, belt outsing loudly and forcefully descant onsing a descant on a main tune or melody vocalise, vocalizesing (each note a scale or in a melody) with the same vowel harmonise, harmonizesing or play in harmony descantsing in descant sing alongsing with a choir or an orchestra psalmsing or celebrate in psalms minstrelcelebrate by singing, in the style of minstrels solmizatesing using syllables like `do', `re' and `mi' to represent the tones of the scale chirp, tweedlesing in modulation choir, chorussing in a choir singdeliver by singing communicate, intercommunicate transmit thoughts or feelings v put into circulation utter counterfeit currency Hyper circulate, distribute, pass around, pass on cause be distributed |
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