

单词 dilleniid dicot genus
dilleniid dicot genus
(extremely rare)

dilleniid dicot genus
n genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs
Capparis, genus Capparis
tropical or subtropical evergreen shrubs or small trees
Cleome, genus Cleome
tropical and subtropical annual or perennial herbs or low shrubs
Crateva, genus Crateva
tropical genus of small trees or shrubs
Polanisia, genus Polanisia
widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length
Aethionema, genus Aethionema
Old World genus of the family Cruciferae
Alliaria, genus Alliaria
a genus of herbs of the family Cruciferae; have broad leaves and white flowers and long siliques
Alyssum, genus Alyssum
a genus of the family Cruciferae
Anastatica, genus Anastatica
one species: rose of Jericho; resurrection plant
Arabidopsis, genus Arabidopsis
a genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis
Arabis, genus Arabis
annual to perennial woody herbs of temperate North America, Europe and Asia: rockcress
Armoracia, genus Armoracia
Barbarea, genus Barbarea
biennial or perennial herbs of north temperate regions: winter cress
Berteroa, genus Berteroa
hoary alyssum
Biscutella, genus Biscutella
genus of Eurasian herbs and small shrubs: buckler mustard
Brassica, genus Brassica
mustards: cabbages; cauliflowers; turnips; etc.
Cakile, genus Cakile
small genus of succulent annual herbs found on sandy shores of North America and Europe
Camelina, false flax, genus Camelina
annual and biennial herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia
Capsella, genus Capsella
shepherd's purse
Cardamine, genus Cardamine
bittercress, bitter cress
Dentaria, genus Dentaria
usually included in genus Cardamine; in some classifications considered a separate genus
Cheiranthus, genus Cheiranthus
Old World perennial plants grown for their showy flowers
Cochlearia, genus Cochlearia
a genus of the family Cruciferae
Crambe, genus Crambe
annual or perennial herbs with large leaves that resemble the leaves of cabbages
Descurainia, genus Descurainia
includes annual or biennial herbs of America and Europe very similar to and often included among those of genera Sisymbrium or Hugueninia; not recognized in some classification systems
Diplotaxis, genus Diplotaxis
wall rocket
genus Draba
large genus of low tufted herbs of temperate and Arctic regions
Eruca, genus Eruca
annual to perennial herbs of the Mediterranean region
Erysimum, genus Erysimum
large genus of annual or perennial herbs some grown for their flowers and some for their attractive evergreen leaves; Old World and North America
genus Heliophila
genus of South African flowering herbs and subshrubs
Hesperis, genus Hesperis
biennial or perennial erect herbs having nocturnally fragrant flowers
Hugueninia, genus Hugueninia
one species: tansy-leaved rocket
Iberis, genus Iberis
Old World herbs and subshrubs: candytuft
Isatis, genus Isatis
Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad
Lepidium, genus Lepidium
cosmopolitan genus of annual and biennial and perennial herbs: cress
Lesquerella, genus Lesquerella
genus of low-growing hairy herbs: bladderpods
Lobularia, genus Lobularia
sweet alyssum
Lunaria, genus Lunaria
small genus of European herbs: honesty
Malcolmia, genus Malcolmia
genus of plants usually found in coastal habitats; Mediterranean to Afghanistan
Matthiola, genus Matthiola
genus of Old World plants grown as ornamentals
Nasturtium, genus Nasturtium
aquatic herbs
Physaria, genus Physaria
small genus of western North American herbs similar to Lesquerella: bladderpods
Pritzelago, genus Pritzelago
chamois cress
Raphanus, genus Raphanus
Rorippa, genus Rorippa
annual and perennial herbs of damp habitats; cosmopolitan except Antarctica
genus Schizopetalon
small genus of South American herbs grown for its flowers
Sinapis, genus Sinapis
small genus of Old World herbs usually included in genus Brassica
genus Sisymbrium
genus of Old World annual or biennial or perennial herbs with racemose flowers; many are considered to be weeds
Stanleya, genus Stanleya
prince's plume
Stephanomeria, genus Stephanomeria
malheur wire lettuce
Subularia, genus Subularia
small genus of herbs of north temperate regions and mountains of tropical Africa
Thlaspi, genus Thlaspi
herbs of temperate regions: pennycress
Thysanocarpus, genus Thysanocarpus
small genus of herbs of upland regions of the Pacific coast of North America
Turritis, genus Turritis
closely related to and often included in genus Arabis
Vesicaria, genus Vesicaria
small genus of chiefly Mediterranean herbs: bladderpods
Papaver, genus Papaver
type genus of the Papaveraceae; chiefly bristly hairy herbs with usually showy flowers
genus Argemone
prickly poppies
genus Bocconia
tropical American trees or shrubs closely related to genus Macleaya
Chelidonium, genus Chelidonium
one species: greater celandine
Corydalis, genus Corydalis
annual or perennial herbs of Himalayan China and South Africa
Dendromecon, genus Dendromecon
one species: bush poppy
Eschscholtzia, genus Eschscholtzia
showy herbs of western North America
Glaucium, genus Glaucium
herbs of Europe and North Africa and Asia: horned poppy
Hunnemannia, genus Hunnemania
one species: golden cup
Macleaya, genus Macleaya
a perennial herb of eastern Asia: plume poppy
Meconopsis, genus Meconopsis
herbs almost entirely of mountains of China and Tibet; often monocarpic
Platystemon, genus Platystemon
one species: creamcups
Romneya, genus Romneya
one species: matilija poppy
Sanguinaria, genus Sanguinaria
one species: bloodroot
Stylomecon, genus Stylomecon
one species: wind poppy
Stylophorum, genus Stylophorum
wood poppies
Fumaria, genus Fumaria
annual herbs whose flowers have only one petal spurred at the base
Adlumia, genus Adlumia
one species: climbing fumitory
Dicentra, genus Dicentra
North American and Asian herbs with divided leaves and irregular flowers
genus Loasa
genus of tropical American prickly herbs or subshrubs
Mentzelia, genus Mentzelia
genus of bristly herbs or subshrubs of western America lacking stinging hairs
Malva, genus Malva
herbs and subshrubs: mallows
Abelmoschus, genus Abelmoschus
genus of tropical coarse herbs having large lobed leaves and often yellow flowers
Abutilon, genus Abutilon
herbs or shrubs or small trees: flowering maple; Indian mallow
Alcea, genus Alcea
genus of erect herbs of the Middle East having showy flowers: hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with genus Althaea
genus Althaea
hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with genus Alcea
Callirhoe, genus Callirhoe
small genus of North American herbs having usually red or purple flowers
Gossypium, genus Gossypium
herbs and shrubs and small trees: cotton
genus Hibiscus
large genus of tropical and subtropical herbs and shrubs and trees often grown as ornamentals for their profusion of large flowers in a variety of colors
Hoheria, genus Hoheria
small genus of shrubs and small trees of New Zealand: lacebarks
Iliamna, genus Iliamna
small genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs; some often placed in other genera
Kosteletzya, genus Kosteletzya
small genus of herbs of southeastern United States and tropical America and Africa
Lavatera, genus Lavatera
widespread genus of herbs or softwood arborescent shrubs cultivated for their showy flowers
Malacothamnus, genus Malacothamnus
genus of shrubs or small trees: chaparral mallow
genus Malope
small genus of chiefly European herbs
Malvastrum, genus Malvastrum
genus of mallows characterized by red and yellow flowers often placed in other genera
Malvaviscus, genus Malvaviscus
small genus of shrubs of Central and South America: wax mallows
Napaea, genus Napaea
one species: glade mallow
genus Pavonia
genus of tropical hairy shrubs or herbs of tropics and subtropics especially South America
Plagianthus, genus Plagianthus
small genus of shrubs and trees of Australia and New Zealand
Radyera, genus Radyera
very small genus of shrubs of southern hemisphere: bush hibiscus
Sida, genus Sida
large genus of tropical subshrubs or herbs some of which yield fibers of mucilaginous substances
Sidalcea, genus Sidalcea
genus of showy plants of western North America having palmate leaves and variously colored racemose flowers
Sphaeralcea, genus Sphaeralcea
large genus of chiefly tropical herbs with showy flowers and mostly globose fruits: globe mallows
Thespesia, genus Thespesia
a small genus of tropical trees including the portia tree
Bombax, genus Bombax
trees of chiefly South America
Adansonia, genus Adansonia
baobab; cream-of-tartar tree
Ceiba, genus Ceiba
tropical American trees with palmately compound leaves and showy bell-shaped flowers
Durio, genus Durio
a genus of tall Asian trees of the family Bombacaceae
genus Montezuma
one species: medium-sized evergreen tree of Puerto Rico or Mexico
Ochroma, genus Ochroma
one species: balsa
Pseudobombax, genus Pseudobombax
tropical American deciduous shrubs or small trees
Elaeocarpus, genus Elaeocarpus
type genus of the family Elaeocarpaceae
Aristotelia, genus Aristotelia
small genus of shrubs or small trees of Australia and New Zealand and western South America
Muntingia, genus Muntingia
one species: Jamaican cherry; sometimes placed in family Flacourtiaceae
Sloanea, genus Sloanea
genus of tropical hardwood timber trees
genus Sterculia
type genus of the Sterculiaceae: deciduous or evergreen trees of Old and New World tropics and subtropics
Brachychiton, genus Brachychiton
Australian trees (usually with swollen trunks)
Cola, genus Cola
large genus of African trees bearing kola nuts
genus Dombeya
genus of African shrubs or small trees
Firmiana, genus Firmiana
small genus of Asian trees or shrubs
Fremontia, Fremontodendron, genus Fremontia, genus Fremontodendron
Helicteres, genus Helicteres
genus of shrubs and small trees of tropical America and Asia having cylindrical fruits spirally twisted around one another
Heritiera, Terrietia, genus Heritiera, genus Terrietia
small genus of timber trees of eastern Asia, Australasia and tropical Africa that form large buttresses
Hermannia, genus Hermannia
genus of African herbs and subshrubs having honey-scented bell-shaped flowers
Pterospermum, genus Pterospermum
genus of tropical Asian trees and shrubs
Tarrietia, genus Tarrietia
small genus of east Asian and Australian timber trees
Theobroma, genus Theobroma
cacao plants
Triplochiton, genus Triplochiton
small genus of tropical African trees with maplelike leaves
Tilia, genus Tilia
deciduous trees with smooth usually silver-grey bark of North America and Europe and Asia: lime trees; lindens; basswood
Entelea, genus Entelea
a genus of evergreen shrub that grows in New Zealand
Corchorus, genus Corchorus
widely distributed genus of tropical herbs or subshrubs; especially Asia
Grewia, genus Grewia
a genus of tropical and subtropical Old World climbers or shrubs or trees
Sparmannia, genus Sparmannia
small genus of tropical African shrubs
genus Erica
large genus of low much-branched woody evergreens ranging from prostrate subshrubs to trees: true heaths
genus Andromeda
low-growing shrubs of northern regions of northern hemisphere
genus Arbutus
large evergreen shrubs and trees of southern Europe and western North America: strawberry tree; madrona
Arctostaphylos, genus Arctostaphylos
bearberry; manzanita
Bruckenthalia, genus Bruckenthalia
a genus containing only one species: spike heath
genus Bryanthus
a genus allied to and once included in genus Phyllodoce
Calluna, genus Calluna
one species
Cassiope, genus Cassiope
low tufted evergreen shrubs of colder parts of north temperate regions having moss-like foliage and nodding white or pink flowers
Chamaedaphne, genus Chamaedaphne
one species: leatherleaf
Daboecia, genus Daboecia
a dicotyledonous genus of the family Ericaceae
Epigaea, genus Epigaea
small creeping evergreen shrubs: trailing arbutus
Gaultheria, genus Gaultheria
widely distributed genus of creeping or upright evergreen shrubs
Gaylussacia, genus Gaylussacia
deciduous or evergreen shrubs of North America: black huckleberries
genus Kalmia
erect evergreen shrubs: mountain laurel
Ledum, genus Ledum
evergreen shrubs of north temperate regions
Leiophyllum, genus Leiophyllum
one species: sand myrtle
genus Leucothoe
American and Asiatic deciduous and evergreen shrubs
Loiseleuria, genus Loiseleuria
one species: alpine azalea
Lyonia, genus Lyonia
evergreen or deciduous shrubs or small trees of United States to Antilles and eastern Asia to the Himalaya
Menziesia, genus Menziesia
deciduous shrubs of North America and eastern Asia
Oxydendrum, genus Oxydendrum
Phyllodoce, genus Phyllodoce
small genus of evergreen Arctic and alpine shrubs
Pieris, genus Pieris
decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines
genus Rhododendron
large genus of evergreen shrubs native to cooler regions of the northern hemisphere having showy flowers
Azaleastrum, subgenus Azalea, subgenus Azaleastrum
group of evergreen or deciduous shrubs formerly considered a separate genus; now included in the genus Rhododendron
Vaccinium, genus Vaccinium
evergreen or deciduous berry-bearing shrubs of northern hemisphere: cranberries; blueberries
genus Diapensia
type genus of Diapensiaceae
genus Galax
evergreen herbs of southeastern United States
Pyxidanthera, genus Pyxidanthera
one species: pyxie; the eastern United States
genus Shortia
evergreen perennial herbs of North America and eastern Asia: oconee bells
genus Epacris
type genus of the Epacridaceae: Australian heath
Astroloma, genus Astroloma
evergreen shrubs of Australia and Tasmania
Richea, genus Richea
evergreen trees or shrubs of mountains of Australia and Tasmania
Styphelia, genus Styphelia
Australian heathlike shrubs
genus Pyrola
short-stemmed perennial herbs of cool or temperate regions: wintergreen; shinleaf
Orthilia, genus Orthilia
a shrubby perennial rhizomatous evergreen herb; grows in damp coniferous woodlands in northern temperate regions
Chimaphila, genus Chimaphila
small genus of evergreen herbs with long creeping rootstocks and shining leaves; North America; Europe; east Asia
Moneses, genus Moneses
one species: one-flowered wintergreen; sometimes included in genus Pyrola
Monotropa, genus Monotropa
leafless fleshy saprophytic plants; in some classifications placed in the family Pyrolaceae
Hypopitys, genus Hypopitys
term used in some classifications for the pinesaps, which are usually included in the genus Monotropa
Sarcodes, genus Sarcodes
snow plant; in some classifications placed in family Pyrolaceae
genus Begonia
large genus of tropical succulent plants widely cultivated
genus Dillenia
East Indian and Australian shrubs and trees having panicles of large white or yellow flowers
Hibbertia, genus Hibbertia
evergreen heathlike or scandent shrubs of Madagascar; Australasia; Polynesia
Calophyllum, genus Calophyllum
genus of tropical evergreen trees
genus Clusia
tropical American aromatic trees or shrubs; often epiphytic; some stranglers
Garcinia, genus Garcinia
evergreen trees and shrubs: mangosteens
Hypericum, genus Hypericum
large almost cosmopolitan genus of evergreen or deciduous shrubs and herbs with often showy yellow flowers; cosmopolitan except tropical lowlands and Arctic or high altitudes and desert regions
Mammea, genus Mammea
American and Asiatic trees having edible one-seeded fruit
Mesua, genus Mesua
genus of tropical Asiatic trees having large solitary flowers
Actinidia, genus Actinidia
small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit
genus Canella
one species
Carica, genus Carica
type genus of the Caricaceae; tropical American trees: papayas
Caryocar, genus Caryocar
type genus of the Caryocaraceae; South American trees yielding strong fine-grained wood and edible nuts
Cistus, genus Cistus
small to medium-sized evergreen shrubs of southern Europe and North Africa
genus Helianthemum
widely distributed evergreen or semi-evergreen shrublets; America; Europe and North Africa to Asia Minor and central Asia
Hudsonia, genus Hudsonia
small evergreen subshrubs of North America
Shorea, genus Shorea
genus of Indonesian and Malaysian timber trees rich in resin
Flacourtia, genus Flacourtia
often spiny trees or shrubs of tropical Asia and Africa
Dovyalis, genus Dovyalis
small genus of sometimes spiny shrubs or small trees; Africa; India; Sri Lanka
Hydnocarpus, Taraktagenos, Taraktogenos, genus Hydnocarpus, genus Taraktagenos, genus Taraktogenos
medium to large Indonesian and Malaysian trees
genus Idesia
one species
Kiggelaria, genus Kiggelaria
small genus of South African shrubs or small trees
genus Xylosma
genus of tropical American and Asiatic spiny evergreen trees and shrubs
Fouquieria, genus Fouquieria
resinous succulent trees or shrubs of desert and semidesert regions of southwestern United States that are leafless most of the year
Ochna, genus Ochna
type genus of Ochnaceae; evergreen trees and shrubs of Old World tropics
Passiflora, genus Passiflora
type genus of the Passifloraceae
genus Reseda
Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers: mignonette; dyer's rocket
Tamarix, genus Tamarix
genus of deciduous shrubs or small trees of eastern Mediterranean regions and tropical Asia
Myricaria, genus Myricaria
small genus of deciduous shrubs or subshrubs of southern Europe to Siberia and China; tolerant of chalky soil
Viola, genus Viola
large genus of flowering herbs of temperate regions
Hybanthus, genus Hybanthus
a genus of herbs and small shrubs with white or purple flowers; grows in tropical or subtropical regions
Hymenanthera, genus Hymenanthera
a genus of slender evergreen shrubs; grow in Australia and New Zealand
Melicytus, genus Melicytus
a genus of deciduous shrubs or trees; fruit is a berry; grow in New Zealand and Fiji and Solomon Islands
Santalum, genus Santalum
parasitic trees of Indonesia and Malaysia
genus Buckleya
small genus of Asiatic and American parasitic shrubs
Comandra, genus Comandra
small genus of chiefly North American parasitic plants
Eucarya, Fusanus, genus Eucarya, genus Fusanus
quandong trees
Pyrularia, genus Pyrularia
small genus of chiefly Asiatic parasitic shrubs
Loranthus, genus Loranthus
type genus of the Loranthaceae: 1 species
Arceuthobium, genus Arceuthobium
genus of chiefly American plants parasitic on conifers
Nuytsia, genus Nuytsia
one species
Viscum, genus Viscum
type genus of the Viscaceae: Old World evergreen shrubs parasitic on many trees including oaks but especially apple trees, poplars, aspens and cottonwoods
Phoradendron, genus Phoradendron
any of various American parasitic plants similar to Old World mistletoe: false mistletoe
genus Camellia
tropical Asiatic evergreen shrubs or small trees
Corydalis sempervirens, Fumaria sempervirens, Roman wormwood, rock harlequin
glaucous herb of northeastern United States and Canada having loose racemes of yellow-tipped pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria
Corydalis solida, fumeroot, fumewort
herb of northern Europe and Asia having erect racemes of red flowers
dicot genus, magnoliopsid genus
genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination




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