

单词 part
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1nvadv 2n 3n 4n 5v

A part is a section or portion of something larger. When you injure a body part, you only hurt one arm or foot, rather than your entire body.
Part can be used to mean a section of a whole, like a bicycle part, or Part Six of your book. To an actor, a part is a role in a movie or play, and to a hair stylist, it's the line on your scalp where your hair is combed in opposite directions. As a verb, it means "to divide or separate," and the Latin root is partem, "a part or portion."
part: counterpart, forepart, parted, partial, parting, partitive, parts, subpart, underpart+/counterpart: counterparts/forepart: foreparts/partial: partiality, partially, partialness, partials/partiality: partialities/parting: partings/partitive: partitively, partitives/subpart: subparts/underpart: underparts
They are part of a package of proposals following last month’s attack on a Berlin Christmas market.
Seattle Times(Jan 03, 2017)
Bharambe, for his part, argues that Mumbai’s collision statistics look worse than other Indian cities because the Mumbai police are better at recording accidents.
The Guardian(Jan 03, 2017)
As part of its advice, National Debtline recommends that consumers:
BBC(Jan 03, 2017)
1n one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
the written part of the exam
division, section
one of the ten divisions into which bowling is divided
the first part or section of something
an intermediate part or section
a final part or section
high point
the most enjoyable part of a given experience
component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient
an abstract part of something
chukka, chukker
(polo) one of six divisions into which a polo match is divided
frame, inning
(baseball) one of nine divisions of play during which each team has a turn at bat
(tennis) a division of play during which one player serves
bout, round, turn
(sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
first period
the first division into which the play of a game is divided
second period
the second division into which the play of a game is divided
final period
the final division into which the play of a game is divided
one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval
(ice hockey) one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey games
(football, professional basketball) one of four divisions into which some games are divided
(cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
be all and end all, be-all and end-all
the essential factor; the all-important element; the supreme aim
plot element
a component or element of the plot of a story
a geometric element that has position but no extension
top, top of the inning
the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat
bottom, bottom of the inning
the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat
first half
the first of two halves of play
last half, second half
the second of two halves of play
maiden, maiden over
(cricket) an over in which no runs are scored
concept, conception, construct
an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
2n something less than the whole of a human artifact
the rear part of the house
glue the two parts together
a part that is joined to something larger
the part of a key that enters a lock and lifts the tumblers
the narrow part of a bottle near the top
a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end)
butt, stub
the small unused part of something (especially the end of a cigarette that is left after smoking)
component, constituent, element
an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system
a part that is cut out or is intended to be cut out
the weaker part of a sword's blade from the forte to the tip
fore edge, foredge
the part of a book that faces inward when the book is shelved; the part opposite the spine
the stronger part of a sword blade between the hilt and the foible
a small part or item forming a piece of a whole
(golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft
the central part of a car wheel (or fan or propeller etc) through which the shaft or axle passes
the part of a ship's equipment or cargo that is thrown overboard to lighten the load in a storm
either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip
a narrow part of an artifact that resembles a neck in position or form
the part of a hammerhead opposite the flat striking surface (may have various shapes)
a separate part of a whole
a metal or plastic part that is made by a mechanical press
a part of a machine that supports or guides another part
section, segment
one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object
shank, waist
the narrow part of the shoe connecting the heel and the wide part of the sole
backbone, spine
the part of a book's cover that encloses the inner side of the book's pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved
(golf) the part of a clubhead farthest from the shaft
turnout, widening
a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park
the rear part of the stage
the part of a building above the ground floor
the remaining parts of something that has been wrecked
accessory, add-on, appurtenance, supplement
a supplementary component that improves capability
add-on, addition, improver
a component that is added to something to improve it
a small appendage
the sound elements of television
auto part, car part
a component of an automobile
long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction
bend, curve
curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
cigar butt
small part of a cigar that is left after smoking
cigarette butt
small part of a cigarette that is left after smoking
a crystalline element used as a component in various electronic devices
the section of a pedestal between the base and the surbase
flotsam, jetsam
the floating wreckage of a ship
an appendage to hold onto
grip, handgrip, handle, hold
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it
computer hardware, hardware
(computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system
heating element
the component of a heater or range that transforms fuel or electricity into heat
a component of a mixture or compound
a component of production; something that goes into the production of output
lagan, lagend, ligan
goods (or wreckage) on the sea bed that is attached to a buoy so that it can be recovered
component consisting of a side piece opposite the moldboard
hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
a section of something that is long and narrow
(usually plural) the components needed for making or doing something
a self-contained component (unit or item) that is used in combination with other components
piece of cloth, piece of material
a separate part consisting of fabric
piece of leather
a separate part consisting of leather
pel, picture element, pixel
(computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot)
a component or accessory added to something after it has been manufactured
the butt of a marijuana cigarette
a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used
fragment, shard, sherd
a broken piece of a brittle artifact
snip, snippet, snipping
a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
spare, spare part
an extra component of a machine or other apparatus
spark gap
a component of an ignition system; consists of two shaped electrodes and the space between them
a piece of wood that has been turned on a lathe; used as a baluster, chair leg, etc.
straight, straightaway
a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse
subdivision, subsection
a section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided
appendage added to extend the length of something
object, physical object
a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow
3n a portion of a natural object
they analyzed the river into three parts
North Atlantic
that part of the Atlantic Ocean to the north of the equator
North Pacific
that part of the Pacific Ocean to the north of the equator
South Atlantic
that part of the Atlantic Ocean to the south of the equator
South Pacific
that part of the Pacific Ocean to the south of the equator
body part
any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity
the main part of an organ or other bodily structure
a needlelike part or structure of a plant or animal or crystal; as a spine or bristle or crystal
the bottom or lowest part
a projecting part where two sides or edges meet
the part of a continent that is stable and forms the central mass of the continent; typically Precambrian
a piece cut off from the main part of something
a piece broken off or cut off of something else
hunk, lump
a large piece of something without definite shape
nub, stub
a small piece
one of the parts into which something naturally divides
a thin flat piece cut off of some object
a relatively long narrow piece of something
a part of the earth that can be considered separately
posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl
a part lying on the lower side or underneath an animal's body
the back of a horse
the solid bony part of the tail of an animal as distinguished from the hair
one of the five areas on the undersurface of an echinoderm on which the tube feet are located
the highest part of the back at the base of the neck of various animals especially draft animals
cannon, shank
lower part of the leg extending from the hock to the fetlock in hoofed mammals
loin, lumbus
either side of the backbone between the hipbone and the ribs in humans as well as quadrupeds
croup, croupe, hindquarters, rump
the part of an animal that corresponds to the human buttocks
lower part of a horse's thigh between the hock and the stifle
the side between ribs and hipbone
part of an insect's body that bears the wings and legs
metamere, somite
one of a series of similar body segments into which some animals are divided longitudinally
(anatomy) a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function
adnexa, annexa
accessory or adjoining anatomical parts or appendages to an organ (especially of the embryo)
area, region
a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve
a muscle or nerve that dilates or widens a body part
groove, vallecula
(anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part
(anatomy) a structure that separates areas in an organism
external body part
any body part visible externally
anatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part, structure
a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing
generally any arch shaped structure (but often it refers to the arched roof of an anatomical space)
a group of physiologically or anatomically related organs or parts
the dilated portion of a canal or duct especially of the semicircular canals of the ear
part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function
a projection below the mouth of certain mollusks that resembles a chin
a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function
a bulging body part (as the belly of a muscle)
energid, protoplast
a biological unit consisting of a nucleus and the body of cytoplasm with which it interacts
one of the segments into which a myofibril is divided
appendage, outgrowth, process
a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant
(anatomy) a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part
the terminal section of the alimentary canal; from the sigmoid flexure to the anus
the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm
body, torso, trunk
the body excluding the head and neck and limbs
chest, pectus, thorax
the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates
the middle region of the body of an arthropod between the head and the abdomen
either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh
the hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings
abdomen, belly, stomach, venter
the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis
the back of the body of a vertebrate or any analogous surface (as the upper or outer surface of an organ or appendage or part)
back, dorsum
the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine
the slender part of the back
ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, butt, buttocks, can, derriere, fanny, fundament, hind end, hindquarters, keister, nates, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, seat, stern, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush
the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
buttock, cheek
either of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rump
the part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removed
the part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle
the front part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle
forepart of a hoof
articulatio, articulation, joint
(anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion)
the region of the hips and groin and lower abdomen
feature, lineament
the characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin
the remains of a body part that was functional at an earlier stage of life
a segment of a citrus fruit
bit, chip, flake, fleck, scrap
a small fragment of something broken off from the whole
a fragment of brick used as a weapon
cinder, clinker
a fragment of incombustible matter left after a wood or coal or charcoal fire
(geology) a constituent fragment of a clastic rock
coal, ember
a hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or smoldering
a fragment rubbed off by the use of a file
(mineralogy) a small rounded lump of mineral substance (usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment)
a small nub (especially an undeveloped fruit or ear of corn)
a solid lump of a precious metal (especially gold) as found in the earth
paring, shaving, sliver
a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something
something that has been pruned off of a plant
restriction fragment
the fragment of DNA that is produced by cleaving DNA with a restriction enzyme
a long continuous strip (usually running horizontally)
(usually plural) a fragment scraped off of something and collected
a very thin slice (of tissue or mineral or other substance) for examination under a microscope
spall, spawl
a fragment broken off from the edge or face of stone or ore and having at least one thin edge
a small fragment of a burning substance thrown out by burning material or by friction
a segment of a stem between two nodes
a separate and self-contained entity
4n the extended spatial location of something
religions in all parts of the world
D region
the lowest region of the ionosphere (35 to 50 miles up) that reflects low-frequency radio waves
Appleton layer
the highest region of the ionosphere (from 90 to 600 miles up) which contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for long-range radio transmission
Kennelly-Heaviside layer
a region of the ionosphere (from 50 to 90 miles up) that reflects radio waves of medium length
a region of ancient Greece on the north coast of the Peloponnese
a small region of ancient Greece where the Doric dialect was spoken
the fields in Thessaly where in 197 BC the Romans defeated the Macedonians
a historical plateau region in northwestern Romania that is separated from the rest of the country by the Transylvanian Alps; originally part of Hungary; incorporated into Romania at the end of World War I
a rocky region in the southern Transvaal in northeastern South Africa; contains rich gold deposits and coal and manganese
Bible Belt
southern and midwestern United States where Protestant fundamentalism is dominant
Green Line
the border marking the boundaries of the land that Israel won in its 1948 war of independence
Line of Control
a 450-mile line that is supposed to indicate the boundary between the part of Kashmir controlled by India and the part controlled by Pakistan
Corn Belt
the midwestern states where corn is grown; Iowa and Illinois are excellent for raising corn and corn-fed livestock
the boundary in ancient times between Italy and Gaul; Caesar's crossing it with his army in 49 BC was an act of war
Van Allen belt
a belt of charged particles (resulting from cosmic rays) above the Earth trapped by the Earth's magnetic field
Aries the Ram
the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19
Taurus the Bull
the second sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about April 20 to May 20
Gemini the Twins
the third sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about May 21 to June 20
Cancer the Crab
the fourth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about June 21 to July 22
Leo the Lion
the fifth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about July 23 to August 22
Virgo the Virgin
the sixth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about August 23 to September 22
Libra the Balance
the seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22
Scorpio the Scorpion
the eighth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about October 23 to November 21
Sagittarius the Archer
the ninth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about November 22 to December 21
Capricorn the Goat
the tenth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about December 22 to January 19
Aquarius the Water Bearer
the eleventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about January 20 to February 18
Pisces the Fishes
the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20
Triple Frontier
the border area where Argentina and Brazil and Paraguay meet; an active South American center for contraband and drug trafficking and money laundering; a suspected locale for Islamic extremist groups
Panama Canal Zone
a zone consisting of a strip of land across the Isthmus of Panama that contains the Panama Canal
Home Counties
the English counties surrounding London into which Greater London has expanded
a county in southwestern England
a county in southern England
a hilly county in southwestern England
a county of northwestern England
a county in southwestern England
a county in southeastern England on the North Sea and the Thames estuary
a county in southwestern England in the lower Severn valley
a county of southern England on the English Channel
a county in southern England
a county in southeastern England on the English Channel; formerly an Anglo-Saxon kingdom, it was the first to be colonized by the Romans
a county in southwestern England on the Bristol Channel
East Sussex
a county in southern England on the English Channel
West Sussex
a county in southern England on the English Channel
a largely agricultural county in central England
an agricultural county of eastern England on the North Sea
the northernmost county of England; has many Roman remains (including Hadrian's Wall)
a county in southeastern England on the Thames
North Yorkshire
a county in northern England
West Yorkshire
a metropolitan county in northern England
South Yorkshire
a metropolitan county in northern England
a county is central England
a county in southern England on the English Channel; formerly an Anglo-Saxon kingdom that was captured by Wessex in the 9th century
Mohorovicic discontinuity
the boundary between the Earth's crust and the underlying mantle
Mason and Dixon's line
the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania; symbolic dividing line between North and South before the American Civil War
A horizon
the top layer of a soil profile; usually contains humus
B horizon
immediately below the A-horizon; contains deposits of organic matter leached from surface soils
C horizon
beneath the B-horizon and above the bedrock; consisting of weathered rock
air, atmosphere
the mass of air surrounding the Earth
the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth (or other planet) where living organisms exist
(usually plural) the deepest and most remote part
interplanetary space
the part of outer space within the solar system
interstellar space
the space between stars
the region inside the heliopause containing the sun and solar system
intergalactic space
the space between galaxies
deep space
any region in space outside the solar system
the atmosphere and outer space considered as a whole
an area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic
an elongated region where a specific condition or characteristic is found
the lowest part of anything
(United Kingdom) a region created by territorial division for the purpose of local government
a distant region
Eden, Shangri-la, heaven, nirvana, paradise, promised land
any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
the outermost or farthest region or point
hell, hell on earth, hellhole, inferno, snake pit, the pits
any place of pain and turmoil
inside, interior
the region that is inside of something
the outer region of the Earth's atmosphere; contains a high concentration of free electrons
a relatively thin sheetlike expanse or region lying over or under another
exterior, outside
the region that is outside of something
a circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius
a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location
the region above the ground
vacuity, vacuum
a region that is devoid of matter
the upper part of anything
a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes
house, mansion, planetary house, sign, sign of the zodiac, star sign
(astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
the southeastern part of Papua New Guinea
a region of southeastern Pakistan
black hole
a region of space resulting from the collapse of a star; extremely high gravitational field
Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, Kuiper belt
a disk-shaped region of minor planets outside the orbit of Neptune
mare, maria
a dark region of considerable extent on the surface of the moon
cap, capital, chapiter
the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
the head or top of a mast
the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel
asteroid belt
the region of interplanetary space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found
back of beyond
a very remote and inaccessible place
the atmosphere above a nation that is deemed to be under its jurisdiction
the lower part of anything
(anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment
rock bottom
the absolute bottom
bound, boundary, bounds
the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
end, terminal
either extremity of something that has length
extreme, extreme point, extremum
the point located farthest from the middle of something
greenbelt, greenway
a belt of parks or rural land surrounding a town or city
the interior part of a country
midst, thick
the location of something surrounded by other things
the innermost parts
as far as something can go
open, open air, out-of-doors, outdoors
where the air is unconfined
space by the side of a bed (especially the bed of a sick or dying person)
blind side
the side on which your vision is limited or obstructed
the region adjacent to a boat dock
east side
the side that is on the east
a position given by its location to the side of an object
north side
the side that is on the north
the part of a wharf that is next to a ship
south side
the side that is on the south
west side
the side that is on the west
one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism or a layer of sedimentary rock)
the top of something
buffer, buffer zone
a neutral zone between two rival powers that is created in order to diminish the danger of conflict
combat area, combat zone
a military area where combat forces operate
danger zone
a dangerous area
DMZ, demilitarized zone
a zone from which military forces or operations or installations are prohibited
drop zone, dropping zone
an agreed area where military supplies are dropped to ground troops
kill zone, killing zone
an area where a battle has occurred with many fatalities
strike zone
(baseball) the area over home plate between a batter's knees and shoulders through which a pitch must pass in order to be called a strike
tidal zone
an area subject to tidal action
the lower layer of the crust
a gaseous layer of the sun's atmosphere (extending from the photosphere to the corona) that is visible during a total eclipse of the sun
Earth's crust, crust
the outer layer of the Earth
the outermost atmospheric layer
the watery layer of the earth's surface; includes water vapor
interplanetary medium
interplanetary space including forms of energy and gas and dust
interstellar medium
interstellar space including streams of protons moving from the stars
geosphere, lithosphere
the solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle
lower mantle
the deeper part of the mantle
the layer of the earth between the crust and the core
the atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere
ozone layer, ozonosphere
a layer in the stratosphere (at approximately 20 miles) that contains a concentration of ozone sufficient to block most ultraviolet radiation from the sun
the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere
Earth's surface, surface
the outermost level of the land or sea
the atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere
the region of discontinuity between the troposphere and the stratosphere
the lowest atmospheric layer; from 4 to 11 miles high (depending on latitude)
upper mantle
the upper part of the mantle
Isle of Wight, Wight
an isle and county of southern England in the English Channel
cell wall
a rigid layer of polysaccharides enclosing the membrane of plant and prokaryotic cells; maintains the shape of the cell and serves as a protective barrier
crown, treetop
the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant
a layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground
a point or extent in space
5n assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group
percentage, portion, share
a portion of something (especially money)
a share that has been dispensed or distributed
a share of money or food or clothing that has been charitably given
a portion of something divided into shares
a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)
an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period)
piece, slice
a share of something
a promised or claimed share of loot or money
interest, stake
(law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something
profit sharing
a system in which employees receive a share of the net profits of the business
a share of the profits
allocation, allotment
a share set aside for a specific purpose
funds advanced to a prospector or to someone starting a business in return for a share of the profits
controlling interest
ownership of more than 50% of a corporation's voting shares
insurable interest
an interest in a person or thing that will support the issuance of an insurance policy; an interest in the survival of the insured or in the preservation of the thing that is insured
vested interest
(law) an interest in which there is a fixed right to present or future enjoyment and that can be conveyed to another
security interest
any interest in a property that secures the payment of an obligation
terminable interest
an interest in property that terminates under specific conditions
undivided interest, undivided right
the interest in property owned by tenants whereby each tenant has an equal right to enjoy the entire property
an interest in land capable of being inherited
rake-off, vigorish
a percentage (of winnings or loot or profit) taken by an operator or gangster
a share that has been allocated again
a proportional share assigned to each participant
privy purse
allowance for a monarch's personal expenses
the ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation
(law) an interest in an estate that reverts to the grantor (or his heirs) at the end of some period (e.g., the death of the grantee)
(frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing
anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company
6n the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music
he tried to sing the tenor part
the principal part of a duet (especially a piano duet)
the second or lower part of a duet (especially a piano duet)
voice part
a part written for a singer
accompaniment, backup, musical accompaniment, support
a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts
bass, bass part
the lowest part in polyphonic music
the highest part (usually the melody) in a piece of choral music
descant, discant
a decorative musical accompaniment (often improvised) added above a basic melody
an improvised musical accompaniment
ground bass
a short melody in the bass that is constantly repeated
basso continuo, continuo, figured bass, thorough bass
a bass part written out in full and accompanied by numbers to indicate the chords to be played
air, line, melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, strain, tune
a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
7v come apart
divide, separate
form into subdivisions
polarise, polarize
become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation
break up, calve
release ice
break away, break off, chip, chip off, come off
break off (a piece from a whole)
disjoin, disjoint
become separated, disconnected or disjoint
come away, come off, detach
come to be detached
divide from the main body or mass and collect
divide or split up
undergo meiosis
section, segment
divide into segments
partition, partition off
divide into parts, pieces, or sections
discerp, dismember, take apart
divide into pieces
divide unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts
flake, flake off, peel, peel off
come off in flakes or thin small pieces
come off in a very thin piece
blow off
come off due to an explosion or other strong force
chop off, cut off, lop off
remove by or as if by cutting
remove the soldering from
fall off
come off
syllabicate, syllabify, syllabise, syllabize
divide into syllables
divide into quarters
pound, pound off
partition off into compartments
undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature
8v force, take, or pull apart
Moses parted the Red Sea
disunite, divide, separate
compartmentalise, compartmentalize, cut up
separate into isolated compartments or categories
polarise, polarize
cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions
isolate, keep apart, sequester, sequestrate, set apart
set apart from others
disjoin, disjoint
make disjoint, separated, or disconnected; undo the joining of
disarticulate, disjoint
separate at the joints
make disconnected, disjoin or unfasten
separate with or as if with an instrument
to separate or be separated by force
separate (meat) at the joint
separate the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin
separate from a clinch, in boxing
break up, sever
set or keep apart
bust, rupture, snap, tear
separate or cause to separate abruptly
trim carefully and neatly
cut with or as if with scissors
plane, shave
cut or remove with or as if with a plane
slice, slice up
cut into slices
cut in a zigzag pattern with pinking shears, in sewing
cut teeth into; make a jagged cutting edge
carve, cut up
cut to pieces
form by carving
carve, chip at
engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface
cube, dice
cut into cubes
cut into long thin strips
chop, hack
cut with a hacking tool
cut obliquely into (a tree) below the main cut and on the side toward which the tree will fall
cut away
chop, chop up
cut into pieces
cut down, drop, fell, strike down
cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow
chip, nick
cut a nick into
nick, snick
cut slightly, with a razor
break off, chip, cut off, knap
break a small piece off from
pare, trim
remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size
cut the skin over the clitoris
chamfer, chase, furrow
cut a furrow into a columns
cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication
mortice, mortise
cut a hole for a tenon in
decouple, uncouple
disconnect or separate
cause to become detached or separated; take off
cut down, mow
cut with a blade or mower
cut or cut through with shears
gash, slash
cut open
cut down, slash
cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete
cut a female screw thread with a tap
cut with a hob
bore, drill
make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool
clip, nip, nip off, snip, snip off
sever or remove by pinching or snipping
cut open or cut apart
cut in half or cut in two
cut across or divide transversely
cut in three
pare, whittle
cut small bits or pare shavings from
cut unevenly with a chattering tool
cut away
remove by cutting off or away
cut with a tomahawk
saber, sabre
cut or injure with a saber
cut a rebate in (timber or stone)
cut grain with a cradle scythe
make an incision into by carving or cutting
cut or carve deeply into
bob, dock, tail
remove or shorten the tail of an animal
cleave, rive, split
separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
slice, slit
make a clean cut through
cut or tear irregularly
cut with a saw
discerp, lop, sever
cut off from a whole
pull, rend, rip, rive
tear or be torn violently
rip up, shred, tear up
tear into shreds
cut a groove into
bevel, chamfer
cut a bevel on; shape to a bevel
crosscut, cut across
cut using a diagonal line
cut (wood) along the grain
displace, move
cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
9adv in part; in some degree; not wholly
partially, partly
all, altogether, completely, entirely, totally, whole, wholly
to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')
1n something determined in relation to something that includes it
he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself
component, component part, constituent, portion
the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists
language unit, linguistic unit
one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed
item, point
a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list
the part of a plant from which the roots spring or the part of a stalk or trunk nearest the roots
base, basis
the most important or necessary part of something
detail, item, particular
a small part that can be considered separately from the whole
an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole
anything that belongs to a set or class
balance, remainder, residual, residue, residuum, rest
something left after other parts have been taken away
a part of a part
body substance
the substance of the body
living substance, protoplasm
the substance of a living cell (including cytoplasm and nucleus)
extended verbal expression in speech or writing
a unit of language that native speakers can identify
a unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme
a minimal unit (as a word or stem) in the lexicon of a language; `go' and `went' and `gone' and `going' are all members of the English lexeme `go'
minimal meaningful language unit; it cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units
minimal language unit that has a syntactic (or morphological) function
a language unit by which a person or thing is known
agenda item
one of the items to be considered
an item that is incidental
inventory item
an item listed in an inventory
line item
an item in an appropriation bill
news item
an item in a newspaper
place, position
an item on a list or in a sequence
a grouping of words in a sentence
phone, sound, speech sound
(phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language
a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified
high spot, highlight
the most interesting or memorable part
leftover, remnant
a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
the chemical composition and properties of a substance or object
material, stuff
the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object
a hypothetical substance once believed to be present in all combustible materials and to be released during burning
(chemistry) a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding)
(physics and chemistry) the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element
chemical element, element
any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
(biology) any agency bringing about activation; a molecule that increases the activity of an enzyme or a protein that increases the production of a gene product in DNA transcription
the substance that is acted upon by an enzyme or ferment
one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe
an intervening substance through which something is achieved
(biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed
a substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure
a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor
any substance possessing to a high degree the predominant properties of a plant or drug or other natural product from which it is extracted
an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
2n that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation
it requires vigilance on our part
they resisted every effort on his part
something that interests you because it is important or affects you
3n the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
the government must do its part
function, office, role
a specified function
an informal term for a person's role
the role of the head of a government department
lieu, place, position, stead
the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another
second fiddle
a secondary role or function
as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as "on behalf of" rather than "in behalf of")
work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons
4n the part played by a person in bringing about a result
contribution, share
the part you are expected to play
attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try
earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something
n an actor's portrayal of someone in a play
she played the part of Desdemona
character, persona, role, theatrical role
bit part, minor role
a small role
a serious (or tragic) role in a play
the principal character in a play or movie or novel or poem
the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play
name part, title role
the role of the character after whom the play is named
the main good female character in a work of fiction
baddie, villain
the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
a minor female role as a pert flirtatious lady's maid in a comedy
characterization, enactment, personation, portrayal
acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture
n a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions
his part was right in the middle
a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
1v leave
depart, set forth, set off, set out, start, start out, take off
lift off, take off
depart from the ground
roar off
blaze, blaze out
move rapidly and as if blazing
sally forth, sally out
set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner
go away, go forth, leave
go away from a place
2v go one's own way; move apart
separate, split
disperse, dissipate, scatter, spread out
move away from each other
break up
come apart
undergo diffraction
aerosolise, aerosolize
become dispersed as an aerosol
scatter or part
be dispersed in a volley
disband, dissolve
stop functioning or cohering as a unit
move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
3v discontinue an association or relation; go different ways
break, break up, separate, split, split up
give the axe, give the bounce, give the gate
terminate a relationship abruptly
break apart, disunify
break up or separate
disassociate, disjoint, dissociate, disunite, divorce
part; cease or break association with
break with
end a relationship
divorce, split up
get a divorce; formally terminate a marriage
break away, secede, splinter
withdraw from an organization or communion
break, break away
interrupt a continued activity




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