单词 | drink |
释义 | drink (once / 43 pages) 1vn 2n 3v To drink is to sip, slurp, or gulp a liquid. On extremely hot days, it's important to drink plenty of water. When you ingest any liquid, you drink it, although the verb drink is very often used to refer specifically to the sipping and swallowing of alcoholic beverages. If a bartender asks, "Do you drink?" she probably means "Do you drink alcohol?" A drink, likewise, can mean any beverage — tea, water, or lemonade — or it can mean an alcoholic one. The Old English root, drincan means both "to drink" and "to engulf." WORD FAMILYdrink: drank, drinkable, drinked, drinker, drinking, drinks+/drinkable: drinkables, drinkably, undrinkable/drinker: drinkers, nondrinker/drinking: drinkings/nondrinker: nondrinkers USAGE EXAMPLESOr you decide to cut down on alcohol but you keep drinking. Wall Street Journal(Jan 01, 2017) Investigators believe the Tunisian cook, 26, confronted Daniel R after he and another Pole stole two bottles of drink from the premises on Saturday. BBC(Jan 02, 2017) Implementing the Place of Last Drink program.The program requires that offenders disclose where they were served their last drink. Washington Times(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1v take in liquids The patient must drink several liters each day The children like to drink soda Syn|Hypo|Hyper imbibe swill, swill down drink large quantities of (liquid, especially alcoholic drink) suckdraw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth guggle, gurgledrink from a flask with a gurgling sound sipdrink in sips guzzledrink greedily or as if with great thirst lap, lap up, licktake up with the tongue drain the cup, drink updrink to the last drop gulp, quaff, swigto swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught belt down, bolt down, down, drink down, kill, pop, pour down, toss offdrink down entirely consume, have, ingest, take, take in serve oneself to, or consume regularly 2v consume alcohol We were up drinking all night Syn|Hypo|Hyper booze, fuddle tope drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic tank consume excessive amounts of alcohol portdrink port claretdrink claret bar hop, pub-crawlgo from one pub to the next and get progressively more drunk bib, tippledrink moderately but regularly hit it up, inebriate, soak, sousebecome drunk or drink excessively winedrink wine carry, holddrink alcohol without showing ill effects consume, have, ingest, take, take in serve oneself to, or consume regularly 3v drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic The husband drinks and beats his wife Syn|Hyper tope booze, fuddle consume alcohol habituate, use take or consume (regularly or habitually) 4v propose a toast to Let's drink to the New Year Syn|Hypo|Hyper pledge, salute, toast, wassail give propose honor, honour, reward bestow honor or rewards upon 5n any liquid suitable for drinking Syn|Hypo|Hyper beverage, drinkable, potable milk a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings wish-washany thin watery drink potiona medicinal or magical or poisonous beverage alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, inebriant, intoxicanta liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent hydromelhoney diluted in water; becomes mead when fermented oenomelwine mixed with honey near beerdrink that resembles beer but with less than 1/2 percent alcohol ginger beercarbonated slightly alcoholic drink flavored with fermented ginger mixerclub soda or fruit juice used to mix with alcohol cooleran iced drink especially white wine and fruit juice refreshera drink that refreshes smoothiea thick smooth drink consisting of fresh fruit pureed with ice cream or yoghurt or milk fizzan effervescent beverage (usually alcoholic) cider, cydera beverage made from juice pressed from apples chocolate, cocoa, drinking chocolate, hot chocolatea beverage made from cocoa powder and milk and sugar; usually drunk hot fruit crush, fruit juicedrink produced by squeezing or crushing fruit ade, fruit drinka sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice mateSouth American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate soft drinknonalcoholic beverage (usually carbonated) coffee, javaa beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans teaa beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water tea-like drinka beverage that resembles tea but is not made from tea leaves drinking waterwater suitable for drinking coffee substitutea drink resembling coffee that is sometimes substituted for it sour milkmilk that has turned sour pasteurized milkmilk that has been exposed briefly to high temperatures to destroy microorganisms and prevent fermentation cows' milkmilk obtained from dairy cows yak's milkthe milk of a yak goats' milkthe milk of a goat acidophilus milkmilk fermented by bacteria; used to treat gastrointestinal disorders raw milkunpasteurized milk scalded milkmilk heated almost to boiling homogenized milkmilk with the fat particles broken up and dispersed uniformly so the cream will not rise certified milkmilk from dairies regulated by an authorized medical milk commission dried milk, dry milk, milk powder, powdered milkdehydrated milk evaporated milkmilk concentrated by evaporation condensed milksweetened evaporated milk skim milk, skimmed milkmilk from which the cream has been skimmed semi-skimmed milkmilk from which some of the cream has been removed whole milkmilk from which no constituent (such as fat) has been removed low-fat milkmilk from which some of the cream has been removed buttermilkresidue from making butter from sour raw milk; or pasteurized milk curdled by adding a culture elixira substance believed to cure all ills love-philter, love-philtre, love-potion, philter, philtrea drink credited with magical power; can make the one who takes it love the one who gave it proof spirita mixture containing half alcohol by volume at 60 degrees Fahrenheit home brew, homebrewan alcoholic beverage (especially beer) made at home hooch, hootchan illicitly distilled (and usually inferior) alcoholic liquor kava, kavakavaan alcoholic drink made from the aromatic roots of the kava shrub aperitifalcoholic beverage taken before a meal as an appetizer brew, brewagedrink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling rice beer, sake, sakiJapanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice; usually served hot nipamade from sap of the Australasian nipa palm vino, winefermented juice (of grapes especially) John Barleycorn, booze, hard drink, hard liquor, liquor, spirits, strong drinkan alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented ethyl alcohol, neutral spiritsnonflavored alcohol of 95 percent or 190 proof used for blending with straight whiskies and in making gin and liqueurs pulquefermented Mexican drink from juice of various agave plants especially the maguey cordial, liqueurstrong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal mixed drinkmade of two or more ingredients Irish coffeesweetened coffee with Irish whiskey and whipped cream cafe au laitequal parts of coffee and hot milk cafe noir, demitassesmall cup of strong black coffee without milk or cream decaf, decaffeinated coffeecoffee with the caffeine removed drip coffeecoffee made by passing boiling water through a perforated container packed with finely ground coffee espressostrong black coffee brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans cappuccino, cappuccino coffee, coffee cappuccinoequal parts of espresso and hot milk topped with cinnamon and nutmeg and usually whipped cream ice coffee, iced coffeea strong sweetened coffee served over ice with cream instant coffeedehydrated coffee that can be made into a drink by adding hot water mocha, mocha coffeea superior dark coffee made from beans from Arabia Turkish coffeea drink made from pulverized coffee beans; usually sweetened chocolate milkmilk flavored with chocolate syrup hard cideralcoholic drink from fermented cider; `cider' and `cyder' are European (especially British) usages for the fermented beverage scrumpystrong cider (as made in western England) sweet ciderunfermented cider perrya fermented and often effervescent beverage made from juice of pears; similar in taste to hard cider rotgutany alcoholic beverage of inferior quality slugan amount of an alcoholic drink (usually liquor) that is poured or gulped nectarfruit juice especially when undiluted apple juicethe juice of apples cranberry juicethe juice of cranberries (always diluted and sweetened) grape juicethe juice of grapes grapefruit juicethe juice of grapefruits orange juicebottled or freshly squeezed juice of oranges pineapple juicethe juice of pineapples (usually bottled or canned) koumiss, kumisan alcoholic beverage made from fermented mare's milk; made originally by nomads of central Asia lemonadesweetened beverage of diluted lemon juice limeadesweetened beverage of lime juice and water orangeadesweetened beverage of diluted orange juice pop, soda, soda pop, soda water, tonica sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring birch beercarbonated drink containing an extract from bark of birch trees bitter lemontart lemon-flavored carbonated drink cola, dopecarbonated drink flavored with extract from kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States) cream sodasweet carbonated drink flavored with vanilla egg creammade of milk and flavored syrup with soda water ginger ale, ginger popginger-flavored carbonated drink orange sodaorange-flavored carbonated drink phosphatecarbonated drink with fruit syrup and a little phosphoric acid root beercarbonated drink containing extracts of roots and herbs sarsaparillacarbonated drink flavored with an extract from sarsaparilla root or with birch oil and sassafras quinine water, tonic, tonic waterlime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine cafe royale, coffee royalblack coffee with Cognac and lemon peel and sugar cambric teaa beverage for children containing hot water and milk and sugar and a small amount of tea cuppa, cuppera cup of tea herb tea, herbal, herbal teatea-like drink made of leaves of various herbs ice tea, iced teastrong tea served over ice sun teatea made by exposing tea leaves steeped in water to the direct rays of the sun; usually served with ice bottled waterdrinking water (often spring water) that is put into bottles and offered for sale sugar waterwater sweetened with sugar ice waterwater served ice-cold or with ice carbonated water, club soda, seltzer, soda water, sparkling watereffervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide mineral waterwater naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gasses; often effervescent; often used therapeutically food, nutrient any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue liquida substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure 6n a single serving of a beverage I asked for a hot drink likes a drink before dinner Hypo|Hyper chaser a drink to follow immediately after another drink draft, draught, potation, tipplea serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg pledge, toasta drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event libation(facetious) a serving of an alcoholic beverage eye openeran alcoholic drink intended to wake one up early in the morning nightcapan alcoholic drink taken at bedtime; often alcoholic hair of the dogan alcoholic drink supposed to cure a hangover shandy, shandygaffa drink made of beer and lemonade stirrup cupa farewell drink (especially one offered to a horseman ready to depart); usually alcoholic sundownera drink taken at sundown possetsweet spiced hot milk curdled with ale or beer sillabub, syllabubspiced hot milk with rum or wine sangaree, sangriasweetened red wine and orange or lemon juice with soda water whiskey neat, whisky neata drink consisting of whiskey without a mixer whiskey on the rocks, whisky on the rockswhiskey with ice float, ice-cream float, ice-cream sodaa drink with ice cream floating in it milk shake, milkshake, shakefrothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream frappeliqueur poured over shaved ice quaffa hearty draft root beer floatan ice-cream soda made with ice cream floating in root beer eggshakea milkshake with egg in it frappethick milkshake containing ice cream malt, malted, malted milka milkshake made with malt powder helping, portion, serving an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal 7n the act of swallowing he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips Syn|Hypo|Hyper deglutition, swallow aerophagia swallowing air (usually followed by belching and discomfort and flatulence) draft, draught, gulp, swiga large and hurried swallow sipa small drink consumption, ingestion, intake, uptake the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating) 8n the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess 2drink was his downfall Syn|Hypo|Hyper boozing, crapulence, drinking, drunkenness drinking bout a long period of drinking intemperance, intemperateness consumption of alcoholic drinks n any large deep body of water 3he jumped into the drink and had to be rescued Hyper body of water, water the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean) v be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage Syn|Hyper drink in absorb, engross, engulf, immerse, plunge, soak up, steep devote (oneself) fully to |
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