

单词 liliaceous plant
liliaceous plant
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liliaceous plant: liliaceous plants
Asphodelus.—Handsome liliaceous plants, with fleshy roots, erect stems, and showy flowers, thriving in any good garden soil.
Various, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edit...(2012)
I have noticed the same fact with several liliaceous plants, which nevertheless grew vigorously.
Darwin, Charles, The Variation of Animals and Plants...(2010)
And the tulips,--those dear liliaceous plants so dear to the Flemish heart, what emotion they must have caused to their zealous cultivators!
Verne, Jules, A Winter Amid the Ice—and Other Thr...(2010)
n plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber
any liliaceous plant of the genus Lilium having showy pendulous flowers
agapanthus, lily of the Nile
any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers
any of various plants of the genus Albuca having large clusters of pale yellow flowers; South Africa
colic root, colicroot, crow corn, star grass, unicorn root
any of several perennials of the genus Aletris having grasslike leaves and bitter roots reputed to cure colic
alliaceous plant
bulbous plants having a characteristic pungent onion odor
any of various South American plants of the genus Alstroemeria valued for their handsome umbels of beautiful flowers
Amianthum muscaetoxicum, Amianthum muscitoxicum, fly poison
all parts of plant are highly toxic; bulb pounded and used as a fly poison; sometimes placed in subfamily Melanthiaceae
Anthericum liliago, Saint-Bernard's-lily
southern European plant commonly cultivated for its spikes of small starry greenish-white flowers
Anthericum torreyi, amber lily
plant having basal grasslike leaves and a narrow open cluster of starlike yellowish-orange flowers atop a leafless stalk; southwestern United States; only species of Anthericum growing in North America
any of various chiefly Mediterranean plants of the genera Asphodeline and Asphodelus having linear leaves and racemes of white or pink or yellow flowers
Bloomeria crocea, golden star, golden stars
California plant having grasslike leaves and showy orange flowers
any of several plants of the genus Brodiaea having basal grasslike leaves and globose flower heads on leafless stems resembling those of genus Allium
mariposa, mariposa lily, mariposa tulip
any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having tulip-shaped flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petals; southwestern United States and Mexico
fairy lantern, globe lily
any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having egg-shaped flowers
any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having flowers with petals shaped like cat's ears
Calochortus nuttallii, sego lily
perennial plant having clusters of one to four showy white bell-shaped flowers atop erect unbranched stems; edible bulbs useful in times of scarcity; eastern Montana and western North Dakota south to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico
camas, camash, camass, camosh, quamash
any of several plants of the genus Camassia; North and South America
dog's-tooth violet, dogtooth, dogtooth violet
perennial woodland spring-flowering plant; widely cultivated
Erythronium montanum, avalanche lily
perennial herb having large white flowers marked with orange; found near the snow line in the northwestern United States
any of numerous perennial bulbous herbs having linear or broadly lanceolate leaves and usually a single showy flower
day lily, daylily
any of numerous perennials having tuberous roots and long narrow bladelike leaves and usually yellow lily-like flowers that bloom for only a day
any of numerous bulbous perennial herbs
Hyacinthoides nonscripta, Scilla nonscripta, bluebell, harebell, wild hyacinth, wood hyacinth
sometimes placed in genus Scilla
grape hyacinth
any of various early flowering spring hyacinths native to Eurasia having dense spikes of rounded blue flowers resembling bunches of small grapes
scilla, squill
an Old World plant of the genus Scilla having narrow basal leaves and pink or blue or white racemose flowers
false asphodel
a plant of the genus Tofieldia having linear chiefly basal leaves and small spicate flowers
Urginea maritima, sea onion, sea squill, squill
having dense spikes of small white flowers and yielding a bulb with medicinal properties
bog asphodel
either of two herbaceous rushlike bog plants having small yellow flowers and grasslike leaves; north temperate regions
false hellebore, hellebore
perennial herbs of the lily family having thick toxic rhizomes
Xerophyllum tenax, bear grass, squaw grass
plant of western North America having woody rhizomes and tufts of stiff grasslike basal leaves and spikes of creamy white flowers
death camas, zigadene
any of various plants of the genus Zigadenus having glaucous leaves and terminal racemes of mostly white flowers; all are poisonous
trillium, wake-robin, wood lily
any liliaceous plant of the genus Trillium having a whorl of three leaves at the top of the stem with a single three-petaled flower
Convallaria majalis, May lily, lily of the valley
low-growing perennial plant having usually two large oblong lanceolate leaves and a raceme of small fragrant nodding bell-shaped flowers followed by scarlet berries
Clinton's lily, clintonia
any temperate liliaceous plant of the genus Clintonia having broad basal leaves and white or yellowish or purplish flowers followed by blue or black berries
Liriope muscari, lily turf, lilyturf
Asiatic perennial tufted herb with grasslike evergreen foliage and clusters of dark mauve grapelike flowers; grown as ground cover
Maianthemum canadense, false lily of the valley
small two-leaved herb of the northern United States and parts of Canada having racemes of small fragrant white flowers
Maianthemum bifolium, false lily of the valley
small white-flowered plant of western Europe to Japan
any of several plants of the genus Polygonatum having paired drooping yellowish-green flowers and a thick rootstock with scars shaped like Solomon's seal
Lilium auratum, mountain lily
Japanese lily with golden rays
Canada lily, Lilium canadense, meadow lily, wild meadow lily, wild yellow lily
common lily of the eastern United States having nodding yellow or reddish flowers spotted with brown
Annunciation lily, Lent lily, Lilium candidum, Madonna lily, white lily
lily of eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans with broad funnel-shaped white flowers
Lilium catesbaei, leopard lily, pine lily, tiger lily
lily of southeastern United States having cup-shaped flowers with deep yellow to scarlet recurved petals
Columbia tiger lily, Lilium columbianum, Oregon lily
lily of western North America with showy orange-red purple-spotted flowers
Lilium lancifolium, devil lily, kentan, tiger lily
east Asian perennial having large reddish-orange black-spotted flowers with reflexed petals
Bermuda lily, Easter lily, Lilium longiflorum, white trumpet lily
tall lily have large white trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in the spring
Lilium maritinum, coast lily
orange-flowered lily of Pacific coast of United States
Lilium martagon, Turk's-cap, martagon
lily with small dull purple flowers of northwestern Europe and northwestern Asia
Lilium michiganense, Michigan lily
lily of central North America having recurved orange-red flowers with deep crimson spots
Lilium pardalinum, leopard lily, panther lily
lily of western United States having orange-red to crimson maroon-spotted flowers
Lilium philadelphicum, wood lily
lily of eastern North America having orange to orange-red purple-spotted flowers
Lilium superbum, Turk's cap-lily, Turk's-cap
lily of the eastern United States with orange to red maroon-spotted flowers
African lily, African tulip, Agapanthus africanus, blue African lily
African plant with bright green evergreen leaves and umbels of many usually deep violet-blue flowers
Aletris farinosa, ague grass, ague root
colicroot having a scurfy or granuliferous perianth and white flowers; southeastern United States
Aletris aurea, yellow colicroot
colicroot with yellow-bracted racemose flowers; smaller than Aletris farinosa; southeastern United States
wild onion
any of various plants of the genus Allium with edible bulbs found growing wild
Allium ampeloprasum, Levant garlic, kurrat, wild leek
coarse Old World perennial having a large bulb and tall stalk of greenish purple-tinged flowers; widely naturalized
Allium canadense, Canada garlic, meadow leek, rose leek
North American bulbous plant
Allium carinatum, keeled garlic
Eurasian bulbous plant
Allium cepa, onion, onion plant
bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb
Allium porrum, leek, scallion
plant having a large slender white bulb and flat overlapping dark green leaves; used in cooking; believed derived from the wild Allium ampeloprasum
Allium neopolitanum, Naples garlic, daffodil garlic, flowering onion
European onion with white flowers
Allium paradoxum, few-flowered leek
leek producing bulbils instead of flowers; Russia and Iran
Allium sativum, garlic
bulbous herb of southern Europe widely naturalized; bulb breaks up into separate strong-flavored cloves
Allium scorodoprasum, Spanish garlic, giant garlic, rocambole, sand leek
European leek cultivated and used like leeks
Allium schoenoprasum, chive, chives, cive, schnittlaugh
perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning
Allium tricoccum, ramp, wild leek
North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers
Allium ursinum, Ramsons, wild garlic, wood garlic
pungent Old World weedy plant
Allium tuberosum, Chinese chive, Oriental garlic, garlic chive
a plant of eastern Asia; larger than Allium schoenoprasum
Allium sphaerocephalum, round-headed leek
Old World leek with a spherical bulb
Allium triquetrum, three-cornered leek, triquetrous leek
European leek naturalized in Great Britain; leaves are triangular
Alstroemeria pelegrina, Peruvian lily, lily of the Incas
an Andean herb having umbels of showy pinkish-purple lily-like flowers
Jacob's rod
asphodel having erect smooth unbranched stem either flexuous or straight
Asphodeline lutea, king's spear, yellow asphodel
asphodel with leafy stem and fragrant yellow flowers
Brodiaea elegans, elegant brodiaea
brodiaea having an umbel of violet or blue-violet flowers atop a leafless stalk; northern Oregon to southern California
Calochortus albus, white fairy lantern, white globe lily
globe lily having open branched clusters of egg-shaped white flowers; southern California
Calochortus amabilis, golden fairy lantern, yellow globe lily
globe lily having open branched clusters of clear yellow egg-shaped flowers; northern California
Calochortus amoenus, rose globe lily
globe lily with deep rose-pink or purple egg-shaped flowers on flexuous stems; western slopes of Sierra Nevada in San Joaquin Valley
Calochortus elegans, elegant cat's ears, star tulip
small plant with slender bent stems bearing branched clusters of a few white star-shaped flowers with petals shaped like cat's ears; southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon to Montana
Calochortus kennedyi, desert mariposa tulip
mariposa with clusters of bell-shaped vermilion or orange or yellow flowers atop short stems; southern California to Arizona and Mexico
Calochortus luteus, yellow mariposa tulip
mariposa having clusters of a few large deep yellow bell-shaped flowers atop slender stems; California coastal ranges
Calochortus macrocarpus, sagebrush mariposa tulip
mariposa having loose clusters of one to three handsome lilac flowers resembling umbels atop stout erect stems; arid northwestern North America east of Cascade Mountains from southern British Columbia to northern California
Camassia quamash, common camas
plant having a large edible bulb and linear basal leaves and racemes of light to deep violet-blue star-shaped flowers on tall green scapes; western North America
Camassia leichtlinii, Leichtlin's camas
camas found to the west of Cascade Mountains
Camassia scilloides, indigo squill, wild hyacinth
eastern camas; eastern and central North America
Erythronium albidum, blonde lilian, white dog's-tooth violet, white dogtooth violet
North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue or pink exteriors
Erythronium americanum, amberbell, trout lily, yellow adder's tongue
eastern North American dogtooth having solitary yellow flowers marked with brown or purple and spotted interiors
Erythronium dens-canis, European dogtooth
sturdy European dogtooth with rose to mauve flowers; cultivated in many varieties
Erythronium californicum, fawn lily
California dogtooth violet with creamy white flowers sometimes yellow-tinged
Erythronium grandiflorum, glacier lily, snow lily
dogtooth violet of western North America having bright yellow flowers
Tulipa armena, Tulipa suaveolens, dwarf tulip
small early blooming tulip
Tulipa clusiana, candlestick tulip, lady tulip
Eurasian tulip with small flowers blotched at the base
Tulipa gesneriana
tall late blooming tulip
cottage tulip
any of several long-stemmed tulips that flower in May; have egg-shaped variously colored flowers
Darwin tulip
any of several very tall, late blooming tulips bearing large squarish flowers on sturdy stems
Hemerocallis flava, Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus, lemon lily
a day lily with yellow flowers
Hyacinthus orientalis, common hyacinth
widely grown for its fragrance and its white, pink, blue, or purplish flowers
Hyacinthus orientalis albulus, Roman hyacinth
hyacinth with loosely flowered spikes, several growing from one bulb
Galtonia candicans, Hyacinthus candicans, cape hyacinth, summer hyacinth
southern African herb with white bell-shaped flowers
Muscari neglectum, common grape hyacinth
prolific species having particularly beautiful dark blue flowers
Muscari comosum, tassel hyacinth
large beautiful Mediterranean species having sterile bluish-violet flowers with fringed corollas forming a tuft above the fertile flowers
Scilla verna, sea onion, spring squill
European scilla with small blue or purple flowers
Scotch asphodel, Tofieldia pusilla
false asphodel having spikes of white flowers; of mountainous regions of Europe
European bog asphodel, Narthecium ossifragum
of western Europe: Scandinavia to northern Spain and Portugal
American bog asphodel, Narthecium americanum
of the eastern United States: New Jersey to South Carolina
American hellebore, Indian poke, Veratrum viride, bugbane, white hellebore
North American plant having large leaves and yellowish green flowers growing in racemes; yields a toxic alkaloid used medicinally
Zigadenus elegans, alkali grass
plant of western North America having grasslike leaves and greenish-white flowers
Zigadenus glaucus, white camas
plant of eastern and central North America having creamy white flowers tinged with brown or purple; poisonous especially to grazing animals
Zigadenus nuttalli, poison camas
a common perennial death camas; Tennessee to Kansas to Texas
Zigadenus venenosus, Zigadenus venenosus gramineus, grassy death camas
plant of western North America to Mexico; poisonous especially to grazing animals
Trillium recurvatum, prairie trillium, prairie wake-robin
trillium of central United States having dark purple sessile flowers
dwarf-white trillium, early wake-robin, snow trillium
a low perennial white-flowered trillium found in the southeastern United States
Trillium erectum, birthroot, purple trillium, red trillium
trillium of eastern North America having malodorous pink to purple flowers and an astringent root used in folk medicine especially to ease childbirth
Trillium sessile, red trillium, sessile trillium, toadshade
trillium of northeastern United States with sessile leaves and red or purple flowers having a pungent odor
Andrew's clintonia, Clintonia andrewsiana, red Clintonia
plant with nearly leafless stalk topped by a cluster of red or reddish lavender flowers; California to Oregon
Clintonia borealis, heal all, yellow clintonia
common woodland herb of temperate North America having yellow nodding flowers and small round blue fruits
Clintonia uniflora, bride's bonnet, queen's cup
plant with 1 or 2 white starlike flowers on short leafless stalks; Alaska to California and east to Oregon and Montana
Polygonatum biflorum, Polygonatum commutatum, great Solomon's-seal
North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers
bulbous plant
plant growing from a bulb




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