单词 | amphibian genus |
释义 | amphibian genus (extremely rare) n WORD FAMILY amphibian genus n any genus of amphibians Hypo|Hyper Hynerpeton, genus Hynerpeton earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Pennsylvania genus Ichthyostegasecond earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Greenland Salamandra, genus Salamandratype genus of the Salamandridae Triturus, genus Trituruschiefly aquatic salamanders Notophthalmus, genus Notophthalmusnewts Taricha, genus TarichaPacific newts Ambystoma, genus Ambystomatype genus of the Ambystomatidae Cryptobranchus, genus Cryptobranchustype genus of the Cryptobranchidae Megalobatrachus, genus Megalobatrachusgiant salamanders; in some classifications included in the genus Cryptobranchus Proteidae, family Proteidaemud puppies Proteus, genus Proteustype genus of the Proteidae Necturus, genus Necturusa genus of Proteidae genus Dicamptodontype genus of the Dicamptodontidae Rhyacotriton, genus Rhyacotritonolympic salamanders Plethodon, genus Plethodontype genus of the Plethodontidae Desmograthus, genus Desmograthusan amphibian genus of Plethodontidae Aneides, genus Aneidesclimbing salamanders Batrachoseps, genus Batrachosepsslender salamanders Hydromantes, genus Hydromantesweb-toed salamanders genus Amphiumacongo snakes genus Sirena genus of Sirenidae Rana, genus Ranatype genus of the Ranidae Eleutherodactylus, genus Eleutherodactyluscompletely terrestrial robber frogs Hylactophryne, genus Hylactophrynebarking frogs Leptodactylus, genus Leptodactylustype genus of the Leptodactylidae; in some classifications placed in the family Bufonidae Polypedates, genus Polypedatestype genus of the Polypedatidae Ascaphus, genus Ascaphustype genus of the Ascaphidae; in some classifications included in the family Leiopelmatidae Leiopelma, Liopelma, genus Leiopelma, genus Liopelmatype and sole genus of the family Leiopelmatidae genus Bufotype genus of the Bufonidae; common toads of New and Old Worlds Alytes, genus Alytesmidwife toads Bombina, genus Bombinafire-bellied toads Scaphiopus, genus ScaphiopusNew World spadefoot toads Hyla, genus Hylathe type genus of the Hylidae; tree toads Acris, genus Acriscricket frogs Pseudacris, genus Pseudacrischorus frogs Pternohyla, genus Pternohylaburrowing tree frogs Gastrophryne, genus Gastrophryneprimarily tropical narrow-mouthed toads Hypopachus, genus Hypopachussheep frogs Pipa, genus Pipatype genus of the Pipidae Xenopus, genus Xenopusan African clawed frog; in some classifications made the type genus of a separate family Xenopodidae genus (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
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