单词 | live |
释义 | live (once / 12 pages) 1vadj 2v 3v 4adjadv 5adj The verb live means remain alive. If you hope to live until you're 100, start eating vegetables. When live rhymes with give, it's a verb that has to do with existing — being or staying alive, or making your home in a particular place, like when you say, "I live on the planet Earth for the time being." When live rhymes with hive, it is an entirely different word with a very similar meaning, an adjective that means "not dead", or "living". So you could describe your two pet fish by saying, "The one on the left, floating upside down, is the dead fish, and the one on the right is the live fish." WORD FAMILYlive: livable, liveable, lived, liveness, living, livingly, relive, unlive+/livable: livably/living: livings, non-living, nonliving/relive: relived, relives, reliving/unlive: unlivable, unliveable, unlived, unliving USAGE EXAMPLESThey just think the beasts lived alongside humans on a planet that’s only about 6,000 years old. Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016) I am remembering how my mother lived with breast cancer for 14 years, through two mastectomies and repeated chemotherapy and radiation. Washington Post(Dec 29, 2016) While we need to move around a bit to complete the tasks of daily living, in modern life we tend not to move very much. Washington Post(Dec 29, 2016) 1 1v have life, be alive My grandfather lived until the end of war Syn be endure, go, hold out, hold up, last, live on, survive continue to live through hardship or adversity 2v lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style we had to live frugally after the war Hypo move live one's life in a specified environment dissipatelive a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption swinglive in a lively, modern, and relaxed style live down, unlivelive so as to annul some previous behavior wantonindulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life vegetatelead a passive existence without using one's body or mind pig, pig itlive like a pig, in squalor bushwhacklive in the bush as a fugitive or as a guerilla buccaneerlive like a buccaneer bach, bachelorlead a bachelor's existence eke outlive from day to day, as with some hardship cash outchoose a simpler life style after questioning personal and career satisfaction goals 3v pursue a positive and satisfying existence You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live 4v continue to live through hardship or adversity The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents Syn|Hypo endure, go, hold out, hold up, last, live on, survive be have life, be alive exist, subsist, survivesupport oneself hold up, hold water, stand up resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc. perennatesurvive from season to season, of plants live outlive out one's life; live to the end 5v have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare I lived through two divorces Syn|Hypo|Hyper experience, know taste experience briefly live over, reliveexperience again, often in the imagination experience, go through, see go or live through 6adj possessing life a live canary Syn|Ant alive liveborn (of newborn infant) showing signs of life after birth; not stillborn viablecapable of life or normal growth and development vitalmanifesting or characteristic of life animateendowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life dead no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life asleep, at peace, at rest, deceased, departed, gonedead assassinatedmurdered by surprise attack for political reasons bloodless, exsanguine, exsanguinousdestitute of blood or apparently so brain deadhaving irreversible loss of brain function as indicated by a persistent flat electroencephalogram breathless, inanimate, pulselessappearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse coldlacking the warmth of life d.o.a.abbreviation for `dead on arrival' at the emergency room deathlike, deathlyhaving the physical appearance of death defuncthaving ceased to exist or live doomedmarked for certain death executedput to death as punishment fallenkilled in battle latehaving died recently exanimate, lifelessdeprived of life; no longer living murderedkilled unlawfully nonviablenot capable of living or developing successfully slainkilled; `slain' is formal or literary as in "slain warriors" stillborn(of newborn infant) showing no signs of life at birth; not liveborn stone-deadas lifeless as a stone 7adj abounding with life and energy 2the club members are a really live bunch Syn lively full of life and energy v inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of 3People lived in Africa millions of years ago Syn|Hypo|Hyper dwell, inhabit, populate tenant occupy as a tenant neighbor, neighbourlive or be located as a neighbor lodge in, occupy, residelive (in a certain place) domicile, domiciliate, reside, shackmake one's home in a particular place or community peoplefurnish with people overpopulatecause to have too great a population cohabit, live together, shack upshare living quarters; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple lodgebe a lodger; stay temporarily bivouac, camp, camp out, encamp, tentlive in or as if in a tent nestinhabit a nest, usually after building board, roomlive and take one's meals at or in move inoccupy a place rusticatelive in the country and lead a rustic life stay atreside temporarily squatoccupy (a dwelling) illegally sleep over, stay overstay overnight crashoccupy, usually uninvited miscegenatemarry or cohabit with a person of another race be occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere v support oneself 4Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City? Syn|Hypo exist, subsist, survive endure, go, hold out, hold up, last, live on, survive continue to live through hardship or adversity breathe be alive drift, freewheellive unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely 1adj actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing a live television program brought to you live from Lincoln Center live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience Syn|Ant unrecorded unfilmed, untaped not recorded on film or tape recorded set down or registered in a permanent form especially on film or tape for reproduction canned, transcribedrecorded for broadcast filmedrecorded on film; made into a movie prerecordedrecorded at one time for transmission later tape-recorded, tapedrecorded on tape 2adj of current relevance a live issue still a live option Syn current occurring in or belonging to the present time 3adj in current use or ready for use live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread Syn current occurring in or belonging to the present time 4adv not recorded 5the opera was broadcast live 1adj exerting force or containing energy live coals tossed a live cigarette out the window got a shock from a live wire live ore is unmined ore a live bomb a live ball is one in play Syn|Ant active (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt in playof a ball living(used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried dead not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat extinct(of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive extinct, outbeing out or having grown cold lifelessnot having the capacity to support life out of play(of a ball) "a ball that is out of play is dead" 2adj charged or energized with electricity a live wire Syn hot charged of a particle or body or system; having a net amount of positive or negative electric charge 3adj capable of erupting a live volcano Syn alive active (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting 4adj charged with an explosive live ammunition a live bomb Syn loaded (of weapons) charged with ammunition 5adj highly reverberant a live concert hall Syn reverberant having a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected 6adj elastic; rebounds readily Syn bouncy, lively, resilient, springy elastic capable of resuming original shape after stretching or compression; springy |
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