

单词 animal order
animal order
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animal order: animal orders
And, as Braunitsch had stated, the former was a function, often accidental, of which the lowest animal order was capable.
Various, Hooded Detective, Volume III No. 2,...(2012)
n the order of animals
Eubacteriales, order Eubacteriales
one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; Gram-positive spherical or rod-shaped forms; some are motile; in some classifications considered an order of Schizomycetes
Pseudomonadales, order Pseudomonadales
one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; Gram-negative spiral or spherical or rod-shaped bacteria usually motile by polar flagella; some contain photosynthetic pigments
Rickettsiales, order Rickettsiales
pleomorphic Gram-negative microorganisms
Mycoplasmatales, order Mycoplasmatales
coextensive with the family Mycoplasmataceae
Actinomycetales, order Actinomycetales
filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria
Myxobacterales, Myxobacteriales, order Myxobacterales, order Myxobacteria, order Myxobacteriales
an order of higher bacteria
Spirochaetales, order Spirochaetales
higher bacteria; slender spiral rodlike forms
Heliozoa, order Heliozoa
mostly freshwater protozoa
Radiolaria, order Radiolaria
marine protozoa
Amoebida, Amoebina, order Amoebida, order Amoebina
the animal order including amoebas
Foraminifera, order Foraminifera
Testacea, order Testacea
testacean rhizopods
Fucales, order Fucales
coextensive with the family Fucaceae
Zygnemales, Zygnematales, order Zygnemales, order Zygnematales
pond scums; desmids
Cilioflagellata, Dinoflagellata, order Cilioflagellata, order Dinoflagellata
in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista; in others included in the plant phylum Pyrrophyta
Hypermastigina, order Hypermastigina
cellulose-producing flagellates
Polymastigina, order Polymastigina
small usually parasitic flagellates
Coccidia, order Coccidia
an order in the subclass Telosporidia
Gregarinida, order Gregarinida
an order in the subclass Telosporidia
Haemosporidia, order Haemosporidia
an order in the subclass Telosporidia
Sarcosporidia, order Sarcosporidia
imperfectly known parasites of the muscles of vertebrates
Haplosporidia, order Haplosporidia
an order in the subclass Acnidosporidia
Actinomyxidia, order Actinomyxidia
parasites of worms
Mycrosporidia, order Mycrosporidia
an order in the subclass Cnidosporidia
Myxosporidia, order Myxosporidia
an order in the subclass Cnidosporidia
Malacopterygii, superorder Malacopterygii
an extensive group of teleost fishes having fins supported by flexible cartilaginous rays
Cypriniformes, order Cypriniformes
an order of animals including almost entirely freshwater fishes: characins; loaches; carp; suckers; sometimes classified as a suborder of Ostariophysi
Berycomorphi, order Berycomorphi
an order of spiny-finned fish in the superorder Acanthopterygii
Zeomorphi, order Zeomorphi
Solenichthyes, order Solenichthyes
bellows fishes; shrimpfishes; cornetfishes; pipefishes; small order of chiefly tropical marine fishes of varied and bizarre form all having a small mouth at the end of a drawn-out tubular snout
Ostracodermi, order Ostracodermi
extinct group of armored jawless vertebrates; taxonomy is not clear
Heterostraci, suborder Heterostraci
extinct group of armored jawless fishes or fish-like vertebrate; taxonomy is not clear
Cephalaspida, Osteostraci, suborder Cephalaspida, suborder Osteostraci
extinct group of armored fish-like vertebrates; taxonomy is not clear
Anaspida, order Anaspida
extinct order of jawless vertebrates
Conodonta, Conodontophorida, order Conodonta, order Conodontophorida
extinct order of primitive vertebrates; the precise taxonomy is not clear; in some classifications considered a separate phylum
Cyclostomata, order Cyclostomata
primitive jawless aquatic vertebrate: lampreys; hagfishes
Hyperoartia, Petromyzoniformes, suborder Hyperoartia, suborder Petromyzoniformes
lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes
Hyperotreta, Myxiniformes, Myxinoidea, Myxinoidei, suborder Hyperotreta, suborder Myxiniformes, suborder Myxinoidei
hagfishes as distinguished from lampreys
Torpediniformes, order Torpediniformes
rays with bodies shaped like torpedoes
Batoidei, Rajiformes, order Batoidei, order Rajiformes
fish with dorsoventrally flattened bodies; includes: rays; skates; guitarfishes; sawfishes
Ratitae, superorder Ratitae
used in former classifications to include all ratite bird orders
Struthioniformes, order Struthioniformes
a ratite bird order: ostriches and related extinct birds; known from the Pleistocene onward
Casuariiformes, order Casuariiformes
a ratite bird order: cassowaries and emus
Apterygiformes, order Apterygiformes
a ratite bird order: flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes: kiwis
Rheiformes, order Rheiformes
a ratite bird order: birds intermediate in characteristics between ostriches and emus: recent and extinct rheas
Aepyorniformes, order Aepyorniformes
huge extinct flightless birds: elephant birds
Dinornithiformes, order Dinornithiformes
a ratite bird order: recently extinct flightless birds of New Zealand
Insessores, order Insessores, percher, perching bird
a bird with feet adapted for perching (as on tree branches); this order is now generally abandoned by taxonomists
Passeriformes, order Passeriformes
largest order of birds comprising about half the known species; rooks; finches; sparrows; tits; warblers; robins; wrens; swallows; etc.; the four suborders are Eurylaimi and Tyranni and Menurae and Oscines or Passeres
Oscines, Passeres, suborder Oscines, suborder Passeres
two names for the suborder of typical songbirds
Menurae, suborder Menurae
lyrebirds and scrubbirds
Eurylaimi, suborder Eurylaimi
Tyranni, suborder Tyranni
New World flycatchers; antbirds; oven birds; woodhewers
Clamatores, suborder Clamatores
used in some classification systems; a suborder or superfamily nearly coextensive with suborder Tyranni; Passeriformes having relatively simple vocal organs and little power of song; clamatorial birds
Raptores, order Raptores
term used in former classifications; erroneously grouped together birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes
Falconiformes, order Falconiformes
chiefly diurnal carnivorous birds having hooked beaks and long talons with opposable hind toe: falcons; hawks; eagles; ospreys; caracaras; vultures
Strigiformes, order Strigiformes
Caudata, Urodella, order Caudata, order Urodella
salamanders; newts; congo snakes
Anura, Batrachia, Salientia, order Anura, order Batrachia, order Salientia
frogs, toads, tree toads
Gymnophiona, order Gymnophiona
an order of amphibians including caecilians
Labyrinthodonta, Labyrinthodontia, superorder Labyrinthodonta, superorder Labyrinthodontia
extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth; Devonian through Triassic
Stereospondyli, order Stereospondyli
formerly a suborder of Stegocephalia; amphibia having vertebrae whose component elements are fused into a single piece
Stegocephalia, order Stegocephalia
in former classifications a division of class Amphibia comprising all pre-Jurassic and some later extinct large salamandriform amphibia
Temnospondyli, order Temnospondyli
formerly a suborder of Stegocephalia; large Carboniferous and Permian amphibians having vertebrae in which some elements remain separate
Chelonia, Testudinata, Testudines, order Chelonia, order Testudinata, order Testudines
tortoises and turtles
Rhynchocephalia, order Rhynchocephalia
tuataras; extinct forms from middle Triassic
Squamata, order Squamata
diapsid reptiles: snakes and lizards
Lacertilia, Sauria, suborder Lacertilia, suborder Sauria
true lizards; including chameleons and geckos
Crocodilia, Crocodylia, order Crocodilia, order Crocodylia
crocodiles; alligators; caimans; gavials
Loricata, order Loricata
former name for the order Crocodylia
Ornithischia, order Ornithischia
extinct terrestrial reptiles having bird-like pelvises: armored dinosaurs (thyreophorans); boneheaded and horned dinosaurs (marginocephalians); duck-billed dinosaurs (euronithopods)
Thyreophora, suborder Thyreophora, thyreophoran
armored dinosaurs: stegosaurs and ankylosaurs
Marginocephalia, marginocephalian, suborder Marginocephalia
includes boneheaded (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
suborder Pachycephalosaurus
boneheaded dinosaurs; late Cretaceous
Ceratopsia, suborder Ceratopsia
horned dinosaurs
Euronithopoda, Ornithopoda, euronithopod, suborder Euronithopoda, suborder Ornithopoda
widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their early relatives (hadrosaurs, trachodon and iguanodon)
Saurischia, order Saurischia
extinct terrestrial reptiles: theropods (carnivorous); sauropods (herbivorous)
Sauropodomorpha, suborder Sauropodomorpha
gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having huge bodies with long necks and small heads: Prosauropoda and Sauropoda (apatosaurus, diplodocus and titanosaurs)
Prosauropoda, suborder Prosauropoda
the earliest known dinosaurs
Sauropoda, suborder Sauropoda
any of the sauropod dinosaurs
Theropoda, suborder Theropoda
carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs; Jurassic and Cretaceous
suborder Ceratosaura
primitive saurischian dinosaurs
Carnosaura, suborder Carnosaura
largest carnivorous land animals ever known
Ornithomimida, suborder Ornithomimida
lightly built medium-size theropods
Maniraptora, suborder Maniraptora
advanced theropods including oviraptorids and dromaeosaurs and possibly even modern birds
Therapsida, order Therapsida
extinct mammal-like reptiles found inhabiting all continents from the mid Permian to late Triassic
Ictodosauria, order Ictodosauria
extinct reptiles of the later Triassic period
Pelycosauria, order Pelycosauria
edaphosaurus; dimetrodon
Pterosauria, order Pterosauria
extinct flying reptiles: pterosaurs
Thecodontia, order Thecodontia
extinct terrestrial reptiles having teeth set in sockets; of the late Permian to Triassic
Ichthyosauria, order Ichthyosauria
extinct marine reptiles: ichthyosaurs
Sauropterygia, order Sauropterygia
extinct marine reptiles: plesiosaurs; nothosaurs
Plesiosauria, suborder Plesiosauria
any of the plesiosaurs
Nothosauria, suborder Nothosauria
a suborder of Sauropterygia
Ophidia, Serpentes, suborder Ophidia, suborder Serpentes
Opiliones, Phalangida, order Opiliones, order Phalangida
Scorpionida, order Scorpionida
true scorpions
Chelonethida, Pseudoscorpiones, Pseudoscorpionida, order Chelonethida, order Pseudoscorpiones, order Pseudoscorpionida
false scorpions
Pedipalpi, Uropygi, order Pedipalpi, order Uropygi
whip scorpions
Araneae, Araneida, order Araneae, order Araneida
Acarina, order Acarina
mites and ticks
Geophilomorpha, order Geophilomorpha
small elongate centipedes living in soil and under stones and having more than 30 pairs of legs
Pycnogonida, order Pycnogonida
sea spiders
Xiphosura, order Xiphosura
horseshoe crabs and extinct forms
Eurypterida, order Eurypterida
extinct aquatic arthropods of the Paleozoic
Galliformes, order Galliformes
pheasants; turkeys; grouse; partridges; quails; chickens; brush turkeys; curassows; hoatzins
Tinamiformes, order Tinamiformes
coextensive with the family Tinamidae
Columbiformes, order Columbiformes
sand grouse; pigeons; doves; extinct dodos and solitaires
Psittaciformes, order Psittaciformes
an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets
Cuculiformes, order Cuculiformes
cuckoos; touracos; etc.
Coraciiformes, order Coraciiformes
rollers; kingfishers; hornbills; hoopoes; motmots; bee eaters; todies
Picariae, order Picariae
term used in some classifications as nearly equivalent to the order Coraciiformes
Apodiformes, order Apodiformes
swifts; hummingbirds
Caprimulgiformes, order Caprimulgiformes
goatsuckers; frogmouths; oilbirds
Piciformes, order Piciformes
woodpeckers; jacamars; puffbirds; barbets; honey guides; toucans
Trogoniformes, order Trogoniformes
Anseriformes, order Anseriformes
ducks; geese; swans; screamers
Anseres, suborder Anseres
used in some especially older classifications; coextensive with the family Anatidae
Monotremata, order Monotremata
coextensive with the subclass Prototheria
Marsupialia, order Marsupialia
coextensive with the subclass Metatheria
Insectivora, order Insectivora
shrews; moles; hedgehogs; tenrecs
Lipotyphla, suborder Lipotyphla
moles; hedgehogs; true shrews
Menotyphla, suborder Menotyphla
elephant shrews; tree shrews
Siphonophora, order Siphonophora
marine colonial hydrozoans
Actinaria, Actiniaria, order Actinaria, order Actiniaria
sea anemones
Alcyonaria, order Alcyonaria
corals and sea anemones having eight branches
Alcyonacea, suborder Alcyonacea
comprising the soft corals
Gorgonacea, Gorgoniacea, suborder Gorgonacea, suborder Gorgoniacea
red corals and sea fans
Madreporaria, order Madreporaria
stony corals
Cydippea, Cydippida, Cydippidea, order Cydippea, order Cydippida, order Cydippidea
ctenophores having two long pinnate tentacles
Platyctenea, order Platyctenea
an order of Tentaculata
Cestida, order Cestida
ctenophore having short tentacles; one family
Lobata, order Lobata
ctenophore having tentacles only in the immature stage; body compressed vertically having two large oral lobes and four pointed processes
Nudibranchia, order Nudibranchia
comprising numerous marine gastropod mollusks lacking a shell in the adult state and usually having a body like a slug
Pulmonata, order Pulmonata
large order of gastropods usually breathing by means of a lung-like sac comprising most land snails and slugs and many freshwater snails
Pectinibranchia, order Pectinibranchia
large order of gastropods comprising univalve mollusks that have a single gill resembling a comb
Aplacophora, Solenogastres, order Aplacophora, order Solenogastres
an order of Amphineura
Myaceae, order Myaceae
Octopoda, order Octopoda
octopuses and paper nautilus
Decapoda, order Decapoda
squids and cuttlefishes
Belemnoidea, order Belemnoidea
order of extinct dibranchiate cephalopods related to the surviving spirulas
Decapoda, order Decapoda
lobsters; crayfish; crabs; shrimps; prawns
Brachyura, suborder Brachyura
an order of crustaceans (including true crabs) having a reduced abdomen folded against the ventral surface
Reptantia, suborder Reptantia
lobsters; crabs
Natantia, suborder Natantia
shrimp; prawns; etc.
in former classifications a division of Malacostraca; superseded by the orders Mysidacea and Euphausiacea
Euphausiacea, order Euphausiacea
small commonly luminescent crustaceans; important element of marine plankton: krill
Mysidacea, order Mysidacea
opossum shrimp
Stomatopoda, order Stomatopoda
mantis shrimps
Isopoda, order Isopoda
Amphipoda, order Amphipoda
small flat-bodied semiterrestrial crustaceans: whale lice; sand-hoppers; skeleton shrimp
Anostraca, order Anostraca
small aquatic crustaceans lacking a carapace: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps
Notostraca, order Notostraca
small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace
Branchiura, order Branchiura
copepods with suctorial mouthparts; parasitic on fishes
Ciconiiformes, order Ciconiiformes
order of chiefly tropical marsh-dwelling fish-eating wading birds with long legs and bills and (except for flamingos) unwebbed feet: herons; storks; spoonbills; flamingos; ibises
Gruiformes, order Gruiformes
inland marsh-dwelling birds with long legs and necks and bills that wade in water in search of food: cranes; rails; bustards
Otides, suborder Otides
terrestrial game birds of the Old World and Australia: bustards
Charadriiformes, order Charadriiformes
large diverse order of aquatic birds found along seacoasts and inland waters: shorebirds and coastal diving birds; most feed on anima life
Charadrii, suborder Charadrii
shorebirds: plovers; sandpipers; avocets; phalaropes; coursers; stone curlews
Limicolae, suborder Limicolae
term used in some classifications for migratory shorebirds; coextensive with the Charadrii
Lari, suborder Lari
gulls; terns; jaegers; skimmers
Gaviiformes, order Gaviiformes
large aquatic birds: loons and some extinct forms
Colymbiformes, Podicipediformes, Podicipitiformes, order Colymbiformes, order Podicipediformes, order Podicipitiformes
Pelecaniformes, order Pelecaniformes
pelicans; frigate birds; gannets; cormorants
Sphenisciformes, order Sphenisciformes
Procellariiformes, order Procellariiformes
petrels; albatrosses; shearwaters; diving petrels
Cetacea, order Cetacea
an order of Eutheria
Mysticeti, suborder Mysticeti
baleen whales: right whales; rorquals; blue whales; humpbacks
Odontoceti, suborder Odontoceti
toothed whales: dolphins; porpoises; sperm whales; beaked whales
Sirenia, order Sirenia
an animal order including: manatees; dugongs; Steller's sea cow
Carnivora, order Carnivora
cats; lions; tigers; panthers; dogs; wolves; jackals; bears; raccoons; skunks; and members of the suborder Pinnipedia
Pinnipedia, suborder Pinnipedia
seals; sea lions; walruses
Tubulidentata, order Tubulidentata
an order of Eutheria
Chiroptera, order Chiroptera
an old order dating to early Eocene: bats: suborder Megachiroptera (fruit bats); suborder Microchiroptera (insectivorous bats)
Megachiroptera, suborder Megachiroptera
fruit bats
Microchiroptera, suborder Microchiroptera
most of the bats in the world; all bats except fruit bats insectivorous bats
Mantophasmatodea, order mantophasmatodea
an order of insect identified in 2002 in a 45 million year old piece of amber from the Baltic region
Mecoptera, order Mecoptera
an order of carnivorous insects usually having long membranous wings and long beaklike heads with chewing mouths at the tip
Collembola, order Collembola
minute wingless arthropods: springtails
Protura, order Protura
minute wingless arthropods: telsontails
Coleoptera, order Coleoptera
Embiodea, Embioptera, order Embiodea, order Embioptera
web spinners
Anoplura, order Anoplura
sucking lice
Mallophaga, order Mallophaga
biting lice
Siphonaptera, order Siphonaptera
Diptera, order Diptera
a large order of insects having a single pair of wings and sucking or piercing mouths; includes true flies and mosquitoes and gnats and crane flies
Nematocera, suborder Nematocera
mosquitoes; fungus gnats; crane flies; gnats; sand flies
Hymenoptera, order Hymenoptera
an order of insects including: bees; wasps; ants; ichneumons; sawflies; gall wasps; etc.
Isoptera, order Isoptera
order of social insects that live in colonies, including: termites; often placed in subclass Exopterygota
Orthoptera, order Orthoptera
grasshoppers and locusts; crickets
Phasmatodea, Phasmida, order Phasmatodea, order Phasmida
in some classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera: stick insects; leaf insects
Dictyoptera, order Dictyoptera
in some classifications replaced by the orders (here suborders) Blattodea (cockroaches) and Manteodea (mantids); in former classifications often subsumed under a much broader order Orthoptera
Blattaria, Blattodea, suborder Blattaria, suborder Blattodea
cockroaches; in some classifications considered an order
Manteodea, suborder Manteodea
mantises; in former classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera
Hemiptera, order Hemiptera
plant bugs; bedbugs; some true bugs; also includes suborders Heteroptera (true bugs) and Homoptera (e.g., aphids, plant lice and cicadas)
Heteroptera, suborder Heteroptera
true bugs
Homoptera, suborder Homoptera
plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects
Corrodentia, Psocoptera, order Corrodentia, order Psocoptera
an order of insects: includes booklice and bark-lice
Ephemerida, Ephemeroptera, order Ephemerida, order Ephemeroptera
Plecoptera, order Plecoptera
Neuroptera, order Neuroptera
an order of insects including: lacewings; antlions; dobsonflies; alderflies; fish flies; mantispids; spongeflies
Megaloptera, suborder Megaloptera
in some classifications considered a separate order: alderflies; dobsonflies; snake flies
Odonata, order Odonata
dragonflies and damselflies
Anisoptera, suborder Anisoptera
Zygoptera, suborder Zygoptera
Trichoptera, order Trichoptera
an order of insects consisting of caddis flies
Thysanura, order Thysanura
firebrats; silverfish; machilids
Thysanoptera, order Thysanoptera
Dermaptera, order Dermaptera
earwigs and a few related forms
Lepidoptera, order Lepidoptera
moths and butterflies
Exocycloida, order Exocycloida
flat sea urchins
Spatangoida, order Spatangoida
heart-shaped sea urchins
Lagomorpha, order Lagomorpha
rabbits; hares; pikas; formerly considered the suborder Duplicidentata of the order Rodentia
Rodentia, order Rodentia
small gnawing animals: porcupines; rats; mice; squirrels; marmots; beavers; gophers; voles; hamsters; guinea pigs; agoutis
Myomorpha, suborder Myomorpha
true rats and mice and related rodents
Hystricomorpha, suborder Hystricomorpha
an order of rodents including: porcupines; guinea pigs; chinchillas; etc.
Sciuromorpha, suborder Sciuromorpha
large more or less primitive rodents: squirrels; marmots; gophers; beavers; etc.
Dinocerata, order Dinocerata
small order of primitive ungulates of the Paleocene and Eocene
Hyracoidea, order Hyracoidea
hyraxes and some extinct animals
Perissodactyla, order Perissodactyla
nonruminant ungulates: horses; tapirs; rhinoceros; extinct forms
Artiodactyla, order Artiodactyla
an order of hooved mammals of the subclass Eutheria (including pigs and peccaries and hippopotami and members of the suborder Ruminantia) having an even number of functional toes
Ruminantia, suborder Ruminantia
cattle; bison; sheep; goats; antelopes; deer; chevrotains; giraffes; camels
Edentata, order Edentata
order of mammals having few or no teeth including: New World anteaters; sloths; armadillos
Xenarthra, suborder Xenarthra
armadillos; American anteaters; sloths
Pholidota, order Pholidota
pangolins; in some former classifications included in the order Edentata
Primates, order Primates
an animal order including lemurs and tarsiers and monkeys and apes and human beings
Anthropoidea, suborder Anthropoidea
monkeys; apes; hominids
Scandentia, order Scandentia
a small order comprising only the tree shrews: in some classifications tree shrews are considered either primates (and included in the suborder Prosimii) or true insectivores (and included in the order Insectivora)
Prosimii, suborder Prosimii
not used in all classifications; in some classifications considered coextensive with the Lemuroidea; in others includes both Lemuroidea and Tarsioidea
Lemuroidea, suborder Lemuroidea
Lemuridae; Lorisidae; Daubentoniidae; Indriidae; used in some classifications instead of Prosimii; in others considered a subdivision of Prosimii
Strepsirhini, suborder Strepsirhini
in some classifications either coextensive with the Lemuroidea or comprising the true lemurs
Tarsioidea, suborder Tarsioidea
in some classifications assigned to the suborder Prosimii
Dermoptera, order Dermoptera
flying lemurs
Proboscidea, order Proboscidea
an order of animals including elephants and mammoths
Siluriformes, order Siluriformes
an order of fish belonging to the superorder Malacopterygii including catfishes
Gadiformes, order Gadiformes
cods, haddocks, grenadiers; in some classifications considered equivalent to the order Anacanthini
Anacanthini, order Anacanthini
at least partially equivalent to the order Gadiformes in some classifications
Anguilliformes, order Anguilliformes, order Apodes
elongate fishes with pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced
Isospondyli, order Isospondyli
most primitive teleost fishes; all are soft-finned: salmon; trout; herring; shad; sardines; anchovies; whitefish; smelts; tarpon
Order Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossiformes
teleost fish with bony tongues
Pediculati, order Pediculati
anglers and batfishes; spiny-finned marine fishes having pectoral fins at the ends of armlike processes and a long movable spine on the dorsal fin to lure prey to the large mouth
Synentognathi, order Synentognathi
order of fishes having spineless fins; needlefishes; sauries; flying fishes; halfbeaks
Acanthopterygii, superorder Acanthopterygii
teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays
Perciformes, Percomorphi, order Perciformes, order Percomorphi
one of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water: true perches; basses; tuna
Percoidea, suborder Percoidea
in some classifications nearly or exactly equivalent to the Perciformes which are considered a suborder
Discocephali, order Discocephali
small order of fishes comprising the remoras
Mugiloidea, suborder Mugiloidea
fishes distinguished by abdominal pelvic fins: families Mugilidae; Atherinidae; Sphyraenidae
Blennioidea, suborder Blennioidea
blennies; butterfishes; gunnels
Scombroidea, suborder Scombroidea
mackerels; tunas; albacores; bonitos; swordfishes; sailfishes
Ganoidei, order Ganoidei
a group of mostly extinct primitive bony fishes characterized by armor-like bony scales
Scleroparei, order Scleroparei
scorpionfishes; sculpins; gurnards; greenlings; flying gurnards
Scorpaenoidea, suborder Scorpaenoidea
mail-cheeked fishes: scorpionfishes; gurnards
Plectognathi, order Plectognathi, order Tetraodontiformes
boxfishes; filefishes; globefishes; ocean sunfishes; triggerfishes; puffers
Heterosomata, order Heterosomata, order Pleuronectiformes
flatfishes: halibut; sole; flounder; plaice; turbot; tonguefishes
Daubentoniidae, family Daubentoniidae
comprising solely the aye-aye
(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families




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