

单词 simple
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Simple refers to something that's easy and uncomplicated, without too many steps to follow.
Simple comes from the Latin word for single (simplus). Simple things are often solo, like a simple dress or directions with one step. A teacher might advise you to KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). What could be bad about a word for something easy? Well, it's not that simple. It can be an insult. If you call your little brother simple when he can't tie his shoes, you mean he isn't very smart. Rude!
simple / simplistic

Simple has a rich etymology and has kept most of its meanings throughout the centuries. It began life in the early 1200s as meaning humble or ignorant:

They were simple, ignorant, harmless children of Nature; with no knowledge of soul, mind, God or heaven.

By the late 1200s, simple also meant low-ranking:

This language, in spite of the complex influences which went to the making of the nationality of France, was of a simple origin.

About 1300, it had add pure to its list of meanings, and in the early 1400s, it also meant made of just one thing, the opposite of composite. By 1550, simple could also be used to mean not complicated.

Sometime during all this, simple was also used as a noun to mean a plant or an herb used for medicine. To simple was to collect such a plant, and a simplist was someone who did the collecting. If a given plant had simplistic virtues, it had the virtues of a simple. If your cousin had simplistic talents, she was good at making use of simples.

The medicinal simple has long since disappeared from everyday English, but simplistic has survived. By 1881, it had come into its modern meaning of trying to explain something complicated as being simpler than it is; that is, oversimplifying:

Joe Ollinger offers simplistic answers to the complex issues we face.

What simplistic does not mean, however, is simple or easy:

The game offers simplistic controls for the entire family to enjoy.

Don't be fooled by salesmen pitching simplistic products. Unless he's selling medieval medicine, he's probably too simple to know what he is selling.

simple: simmpleness, simpleness, simpler, simples, simplest, simplicity, simplify, simplism, simplistic, simply+/oversimplification: oversimplifications/oversimplify: oversimplification, oversimplified, oversimplifies, oversimplifying/simplicity: simplicities/simplification: simplifications/simplify: oversimplify, simplification, simplified, simplifies, simplifying/simplism: simplisms/simplistic: simplistically
Whether it’s simple dry skin or a specific skin condition, try these tips:
Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016)
Maybe it’s the illustrations, simple black-and-white line drawings of slightly pudgy people in baggy T-shirts and pants doing really simple maneuvers.
Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016)
It seems as though it should be simple: Just exercise to burn more calories and reduce your calorie intake.
Washington Post(Dec 29, 2016)
1adj having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved
a simple problem
simple mechanisms
a simple design
a simple substance
posing no difficulty; requiring little effort
not elaborate or elaborated; simple
(botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions
having only one part or element
characterized by extreme and often misleading simplicity
unanalyzable, undecomposable
representing the furthest possible extent of analysis or division into parts
uncomplicated, unsophisticated
lacking complexity
complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts
difficult, hard
not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure
composed of more than one part
analyzable, decomposable
capable of being partitioned
Byzantine, convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous
highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
colonial, compound
composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony
difficult to analyze or understand
consisting of separate interconnected parts
consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts
complex and ingenious in design or function
extremely intricate; usually in phrase `Gordian knot'
interlacing, interlinking, interlocking, interwoven
linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing
having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate
labyrinthian, labyrinthine, mazy
resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity
involving or depending on several factors or causes (especially pertaining to a condition or disease resulting from the interaction of many genes)
having many parts or aspects
becoming more intricate or complex
2adj apart from anything else; without additions or modifications
the simple passage of time was enough
the simple truth
bare, mere
not elaborate or elaborated; simple
3adj easy and not involved or complicated
a simple game
elementary, uncomplicated, unproblematic
posing no difficulty; requiring little effort
4adj unornamented
a simple country schoolhouse
her black dress-- simple to austerity
not elaborate or elaborated; simple
5adj exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity
childlike, dewy-eyed, round-eyed, wide-eyed
naif, naive
marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience
6adj lacking mental capacity and subtlety
dim-witted, simple-minded
relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development
7adj (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions
acerate, acerose, acicular, needle-shaped
narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves
(of a leaf shape) narrowing to a slender point
(of a leaf shape) having a short sharply pointed tip
(of a leaf shape) tapering gradually into a long taillike tip
cordate, cordiform, heart-shaped
(of a leaf) shaped like a heart
cuneate, wedge-shaped
(of a leaf shape) narrowly triangular, wider at the apex and tapering toward the base
triangular or suggesting a capital delta, with a point at the apex
dolabrate, dolabriform
having the shape of the head of an ax or cleaver
(of a leaf shape) in the form of an ellipse
bladelike, ensiform, sword-shaped, swordlike
shaped like a sword blade
hastate, spearhead-shaped
(of a leaf shape) like a spear point, with flaring pointed lobes at the base
lancelike, lanceolate
(of a leaf shape) shaped like a lance head; narrow and tapering to a pointed apex
elongate, linear
(of a leaf shape) long and narrow
(of a leaf shape) having curvature suggestive of a lyre
of trees whose leaves are acerate
(of conifers) having two needles
(of conifers) having three needles
(of conifers) having four needles
(of conifers) having five needles
(of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex
(of a leaf shape) having a broad rounded apex and a tapering base
(of a leaf shape) having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides
(of a leaf shape) egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base
orbicular, orbiculate
circular or nearly circular
of a leaf shape; egg-shaped with the broader end at the base
fiddle-shaped, pandurate, panduriform
(of a leaf shape) having rounded ends and a contracted center
peltate, shield-shaped
(of a leaf shape) round, with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin (as a nasturtium leaf for example)
(of a leaf) having the base united around (and apparently pierced by) the stem
kidney-shaped, reniform
(of a leaf or bean shape) resembling the shape of kidney
arrow-shaped, sagittate, sagittiform
(of a leaf shape) like an arrow head without flaring base lobes
spatula-shaped, spatulate
(of a leaf shape) having a broad rounded apex and a narrow base
without lobes
of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth
composed of more than one part
bilobate, bilobated, bilobed
having two lobes
growing in two parts or in pairs
divided into two portions almost to the base
of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns)
pinnatifid with the segments also pinnatifid
cleft, dissected
having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib
(of a pinnate leaflet) having only one pair of leaflets
of a compound leaf; consisting of divisions that are themselves compound
abruptly-pinnate, even-pinnate, paripinnate
(of a leaf shape) pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex
sharply and deeply indented
lobate, lobed
having deeply indented margins but with lobes not entirely separate from each other
imparipinnate, odd-pinnate
(a leaf shape) pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex
palm-shaped, palmate
of a leaf shape; having leaflets or lobes radiating from a common point
of a leaf shape; palmately cleft rather than lobed
having a margin incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes
of a leaf shape; having radiating lobes, each deeply cleft or divided
pinnate, pinnated
(of a leaf shape) featherlike; having leaflets on each side of a common axis
(of a leaf shape) cleft nearly to the midrib in broad divisions not separated into distinct leaflets
(of a leaf shape) cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets
(of a leaf shape) having five leaflets
having rays or ray-like parts as in the flower heads of daisies
(of a leaf shape) consisting of three leaflets or sections
trifoliate, trifoliated, trifoliolate
(of a leaf shape) having three leaflets
three-lobed, trilobate, trilobated, trilobed
(of a leaf shape) divided into three lobes
tripinnate, tripinnated
(of a leaf shape) thrice pinnate
(of a leaf shape) bipinnatifid with segments pinnatifid
complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts
of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth
of the margin of a leaf shape; having the edge cut or fringed or scalloped
8n a person lacking intelligence or common sense
a buffoon in modern pantomimes; the butt of jokes
a flighty scatterbrained simpleton
dimwit, doofus, half-wit, nitwit
a stupid incompetent person
a silly empty-headed person
boob, booby, dope, dumbbell, dummy, pinhead
an ignorant or foolish person
fool, muggins, sap, saphead, tomfool
a person who lacks good judgment
changeling, cretin, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, retard
a person of subnormal intelligence
idiot savant
person who is mentally retarded in general but who displays remarkable aptitude in some limited field (usually involving memory)
nebbech, nebbish
(Yiddish) a timid unfortunate simpleton
nincompoop, ninny, poop
a stupid foolish person
forgetful person, scatterbrain
a flighty and disorganized person
schlemiel, shlemiel
(Yiddish) a dolt who is a habitual bungler
schlep, schlepper, shlep, shlepper
(Yiddish) an awkward and stupid person
schnook, shnook
(Yiddish) a gullible simpleton more to be pitied than despised
a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon
space cadet
someone who seems unable to respond appropriately to reality (as if under the influence of some narcotic drug)
lame, square
someone who doesn't understand what is going on
dolt, dullard, pillock, poor fish, pudden-head, pudding head, stupe, stupid, stupid person
a person who is not very bright
a person of less than normal intelligence
twerp, twirp, twit
someone who is regarded as contemptible
a pompous fool
a stupid person who is easy to take advantage of
buffoon, clown
a rude or vulgar fool
blockhead, bonehead, dumbass, dunce, dunderhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, lunkhead, muttonhead, numskull
a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence
flibbertigibbet, foolish woman
a foolish, flighty, and overly talkative person
a stupid despised man
bozo, cuckoo, fathead, goof, goofball, goose, jackass, zany
a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
(Yiddish) a clumsy dolt
meshuggeneh, meshuggener
(Yiddish) a crazy fool
a person suffering from Down syndrome (no longer used technically in this sense)
a learned fool
(Yiddish) a fool; an idiot
a silly and inept person; someone who is regarded as stupid
individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul
a human being
9n any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties
herb, herbaceous plant
a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests




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