单词 | fern genus |
释义 | fern genus (extremely rare) n WORD FAMILY fern genus n genera of ferns and fern allies Hypo|Hyper genus Pecopteris genus of Carboniferous fossil ferns Hymenophyllum, genus Hymenophyllumtype genus of the Hymenophyllaceae: filmy ferns Trichomanes, genus Trichomanesbristle ferns; kidney ferns genus Osmundatype genus of the Osmundaceae Leptopteris, genus Leptopterisincluding some ferns sometimes placed in genus Todea Todea, genus Todeaa genus of delicate ferns belonging to the family Osmundaceae Schizaea, genus Schizaeatype genus of the Schizaeaceae cosmopolitan especially in tropics; small leptosporangiate ferns: curly grass fern Anemia, genus Anemiagenus of terrestrial or lithophytic ferns having pinnatifid fronds; chiefly of tropical America Lygodium, genus Lygodiumchiefly tropical climbing ferns Mohria, genus MohriaAfrican terrestrial ferns Marsilea, genus Marsileaclover ferns Pilularia, genus Pilulariapillworts genus Regnellidiumone species of aquatic or semiaquatic fern Salvinia, genus Salviniatype genus of the Salviniaceae: water ferns Azolla, genus Azollaa genus of fern sometimes placed in its own family Azollaceae Ophioglossum, genus Ophioglossumthe type genus of the fern family Ophioglossaceae Botrychium, genus Botrychiumgrape fern; moonwort Helminthostachys, genus Helminthostachysone species: terrestrial fern of southeastern Asia and Australia Gleichenia, genus Gleicheniatype genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; South Africa to Malaysia and New Zealand Dicranopteris, genus Dicranopteristerrestrial ferns of forest margin or open ground; pantropical Diplopterygium, genus Diplopterygiumscandent thicket-forming ferns of Asia to western Pacific Sticherus, genus Sticherusumbrella ferns; warm regions of Australia and New Zealand Ceratopteris, genus Ceratopteriswater ferns Polypodium, genus Polypodiuma genus of ferns belonging to the family Polypodiaceae and having rounded naked sori Aglaomorpha, genus Aglaomorphaepiphytic ferns of tropical Asia Campyloneurum, genus Campyloneurumepiphytic ferns of tropical America Drymoglossum, genus Drymoglossumepiphytic ferns of Madagascar to tropical Asia and New Guinea Drynaria, genus Drynarialarge robust epiphytic ferns of tropical forest and scrub; Africa and Asia and Australia genus Lecanopterisepiphytic ferns of southeastern Asia to New Guinea Microgramma, genus Microgrammaepiphytic ferns of tropical America and Africa Microsorium, genus Microsoriumtropical usually epiphytic ferns; Africa to Asia and Polynesia to Australia Phlebodium, genus Phlebodiumchiefly epiphytic tropical ferns with free veins bearing sori Platycerium, genus Platyceriumoften epiphytic tropical Old World ferns Pyrrosia, genus Pyrrosiaepiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial ferns of tropical Old World Solanopteris, genus Solanopteristropical American epiphytic ferns having rhizomes with tubers and roots as well as scales Cyclophorus, genus Cyclophorustropical Old World ferns having closely crowded circular sori and no indusia Vittaria, genus Vittariatropical epiphytic ferns with straplike fronds Asplenium, genus Aspleniumin some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae Camptosorus, genus Camptosorusclassification used in some especially former systems for plants usually placed in genus Asplenium Ceterach, genus Ceterachsmall genus of Old World ferns; superseded in some classification systems which place plants of this genus in e.g. genera Asplenium and Pleurosorus Pleurosorus, genus Pleurosorussmall genus comprising terrestrial ferns; found in Chile and Spain and Morocco and Australia and New Zealand Schaffneria, genus Schaffneriaone species Phyllitis, genus Phyllitis, genus Scolopendriuma genus of ferns belonging to the family Polypodiaceae (in some classification systems included in genus Asplenium) Blechnum, genus Blechnumin some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae; terrestrial ferns of cosmopolitan distribution mainly in southern hemisphere: hard ferns Doodia, genus Doodiain some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae; small terrestrial colony-forming ferns of Australasia Sadleria, genus Sadlerialow tree ferns with large fronds; in rain forests and on lava flows of Hawaiian Islands Stenochlaena, genus Stenochlaenalarge tropical ferns; some epiphytic climbers and some terrestrial bog ferns; Africa; Asia; Australasia Woodwardia, genus Woodwardiain some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae: chain ferns Cyathea, genus Cyatheatype genus of the Cyatheaceae: tree ferns of the tropical rain forest to temperate woodlands genus DavalliaOld World tropical fern; in some classification systems placed directly in family Polypodiaceae Dennstaedtia, genus Dennstaedtiachiefly terrestrial ferns; in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae Pteridium, genus Pteridiuma genus of ferns belonging to the family Dennstaedtiaceae Dicksonia, genus Dicksoniatree ferns of temperate Australasia having bipinnatifid or tripinnatifid fronds and usually marginal sori; in some classification systems placed in family Cyatheaceae Cibotium, genus Cibotiumin some classification systems placed in family Cyatheaceae: ornamental tree ferns with coarse gracefully drooping fronds Culcita, genus Culcitaincludes some plants usually placed in e.g. genus Dicksonia: terrestrial ferns resembling bracken; tropical America; Malaysia to Australia and Polynesia; southwestern Europe and Atlantic islands genus Thyrsopterisone species Dryopteris, genus Dryopterislarge widespread genus of medium-sized terrestrial ferns; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae Athyrium, genus Athyriumtemperate and tropical lady ferns; in some classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or in the genus Asplenium Cyrtomium, genus Cyrtomiumsmall genus of tropical Asiatic greenhouse ferns; in some classifications placed in Polypodiaceae Cystopteris, genus Cystopterischiefly small perennial rock ferns: bladder ferns; in some classifications placed in Polypodiaceae Deparia, genus Depariaclassification used for 5 species of terrestrial ferns usually placed in other genera Diacalpa, genus Diacalpaone species: delicate fern of foothills of Himalayas Gymnocarpium, genus Gymnocarpiumoak ferns: in some classification systems included in genus Thelypteris Lastreopsis, genus Lastreopsistropical terrestrial shield ferns Matteuccia, Pteretis, genus Matteuccia, genus Pteretissmall genus sometimes included in genus Onoclea; in some classifications both genera are placed in Polypodiaceae Olfersia, genus Olfersiagenus of fern having only one species Onoclea, genus Onocleaone species: sensitive fern; in some classifications included in Polypodiaceae Polybotria, Polybotrya, genus Polybotria, genus Polybotryatropical American ferns; usually terrestrial when young but scandent later Polystichum, genus Polystichumsmall to medium-sized terrestrial ferns especially holly ferns; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae Rumohra, genus Rumohraleatherleaf ferns: in some classifications included in genus Polystichum Tectaria, genus Tectariaterrestrial or epilithic ferns of tropical rain forests genus Woodsiagenus of small to medium-sized usually rock-inhabiting ferns of temperate and cold regions; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae Bolbitis, genus Bolbitisterrestrial or less than normally scandent ferns of tropical regions of northern hemisphere Lomogramma, genus Lomogrammalarge scandent ferns of southeastern Asia Lophosoria, genus Lophosoriaone species: tree fern of Central and South America Loxoma, genus Loxomaone species of terrestrial ferns of New Zealand Oleandra, genus Oleandraor family Polypodiaceae: tropical epiphytic or terrestrial ferns Arthropteris, genus Arthropteristropical and subtropical Old World epiphytic or lithophytic ferns Nephrolepis, genus Nephrolepissmall genus of tropical ferns; sometimes placed in Polypodiaceae Acrostichum, genus Acrostichumin some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae Actiniopteris, genus Actiniopteristerrestrial ferns of tropical Asia and Africa Adiantum, genus Adiantumcosmopolitan genus of ferns: maidenhair ferns; in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae Anogramma, genus Anogrammaa genus of ferns belonging to the family Pteridaceae Cheilanthes, genus Cheilanthessmall evergreen ferns: lipferns; in some classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae Coniogramme, genus Coniogrammeterrestrial ferns of Pacific islands and Asia Cryptogramma, genus Cryptogrammasometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae or Cryptogrammataceae Doryopteris, genus Doryopterissmall to medium tropical tufted ferns; sometimes placed in family Adiantaceae Jamesonia, genus Jamesoniaxerophytic ferns of South America Onychium, genus Onychiumsmall terrestrial ferns of Old World tropics and subtropics: clawed ferns; sometimes placed in family Cryptogrammataceae Pellaea, genus Pellaeagenus of chiefly small rock-loving ferns; in some classification systems it is placed in the family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae Pityrogramma, genus Pityrogrammaterrestrial tropical ferns having fronds with powdery yellowish or white undersides; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae Pteris, genus Pterislarge genus of terrestrial ferns of tropics and subtropics; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae Marattia, genus Marattiatype genus of the Marattiaceae: ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows genus Angiopterisone species: tree fern Danaea, genus Danaeafairly small terrestrial ferns of tropical America Psilotum, genus Psilotumtype genus of the Psilotaceae genus Psilophytontype genus of the Psilophytaceae: genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia Rhynia, genus Rhyniatype genus of the Rhyniaceae; small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes Horneophyton, genus HorneophytonDevonian fossil plant considered one of the earliest forms of vascular land plants; similar to genus Rhynia but smaller Equisetum, genus Equisetumhorsetails; coextensive with the family Equisetaceae Lycopodium, genus Lycopodiumtype and sole genus of the Lycopodiaceae; erect or creeping evergreen plants often used for Christmas decorations Selaginella, genus Selaginellatype and sole genus of the Selaginellaceae; evergreen moss-like plants: spike moss and little club moss Isoetes, genus Isoetestype and genus of the Isoetaceae and sole extant genus of the order Isoetales Thelypteris, genus Thelypterismarsh ferns: in some classification systems considered part of genus Dryopteris in family Dryopteridaceae Amauropelta, genus Amauropeltaepiphytic or terrestrial ferns of America and Africa and Polynesia genus Christellamedium to large terrestrial ferns of tropical forests of Old World to Americas Cyclosorus, genus Cyclosorussmall genus of terrestrial ferns of tropical and subtropical southern hemisphere Goniopteris, genus Goniopteristerrestrial ferns of Florida and West Indies to Central and South America Macrothelypteris, genus Macrothelypterismedium to large terrestrial ferns of tropical Asia to Polynesia and Australia; naturalized in Americas Meniscium, genus Menisciumterrestrial ferns of tropical Americas Oreopteris, genus Oreopteris3 species of ferns formerly included in genus Dryopteris or Thelypteris Parathelypteris, genus Parathelypteristerrestrial ferns of warm and tropical Asia and North America Phegopteris, genus Phegopterisbeech ferns: genus is variously classified: considered alternative name for genus Dryopteris or included in genus Thelypteris genus (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
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