单词 | position |
释义 | position (once / 31 pages) 1nv 2n 3n 4n 5n A position is the point where something is located, as on a map, or the posture it's arranged in, such as an "upright position." Position has many meanings. As a noun it can be a job or post in an organization (an "open position" is a job opening); the role assigned to the individual player of a team sport (guard, forward, and center are basketball positions); a view or perspective on a particular issue; or the place an item occupies on a list or sequence (in racing, "pole position" is first, on the inside). As a verb it can mean lay, place, pose, or set. WORD FAMILYposition: positionable, positional, positioned, positioning, positions+/positional: positionally USAGE EXAMPLESWhen a child is raised with creationism — as MacMillan was — it’s the default position. Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016) We rebuke their positions on Israel, sort of. Washington Post(Dec 28, 2016) Would any nation in its right mind support the positions of a neighboring entity calling for the nation’s destruction? Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1n the particular portion of space occupied by something Syn|Hypo|Hyper place wing (in flight formation) a position to the side and just to the rear of another aircraft half-mast, half-staffa position some distance below the top of a mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress lead(baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base pole positionthe most favorable position at the start of a race pollsthe place where people vote pride of placethe first or highest or most important or most ostentatious place anomaly(astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun) site, situationphysical position in relation to the surroundings settingthe physical position of something juxtapositiona side-by-side position lieposition or manner in which something is situated post, stationthe position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand pitcha vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk) landmarkthe position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape rightlocation near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east leftlocation near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east back, rearthe part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer frontthe part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer standthe position where a thing or person stands station(nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty vantageplace or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective) bridgeheada defensive post at the end of a bridge nearest to the enemy cabstand, taxi rank, taxistanda place where taxis park while awaiting customers lookout, observation postan elevated post affording a wide view outpost, outstationa station in a remote or sparsely populated location active sitethe part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs close quartersa situation of being uncomfortably close to someone or something locusthe specific site of a particular gene on its chromosome locus of infectionthe specific site in the body where an infection originates restriction sitethe specific sites at which a restriction enzyme will cleave DNA right stage, stage rightthe part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience left stage, stage leftthe part of the stage on the actor's left as the actor faces the audience vantage point, viewpointa place from which something can be viewed antigenic determinant, determinant, epitopethe site on the surface of an antigen molecule to which an antibody attaches itself point the precise location of something; a spatially limited location 2n the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated the position of the hands on the clock Syn|Hypo|Hyper spatial relation occlusion (dentistry) the normal spatial relation of the teeth when the jaws are closed inclination, lean, leaning, list, tiltthe property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical gradient, slopethe property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal arrangement, placementthe spatial property of the way in which something is placed point of viewthe spatial property of the position from which something is observed coincidencethe quality of occupying the same position or area in space dead center, dead centrethe position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque centralitythe property of being central marginalitythe property of being marginal or on the fringes anterioritythe quality of being in front or (in lower animals) toward the head posterioritythe quality of being toward the back or toward the rear end externality, outwardnessthe quality or state of being outside or directed toward or relating to the outside or exterior inwardnessthe quality or state of being inward or internal malposition, misplacementfaulty position northernnessthe property of being to the north southernnessthe property of being to the south horizontalitythe quality of being parallel to the horizon erectness, uprightness, verticality, verticalnessposition at right angles to the horizon slota position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable elbow room, room, wayspace for movement directionthe spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves angular positionrelation by which any position with respect to any other position is established formationa particular spatial arrangement seating, seating area, seating room, seatsan area that includes places where several people can sit standing roomroom for passengers or spectators to stand worldlinessconcern with worldly affairs to the neglect of spiritual needs gradethe gradient of a slope or road or other surface pitch, rake, slantdegree of deviation from a horizontal plane abruptness, precipitousness, steepnessthe property possessed by a slope that is very steep gentleness, gradualnessthe property possessed by a slope that is very gradual columniation(architecture) the arrangement of columns (especially freestanding columns) in a structure camera anglethe point of view of a camera composing, compositionthe spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole fenestrationthe arrangement of windows in a building balance, proportion, proportionalityharmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design) alignmentthe spatial property possessed by an arrangement or position of things in a straight line or in parallel lines misalignmentthe spatial property of things that are not properly aligned ramificationan arrangement of branching parts spacing, spatial arrangementthe property possessed by an array of things that have space between them tandeman arrangement of two or more objects or persons one behind another breathing room, breathing spacesufficient room for easy breathing or movement clearance, headroom, headwayvertical space available to allow easy passage under something houseroomspace for accommodation in a house lebensraum, living spacespace sought for occupation by a nation whose population is expanding parkingspace in which vehicles can be parked sea roomspace for maneuver at sea frontagethe direction in which something (such as a building) faces orientationposition or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions oppositiona direction opposite to another windwardthe direction from which the wind is coming leewardthe direction in which the wind is blowing seawardthe direction toward the sea compass point, pointany of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass compass north, magnetic north, norththe direction in which a compass needle points norththe direction corresponding to the northward cardinal compass point northeastthe direction corresponding to the northeastward compass point eastthe direction corresponding to the eastward cardinal compass point southeastthe direction corresponding to the southeastward compass point souththe direction corresponding to the southward cardinal compass point southwestthe direction corresponding to the southwestward compass point westthe direction corresponding to the westward cardinal compass point northwestthe direction corresponding to the northwestward compass point ALT, EL, altitude, elevationangular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object) depressionangular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object) relation an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together 3n an item on a list or in a sequence moved from third to fifth position Syn|Hypo|Hyper place postposition (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element after another (as placing a modifier after the word that it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix after the base to which it is attached) preposition(linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached) item, point a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list 4n the act of putting something in a certain place Syn|Hypo|Hyper emplacement, locating, location, placement, positioning stratification the placing of seeds in damp sand or sawdust or peat moss in order to preserve them or promote germination apposition, collocation, juxtapositionthe act of positioning close together (or side by side) interposition, interventionthe act or fact of interposing one thing between or among others orientationthe act of orienting plantingthe act of fixing firmly in place implantationthe act of planting or setting in the ground repositioningthe act of placing in a new position setthe act of putting something in position superpositionthe placement of one thing on top of another fingeringthe placement of the fingers for playing different notes (or sequences of notes) on a musical instrument superposition(geometry) the placement of one object ideally in the position of another one in order to show that the two coincide tessellationthe careful juxtaposition of shapes in a pattern activity any specific behavior 5n the appropriate or customary location the cars were in position Hyper point the precise location of something; a spatially limited location 6n a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons Syn|Hypo|Hyper military position ground a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle) linea fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops) firing linethe line from which soldiers deliver fire battlefront, front, front linethe line along which opposing armies face each other line of battlea line formed by troops or ships prepared to deliver or receive an attack battle linethe line along which warring troops meet point the precise location of something; a spatially limited location 7v put into a certain place or abstract location Syn|Hypo|Hyper lay, place, pose, put, set enclose, inclose, insert, introduce, put in, stick in introduce docketplace on the docket for legal action cockset the trigger of a firearm back for firing postposeplace after another constituent in the sentence preposeplace before another constituent in the sentence stepplace (a ship's mast) in its step put back, replaceput something back where it belongs stratifyform, arrange, or deposit in layers plantplace something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive intersperseplace at intervals in or among nestle, snuggleposition comfortably pileplace or lay as if in a pile arrange, set upput into a proper or systematic order lay over, superimpose, superposeplace on top of superposeplace (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincide parkplace temporarily ensconce, settlefix firmly disposeplace or put in a particular order emplaceput into place or position emplaceprovide a new emplacement for guns shipplace on board a ship underlayput (something) under or beneath trenchset, plant, or bury in a trench pigeonholeplace into a small compartment shelveplace on a shelf jarplace in a cylindrical vessel reposeto put something (e.g. trust) in something signplace signs, as along a road middleput in the middle parallelizeplace parallel to one another buttplace end to end without overlapping recessput into a recess repositionplace into another position throw, thrustplace or put with great energy tee, tee upplace on a tee rack upplace in a rack coffinplace into a coffin bedput to bed apposeplace side by side or in close proximity place down, put down, set downcause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place seed, sowplace (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth misplaceplace or position wrongly; put in the wrong position juxtaposeplace side by side set downput or settle into a position bottleput into bottles bucketput into a bucket barrelput in barrels groundplace or put on the ground pillow, restrest on or as if on a pillow lose, mislay, misplaceplace (something) where one cannot find it again upendset, turn, or stand on end seat, sit, sit downshow to a seat; assign a seat for seatplace in or on a seat lay, put down, reposeput in a horizontal position place upright, stand, stand upput into an upright position reclinecause to recline plant, setput or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground instal, install, put in, set upset up for use deposit, fix, posit, situateput (something somewhere) firmly ladleput (a liquid) into a container by means of a ladle poisecause to be balanced or suspended leancause to lean or incline clapput quickly or forcibly restput something in a resting position, as for support or steadying perchcause to perch or sit loadput (something) on a structure or conveyance cramput something somewhere so that the space is completely filled setput into a position that will restore a normal state siphonmove a liquid from one container into another by means of a siphon or a siphoning action seatplace or attach firmly in or on a base glycerolise, glycerolizeplace in glycerol spaceplace at intervals marshalplace in proper rank settle, settle downsettle into a position, usually on a surface or ground throwto put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly imbricateplace so as to overlap pluginsert as a plug pluginsert a plug into inoculateintroduce a microorganism into insetset or place in glassput in a glass container catheterise, catheterizeinsert a catheter into (a body part) cupput into a cup interlard, intersperseintroduce one's writing or speech with certain expressions feed, feed inintroduce continuously slipinsert inconspicuously or quickly or quietly foistinsert surreptitiously or without warrant regularise, regularizemake regular or more regular orderplace in a certain order orderbring order to or into straightenmake straight or straighter rearrangeput into a new order or arrangement serialise, serializearrange serially alphabetise, alphabetizearrange in alphabetical order coordinate, organise, organizebring order and organization to interstratifyarrange rocks in alternating strata stratifyform layers or strata deployplace troops or weapons in battle formation aim, direct, take, take aim, trainpoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards buryplace in the earth and cover with soil hang upput a telephone receiver back in its cradle draw, string, threadthread on or as if on a string marshalarrange in logical order stringstretch out or arrange like a string spread out, string outset out or stretch in a line, succession, or series interleaveintersperse the sectors on the concentric magnetic circular patterns written on a computer disk surface to guide the storing and recording of data plume, preenclean with one's bill stackarrange the order of so as to increase one's winning chances chainconnect or arrange into a chain by linking geminate, pairarrange in pairs concordarrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance cascadearrange (open windows) on a computer desktop so that they overlap each other, with the title bars visible settlearrange or fix in the desired order pyramidarrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid corralarrange wagons so that they form a corral catenate, catenulatearrange in a series of rings or chains, as for spores decorate, dressprovide with decoration developsuperimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without stretching, in geometry array, lay out, range, set outlay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line bundle, compact, pack, wadcompress into a wad reshipplace on a ship again or transfer to another ship reducereposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site popput or thrust suddenly and forcefully flump, plank, plonk, plop, plump, plump down, plunk, plunk downset (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise broadcastsow over a wide area, especially by hand inseminate, sow, sow inplace seeds in or on (the ground) scattersow by scattering raillay with rails heap, pile, stackarrange in stacks distribute, staggerto arrange in a systematic order stuffcram into a cavity rootplant by the roots puddledip into mud before planting checkrowplant in checkrows drapearrange in a particular way drapeplace casually reseatshow to a different seat laylay eggs blowlay eggs bedplace (plants) in a prepared bed of soil dibbleplant with a wooden hand tool afforest, forestestablish a forest on previously unforested land replantplant again or anew retrofitfit in or on an existing structure, such as an older house reinstallinstall again post, put upplace so as to be noticed inject, shootforce or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing setfix in a border gradatearrange according to grades treeplant with trees squareposition so as to be square sedimentsettle as sediment sedimentdeposit as a sediment dress, line uparrange in ranks bury, entomb, inhume, inter, lay to restplace in a grave or tomb reburybury again line upform a line orientcause to point displace, move cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense 8v cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation 2Hypo|Hyper deploy place troops or weapons in battle formation aim, direct, take, take aim, trainpoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards squareposition so as to be square dress, line uparrange in ranks orientcause to point playput (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game aim, direct, place, point, targetintend (something) to move towards a certain goal draw a bead onaim with a gun holdaim, point, or direct turndirect at someone swinghit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement charge, level, pointdirect into a position for use levelaim at even up, jog, square upeven up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing sighttake aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device) stemcause to point inward lay, place, pose, put, set put into a certain place or abstract location n the arrangement of the body and its limbs 3Syn|Hypo|Hyper attitude, posture order arms a position in the manual of arms; the rifle is held vertically on the right side with the butt on the ground; often used as a command ballet positionclassical position of the body and especially the feet in ballet decubitusa reclining position (as in a bed) eversionthe position of being turned outward lithotomy positiona position lying on your back with knees bent and thighs apart; assumed for vaginal or rectal examination lotus positiona sitting position with the legs crossed; used in yoga missionary positiona position for sexual intercourse; a man and woman lie facing each other with the man on top; so-called because missionaries thought it the proper position for primitive peoples posea posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes presentation(obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal ectopiaabnormal position of a part or organ (especially at the time of birth) asana(Hinduism) a posture or manner of sitting (as in the practice of yoga) guarda posture of defence in boxing or fencing sprawl, sprawlingan ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about stancestanding posture tuck(sports) a bodily position adopted in some sports (such as diving or skiing) in which the knees are bent and the thighs are drawn close to the chest arabesqueposition in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional pose matsyendra(Hinduism) a religious posture addressthe stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a golf ball attentiona motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review erectness, uprightnessthe property of being upright in posture bodily property an attribute of the body 1n a way of regarding situations or topics etc. Syn|Hypo|Hyper perspective, view bird's eye view, panoramic view a situation or topic as if viewed from an altitude or distance futurismthe position that the meaning of life should be sought in the future cutting edge, forefront, vanguardthe position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field paradigmthe generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time lighta particular perspective or aspect of a situation sighta range of mental vision Weltanschauung, world viewa comprehensive view of the world and human life straddlea noncommittal or equivocal position clockwork universethe view that the universe resembles a clock built by God and ticking along according to Newtonian mechanics orientation an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs 2n the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom Hyper assumption the act of assuming or taking for granted 3n an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute Syn|Hyper side opinion, view a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof 4n a rationalized mental attitude 4Syn|Hypo|Hyper posture, stance hard line a firm and uncompromising stance or position point of view, stand, standpoint, viewpointa mental position from which things are viewed cityscapea viewpoint toward a city or other heavily populated area landscapean extensive mental viewpoint angle, slanta biased way of looking at or presenting something complexiona point of view or general attitude or inclination attitude, mental attitude a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways 1n the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life Syn|Exp|Hypo|Hyper status Aaron (Old Testament) elder brother of Moses and first high priest of the Israelites; created the golden calf Saint Ambrose(Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397) Bishop BerkeleyIrish philosopher and Anglican bishop who opposed the materialism of Thomas Hobbes (1685-1753) Domingo de Guzman(Roman Catholic Church) Spanish priest who founded an order whose members became known as Dominicans or Black Friars (circa 1170-1221) Eusebius of CaesareaChristian bishop of Caesarea in Palestine; a church historian and a leading early Christian exegete (circa 270-340) Saint Ignatiusbishop of Antioch who was martyred under the Roman Emperor Trajan (died 110) William Ralph IngeEnglish prelate noted for his pessimistic sermons and articles (1860-1954) Francisco Jimenez de Cisnerosprelate who was the confessor of Isabella I and who was later appointed Grand Inquisitor (1436-1517) St. MartinFrench bishop who is a patron saint of France (died in 397) John Henry NewmanEnglish prelate and theologian who (with John Keble and Edward Pusey) founded the Oxford movement; Newman later turned to Roman Catholicism and became a cardinal (1801-1890) Saint Nicholasa bishop in Asia Minor who is associated with Santa Claus (4th century) Armand Jean du PlessisFrench prelate and statesman; principal minister to Louis XIII (1585-1642) Desmond TutuSouth African prelate and leader of the antiapartheid struggle (born in 1931) Bishop Ulfilasa Christian believed to be of Cappadocian descent who became bishop of the Visigoths in 341 and translated the Bible from Greek into Gothic; traditionally held to have invented the Gothic alphabet (311-382) James UssherIrish prelate who deduced from the Bible that Creation occurred in the year 4004 BC (1581-1656) William of WykehamEnglish prelate and statesman; founded a college at Oxford and Winchester College in Winchester; served as chancellor of England and bishop of Winchester (1324-1404) Stefan WyszynskiPolish prelate who persuaded the Soviet to allow greater religious freedom in Poland (1901-1981) Saint Anselman Italian who was a Benedictine monk; was archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 to 1109; one of the founders of scholasticism; best known for his proof of the existence of God Saint Thomas a Becket(Roman Catholic Church) archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170; murdered following his opposition to Henry II's attempts to control the clergy (1118-1170) Roberto Francesco Romolo BellarmineItalian cardinal and theologian (1542-1621) Cesare BorgiaItalian cardinal and military leader; model for Machiavelli's prince (1475-1507) face status in the eyes of others electionthe status or fact of being elected equality, equation, equivalence, para state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced echelon, rank, social rank, social station, social statusposition in a social hierarchy standingsocial or financial or professional status or reputation high statusa position of superior status high grounda position of superiority over opponents or competitors high profilea position attracting much attention and publicity Holy Order, Order(usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy low status, lowliness, lownessa position of inferior status; low in station or rank or fortune or estimation legal statusa status defined by law bar sinister, bastardy, illegitimacythe status of being born to parents who were not married left-handednessthe status of being born of a morganatic marriage commanda position of highest authority nationalitythe status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalization footing, termsstatus with respect to the relations between people or groups retirementthe state of being retired from one's business or occupation rankrelative status castesocial status or position conferred by a system based on class dignityhigh office or rank or station nobility, noblessethe state of being of noble birth ordinationthe status of being ordained to a sacred office pedestala position of great esteem (and supposed superiority) leadershipthe status of a leader slota position in a hierarchy or organization toeholda relatively insignificant position from which future progress might be made acolytesomeone who assists a priest or minister in a liturgical service; a cleric ordained in the highest of the minor orders in the Roman Catholic Church but not in the Anglican Church or the Eastern Orthodox Churches anagnosta cleric in the minor orders of the Eastern Orthodox Church who reads the lessons aloud in the liturgy (analogous to the lector in the Roman Catholic Church) deacona cleric ranking just below a priest in Christian churches; one of the Holy Orders doorkeeper, ostiarius, ostiarythe lowest of the minor Holy Orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church exorcistone of the minor orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed in the Roman Catholic Church lector, readersomeone who reads the lessons in a church service; someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Church priesta clergyman in Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites; one of the Holy Orders subdeacona clergyman an order below deacon; one of the Holy Orders in the unreformed western Christian church and the eastern Catholic Churches but now suppressed in the Roman Catholic Church first, number onethe first or highest in an ordering or series secondfollowing the first in an ordering or series thirdfollowing the second position in an ordering or series fourthfollowing the third position; number four in a countable series fifthposition five in a countable series of things sixthposition six in a countable series of things seventhposition seven in a countable series of things eighthposition eight in a countable series of things ninthposition nine in a countable series of things tenthposition ten in a countable series of things eleventhposition 11 in a countable series of things twelfthposition 12 in a countable series of things thirteenthposition 13 in a countable series of things fourteenthposition 14 in a countable series of things fifteenthposition 15 in a countable series of things sixteenthposition 16 in a countable series of things seventeenthposition 17 in a countable series of things eighteenthposition 18 in a countable series of things nineteenthposition 19 in a countable series of things twentiethposition 20 in a countable series of things thirtiethposition 30 in a countable series of things fortiethposition 40 in a countable series of things fiftiethposition 50 in a countable series of things sixtiethposition 60 in a countable series of things seventiethposition 70 in a countable series of things eightiethposition 80 in a countable series of things ninetiethposition 90 in a countable series of things hundredthposition 100 in a countable series of things thousandthposition 1,000 in a countable series of things millionthposition 1,000,000 in a countable series of things billionthposition 1,000,000,000 in a countable series of things lastthe last or lowest in an ordering or series egalite, egalitysocial and political equality tieequality of score in a contest place, stationproper or designated social situation qualityhigh social status center stage, centre stagea position of prominence or importance stardomthe status of being acknowledged as a star championship, titlethe status of being a champion higher rank, higher status, senior status, seniorityhigher rank than that of others especially by reason of longer service precedence, precedency, prioritystatus established in order of importance or urgency inferiority, lower rank, lower statusthe state of being inferior civil deaththe legal status of a person who is alive but who has been deprived of the rights and privileges of a citizen or a member of society; the legal status of one sentenced to life imprisonment villainage, villeinagethe legal status or condition of servitude of a villein or feudal serf citizenshipthe status of a citizen with rights and duties marital statusthe condition of being married or unmarried grade, level, tiera relative position or degree of value in a graded group ratingstanding or position on a scale rankingposition on a scale in relation to others gradation, steprelative position in a graded series second classnot the highest rank in a classification military rank, military rating, paygrade, ratingrank in a military organization purpleof imperial status archidiaconateoffice or position of an archdeacon baronetcy, baronythe rank or dignity or position of a baronet or baroness dukedomthe dignity or rank or position of a duke earldomthe dignity or rank or position of an earl or countess kingshipthe dignity or rank or position of a king princedomthe dignity or rank or position of a prince viscountcy, viscountythe dignity or rank or position of a viscount or viscountess prominencethe state of being prominent: widely known or eminent grandness, importancea prominent status distinction, eminence, note, preeminencehigh status importance owing to marked superiority prestige, prestigiousnessa high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc. obscurityan obscure and unimportant standing; not well known honor, honour, laurelsthe state of being honored dishonor, dishonoura state of shame or disgrace minority, nonageany age prior to the legal age state the way something is with respect to its main attributes 2n a condition or position in which you find yourself 5the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils Syn|Hypo|Hyper situation place, shoes a particular situation poverty trapa situation in which an increase in income results in a loss of benefits so that you are no better off soupan unfortunate situation stymie, stymya situation in golf where an opponent's ball blocks the line between your ball and the hole condition, status a state at a particular time 1n a job in an organization Syn|Hypo|Hyper berth, billet, office, place, post, situation, spot academicianship the position of member of an honorary academy accountantshipthe position of accountant admiraltythe office of admiral ambassadorshipthe post of ambassador apostleshipthe position of apostle apprenticeship, internshipthe position of apprentice associateshipthe position of associate (as in an office or academy) attorneyshipthe position of attorney bailiffshipthe office of bailiff baronetagethe state of a baronet bishopry, episcopatethe office and dignity of a bishop cadetshipthe position of cadet caliphatethe office of a caliph captaincy, captainshipthe post of captain cardinalshipthe office of cardinal chairmanshipthe position of chairman chancellorshipthe office of chancellor chaplaincy, chaplainshipthe position of chaplain chieftaincy, chieftainshipthe position of chieftain clerkshipthe job of clerk commandership, commanderythe position or office of commander comptrollershipthe position of comptroller consulshipthe post of consul controllershipthe position of controller councillorship, councilorshipthe position of council member counsellorship, counselorshipthe position of counselor curacythe position of a curate curatorshipthe position of curator custodianshipthe position of custodian deanery, deanshipthe position or office of a dean directorshipthe position of a director of a business concern discipleshipthe position of disciple editorshipthe position of editor eldershipthe office of elder emiratethe office of an emir fatherhoodthe status of a father fatherhoodthe status of a religious leader foremanshipthe position of foreman generalcy, generalshipthe office and authority of a general governorshipthe office of governor headshipthe position of head headshipthe position of headmaster or headmistress hot seata difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticism incumbencythe office of an incumbent inspectorshipthe office of inspector instructorshipthe position of instructor internshipthe position of a medical intern judgeship, judicaturethe position of judge khanatethe position of a khan lectureshipthe post of lecturer legateship, legationthe post or office of legate legislatorshipthe office of legislator librarianshipthe position of librarian lieutenancythe position of a lieutenant magistracy, magistraturethe position of magistrate managershipthe position of manager manhoodthe status of being a man marshalshipthe post of marshall mastershipthe position of master mayoraltythe position of mayor messiahshipthe position of messiah moderatorshipthe position of moderator overlordshipthe position of overlord pastorate, pastorshipthe position of pastor peasanthoodthe state of being a peasant pluma highly desirable position or assignment praetorshipthe office of praetor precentorshipthe position of precentor preceptorshipthe position of preceptor prefecturethe office of prefect prelacy, prelaturethe office or station of a prelate premiershipthe office of premier presidency, presidentshipthe office and function of president primateshipthe office of primate principalshipthe post of principal priorshipthe office of prior proconsulate, proconsulshipthe position of proconsul proctorshipthe position of proctor chair, professorshipthe position of professor protectorshipthe position of protector public officea position concerning the people as a whole rabbinatethe office or function of a rabbi receivershipthe office of a receiver rectorate, rectorshipthe office or station of a rector regencythe office of a regent residencythe position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship) rulershipthe position of ruler sainthoodthe status and dignity of a saint secretaryshipthe position of secretary feudal lordship, seigneury, seigniorythe position and authority of a feudal lord senatorshipthe office of senator sinecurean office that involves minimal duties solicitorshipthe position of solicitor speakershipthe position of Speaker stewardshipthe position of steward studentshipthe position of student teachershipthe position of teacher thaneshipthe position of thane thronethe position and power of an exalted person (a sovereign or bishop) who is entitled to sit in a chair of state on ceremonial occasions treasurershipthe position of treasurer tribuneshipthe position of tribune trusteeshipthe position of trustee vice-presidencythe office and function of a vice president viceroyshipthe position of viceroy viziershipthe position of vizier wardenshipthe position of warden wardershipthe position of warder womanhoodthe status of a woman headmastershipthe position of headmaster headmistressshipthe position of headmistress Chief Executive, President, President of the United Statesthe office of the United States head of state bully pulpita public office of sufficiently high rank that it provides the holder with an opportunity to speak out and be listened to on any matter Attorney General, Attorney General of the United Statesthe position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States Agriculture Secretary, Secretary of Agriculturethe position of the head of the Department of Agriculture Commerce Secretary, Secretary of Commercethe position of the head of the Department of Commerce Defense Secretary, Secretary of Defensethe position of the head of the Department of Defense Education Secretary, Secretary of Educationthe position of the head of the Education Department Energy Secretary, Secretary of Energythe position of the head of the Department of Energy Secretary of Health and Human Servicesthe position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Developmentthe position of the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Labor Secretary, Secretary of Laborthe position of the head of the Department of Labor Secretary of Statethe position of the head of the State Department Interior Secretary, Secretary of the Interiorthe position of the head of the Department of the Interior Secretary of the Treasury, Treasury Secretarythe position of the head of the Treasury Department Secretary of Transportation, Transportation Secretarythe position of the head of the Department of Transportation Secretary of Veterans Affairsthe position of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary of War, War Secretaryhead of a former executive department; combined with the Navy Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947 Navy Secretary, Secretary of the Navyhead of a former executive department; combined with the War Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947 Secretary of Commerce and Laborhead of a former executive department created in 1903 and divided into two departments in 1913 Secretary of Health Education and Welfarehead of a former executive department created in 1953 and divided into two departments in 1979 business, job, line, line of work, occupation the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money 2n the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another Syn|Hypo|Hyper lieu, place, stead behalf as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as "on behalf of" rather than "in behalf of") function, office, part, role the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group 3n (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player what position does he play? Hypo|Hyper goalie, goalkeeper, goaltender, netkeeper the defensive position on an ice hockey or soccer or lacrosse team who stands in front of the goal and tries to prevent opposing players from scoring mound, pitcherthe position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit catcherthe position on a baseball team of the player who is stationed behind home plate and who catches the balls that the pitcher throws first, first basethe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate) second, second basethe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the second of the bases in the infield short, shortstopthe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base third, third basethe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the third of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate) left field, leftfieldthe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the left third of the outfield (looking from home plate) center field, centerfieldthe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the central third of the outfield right field, rightfieldthe fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the right third of the outfield (looking from home plate) forwarda position on a basketball, soccer, or hockey team centera position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the jump that starts the game guarda position on a basketball team back(American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage lineman(American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed on the line of scrimmage mid-offthe fielding position in cricket closest to the bowler on the off side mid-onthe fielding position in cricket closest to the bowler on the on side centerthe position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game cleanup, cleanup position, cleanup spot(baseball) the fourth position in the batting order (usually filled by the best batter on the team) line backer, linebacker(American football) the position of a defensive football player who plays close behind the line of scrimmage field general, quarterback, signal caller(American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team fullback(American football) the position of a back on a football team halfback(American football) the position of a back on a football team tailback(American football) the position of the offensive back on a football team who lines up farthest from the line of scrimmage wingback(American football) the position of the offensive back who lines up behind or outside the end center(American football) the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play guard(American football) a position on the line of scrimmage tackle(American football) a position on the line of scrimmage end(American football) a position on the line of scrimmage role normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting |
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