

单词 fish family
fish family
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fish family: fish families
A fish family known for making croaking sounds due to those swim bladders – which have also become their downfall.
The Guardian(Jan 11, 2016)
The film follows Dory, the chatty blue fish voiced by Ellen Degeneres, as she goes on a journey to find her fish family.
The Verge(Nov 10, 2015)
Because they aren’t in the fish family, scientists often refer to them as “jellies.”
Washington Post(Jul 14, 2013)
n any of various families of fish
Cobitidae, family Cobitidae
Cyprinidae, family Cyprinidae
a family of fish including: carp; tench; roach; rudd; dace
Electrophoridae, family Electrophoridae
small family comprising the electric eels
Catostomidae, family Catostomidae
suckers; closely related to the family Cyprinidae
Cyprinodontidae, family Cyprinodontidae
large family of small soft-finned fishes; killifishes; flagfishes; swordtails; guppies
Poeciliidae, family Poeciliidae
Holocentridae, family Holocentridae
squirrelfishes and soldierfishes
Anomalopidae, family Anomalopidae
a family of fish including: flashlight fishes
Zeidae, family Zeidae
a family of fish in the order Zeomorphi
Caproidae, family Caproidae
Fistulariidae, family Fistulariidae
Gasterosteidae, family Gasterosteidae
Syngnathidae, family Syngnathidae
Macrorhamphosidae, family Macrorhamphosidae
bellows fishes
Centriscidae, family Centriscidae
Aulostomidae, family Aulostomidae
Petromyzontidae, family Petromyzontidae
Myxinidae, family Myxinidae
slime-producing marine animals: hagfishes
Chimaeridae, family Chimaeridae
a family of Holocephali
Hexanchidae, family Hexanchidae
primitive sharks
Lamnidae, family Lamnidae
oceanic sharks
Isuridae, family Isuridae
in some classifications another name for the family Lamnidae
Cetorhinidae, family Cetorhinidae
in some older classifications considered the family of the basking sharks
Alopiidae, family Alopiidae
thresher sharks
Orectolobidae, family Orectolobidae
nurse sharks and carpet sharks
Carchariidae, Odontaspididae, family Carchariidae, family Odontaspididae
sand sharks; in some classifications coextensive with family Carcharhinidae
Rhincodontidae, family Rhincodontidae
small-toothed sharks comprising only one species
Scyliorhinidae, family Scyliorhinidae
small bottom-dwelling sharks
Carcharhinidae, family Carcharhinidae
largest family of living sharks; found worldwide especially in tropical waters; dorsal fin lacks spines: requiem sharks including tiger sharks and soupfin sharks
Triakidae, family Triakidae
small sharks with smooth skins and lacking spines on their dorsal fins
Squalidae, family Squalidae
dogfishes having a spine in each dorsal fin
Sphyrnidae, family Sphyrnidae
hammerhead sharks; bonnethead sharks
Squatinidae, family Squatinidae
bottom-dwelling ray-like sharks
Torpedinidae, family Torpedinidae
electric rays
Pristidae, family Pristidae
large primitive rays with elongated snouts
Rhinobatidae, family Rhinobatidae
primitive rays with guitar-shaped bodies
Dasyatidae, family Dasyatidae
sting rays
Myliobatidae, family Myliobatidae
eagle rays
Mobulidae, family Mobulidae
large rays lacking venomous spines: mantas
Rajidae, family Rajidae
bottom-dwelling tropical rays: skates
Latimeridae, family Latimeridae
extinct except for the coelacanth
Ceratodontidae, family Ceratodontidae
lungfishes having hornlike ridges on the teeth
Siluridae, family Siluridae
Old World catfishes
Ameiuridae, family Ameiuridae
North American catfishes
Laricariidae, family Laricariidae
armored catfish
Ariidae, family Ariidae
sea catfishes
Gadidae, family Gadidae
large family of important mostly marine food fishes
Macrouridae, Macruridae, family Macrouridae, family Macruridae
Anguillidae, family Anguillidae
eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to the sea to spawn
Muraenidae, family Muraenidae
marine eels
Congridae, family Congridae
marine eels
Gonorhynchidae, family Gonorhynchidae
coextensive with the genus Gonorhynchus
Clupeidae, family Clupeidae
herrings; shad; sardines; etc.
Engraulidae, family Engraulidae
Salmonidae, family Salmonidae
salmon and trout
Coregonidae, family Coregonidae
soft-finned fishes comprising the freshwater whitefishes; formerly included in the family Salmonidae
Osmeridae, family Osmeridae
Elopidae, family Elopidae
tarpons and ladyfishes
Albulidae, family Albulidae
Argentinidae, family Argentinidae
small marine soft-finned fishes with long silvery bodies; related to salmons and trouts
Myctophidae, family Myctophidae
deep-sea fishes comprising the lantern fishes
Synodontidae, family Synodontidae
soft-finned bottom-dwelling fishes
Chlorophthalmidae, family Chlorophthalmidae
small family of soft-finned bottom-dwellers with large eyes; relatives of lizardfishes
Osteoglossidae, family Osteoglossidae
a family of large fishes that live in freshwater; includes bandfish and bonytongues
Lampridae, family Lampridae
Trachipteridae, family Trachipteridae
Regalecidae, family Regalecidae
Ogcocephalidae, family Ogcocephalidae
batfishes: sluggish bottom-dwelling spiny fishes
Lophiidae, family Lophiidae
large-headed marine fishes comprising the anglers
Batrachoididae, family Batrachoididae
toadfishes; related to anglers and batfishes
Antennariidae, family Antennariidae
frogfishes; tropical spiny-finned marine fishes having large nearly vertical mouths; related to toadfishes and anglers
Belonidae, family Belonidae
ferocious fishes of warm regions resembling but unrelated to the freshwater gars
Exocoetidae, family Exocoetidae
flying fishes; closely related to the halfbeaks
Hemiramphidae, family Hemiramphidae
halfbeaks; marine and freshwater fishes closely related to the flying fishes but not able to glide
Scomberesocidae, Scombresocidae, family Scomberesocidae, family Scombresocidae
only sauries
Ophiodontidae, family Ophiodontidae
fishes closely related to greenlings
Anabantidae, family Anabantidae
small freshwater spiny-finned fishes of Africa and southern Asia
Percidae, family Percidae
active freshwater fishes; true perches and pike perches
Trichodontidae, family Trichodontidae
two species of elongate compressed scaleless large-eyed fishes that live in sand or mud
Ophidiidae, family Ophidiidae
eellike marine fishes
Brotulidae, family Brotulidae
chiefly deep-sea fishes related to the Ophidiidae
Carapidae, family Carapidae
pearlfishes: related to the Brotulidae
Centropomidae, family Centropomidae
a family of fish or the order Perciformes including robalos
Esocidae, family Esocidae
pikes; pickerels; muskellunges
Centrarchidae, family Centrarchidae
sunfish family
Serranidae, family Serranidae
marine fishes: sea basses; sea perches; groupers; jewfish
Embiotocidae, family Embiotocidae
viviparous percoid fishes comprising the surf fishes
Priacanthidae, family Priacanthidae
small carnivorous percoid fishes found worldwide in tropical seas
Apogonidae, family Apogonidae
bright-colored marine fishes that incubate eggs in the mouth
Malacanthidae, family Malacanthidae
short-headed marine fishes; often brightly colored
Pomatomidae, family Pomatomidae
food and game fishes related to pompanos
Rachycentridae, family Rachycentridae
family of pelagic fishes containing solely the cobia
Echeneididae, family Echeneidae, family Echeneididae
fishes having a sucking disk on the head for clinging to other fishes and to ships
Carangidae, family Carangidae
large family of narrow-bodied marine food fishes with widely forked tails; chiefly of warm seas
Coryphaenidae, family Coryphaenidae
large active pelagic percoid fish
Bramidae, family Bramidae
deep-bodied percoid fishes of the open seas
Branchiostegidae, family Branchiostegidae
small family of marine fishes having covered gills
Characidae, family Characidae
tropical freshwater fishes of Africa and South America and Central America
Characinidae, family Characinidae
former name of the Characidae
Cichlidae, family Cichlidae
Lutjanidae, family Lutjanidae
Haemulidae, family Haemulidae
Sparidae, family Sparidae
porgies; scups
Sciaenidae, family Sciaenidae
warm-water marine fishes including the drums and grunts and croakers and sea trout
Mullidae, family Mullidae
goatfishes or red mullets
Mugilidae, family Mugilidae
grey mullets
Atherinidae, family Atherinidae
small spiny-finned fishes of both salt and fresh water
Sphyraenidae, family Sphyraenidae
monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters: barracuda
Pempheridae, family Pempheridae
Kyphosidae, family Kyphosidae
sea chubs
Ephippidae, family Ephippidae
small family comprising the spadefishes
Chaetodontidae, family Chaetodontidae
butterfly fishes
Pomacentridae, family Pomacentridae
Labridae, family Labridae
Scaridae, family Scaridae
Polynemidae, family Polynemidae
Opisthognathidae, family Opisthognathidae
Uranoscopidae, family Uranoscopidae
Dactyloscopidae, family Dactyloscopidae
sand stargazers
Blenniidae, family Blenniidae
a family of fish including: combtooth blennies
Clinidae, family Clinidae
viviparous blennies of temperate and tropical seas
Pholidae, family Pholidae, family Pholididae
a family of fish of suborder Blennioidea
Stichaeidae, family Stichaeidae
Anarhichadidae, family Anarhichadidae
Zoarcidae, family Zoarcidae
Ammodytidae, family Ammodytidae
sand lances
Callionymidae, family Callionymidae
Gobiidae, family Gobiidae
Eleotridae, family Eleotridae
Percophidae, family Percophidae
percoid flatheads
Toxotidae, family Toxotidae
Microdesmidae, family Microdesmidae
worm fish
Acanthuridae, family Acanthuridae
Gempylidae, family Gempylidae
snake mackerels
Trichiuridae, family Trichiuridae
Scombridae, family Scombridae
marine food fishes: mackerels; chub mackerels; tuna
Katsuwonidae, family Kasuwonidae
in some classifications considered a separate family comprising the oceanic bonitos
Xiphiidae, family Xiphiidae
comprising the common swordfishes
Istiophoridae, family Istiophoridae
sailfishes; spearfishes; marlins
Luvaridae, family Luvaridae
Stromateidae, family Stromateidae
butterfishes: harvest fishes; dollar fishes
Gobiesocidae, family Gobiesocidae
Lobotidae, family Lobotidae
Gerreidae, Gerridae, family Gerreidae, family Gerridae
Sillaginidae, family Sillaginidae
small family of small food fishes in shallow waters of the Pacific around Indonesia
Amiidae, family Amiidae
only the bowfins
Polyodontidae, family Polyodontidae
Acipenseridae, family Acipenseridae
Lepisosteidae, family Lepisosteidae
comprises the genus Lepisosteus
Scorpaenidae, family Scorpaenidae
scorpionfishes; rockfishes; lionfishes
Cottidae, family Cottidae
Cyclopteridae, family Cyclopteridae
Liparidae, Liparididae, family Liparidae, family Liparididae
Agonidae, family Agonidae
Hexagrammidae, family Hexagrammidae
Platycephalidae, family Platycephalidae
scorpaenoid flatheads
Triglidae, family Triglidae
in some classifications restricted to the gurnards and subdivided into the subfamilies Triglinae (true sea robins) and Peristediinae (armored sea robins)
Triglinae, subfamily Triglinae
in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising searobins having ordinary scales and no barbels (true searobins)
Peristediinae, subfamily Peristediinae
in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising the armored searobins
Dactylopteridae, family Dactylopteridae
flying gurnards
Balistidae, family Balistidae
Monocanthidae, family Monocanthidae
Ostraciidae, family Ostraciidae, family Ostraciontidae
Tetraodontidae, family Tetraodontidae
Diodontidae, family Diodontidae
spiny puffers
Molidae, family Molidae
ocean sunfishes
Pleuronectidae, family Pleuronectidae
righteye flounders
Bothidae, family Bothidae
a family of fish of the order Heterosomata
Cynoglossidae, family Cynoglossidae
Soleidae, family Soleidae
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera




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