

单词 fish genus
fish genus
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fish genus
n any of various genus of fish
Cyprinus, genus Cyprinus
type genus of the family Cyprinidae: carp
Abramis, genus Abramis
European fishes
Tinca, genus Tinca
Leuciscus, genus Leuciscus
a genus of fish including: dace, chub
Notropis, genus Notropis
Notemigonus, genus Notemigonus
golden shiners
Rutilus, genus Rutilus
Scardinius, genus Scardinius
Phoxinus, genus Phoxinus
Gobio, genus Gobio
true gudgeons
Carassius, genus Carassius
Electrophorus, genus Electrophorus
type genus of the family Electrophoridae; electric eels
Catostomus, genus Catostomus
type genus of the family Catostomidae
Ictiobus, genus Ictiobus
buffalo fishes
Hypentelium, genus Hypentelium
a genus of fish in the family Catostomidae
Maxostoma, genus Maxostoma
a genus of fish in the family Catostomidae
Fundulus, genus Fundulus
genus Rivulus
Jordanella, genus Jordanella
Xyphophorus, genus Xyphophorus
Lebistes, genus Lebistes
Gambusia, genus Gambusia
Platypoecilus, genus Platypoecilus
Mollienesia, genus Mollienesia
Holocentrus, genus Holocentrus
type genus of the family Holocentridae; squirrelfishes
genus Anomalops
type genus of the family Anomalopidae
Krypterophaneron, genus Krypterophaneron
a genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae
Photoblepharon, genus Photoblepharon
a genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae
Zeus, genus Zeus
type genus of the family Zeidae
Capros, genus Capros
a genus of fish in the family Caproidae
Antigonia, genus Antigonia
a genus of fish in the family Caproidae
Fistularia, genus Fistularia
type genus of the family Fistulariidae
Gasterosteus, genus gasterosteus
type genus of the family Gasterosteidae
Syngnathus, genus Syngnathus
type genus of the family Syngnathidae
Cosmocampus, genus Cosmocampus
a genus of fish in the family Syngnathidae
Hippocampus, genus Hippocampus
Aulostomus, genus Aulostomus
type genus of the Aulostomidae
Petromyzon, genus Petromyzon
typical lampreys
Myxine, genus Myxine
type genus of the Myxinidae (typical hagfishes)
genus Eptatretus
a genus of fossil fish of the family Myxinidae
Myxinikela, genus Myxinikela
fossil hagfishes
genus Chimaera
type genus of the Chimaeridae
Hexanchus, genus Hexanchus
a genus of Hexanchidae
Lamna, genus Lamna
a genus of Lamnidae
Isurus, genus Isurus
mako sharks
Carcharodon, genus Carcharodon
man-eating sharks
Cetorhinus, genus Cetorhinus
comprising only the basking sharks; in some classifications considered the type genus of a separate family Cetorhinidae
Alopius, genus Alopius
type genus of the family Alopiidae; in some classifications considered a genus of the family Lamnidae
Orectolobus, genus Orectolobus
carpet sharks
Ginglymostoma, genus Ginglymostoma
nurse sharks
Carcharias, Odontaspis, genus Carcharias, genus Odontaspis
type and sole genus of Carchariidae: sand sharks
Rhincodon, genus Rhincodon
whale sharks
Carcharhinus, genus Carcharhinus
type genus of the Carcharhinidae
Negaprion, genus Negaprion
lemon sharks
Prionace, genus Prionace
blue sharks
Galeocerdo, genus Galeocerdo
tiger sharks
Galeorhinus, genus Galeorhinus
a genus of Carcharhinidae
Mustelus, genus Mustelus
smooth dogfishes
Triaenodon, genus Triaenodon
a genus of Triakidae
Squalus, genus Squalus
spiny dogfishes
Sphyrna, genus Sphyrna
type genus of the Sphyrnidae
Squatina, genus Squatina
type genus of the Squatinidae: angel sharks
Pristis, genus Pristis
type genus of the Pristidae
Dasyatis, genus Dasyatis
type genus of the Dasyatidae
Gymnura, genus Gymnura
butterfly rays
Aetobatus, genus Aetobatus
a genus of Myliobatidae
Rhinoptera, genus Rhinoptera
a genus of Myliobatidae
genus Manta
a genus of Mobulidae
Mobula, genus Mobula
type genus of the Mobulidae
Raja, genus Raja
type genus of the family Rajidae
Latimeria, genus Latimeria
type genus of the Latimeridae: coelacanth
genus Ceratodus
type genus of the Ceratodontidae: extinct genus of lungfishes
Neoceratodus, genus Neoceratodus
extant Australian lungfishes
Silurus, genus Silurus
type genus of the Siluridae: catfishes
Malopterurus, genus Malopterurus
electric catfish
Ameiurus, genus Ameiurus
type genus of the Ameiuridae: bullhead catfishes
Ictalurus, genus Ictalurus
channel catfishes
Pylodictus, genus Pylodictus
flathead catfishes
Arius, genus Arius
type genus of the Ariidae: sea catfishes
Gadus, genus Gadus
type genus of the Gadidae: the typical codfishes
Merlangus, genus Merlangus
Lota, genus Lota
Melanogrammus, genus Melanogrammus
Pollachius, genus Pollachius
Merluccius, genus Merluccius
Urophycis, genus Urophycis
Molva, genus Molva
Brosmius, genus Browmius
Anguilla, genus Anguilla
type genus of the Anguillidae: eels
Gonorhynchus, genus Gonorhynchus
slender cylindrical marine fishes lacking air bladders and teeth
Alosa, genus Alosa
Pomolobus, genus Pomolobus
genus to which the alewife is sometimes assigned
Brevoortia, genus Brevoortia
Clupea, genus Clupea
type genus of the Clupeidae: typical herrings
Sardina, genus Sardina, genus Sardinia
Sardinops, genus Sardinops
Engraulis, genus Engraulis
type genus of the family Engraulidae
Salmo, genus Salmo
type genus of the Salmonidae: salmon and trout
Oncorhynchus, genus Oncorhynchus
Pacific salmon including sockeye salmon; chinook salmon; chum salmon; coho salmon
Salvelinus, genus Salvelinus
brook trout
Coregonus, genus Coregonus
type genus of the Coregonidae: whitefishes
Prosopium, genus Prosopium
Osmerus, genus Osmerus
type genus of the Osmeridae
Mallotus, genus Mallotus
genus Tarpon
Elops, genus Elops
type genus of the Elopidae: tenpounder
Albula, genus Albula
type and sole genus of the family Albulidae
Argentina, genus Argentina
type genus of the Argentinidae: argentines
Alepisaurus, genus Alepisaurus
slender scaleless predaceous tropical deep-sea fishes
Scleropages, genus Scleropages
a genus of large freshwater fishes of Australia and Borneo
Lampris, genus Lampris
type genus of the Lampridae
Trachipterus, genus Trachipterus
type genus of the Trachipteridae
Reglaecus, genus Regalecus
type genus of the Regalecidae
Lophius, genus Lophius
type genus of family Lophiidae
Scomberesox, Scombresox, genus Scomberesox, genus Scombresox
a genus of Scomberesocidae
Ophiodon, genus Ophiodon
a genus of Ophiodontidae
Anabas, genus Anabas
the type genus of the family Anabantidae; small fish that resemble perch
Perca, genus Perca
type genus of the Percidae
Stizostedion, genus Stizostedion
Percina, genus Percina
a genus of Percidae
Centropomus, genus Centropomus
type genus of the Centropomidae: snooks
Lates, genus Lates
a genus of large percoid fishes of fresh and brackish water
Esox, genus Esox
type and only genus of the family Esocidae
Pomoxis, genus Pomoxis
Lepomis, genus Lepomis
Ambloplites, genus Ambloplites
a genus of Centrarchidae
Micropterus, genus Micropterus
American freshwater black basses
Morone, genus Morone
carnivorous fresh and salt water fishes
Synagrops, genus Synagrops
a genus of Serranidae
Centropristis, genus Centropristis
sea basses
Roccus, genus Roccus
a genus of Serranidae
Polyprion, genus Polyprion
Serranus, genus Serranus
type genus of the Serranidae: mostly small Pacific sea basses
Epinephelus, genus Epinephelus
genus of groupers or sea bass
Paranthias, genus Paranthias
a genus of Serranidae
Mycteroperca, genus Mycteroperca
Rypticus, genus Rypticus
a genus of fish of the family Serranidae, including soapfishes
Hipsurus, genus Hipsurus
a genus of Embiotocidae
Priacanthus, genus Priacanthus
type genus of the Priacanthidae
Apogon, genus Apogon
type genus of the Apogonidae
Astropogon, genus Astropogon
a genus of fish of the family Apogonidae
Lopholatilus, genus Lopholatilus
large brightly colored food fish of deep Atlantic waters
Pomatomus, genus Pomatomus
type genus of the Pomatomidae
Rachycentron, genus Rachycentron
genus and family are coextensive and comprise only the cobia
Echeneis, genus Echeneis
type genus of the Echeneididae: typical remoras
Remilegia, genus Remilegia
a genus of Echeneididae
Caranx, genus Caranx
type genus of the Carangidae
Elagatis, genus Elagatis
a genus of Carangidae
Oligoplites, genus Oligoplites
Alectis, genus Alectis
a genus of Carangidae
Selene, genus Selene
a genus of Carangidae
Seriola, genus Seriola
a genus of Carangidae
Trachinotus, genus Trachinotus
a genus of Carangidae
Naucrates, genus Naucrates
a genus of Carangidae
Trachurus, genus Trachurus
the scads (particularly horse mackerels)
Selar, genus Selar
big-eyed scad
Decapterus, genus Decapterus
scads especially mackerel scad; cosmopolitan in distribution
Brama, genus Brama
type genus of the Bramidae
Hemigrammus, genus Hemigrammus
Paracheirodon, genus Paracheirodon
a genus of Characidae
Serrasalmus, genus Serrasalmus
Tilapia, genus Tilapia
a genus of Cichlidae
Lutjanus, genus Lutjanus
type genus of the Lutjanidae: snappers
Ocyurus, genus Ocyurus
Haemulon, genus Haemulon
type genus of the Haemulidae
Anisotremus, genus Anisotremus
a genus of Haemulidae
Orthopristis, genus Orthopristis
a genus of Haemulidae
Pagrus, genus Pagrus
a genus of Sparidae
Pagellus, genus Pagellus
sea breams
Archosargus, genus Archosargus
a genus of Sparidae
Lagodon, genus Lagodon
a genus of Sparidae
Calamus, genus Calamus
a genus of Sparidae
Chrysophrys, genus Chrysophrys
Australian snapper
Stenotomus, genus Stenotomus
Equetus, genus Equetus
Bairdiella, genus Bairdiella
Sciaenops, genus Sciaenops
a genus of Sciaenidae
Sciaena, genus Sciaena
type genus of the Sciaenidae: croakers
Micropogonias, genus Micropogonias
Umbrina, genus Umbrina
Menticirrhus, genus Menticirrhus
kingfishes; whiting
Genyonemus, genus Genyonemus
a genus of Sciaenidae
Seriphus, genus Seriphus
a genus of Sciaenidae
Cynoscion, genus Cynoscion
sea trout
Mullus, genus Mullus
type genus of the Mullidae: goatfishes
Mulloidichthys, genus Mulloidichthys
a genus of Mullidae
Mugil, genus Mugil
type genus of the Mugilidae: mullets
Atherinopsis, genus Atherinopsis
a genus of Atherinidae
Sphyraena, genus Sphyraena
type and sole genus of the Sphyraenidae: barracuda
Kyphosus, genus Kyphosus
type genus of the Kyphosidae
Chaetodipterus, genus Chaetodipterus
a genus of Ephippidae
genus Chaetodon
type genus of the Chaetodontidae
Pomacanthus, genus Pomacanthus
Pomacentrus, genus Pomacentrus
type genus of the Pomacentridae: damselfishes
Amphiprion, genus Amphiprion
damsel fishes
Abudefduf, genus Abudefduf
damsel fishes
Achoerodus, genus Achoerodus
a genus of Labridae
Lachnolaimus, genus Lachnolaimus
a genus of Labridae
Halicoeres, genus Halicoeres
a genus of Labridae
Thalassoma, genus Thalassoma
a genus of Labridae
Hemipteronatus, genus Hemipteronatus
razor fish
Tautoga, genus Tautoga
Tautogolabrus, genus Tautogolabrus
a genus of Labridae
Polydactylus, genus Polydactylus
a genus of Polynemidae
Blennius, genus Blennius
type genus of the Blenniidae
Scartella, genus Scartella
a genus of Blenniidae
Chaenopsis, genus Chaenopsis
a genus of fish of the family Clinidae including pikeblennies
Pholis, genus Pholis
type genus of the Pholidae: gunnels
Lumpenus, genus Lumpenus
a genus of Stichaeidae
Cryptacanthodes, genus Cryptacanthodes
a genus of Stichaeidae
Anarhichas, genus Anarhichas
type genus of the Anarhichadidae
Zoarces, genus Zoarces
type genus of the Zoarcidae
Gymnelis, genus Gymnelis
a genus of Zoarcidae
Macrozoarces, genus Macrozoarces
a genus of Zoarcidae
Ammodytes, genus Ammodytes
type genus of the Ammodytidae
Periophthalmus, genus Periophthalmus
a genus of Gobiidae
Toxotes, genus Toxotes
type genus of the Toxotidae
Acanthurus, genus Acanthurus
type genus of the Acanthuridae: doctorfishes
Gempylus, genus Gempylus
type genus of the Gempylidae
Lepidocybium, genus Lepidocybium
a genus of Gempylidae
Scomber, genus Scomber
type genus of the Scombridae
Acanthocybium, genus Acanthocybium
Scomberomorus, genus Scomberomorus
Spanish mackerels
Thunnus, genus Thunnus
tunas: warm-blooded fishes
Sarda, genus Sarda
Euthynnus, genus Euthynnus
a genus of Scombridae
Katsuwonus, genus Katsuwonus
oceanic bonitos; in some classifications placed in its own family Katsuwonidae
Xiphias, genus Xiphias
type genus of the Xiphiidae
Istiophorus, genus Istiophorus
type genus of the Istiophoridae
Makaira, genus Makaira
Tetrapturus, genus Tetrapturus
a genus of Istiophoridae
Luvarus, genus Luvarus
type genus of the Luvaridae
Poronotus, genus Poronotus
a genus of Stromateidae
genus Palometa
a genus of Stromateidae
Paprilus, genus Paprilus
a genus of Stromateidae
Psenes, genus Psenes
a genus of Stromateidae
Ariomma, genus Ariomma
a genus of Stromateidae
Tetragonurus, genus Tetragonurus
a genus of Stromateidae
Hyperoglyphe, genus Hyperoglyphe
a genus of Stromateidae
Gobiesox, genus Gobiesox
type genus of the Gobiesocidae
Lobotes, genus Lobotes
type genus of the Lobotidae
Gerres, genus Gerres
type genus of the Gerreidae
Eucinostomus, genus Eucinostomus
a genus of Gerreidae
Sillago, genus Sillago
type genus of the Sillaginidae
Amia, genus Amia
type genus of the Amiidae
Polyodon, genus Polyodon
type genus of the Polyodontidae
Psephurus, genus Psephurus
a genus of Polyodontidae
Acipenser, genus Acipenser
type genus of the Acipenseridae: sturgeons
Lepisosteus, genus Lepisosteus
type genus of the Lepisosteidae: freshwater gars
Scorpaena, genus Scorpaena
type genus of the Scorpaenidae: scorpionfishes
Pterois, genus Pterois
Synanceja, genus Synanceja
Sebastodes, genus Sebastodes
Cottus, genus Cottus
type genus of the Cottidae: sculpins
Hemitripterus, genus Hemitripterus
sea ravens
Myxocephalus, genus Myxocephalus
Cyclopterus, genus Cyclopterus
type genus of the Cyclopteridae: lumpfishes
Liparis, genus Liparis
type genus of the Liparididae: snailfishes
Agonus, genus Agonus
type genus of the Agonidae
Aspidophoroides, genus Aspidophoroides
Hexagrammos, genus Hexagrammos
type genus of the Hexagrammidae
Oxylebius, genus Oxylebius
a genus of Hexagrammidae
Triga, genus Triga
type genus of the Triglidae
Prionotus, genus Prionotus
a genus of Triglidae
Peristedion, genus Peristedion
in some classifications the type genus of the subfamily Peristediinae: armored sea robins
Dactylopterus, genus Dactylopterus
a genus of Dactylopteridae
Balistes, genus Balistes
type genus of the Balistidae
Monocanthus, genus Monocanthus
type genus of the Monocanthidae
Lactophrys, genus Lactophrys
a genus of Ostraciidae
Diodon, genus Diodon
type genus of the Diodontidae
Chilomycterus, genus Chilomycterus
genus Mola
type genus of the Molidae
Pleuronectes, genus Pleuronectes
type genus of the Pleuronectidae
Platichthys, genus Platichthys
a genus of Pleuronectidae
Limanda, genus Limanda
a genus of Pleuronectidae; righteye flounders having a humped nose and small scales; the underside is often brightly colored
Pseudopleuronectes, genus Pseudopleuronectes
a genus of Pleuronectidae
Microstomus, genus Microstomus
a genus of Pleuronectidae
Hippoglossoides, genus Hippoglossoides
a genus of Pleuronectidae
Hippoglossus, genus Hippoglossus
Paralichthys, genus Paralichthys
a genus of Bothidae
Etropus, genus Etropus
a genus of Bothidae
Citharichthys, genus Citharichthys
a genus of Bothidae
Scophthalmus, genus Scophthalmus
a genus of Bothidae
Psetta, genus Psetta
a genus of Bothidae
Solea, genus Solea
type genus of the Soleidae
Parophrys, genus Parophrys
a genus of Soleidae
Psettichthys, genus Psettichthys
a genus of Soleidae
Trinectes, genus Trinectes
a genus of Soleidae
(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species




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