

单词 arthropod family
arthropod family
(extremely rare)

arthropod family
n any of the arthropods
Phalangiidae, family Phalangiidae
a family of Phalangida
Argiopidae, family Argiopidae, orb-weaver
spiders that spin orb webs; cosmopolitan in distribution
Theridiidae, family Theridiidae
a family of comb-footed spiders
Theraphosidae, family Theraphosidae
large tropical spiders; tarantulas
Lycosidae, family Lycosidae
wolf spiders
Ctenizidae, family Ctenizidae
large burrowing spiders
Ixodidae, family Ixodidae
hard ticks
Argasidae, family Argasidae
soft ticks
Acaridae, family Acaridae
Trombidiidae, family Trombidiidae
Trombiculidae, family Trombiculidae
Sarcoptidae, family Sarcoptidae
small whitish mites
Tetranychidae, family Tetranychidae
plant-feeding mites
Scutigeridae, family Scutigeridae
a family of Chilopoda
Geophilidae, family Geophilidae
small extremely elongate centipedes that live in earth
Limulidae, family Limulidae
horseshoe crabs
Cancridae, family Cancridae
many of the best known edible crabs
Portunidae, family Portunidae
swimming crabs
Pinnotheridae, family Pinnotheridae
tiny soft-bodied crabs
Lithodidae, family Lithodidae
deep-sea crabs of cold waters
Majidae, family Majidae
spider crabs
Homaridae, family Homaridae
large-clawed lobsters
Nephropsidae, family Nephropsidae
in some classifications coextensive with the Homaridae
Palinuridae, family Palinuridae
spiny lobsters
Astacidae, Astacura, family Astacidae
Paguridae, family Paguridae
hermit crabs
Crangonidae, family Crangonidae
Palaemonidae, family Palaemonidae
Peneidae, family Peneidae
tropical prawns
Mysidae, family Mysidae
small shrimp-like crustaceans
Squillidae, family Squillidae
crustaceans that burrow in mud or under stones in shallow water along the seashore
Armadillidiidae, family Armadillidiidae
pill bugs
Oniscidae, family Oniscidae
a family of Isopoda
Porcellionidae, family Porcellionidae
sow bugs
Orchestiidae, family Orchestiidae
beach fleas
Triopidae, family Triopidae
a family of Notostraca
Balanidae, family Balanidae
stalkless barnacles
Lepadidae, family Lepadidae
goose barnacles
Peripatidae, family Peripatidae
a family of Onychophora
Peripatopsidae, family Peripatopsidae
a family of Onychophora
Cicindelidae, family Cicindelidae
tiger beetles
Coccinellidae, family Coccinellidae
the ladybugs
Carabidae, family Carabidae
ground beetles
Lampyridae, family Lampyridae
Cerambycidae, family Cerambycidae
long-horned beetles
Chrysomelidae, family Chrysomelidae
leaf beetles
Dermestidae, family Dermestidae
carpet beetles
Cleridae, family Cleridae
beetles that prey on other insects
Lamellicornia, superfamily Lamellicornia
scarabaeid beetles and stag beetles
Scarabaeidae, family Scarabaeidae
scarab or dung beetles
Melolonthidae, subfamily Melolonthidae
considered a separate family in some classification systems
Cetoniidae, subfamily Cetoniidae
considered a separate family in some classification systems
Lucanidae, family Lucanidae
stag beetles
Elateridae, family Elateridae
click beetles and certain fireflies
Dytiscidae, family Dytiscidae
water beetles
Gyrinidae, family Gyrinidae
whirligig beetles
Anobiidae, family Anobiidae
deathwatch beetles
Curculionidae, family Curculionidae
true weevils: snout beetles
Meloidae, family Meloidae
blister beetles
Ipidae, Scolytidae, family Ipidae, family Scolytidae
large family of bark-boring or wood-boring short-beaked beetles; very destructive to forest and fruit trees
Staphylinidae, family Staphylinidae
rove beetles
Tenebrionidae, family Tenebrionidae
a family of arthropods including darkling beetles and mealworms
Bruchidae, family Bruchidae
seed beetles
Pediculidae, family Pediculidae
true lice: human lice and related forms
Phthiriidae, family Phthiriidae
crab lice
Pulicidae, family Pulicidae
many common fleas attacking humans and domestic animals
Cecidomyidae, family Cecidomyidae
gall midges
Muscoidea, superfamily Muscoidea
two-winged flies especially the families: Muscidae; Gasterophilidae; Calliphoridae; Tachinidae
Muscidae, family Muscidae
two-winged flies especially the housefly
Glossinidae, family Glossinidae
flies closely related to the Muscidae: tsetse flies
Calliphoridae, family Calliphoridae
Tachinidae, family Tachinidae
parasites on other insects
Gasterophilidae, family Gasterophilidae
horse botflies
Cuterebridae, family Cuterebridae
New World botflies
Hypodermatidae, Oestridae, family Hypodermatidae, family Oestridae
warble flies
Tabanidae, family Tabanidae
Bombyliidae, family Bombyliidae
bee flies
Asilidae, family Asilidae
robber flies
Trephritidae, Trypetidae, family Trephritidae, family Trypetidae
fruit flies; some leaf miners
Drosophilidae, family Drosophilidae
fruit flies
Hippoboscidae, family Hippoboscidae
winged or wingless dipterans: louse flies
Culicidae, family Culicidae
Ceratopogonidae, family Ceratopogonidae
biting midges; sand flies
Chironomidae, family Chironomidae
Mycetophilidae, family Mycetophylidae
fungus gnats
Psychodidae, family Psychodidae
very small two-winged flies with hairy wings that develop in moss and damp vegetable matter: sand flies
Sciaridae, family Sciaridae
fungus gnats
Tipulidae, family Tipulidae
crane flies
Simuliidae, family Simuliidae
blackflies and sand flies
Apoidea, superfamily Apoidea
Apidae, family Apidae
honeybees; carpenter bees; bumblebees
Andrenidae, family Andrenidae
a large family of solitary short-tongued bees most of which burrow in the ground
Halictidae, family Halictidae
a family of small solitary bees; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture
Megachilidae, family Megachilidae
leaf-cutting and mason bees
Vespidae, family Vespidae
an arthropod family of the order Hymenoptera including: yellow jackets; hornets; mason wasps
Sphecoidea, superfamily Sphecoidea
families Sphecidae and Stizidae
Sphecidae, family Sphecidae
mud daubers; some digger wasps
Stizidae, family Stizidae
cicada killers
Cynipidae, family Cynipidae
a family of Hymenoptera
Chalcidae, Chalcididae, family Chalcidae, family Chalcididae
an arthropod family including: chalcidflies
Ichneumonidae, family Ichneumonidae
ichneumon flies
Tenthredinidae, family Tenthredinidae
Formicidae, family Formicidae
Dorylinae, subfamily Dorylinae
army ants
Termitidae, family Termitidae
Rhinotermitidae, family Rhinotermitidae
large widely distributed family of termites of temperate to tropical regions
Mastotermitidae, family Mastotermitidae
primitive termites
Kalotermitidae, family Kalotermitidae
primitive termites of warm regions
Acrididae, Locustidae, family Acrididae, family Locustidae
short-horned grasshoppers; true locusts
Tettigoniidae, family Tettigoniidae
long-horned grasshoppers; katydids
Stenopelmatidae, family Stenopelmatidae
long-horned grasshoppers
Gryllidae, family Gryllidae
Phasmatidae, Phasmidae, family Phasmatidae, family Phasmidae
stick insects
Phillidae, Phyllidae, family Phillidae, family Phyllidae
leaf insects
Blattidae, family Blattidae
domestic cockroaches
Cryptocercidae, family Cryptocercidae
a family of Blattodea
Manteidae, Mantidae, family Manteidae, family Mantidae
Capsidae, Miridae, family Capsidae, family Miridae
leaf bugs
Tingidae, family Tingidae
lace bugs
Lygaeidae, family Lygaeidae
lygaeid bugs
Coreidae, family Coreidae
squash bugs and leaf-footed bugs
Cimicidae, family Cimicidae
wingless flat-bodied bloodsucking insects
Notonectidae, family Notonectidae
aquatic carnivorous insects
Belostomatidae, family Belostomatidae
water bugs
Nepidae, family Nepidae
water scorpions
Corixidae, family Corixidae
water bugs
Gerridae, Gerrididae, family Gerridae, family Gerrididae
an arthropod family that includes water striders
Reduviidae, family Reduviidae
assassin bugs
Pyrrhocoridae, family Pyrrhocoridae
Aleyrodidae, family Aleyrodidae
Coccoidea, superfamily Coccoidea
scale insects and mealybugs
Coccidae, family Coccidae
scale insects
Diaspididae, family Diaspididae
armored scales
Dactylopiidae, family Dactylopiidae
cochineal insects
Pseudococcidae, family Pseudococcidae
scalelike insects: mealybugs
Aphidoidea, superfamily Aphidoidea
plant lice
Aphididae, family Aphididae
small soft-bodied plant lice
Adelgidae, family Adelgidae
plant lice
Phylloxeridae, family Phylloxeridae
plant lice
Chermidae, Psyllidae, family Chermidae, family Psyllidae
jumping plant lice
Cicadidae, family Cicadidae
Cercopidae, family Cercopidae
froghoppers or spittlebugs
Cicadellidae, family Cicadellidae
Jassidae, family Jassidae
family of small leafhoppers coextensive with the Cicadellidae and not distinguished from it in some classifications
Membracidae, family Membracidae
plant hoppers: treehoppers
Fulgoridae, family Fulgoridae
plant hoppers: lantern flies
Psocidae, family Psocidae
a family of small soft-bodied insects that feed on decaying vegetation; related to booklice
Atropidae, family Atropidae
Ephemeridae, family Ephemeridae
Myrmeleontidae, family Myrmeleontidae
Chrysopidae, family Chrysopidae
green lacewings
Hemerobiidae, family Hemerobiidae
brown lacewings
Corydalidae, family Corydalidae
Sialidae, family Sialidae
an arthropod family including: alderflies
Raphidiidae, family Raphidiidae
a family of arthropods of the suborder Megaloptera, including snakeflies
Mantispidae, family Mantispidae
Sisyridae, family Sisyridae
an arthropod family of the order Neuroptera that includes spongeflies
Lepismatidae, family Lepismatidae
Machilidae, family Machilidae
jumping bristletails
Thripidae, family Thripidae
Forficulidae, family Forficulidae
typical earwigs
Nymphalidae, family Nymphalidae
large beautifully colored butterflies
Satyridae, family Satyridae
a widely distributed family of butterflies common near the edges of woods
Danaidae, family Danaidae
small family of usually tropical butterflies: monarch butterflies
Pieridae, family Pieridae
arthropod family including cabbage butterflies; sulphur butterflies
Lycaenidae, family Lycaenidae
family of small usually brilliantly colored butterflies; males have short forelegs
Tortricidae, family Tortricidae
leaf rollers and codling moths
Lymantriidae, family Lymantriidae
tussock moths
Geometridae, family Geometridae
measuring worms
Pyralidae, Pyralididae, family Pyralidae, family Pyralididae
bee moths; corn borers; flour moths
Tineoidea, superfamily Tineoidea
clothes moths; carpet moths; leaf miners
Tineidae, family Tineidae
clothes moths
Gracilariidae, Gracillariidae, family Gracilariidae
leaf miners
Gelechiidae, family Gelechiidae
important economic pests
Noctuidae, family Noctuidae
cutworms; armyworms
Sphingidae, family Sphingidae
Bombycidae, family Bombycidae
Chinese silkworm moth
Saturniidae, family Saturniidae
important and widely distributed family of moths including some of the largest insects known
Arctiidae, family Arctiidae
tiger moths
Lasiocampidae, family Lasiocampidae
tent caterpillars; eggars; lappet moths
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera




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