单词 | practice |
释义 | practice (once / 32 pages) 1nv 2nv Practice can be a noun or a verb, but either way it's about how things are done on a regular basis. You can practice shotput every day because your town has a practice of supporting track-and-field events. One can practice the tuba for hours on end, repeating the same song over and over, serving to both get better at the tuba and to convince the neighbors they should move to Florida. You could learn the common practice of offering a guest a beverage when they arrive at your party, if you care to be polite. One can also practice a profession or a religion, as in “I practice Buddhism and I have a booming international law practice.” WORD FAMILYpractice: practicable, practical, practiced, practices, practicing+/impracticability: impracticabilities/impracticable: impracticability, impracticableness, impracticably/impractical: impracticality, impractically/impracticality: impracticalities/practicability: practicabilities/practicable: impracticable, practicability, practicableness, practicably/practical: impractical, practicality, practically/practicality: practicalities/practiced: unpracticed USAGE EXAMPLESIf nothing else, policymakers say, such comparisons prompt discussions across borders to learn best practices in addressing particular health problems. Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016) I am a clinical social worker in private practice, and I deal with a different client every hour. Washington Post(Dec 29, 2016) Lee, of Hopewell, practiced law for more than 30 years. Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1n a customary way of operation or behavior it is their practice to give annual raises Syn|Hypo|Hyper pattern biologism use of biological principles in explaining human especially social behavior cooperationthe practice of cooperating featherbeddingthe practice (usually by a labor union) of requiring an employer to hire more workers than are required formalismthe practice of scrupulous adherence to prescribed or external forms one-upmanshipthe practice of keeping one jump ahead of a friend or competitor pluralismthe practice of one person holding more than one benefice at a time symbolisation, symbolism, symbolizationthe practice of investing things with symbolic meaning modernismpractices typical of contemporary life or thought occult, occult artssupernatural practices and techniques ornamentalismthe practice of ornamental display cannibalismthe practice of eating the flesh of your own kind careerismthe practice of advancing your career at the expense of your personal integrity custom, usage, usanceaccepted or habitual practice habitudehabitual mode of behavior fashioncharacteristic or habitual practice lobbyismthe practice of lobbying; the activities of a lobbyist slaveholding, slaverythe practice of owning slaves peonagethe practice of making a debtor work for his creditor until the debt is discharged unwritten lawlaw based on customary behavior lynch lawthe practice of punishing people by hanging without due process of law mistreatmentthe practice of treating (someone or something) badly nonconformismthe practice of nonconformity calisthenics, callisthenicsthe practice of calisthenic exercises quotationthe practice of quoting from books or plays etc. ritualthe prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies ritualismexaggerated emphasis on the importance of rites or ritualistic forms in worship naturism, nudismgoing without clothes as a social practice systematismthe habitual practice of systematization and classification cross dressing, transvestism, transvestitismthe practice of adopting the clothes or the manner or the sexual role of the opposite sex ablutionthe ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels anthropophagyhuman cannibalism; the eating of human flesh Americanisma custom that is peculiar to the United States or its citizens Anglicism, Britishisma custom that is peculiar to England or its citizens consuetudea custom or usage that has acquired the force of law couvadea custom among some peoples whereby the husband of a pregnant wife is put to bed at the time of bearing the child Germanisma custom that is peculiar to Germany or its citizens habit, use(psychology) an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation; may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition hijabthe custom in some Islamic societies of women dressing modestly outside the home daily round, roundthe usual activities in your day line of least resistance, path of least resistancethe easiest way annoyance, annoying, irritation, vexationthe act of troubling or annoying someone disregard, neglectwillful lack of care and attention exploitation, using, victimisation, victimizationan act that exploits or victimizes someone (treats them unfairly) harassment, molestationthe act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism abuse, ill-treatment, ill-usage, maltreatmentcruel or inhumane treatment celebration, solemnisation, solemnizationthe public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual rite, ritualany customary observance or practice Communion, Holy Communion, manduction, sacramental manductionthe act of participating in the celebration of the Eucharist activity any specific behavior 2n knowledge of how something is usually done it is not the local practice to wear shorts to dinner Hypo|Hyper custom, tradition a specific practice of long standing convention, formula, normal, pattern, rulesomething regarded as a normative example heritagepractices that are handed down from the past by tradition mores(sociology) the conventions that embody the fundamental values of a group code of behavior, code of conducta set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group universala behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all members of a particular culture or of all human beings habit, wontan established custom Hadith(Islam) a tradition based on reports of the sayings and activities of Muhammad and his companions institutiona custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society cognition, knowledge, noesis the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning 3n the exercise of a profession the practice of the law I took over his practice when he retired Hypo|Hyper consultancy the practice of giving expert advice within a particular field cosmetologythe practice of beautifying the face and hair and skin dental practicethe practice of dentistry law practicethe practice of law medical practicethe practice of medicine optometrythe practice of an optometrist private practicethe practice of a profession independently and not as an employee witchingthe use or practice of witchcraft family medicine, family practicemedical practice that provides health care regardless of age or sex while placing emphasis on the family unit group practice(medicine) the practice of medicine by a group of physicians who share their premises and other resources empiricism, quackerymedical practice and advice based on observation and experience in ignorance of scientific findings employment, exercise, usage, use, utilisation, utilization the act of using 4n translating an idea into action a hard theory to put into practice Syn|Hyper praxis effectuation, implementation the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect 5v carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions practice law Syn|Hypo do, exercise, practise shamanise, shamanize practice shamanism 6v engage in or perform practice safe sex Syn|Hyper commit engage, prosecute, pursue carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in 7v avail oneself to 2practice a religion practice non-violent resistance Syn|Hypo apply, use apply, employ, use, utilise, utilize put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose follow adhere to or practice 1n systematic training by multiple repetitions practice makes perfect Syn|Hypo|Hyper drill, exercise, practice session, recitation fire drill an exercise intended to train people in duties and escape procedures to be followed in case of fire manual, manual of arms(military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle military drilltraining in marching and the use of weapons rehearsal(psychology) a form of practice; repetition of information (silently or aloud) in order to keep it in short-term memory dry run, rehearsala practice session in preparation for a public performance (as of a play or speech or concert) brushup, reviewpractice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory scrimmage(American football) practice play between a football team's squads shadowboxingsparring with an imaginary opponent (for exercise or training) target practicepractice in shooting at targets close-order drill(military) military drill of troops in standard marching (shoulder-to-shoulder) square-bashingdrill on a barracks square dress rehearsala full uninterrupted rehearsal in costumes shortly before the first performance run-throughan uninterrupted rehearsal walk-througha first perfunctory rehearsal of a theatrical production in which actors read their lines from the script and move as directed rub upa review that refreshes your memory grooming, preparation, training activity leading to skilled behavior 2v learn by repetition Pianists practice scales Syn|Hyper drill, exercise, practise learn, read, study, take be a student of a certain subject 3v engage in a rehearsal (of) Syn|Hypo|Hyper practise, rehearse walk through perform in a perfunctory way, as for a first rehearsal scrimmagepractice playing (a sport) do, execute, perform carry out or perform an action |
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