单词 | magnoliopsid genus |
释义 | magnoliopsid genus (extremely rare) n WORD FAMILY magnoliopsid genus n genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination Syn|Hypo|Hyper dicot genus magnoliid dicot genus genus of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms hamamelid dicot genusgenus of mostly woody relatively primitive dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins caryophylloid dicot genusgenus of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowers dilleniid dicot genusgenus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs asterid dicot genusgenus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs rosid dicot genusa genus of dicotyledonous plants Myrica, genus Myricadeciduous aromatic shrubs or small trees Comptonia, genus Comptoniaone species: sweet fern Leitneria, genus Leitneriaone species: corkwood Apocynum, genus Apocynumperennial herbs with small pink or white flowers Acocanthera, Acokanthera, genus Acocanthera, genus Acokantherasmall genus of trees and shrubs containing strongly toxic cardiac glycosides; Arabia to Africa Adenium, genus Adeniumone species: succulent shrub or tree of tropical Africa and Arabia genus Allamandagenus of tropical American woody vines Alstonia, genus Alstoniagenus of evergreen trees or shrubs with white funnel-shaped flowers and milky sap; tropical Africa to southeastern Asia and Polynesia Amsonia, genus Amsoniagenus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America Beaumontia, genus Beaumontiasmall genus of evergreen woody vines in the East Indies and Asia genus CarissaOld World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubs Catharanthus, genus Catharanthussmall genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vinca Holarrhena, genus Holarrhenagenus of deciduous trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and Asia Dipladenia, Mandevilla, genus Dipladenia, genus Mandevillagenus of tropical South American tuberous perennial woody vines with large racemose flowers and milky sap Nerium, genus Neriumone species: oleander Plumeria, Plumiera, genus Plumeriadeciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers genus Rauvolfia, genus Rauwolfiapantropical genus of somewhat poisonous shrubs and small trees genus Strophanthusgenus of tropical Asiatic and African shrubs and woody vines and small trees Tabernaemontana, genus Tabernaemontanaevergreen tropical trees and shrubs with milky sap Thevetia, genus Thevetiagenus of poisonous tropical American evergreen shrubs and trees having entire leaves and large cymose flowers Trachelospermum, genus Trachelospermumgenus of Asiatic woody vines with milky sap in leaves and stems Vinca, genus Vincaperiwinkles: low creeping evergreen perennials Aristolochia, genus Aristolochiabirthworts; Dutchman's-pipe Asarum, genus Asarumwild ginger Nopalea, genus Nopaleaa genus of the cactus family with scarlet flowers genus Primulavery large and important genus of plants of temperate Europe and Asia having showy flowers Anagallis, genus Anagallischiefly Old World herbs Centunculus, genus Centunculusa dicotyledonous genus of the family Primulaceae genus Cyclamengenus of widely cultivated flowering Eurasian herbs with centrally depressed rounded tubers and rounded heart-shaped leaves Glaux, genus Glauxsea milkwort Hottonia, genus Hottoniaaquatic herbs Lysimachia, genus Lysimachialoosestrife: a cosmopolitan genus found in damp or swampy terrain having usually yellow flowers; inclined to be invasive Samolus, genus Samolusgenus of herbs usually growing in salt marshes: water pimpernels Myrsine, genus Myrsineevergreen trees and shrubs having aromatic foliage; Africa; Asia (New Zealand) Ardisia, genus Ardisiatropical evergreen subshrubs (some climbers) to trees of Asia and Australasia to Americas genus Plumbagoshrubs and herbs and woody vines of warm regions: leadwort Armeria, genus Armeriashrubby or herbaceous low-growing evergreen perennials Limonium, genus Limoniumsea lavender Jacquinia, genus Jacquiniasometimes placed in family Myrsinaceae Cucurbita, genus Cucurbitatype genus of the Cucurbitaceae genus Bryoniaclimbing perennial herbs: bryony Citrullus, genus Citrullusa dicot genus of the family Cucurbitaceae including watermelons Cucumis, genus Cucumiscucumbers; muskmelons Ecballium, genus Ecballiumexploding cucumber; squirting cucumber Lagenaria, genus Lagenariabottle gourds genus Luffadishcloth gourds Momordica, genus MomordicaOld World tropical vine Goodeniaa genus of shrubs and herbs that grow in Australia and New Guinea and Malaysia and southeast Asia genus Lobeliain some classifications considered the type genus of a separate family Lobeliaceae Bartle Frere, genus Bartle-Frere, green dinosaura living fossil or so-called `green dinosaur'; genus or subfamily of primitive nut-bearing trees thought to have died out 50 million years ago; a single specimen found in 1994 on Mount Bartle Frere in eastern Australia; not yet officially named genus Proteatype genus of Proteaceae; tropical African shrubs genus Banksiaimportant genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or trees with alternate leathery leaves and yellowish flowers Conospermum, genus ConospermumAustralian shrubs (some trees) with flowers in dense spikes: smoke bush Embothrium, genus Embothriumsmall genus of South American evergreen shrubs or small trees with long willowy branches and flowers in flamboyant terminal clusters Guevina, genus Guevinaone species: Chilean nut genus Grevillealarge genus of Australian shrubs and trees having usually showy orange or red flowers Hakea, genus HakeaAustralian shrubs and small trees with evergreen usually spiny leaves and dense clusters of showy flowers Knightia, genus Knightiasmall genus of trees or shrubs of New Zealand and New Caledonia Lambertia, genus Lambertiasmall genus of Australian shrubs Leucadendron, genus Leucadendronlarge genus of evergreen trees and shrubs having silvery white leaves and solitary terminal flowers with conspicuous silvery bracts genus Lomatiasmall genus of low-growing evergreens of Chile and Australia; some yield dyes genus Macadamiatrees or shrubs; Madagascar to Australia Orites, genus Oritessmall genus of Australian shrubs or trees Persoonia, genus PersooniaAustralian undershrubs to small trees: geebungs Stenocarpus, genus Stenocarpussmall genus of timber trees; Australia to Malaysia Telopea, genus TelopeaAustralian evergreen shrubs: waratahs Xylomelum, genus Xylomelumsmall species of Australian trees or shrubs; grown for their fruit and flowers genus Casuarinagenus of trees and shrubs widely naturalized in southern United States and West Indies; coextensive with the family Casuarinaceae and order Casuarinales Clethra, genus Clethratype and sole genus of the Clethraceae; deciduous shrubs or small trees: white alder, summer-sweet Centaurium, genus Centauriumgenus of low-growing herbs mostly of northern hemisphere having flowers with protruding spirally twisted anthers Eustoma, genus Eustomasmall genus of herbs of warm regions of southern North America to northern South America Exacum, genus Exacumgenus of tropical Asiatic and African plants: especially Persian violets Frasera, genus Fraseragenus of North American herbs: columbo; includes some species sometimes placed in genus Swertia Gentiana, genus Gentianatype genus of the Gentianaceae; cosmopolitan genus of herbs nearly cosmopolitan in cool temperate regions; in some classifications includes genera Gentianopsis and Gentianella Gentianella, genus Gentianellagenus of herbs with flowers that resemble gentian; in some classifications included in genus Gentiana Gentianopsis, genus Gentianopsisgenus of fringed gentians; in some classifications included in genus Gentiana Halenia, genus Haleniagenus of herbs of Eurasia and the Americas: spurred gentians genus Sabbatiagenus of smooth slender North American herbs with showy flowers Swertia, genus Swertiagenus of herbs of mountains of North America and Eurasia and Africa Salvadora, genus Salvadoragenus of evergreen trees or shrubs; fruit is a drupe; grows in Africa through Arabia to India and China Olea, genus Oleaevergreen trees and shrubs having oily one-seeded fruits Chionanthus, genus Chionanthusdeciduous trees or shrubs: fringe tree genus Forestieragenus of often spiny American shrubs and trees genus Forsythiaforsythia Fraxinus, genus Fraxinusash Jasminum, genus Jasminumshrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate Old World: jasmine; jessamine Ligustrum, genus Ligustrumgenus of Old World shrubs: privet Osmanthus, genus Osmanthuswidely distributed genus of evergreen shrubs or trees of southern United States and Middle East and China and Japan Phillyrea, genus Phillyreasmall genus of evergreen shrubs of the Mediterranean region Syringa, genus Syringagenus of Old World shrubs or low trees having fragrant flowers in showy panicles: lilacs Hamamelidanthum, genus Hamamelidanthumgenus of fossil plants of the Oligocene having flowers resembling those of the witch hazel; found in Baltic region Hamamelidoxylon, genus Hamamelidoxylongenus of fossil plants having wood identical with or similar to that of the witch hazel Hamamelites, genus Hamamelitesgenus of fossil plants having leaves similar to those of the witch hazel Juglans, genus Juglanstype genus of the Juglandaceae Carya, genus Caryagenus of large deciduous nut-bearing trees; United States and China Pterocarya, genus PterocaryaAsiatic nut trees: wing nuts genus Combretumtype genus of the Combretaceae: tropical and subtropical small shrubs and trees Conocarpus, genus Conocarpusmonotypic genus of tropical American trees: button tree Elaeagnus, genus Elaeagnusoleaster Myriophyllum, genus Myriophyllumchiefly monoecious and usually aquatic herbs (as the milfoils) Grias, genus Griasanchovy pear tree Bertholletia, genus Bertholletiabrazil nut Lythrum, genus Lythrumloosestrife Myrtus, genus Myrtustype genus of the Myrtaceae Pimenta, genus Pimentaallspice tree Eugenia, genus Eugeniatropical trees and shrubs with aromatic leaves and often valuable hard wood genus Feijoasmall South American shrubs or trees Jambos, genus Jambosused in some classifications for rose apples (Eugenia jambos) Myrcia, Myrciaria, genus Myrciariaa genus of tropical American trees and shrubs of the myrtle family Psidium, genus Psidiumguavas genus Eucalyptustall trees native to the Australian region; source of timber and medicinal oils from the aromatic leaves Syzygium, genus Syzygiuma tropical evergreen tree of the myrtle family native to the East Indies but cultivated elsewhere Nyssa, genus Nyssatupelos: deciduous trees of moist habitats especially swamps and beside ponds genus Fuchsialarge genus of decorative tropical shrubs with pendulous tetramerous flowers Oenothera, genus Oenotherachiefly North American herbs with usually nocturnal flowers Punica, genus Punicacoextensive with the family Punicaceae Rhizophora, genus Rhizophoratype genus of the Rhizophoraceae; a small genus of tropical trees and shrubs genus Daphneusually evergreen Eurasian shrubs Dirca, genus Dircadeciduous shrub of North America: leatherwood Trapa, genus Trapasmall genus of Eurasian aquatic perennial herbs: water chestnut Urtica, genus Urticaa nettle yielding fiber resembling flax Boehmeria, genus Boehmeriafalse nettle Helxine, Soleirolia, genus Helxine, genus Soleiroliaone species; a dwarf creeping mat-forming evergreen herb Laportea, genus Laporteamostly tropical stinging herbs or trees: nettle Parietaria, genus Parietariasmall genus of stingless herbs Pilea, genus Pilealow-growing tropical perennials grown for their stingless foliage Pipturus, genus Pipturusan Australian genus of woody plants of the family Urticaceae genus Cannabishemp: genus of coarse annuals native to central Asia and widely naturalized in north temperate regions; in some classifications included in the family Moraceae Humulus, genus Humulushops: hardy perennial vines of Europe, North America and central and eastern Asia producing a latex sap; in some classifications included in the family Urticaceae Morus, genus Morustype genus of the Moraceae: mulberries Maclura, genus Maclurayellowwood trees or shrubs Artocarpus, genus Artocarpusevergreen Asiatic trees now grown through the tropics: breadfruit; jackfruit Ficus, genus Ficuslarge genus of tropical trees or shrubs or climbers including fig trees Broussonetia, genus Broussonetiapaper mulberry Cecropia, genus Cecropialarge genus of tropical American trees that yield a bast fiber used for cordage and bark used in tanning; milky juice yields caoutchouc Ulmus, genus Ulmustype genus of family Ulmaceae; deciduous trees having simple serrate leaves; widely distributed in temperate regions Celtis, genus Celtislarge genus of trees and shrubs with berrylike fruit Planera, genus Planeraa deciduous tree of the family Ulmaceae that grows in the southeastern United States Trema, genus Tremaan evergreen tree of the family Ulmaceae that grows in tropical America and Africa and Asia Menyanthes, genus Menyanthesthe type genus of the Menyanthaceae; one species: bogbeans Logania, genus Loganiatype genus of the Loganiaceae; Australian and New Zealand shrubs sometimes cultivated for their flowers genus Buddleiashrubs or trees of warm regions Gelsemium, genus Gelsemiumevergreen twining shrubs of Americas and southeastern Asia Plantago, genus Plantagotype genus of the family Plantaginaceae; large cosmopolitan genus of mostly small herbs Polygonum, genus Polygonumdiverse genus of herbs or woody subshrubs of north temperate regions Fagopyrum, genus Fagopyrumbuckwheat; in some classifications included in the genus Polygonum genus EriogonumNorth American herbs of the buckwheat family Rheum, genus Rheumrhubarb Rumex, genus Rumexdocks: coarse herbs and shrubs mainly native to north temperate regions Dodonaea, genus Dodonaeaa genus of tropical shrub or tree Sapindus, genus Sapindustype genus of the Sapindaceae Blighia, genus Blighiasmall genus of western African evergreen trees and shrubs bearing fleshy capsular three-seeded fruits edible when neither unripe nor overripe Cardiospermum, genus Cardiospermumtendril-climbing herbs or shrubs whose seeds have a white heart-shaped spot Dimocarpus, genus Dimocarpuslongan genus Harpulliagenus of tropical Asiatic and African trees genus LitchiChinese trees Melicocca, Melicoccus, genus Melicocca, genus Melicoccustropical American trees and shrubs bearing berries Nephelium, genus Nepheliuma genus of dicotyledonous trees of the family Sapindaceae that are native to Asia and Australia Buxus, genus Buxustype genus of the Buxaceae genus Pachysandraevergreen perennial procumbent subshrubs or herbs Celastrus, genus Celastrusgenus of woody vines and erect shrubs (type genus of the Celastraceae) that is native chiefly to Asia and Australia: includes bittersweet Euonymus, genus Euonymuswidely distributed chiefly evergreen shrubs or small trees or vines genus Cyrillaone species: trees and shrubs having flowers with acute or twisted petals and wingless fruit Cliftonia, genus Cliftoniaone species: titi Empetrum, genus Empetrumcrowberries Acer, genus Acertype genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit Dipteronia, genus Dipteroniasmall genus of large deciduous shrubs having large clusters of winged seeds that turn red as they mature; central and southern China Ilex, genus Ilexa large genus of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs of the family Aquifoliaceae that have small flowers and berries (including hollies) Anacardium, genus Anacardiumtype genus of the Anacardiaceae: cashew Astronium, genus Astroniuma genus of dicotyledonous plants of the family Anacardiaceae Cotinus, genus Cotinussmoke trees Malosma, genus Malosmaone species; often included in the genus Rhus Mangifera, genus Mangiferatropical tree native to Asia bearing fleshy fruit Pistacia, genus Pistaciaa dicotyledonous genus of trees of the family Anacardiaceae having drupaceous fruit Rhodosphaera, genus Rhodosphaeraone species; an Australian evergreen sumac Rhus, genus Rhusdeciduous or evergreen shrubs and shrubby trees of temperate and subtropical North America, South Africa, eastern Asia and northeastern Australia; usually limited to nonpoisonous sumacs (see genus Toxicodendron) Schinus, genus Schinusgenus of evergreen shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America and Canary Islands and China Spondias, genus Spondiastropical trees having one-seeded fruit Toxicodendron, genus Toxicodendronin some classifications: comprising those members of the genus Rhus having foliage that is poisonous to the touch; of North America and northern South America Aesculus, genus Aesculusdeciduous trees or some shrubs of North America; southeastern Europe; eastern Asia Staphylea, genus Staphyleaa genus of small trees or shrubs of the family Staphylaceae Diospyros, genus Diospyrosa genus of trees or shrubs that have beautiful and valuable wood Achras, genus Achrastropical trees having papery leaves and large fruit Bumelia, genus Bumeliadeciduous or evergreen American shrubs small trees having very hard wood and milky latex Calocarpum, genus Calocarpuma genus of tropical American trees of the family Sapotaceae Chrysophyllum, genus Chrysophyllumtropical American evergreen trees or shrubs Manilkara, genus Manilkaragenus of large evergreen trees with milky latex; pantropical Palaquium, genus Palaquiumlarge genus of Malaysian trees with milky juice and leathery leaves Payena, genus Payenagenus of medium to large Malaysian trees yielding gutta-percha Pouteria, genus Pouteriatropical American timber tree with edible fruit (canistel) Symplocus, genus Symplocustype and sole genus of Symplocaceae including sweetleaf genus Styraxdeciduous or evergreen shrubs and small trees Halesia, genus Halesiadeciduous small trees or shrubs of China and eastern North America Sarracenia, genus Sarraceniapitcher plants Darlingtonia, genus Darlingtoniaone species: California pitcher plant Heliamphora, genus Heliamphoragenus of pitcher plants of the Guiana Highlands in South America Nepenthes, genus Nepenthespitcher plants Drosera, genus Droserathe type genus of Droseraceae including many low bog-inhabiting insectivorous plants Dionaea, genus Dionaeaa genus of the family Droseraceae Aldrovanda, genus Aldrovandaone species: waterwheel plant Drosophyllum, genus Drosophyllumone species genus Roridulainsectivorous undershrubs of South Africa; in some classifications placed in the family Droseraceae Cordia, genus Cordiatropical deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs of the family Boraginaceae genus Convolvulusgenus of mostly climbing or scrambling herbs and shrubs: bindweed Argyreia, genus Argyreiawoody climbers of tropical Asia to Australia Calystegia, genus Calystegiaclimbing or scrambling herbs: bindweed Cuscuta, genus Cuscutagenus of twining leafless parasitic herbs lacking chlorophyll: dodder genus Dichondragenus of chiefly tropical prostrate perennial herbs with creeping stems that root at the nodes Ipomoea, genus Ipomoeamorning glory Monardella, genus Monardellaa genus of fragrant herbs of the family Labiatae in the western United States Rhamnus, genus Rhamnustype genus of the Rhamnaceae: buckthorns Colubrina, genus Colubrinamostly tropical American shrubs or small trees with small yellowish flowers and yellow or red fruits Ziziphus, genus Ziziphusspiny chiefly tropical American and Asiatic shrubs: jujubes Paliurus, genus Paliurusthorny Eurasian shrubs Pomaderris, genus Pomaderrisa genus of Australasian shrubs and trees Vitis, genus Vitisthe type genus of the family Vitaceae; woody vines with simple leaves and small flowers; includes a wide variety of grapes Parthenocissus, genus Parthenocissuswoody vines having disklike tips on the tendrils Piper, genus Pipertype genus of the Piperaceae: large genus of chiefly climbing tropical shrubs genus Peperomialarge genus of small tropical usually succulent herbs Chloranthus, genus Chloranthustype genus of the Chloranthaceae Saururus, genus Saururustype genus of the Saururaceae: lizard's-tails Anemopsis, genus Anemopsisone species: yerba mansa Houttuynia, genus Houttuyniaone species; east Asian low-growing plant of wet places Asclepias, genus Asclepiasgenus of chiefly North American perennial herbs: silkweed; milkweed Araujia, genus Araujiasmall genus of South American evergreen vines genus Cynancumgenus of perennial tropical African lianas genus Hoyalarge genus of climbing shrubs of Australia and Asia and Polynesia Periploca, genus Periplocagenus of woody vines of warm regions of the Old World Sarcostemma, genus Sarcostemmasucculent subshrubs or vines; tropical and subtropical India and Africa and Malaysia genus Stapeliagenus of foul-smelling plants resembling cacti; found from Africa to East India genus Stephanotisgenus of Old World tropical woody vines Vincetoxicum, genus Vincetoxicumgenus of chiefly tropical American vines having cordate leaves and large purple or greenish cymose flowers; supposedly having powers as an antidote Annona, genus Annonatype genus of the Annonaceae; tropical American trees or shrubs Asimina, genus Asiminapawpaw Cananga, Canangium, genus Cananga, genus Canangiuma genus of Malayan tree Oxandra, genus Oxandragenus of tropical trees Xylopia, genus Xylopiatropical evergreen trees or shrubs; chiefly African Berberis, genus Berberislarge genus of shrubs of temperate zones of New and Old Worlds Caulophyllum, genus Caulophyllumblue cohosh Epimedium, genus Epimediumherbaceous perennials of Mediterranean to India and eastern Asia Mahonia, genus Mahoniaevergreen shrubs and small trees of North and Central America and Asia Podophyllum, genus Podophyllumperennial rhizomatous herbs Calycanthus, genus Calycanthusa magnoliid dicot genus of the family Calycanthaceae including: allspice Chimonanthus, genus Chimonanthussmall genus of Asian deciduous or evergreen shrubs having fragrant flowers: winter sweet Ceratophyllum, genus Ceratophyllumconstituting the family Ceratophyllaceae: hornworts Cercidiphyllum, genus Cercidiphyllumone species: katsura tree Lardizabala, genus Lardizabalaevergreen monoecious climbers of South America having dark mauve-blue edible berries Laurus, genus Laurussmall evergreen trees or shrubs with aromatic leaves Cinnamomum, genus CinnamomumAsiatic and Australian aromatic trees and shrubs Lindera, genus Linderaaromatic evergreen or deciduous dioecious shrubs or trees of eastern Asia and North America Benzoin, genus Benzoinused in some classifications for the American spicebush and certain other plants often included in the genus Lindera Persea, genus Perseaavocado genus Sassafrasa genus of sassafras Umbellularia, genus Umbellulariaaromatic evergreen trees of Pacific coast Illicium, genus Illiciumanise trees: evergreen trees with aromatic leaves genus Magnoliashrubs or trees of North America or Asia having entire evergreen or deciduous leaves; among most ancient of angiosperm genera Liriodendron, genus Liriodendrontulip trees Menispermum, genus Menispermumclimbing herbs Cocculus, genus Cocculusclimbing plants or shrubs Myristica, genus Myristicatype genus of Myristicaceae; tropical Asian evergreen trees with small white or yellow flowers followed by fleshy fruits Nymphaea, genus Nymphaeathe type genus of the family Nymphaeaceae; any of a variety of water lilies Nuphar, genus Nupharspatterdocks Nelumbo, genus Nelumbosometimes placed in the family Nymphaeaceae: lotuses Cabomba, genus Cabombaalternatively, a member of the family Nymphaeaceae; a small genus of American aquatic plants Brasenia, genus Braseniaalternatively, a member of the family Nymphaeaceae Paeonia, genus Paeoniapeonies: herbaceous or shrubby plants having showy flowers Ranunculus, genus Ranunculusannual, biennial or perennial herbs: buttercup; crowfoot Aconitum, genus Aconitumgenus of poisonous plants of temperate regions of northern hemisphere with a vaulted and enlarged petal Actaea, genus Actaeabaneberry Adonis, genus Adonisannual or perennial herbs genus Anemoneperennial herbs with tuberous roots and beautiful flowers; of north and south temperate regions Anemonella, genus Anemonellaone species: rue anemone genus Aquilegiacolumbine Caltha, genus Calthaa genus of Caltha Cimicifuga, genus Cimicifugasmall genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions: bugbane genus Clematislarge genus of deciduous or evergreen woody vines or erect herbs Coptis, genus Coptissmall genus of low perennial herbs having yellow rhizomes and white or yellow flowers Consolida, genus Consolidaplants having flowers resembling the larkspur's but differing from larkspur's in the arrangement of petals; sometimes included in genus Delphinium genus Delphiniumlarge genus of chiefly perennial erect branching herbs of north temperate regions some poisonous Eranthis, genus Eranthiswinter aconite Helleborus, genus Helleborusa genus of Helleborus genus Hepaticasmall genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions; allied to genus Anemone Hydrastis, genus Hydrastissmall genus of perennial herbs having rhizomes and palmate leaves and small solitary flowers; of northeastern United States and Japan Isopyrum, genus Isopyrumtufted perennial herbs of northern hemisphere Laccopetalum, genus Laccopetalumone species: giant buttercup genus Nigellaerect annual Eurasian herbs Pulsatilla, genus Pulsatillaincludes a group of plants that in some classifications are included in the genus Anemone: pasqueflowers Thalictrum, genus Thalictrumwidely distributed genus of perennial herbs: meadow rue Trautvetteria, genus Trautvetteriasmall genus of perennial herbs: false bugbane Trollius, genus Trolliusperennial herbs of north temperate regions: globeflowers Drimys, genus Drimysshrubs and trees of southern hemisphere having aromatic foliage Pseudowintera, Wintera, genus Pseudowintera, genus Winteraevergreen shrubs or small trees of Australia and New Zealand Connarus, genus Connaruslarge genus of tropical trees and shrubs; type genus of the Connaraceae Arachis, genus Arachisa genus of plants with pods that ripen underground (see peanut) Brya, genus Bryagenus of prickly shrubs and small trees of the Caribbean region; source of a durable hardwood Centrolobium, genus Centrolobiuma genus of Centrolobium Coumarouna, Dipteryx, genus Coumarouna, genus Dipteryxtropical American trees: tonka beans Hymenaea, genus Hymenaeagenus of tropical American timber trees genus MelilotusOld World herbs: the sweet clovers Swainsona, genus Swainsonaa genus of Australian herbs and subshrubs: darling peas Trifolium, genus Trifoliumany leguminous plant having leaves divided into three leaflets genus Mimosagenus of spiny woody shrubs or trees; named for their apparent imitation of animal sensitivity to light and heat and movement genus Acacialarge genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America, Africa, Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa Adenanthera, genus Adenantherasmall genus of trees of tropical Asia and Pacific areas genus Albizia, genus Albizzialarge genus of unarmed trees and shrubs of Old World tropics Anadenanthera, genus Anadenanthera2 species of tropical American shrubs or trees genus Calliandragenus of pinnate-leaved shrubs and small trees of tropical and subtropical North and South America and India and West Africa Enterolobium, genus Enterolobiumsmall genus of tropical American timber trees closely allied to genus Albizia genus Ingagenus of tropical trees or shrubs Leucaena, genus Leucaenasmall genus of tropical evergreen trees or shrubs having pods like those of the acacia Lysiloma, genus Lysilomasmall genus of tropical American trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves and flat straight pods Parkia, genus Parkiagenus of tropical Old World trees: nitta trees Piptadenia, genus Piptadeniatropical American trees and shrubs; often placed in other genera Pithecellobium, Pithecolobium, genus Pithecellobium, genus Pithecolobiumthorny shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical America and Asia Prosopis, genus Prosopisgenus of tropical or subtropical branching shrubs or trees: mesquite genus Araliatype genus of Araliaceae; large widely distributed genus of shrubs and trees and vines: spikenard; Hercules'-club Hedera, genus HederaOld World woody vines Meryta, genus Merytasmall to medium evergreen dioecious trees of oceanic climates: puka Panax, genus Panaxperennial herbs of eastern North America and Asia having aromatic tuberous roots: ginseng Schefflera, genus Scheffleralarge genus of shrubby and climbing tropical plants having showy digitately compound foliage Agrostemma, genus Agrostemmaa caryophylloid dicot genus including corn cockles Arenaria, genus Arenariasandworts Cerastium, genus Cerastiummouse-eared chickweed Dianthus, genus Dianthuscarnations and pinks genus Drypisone species Gypsophila, genus GypsophilaMediterranean herbs having small white or pink flowers Hernaria, genus Hernarialow-growing Old World herbs with minute bright green leaves Illecebrum, genus Illecebrumone species: coral necklace genus Lychnisgenus of plants strongly resembling those of genus Silene: catchfly Minuartia, genus Minuartiamostly perennial herbs of northern hemisphere often with mat-forming habit; most often placed in genus Arenaria: sandworts Moehringia, genus Moehringialow-growing herbs widely distributed in temperate and Arctic northern hemisphere: sandworts; distinguished from members of the genus Arenaria mainly by having four-petaled rather than five-petaled flowers Paronychia, genus Paronychialow-growing annual or perennial herbs or woody plants; whitlowworts Petrocoptis, genus Petrocoptisperennial tussock-forming rock plants; of Pyrenees and mountains of northern Spain; similar to and sometimes placed in genus Lychnis Sagina, genus Saginasmall low-growing annual or perennial herbs of temperate and cool regions Saponaria, genus Saponariamostly perennial Old World herbs Scleranthus, genus Scleranthussmall genus of Old World weedy prostrate annuals: knawel genus Silenelarge widely distributed genus of plants having mostly showy flowers of various colors: campion; catchfly Spergula, genus Spergulasmall genus of Old World annual herbs: corn spurry Spergularia, genus Spergulariachiefly maritime Eurasian herbs: sand spurry; sea spurry Vaccaria, genus Vaccariacow-cockles Carpobrotus, genus Carpobrotusa caryophyllaceous genus of Carpobrotus Dorotheanthus, genus Dorotheanthusa caryophyllaceous genus of Dorotheanthus genus Lithopsgenus of stemless South African succulents Mesembryanthemum, genus MesembryanthemumSouth African annual or biennial plants having flowers that open only in bright sunlight Molluga, genus Mollugacarpetweeds Pleiospilos, genus Pleiospilosperennial succulents of South Africa Tetragonia, genus TetragoniaNew Zealand spinach Amaranthus, genus Amaranthuslarge widely distributed genus of chiefly coarse annual herbs Alternanthera, genus Alternantheragenus of low herbs of tropical America and Australia; includes genus Telanthera Celosia, genus Celosiaannual or perennial herbs or vines of tropical and subtropical America and Asia and Africa Froelichia, genus Froelichiagenus of erect or procumbent herbs of the Americas having spikes of woolly white flowers: cottonweed Gomphrena, genus Gomphrenagenus of tropical herbs or subshrubs having flowers in close heads; tropical America and Australia Iresine, genus Iresinegenus of tropical American herbs or subshrubs Telanthera, genus Telantheraused in former classifications systems; now included in genus Alternanthera Batis, genus Batissmall genus of plants constituting the family Batidaceae: low straggling dioecious shrubs Chenopodium, genus Chenopodiumgoosefoot; pigweed Atriplex, genus Atriplexorach; saltbush Bassia, Kochia, genus Bassia, genus Kochiasummer cypress Beta, genus Betabeets Cycloloma, genus Cyclolomaa caryophyllaceous genus of the family Chenopodiaceae genus Halogetona caryophyllaceous genus of the family Chenopodiaceae Salicornia, genus Salicorniaglassworts Salsola, genus Salsolachiefly Old World herbs or shrubs: saltworts Sarcobatus, genus Sarcobatusone species: greasewood Spinacia, genus Spinaciaspinach Nyctaginia, genus Nyctaginiaa caryophyllaceous genus of the family Nyctaginaceae having only one species Abronia, genus Abroniagenus of western North American herbs having showy flowers Allionia, genus Allioniasmall genus of chiefly American herbs Bougainvillaea, genus Bougainvillaea, genus Bougainvilleaornamental tropical woody vines Mirabilis, genus Mirabilisfour o'clocks Pisonia, genus Pisoniagenus of often thorny tropical trees and shrubs and some vines; mainly America Acanthocereus, genus Acanthocereusmostly trailing cacti having nocturnal white flowers; tropical America and Caribbean region Aporocactus, genus Aporocactussmall genus of epiphytic cacti of Mexico Ariocarpus, genus Ariocarpusslow-growing geophytic cacti; northern and eastern Mexico; southern Texas Carnegiea, genus Carnegieacaryophylloid dicot genus with only one species: saguaro Cereus, genus Cereusgenus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white genus Coryphanthamainly globose cacti of southwestern United States and Mexico covered with many nodules; superficially resembling and formerly included in genus Mammillaria genus Echinocactusglobular or cylindrical cacti; southwestern United States to Brazil Echinocereus, genus Echinocereuslarge genus of low-growing shrubby ribbed cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States genus Epiphyllumsmall genus of tropical American (mainly Central America) cacti Ferocactus, genus Ferocactusgenus of nearly globular cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States: barrel cacti Gymnocalycium, genus Gymnocalyciumlarge genus of low-growing globular South American cacti with spiny ribs covered with many tubercles Harrisia, genus Harrisiagenus of slender often treelike spiny cacti with solitary showy nocturnal white or pink flowers; Florida and Caribbean to South America Hatiora, genus Hatiorasmall genus of South American epiphytic or lithophytic cacti Hylocereus, genus Hylocereusgenus of climbing or epiphytic tropical American cacti with angular stems and mostly white very fragrant flowers Lemaireocereus, genus Lemaireocereustropical American cacti usually tall and branching with stout spines and funnel-shaped flowers and globular or ovoid often edible fruit Lophophora, genus Lophophoratwo species of small cacti of northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States having rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles: mescal genus Mammillarialarge genus of cacti characterized chiefly by nipple-shaped protuberances or tubercles on their surface Melocactus, genus Melocactusgenus of strongly ribbed globose or spheroid cacti of tropical South and Central America and the Caribbean Myrtillocactus, genus Myrtillocactussmall genus of arborescent cacti of Mexico and Central America Pediocactus, genus Pediocactuslow-growing cacti of the Great Plains of North America Opuntia, genus Opuntialarge genus of cactuses native to America: prickly pears Peireskia, Pereskia, genus Peireskia, genus Pereskiagenus of tropical American shrubby trees and woody climbers having slender branches with broad flat leaves and large panicles of flowers Rhipsalis, genus Rhipsalislarge genus of epiphytic or lithophytic unarmed cacti with usually segmented stems and pendulous branches; flowers are small followed by berrylike fruits Schlumbergera, genus SchlumbergeraSouth American epiphytic or lithophytic cacti Selenicereus, genus Selenicereusmostly epiphytic climbing cacti that bloom at night Zygocactus, genus Zygocactussmall genus of Brazilian cacti having flat fleshy usually branched joints and showy red or pink flowers followed by red fleshy fruits Phytolacca, genus Phytolaccatype genus of Phytolaccaceae: pokeweed Agdestis, genus Agdestisa genus with one species that is a rapidly growing climbing vine with tuberous roots; grown in hot climates Ercilla, genus Ercillaa genus of evergreen climbers Rivina, genus Rivinasmall genus of erect perennial shrubby herbs; tropical and subtropical America Trichostigma, genus Trichostigmaa genus of erect or climbing shrubs found in tropical South America genus Portulacagenus of mainly tropical fleshy or trailing herbs Calandrinia, genus Calandrinialarge genus of low-growing herbs; widespread throughout tropical and warm temperate regions having usually basal leaves and panicles of purplish ephemeral flowers Claytonia, genus Claytoniagenus of mainly North American succulent herbs with white or pink flowers usually in terminal racemes Lewisia, genus Lewisiagenus of western North American low-growing herbs having linear woolly leaves and large pink flowers Montia, genus Montiasmall genus of densely tufted annual herbs; north temperate regions and South America and tropical Africa and Asia Spraguea, genus Spragueasmall genus of usually perennial herbs having deep woody taproots and flower heads of umbels or cymes Talinum, genus Talinumgenus of mainly American more-or-less succulent herbs Capparis, genus Capparistropical or subtropical evergreen shrubs or small trees Cleome, genus Cleometropical and subtropical annual or perennial herbs or low shrubs Crateva, genus Cratevatropical genus of small trees or shrubs Polanisia, genus Polanisiawidely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length Aethionema, genus AethionemaOld World genus of the family Cruciferae Alliaria, genus Alliariaa genus of herbs of the family Cruciferae; have broad leaves and white flowers and long siliques Alyssum, genus Alyssuma genus of the family Cruciferae Anastatica, genus Anastaticaone species: rose of Jericho; resurrection plant Arabidopsis, genus Arabidopsisa genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis Arabis, genus Arabisannual to perennial woody herbs of temperate North America, Europe and Asia: rockcress Armoracia, genus Armoraciahorseradish Barbarea, genus Barbareabiennial or perennial herbs of north temperate regions: winter cress Berteroa, genus Berteroahoary alyssum Biscutella, genus Biscutellagenus of Eurasian herbs and small shrubs: buckler mustard Brassica, genus Brassicamustards: cabbages; cauliflowers; turnips; etc. Cakile, genus Cakilesmall genus of succulent annual herbs found on sandy shores of North America and Europe Camelina, false flax, genus Camelinaannual and biennial herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia Capsella, genus Capsellashepherd's purse Cardamine, genus Cardaminebittercress, bitter cress Dentaria, genus Dentariausually included in genus Cardamine; in some classifications considered a separate genus Cheiranthus, genus CheiranthusOld World perennial plants grown for their showy flowers Cochlearia, genus Cochleariaa genus of the family Cruciferae Crambe, genus Crambeannual or perennial herbs with large leaves that resemble the leaves of cabbages Descurainia, genus Descurainiaincludes annual or biennial herbs of America and Europe very similar to and often included among those of genera Sisymbrium or Hugueninia; not recognized in some classification systems Diplotaxis, genus Diplotaxiswall rocket genus Drabalarge genus of low tufted herbs of temperate and Arctic regions Eruca, genus Erucaannual to perennial herbs of the Mediterranean region Erysimum, genus Erysimumlarge genus of annual or perennial herbs some grown for their flowers and some for their attractive evergreen leaves; Old World and North America genus Heliophilagenus of South African flowering herbs and subshrubs Hesperis, genus Hesperisbiennial or perennial erect herbs having nocturnally fragrant flowers Hugueninia, genus Hugueniniaone species: tansy-leaved rocket Iberis, genus IberisOld World herbs and subshrubs: candytuft Isatis, genus IsatisOld World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad Lepidium, genus Lepidiumcosmopolitan genus of annual and biennial and perennial herbs: cress Lesquerella, genus Lesquerellagenus of low-growing hairy herbs: bladderpods Lobularia, genus Lobulariasweet alyssum Lunaria, genus Lunariasmall genus of European herbs: honesty Malcolmia, genus Malcolmiagenus of plants usually found in coastal habitats; Mediterranean to Afghanistan Matthiola, genus Matthiolagenus of Old World plants grown as ornamentals Nasturtium, genus Nasturtiumaquatic herbs Physaria, genus Physariasmall genus of western North American herbs similar to Lesquerella: bladderpods Pritzelago, genus Pritzelagochamois cress Raphanus, genus Raphanusradish Rorippa, genus Rorippaannual and perennial herbs of damp habitats; cosmopolitan except Antarctica genus Schizopetalonsmall genus of South American herbs grown for its flowers Sinapis, genus Sinapissmall genus of Old World herbs usually included in genus Brassica genus Sisymbriumgenus of Old World annual or biennial or perennial herbs with racemose flowers; many are considered to be weeds Stanleya, genus Stanleyaprince's plume Stephanomeria, genus Stephanomeriamalheur wire lettuce Subularia, genus Subulariasmall genus of herbs of north temperate regions and mountains of tropical Africa Thlaspi, genus Thlaspiherbs of temperate regions: pennycress Thysanocarpus, genus Thysanocarpussmall genus of herbs of upland regions of the Pacific coast of North America Turritis, genus Turritisclosely related to and often included in genus Arabis Vesicaria, genus Vesicariasmall genus of chiefly Mediterranean herbs: bladderpods Papaver, genus Papavertype genus of the Papaveraceae; chiefly bristly hairy herbs with usually showy flowers genus Argemoneprickly poppies genus Bocconiatropical American trees or shrubs closely related to genus Macleaya Chelidonium, genus Chelidoniumone species: greater celandine Corydalis, genus Corydalisannual or perennial herbs of Himalayan China and South Africa Dendromecon, genus Dendromeconone species: bush poppy Eschscholtzia, genus Eschscholtziashowy herbs of western North America Glaucium, genus Glauciumherbs of Europe and North Africa and Asia: horned poppy Hunnemannia, genus Hunnemaniaone species: golden cup Macleaya, genus Macleayaa perennial herb of eastern Asia: plume poppy Meconopsis, genus Meconopsisherbs almost entirely of mountains of China and Tibet; often monocarpic Platystemon, genus Platystemonone species: creamcups Romneya, genus Romneyaone species: matilija poppy Sanguinaria, genus Sanguinariaone species: bloodroot Stylomecon, genus Stylomeconone species: wind poppy Stylophorum, genus Stylophorumwood poppies Fumaria, genus Fumariaannual herbs whose flowers have only one petal spurred at the base Adlumia, genus Adlumiaone species: climbing fumitory Dicentra, genus DicentraNorth American and Asian herbs with divided leaves and irregular flowers genus Achilleaperennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; milfoil Acroclinium, genus Acrocliniumgenus of herbs and shrubs of Australia and South Africa: everlasting flower; most species usually placed in genus Helipterum Ageratina, genus Ageratinaannual to perennial herbs or shrubs of eastern United States and Central and South America genus Ageratumgenus of tropical American herbs grown for their flowers Amberboa, genus Amberboaherbs of Mediterranean to central Asia cultivated for their flowers genus Ambrosiacomprising the ragweeds; in some classification considered the type genus of a separate family Ambrosiaceae genus Ammobiumsmall genus of Australian herbs grown for their flowers Anacyclus, genus Anacyclusa Spanish pellitory Anaphalis, genus Anaphalisa genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting genus Andryalaa genus of hardy hairy latex-producing perennials of Mediterranean area Antennaria, genus Antennariasmall woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles Anthemis, genus Anthemisdog fennel Antheropeas, genus Antheropeassmall genus of North American herbs often included in genus Eriophyllum Arctium, genus Arctiumburdock Arctotis, genus Arctotisherbs and subshrubs: African daisy Argyranthemum, genus Argyranthemumcomprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum Argyroxiphium, genus Argyroxiphiumsmall genus of Hawaiian spreading and rosette-forming shrubs genus Arnicalarge genus of herbs of north temperate and Arctic regions Arnoseris, genus Arnoserislamb succory genus Artemisiausually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon genus Asterlarge genus of herbs widely cultivated for their daisylike flowers genus Ayapanagenus of tropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Eupatorium Baccharis, genus Baccharisshrubs of western hemisphere often having honey-scented flowers followed by silky thistlelike heads of tiny fruits; often used for erosion control Balsamorhiza, genus Balsamorhizagenus of coarse western American herbs with large roots containing an aromatic balsam Bellis, genus Bellisdaisy Bidens, genus Bidensbur marigolds Boltonia, genus Boltoniagenus of tall leafy perennial herbs of eastern America and eastern Asia having flowers that resemble asters Brachycome, genus Brachycomemostly Australian herbs having basal or alternate leaves and loosely corymbose flower heads Brickellia, genus Brickeliagenus of herbs of southwestern America having usually creamy florets followed by one-seeded fruits in a prominent bristly sheath Buphthalmum, genus Buphthalmumoxeye Cacalia, genus Cacaliagenus of tall smooth herbs of forested mountains of Europe and Asia minor; in some classifications includes many plants usually placed in genus Emilia genus Calendulamarigold Callistephus, genus Callistephusone species: erect Asiatic herb with large flowers Carduus, genus Carduusgenus of annual or perennial Old World prickly thistles Carlina, genus Carlinagenus of Mediterranean thistles Carthamus, genus Carthamussafflower genus Catananchegenus of Mediterranean herbs: cupid's dart Centaurea, genus Centaureaknapweed; star thistle Chamaemelum, genus Chamaemelumsmall genus of plants sometimes included in genus Anthemis: chamomile genus Chaenactisgenus of flowering herbs of western United States genus Chrysanthemumin some classifications many plants usually assigned to the genus Chrysanthemum have been divided among other genera: e.g. Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Leucanthemum; Tanacetum Chrysopsis, genus Chrysopsisgolden aster Chrysothamnus, genus Chrysothamnusgenus of low branching shrubs of western North America Cichorium, genus Cichoriumchicory Cirsium, genus Cirsiumplume thistles Cnicus, genus Cnicusone species: blessed thistle Conoclinium, genus Conocliniummistflower Conyza, genus Conyzacommon American weed or wildflower genus Coreopsisgenus of American plants widely cultivated for their flowers subgenus Calliopsisused in some classification systems for some plants of genus Coreopsis genus Cosmosgenus of tropical American plants cultivated for their colorful flowers Cotula, genus Cotulacosmopolitan herbs especially southern hemisphere; many used as ground covers Craspedia, genus Craspediaherbs of Australia and New Zealand Crepis, genus Crepishawk's-beard; cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere Cynara, genus Cynaraartichoke; cardoon genus Dahliagenus of perennial tuberous plants of Mexico and Central America Delairea, genus Delaireaone species: German ivy Dendranthema, genus Dendranthemacomprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum Dimorphotheca, genus DimorphothecaSouth African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers Doronicum, genus Doronicumgenus of Eurasian perennial tuberous or rhizomatous herbs: leopard's bane Echinacea, genus Echinaceasmall genus of North American coarse perennial herbs Echinops, genus Echinopsgenus of Mediterranean and Eurasian herbs: globe thistles Elephantopus, genus Elephantopusperennial American herb Emilia, genus Emiliatropical African herbs Encelia, genus Enceliagenus of shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico: brittlebush Enceliopsis, genus Enceliopsissmall genus of xerophytic herbs of southwestern United States genus Engelmanniaone species: North American herbs that resemble sunflowers genus Erechtitescoarse herbs with whitish discoid flower heads and silky pappus Erigeron, genus Erigeroncosmopolitan genus of usually perennial herbs with flowers that resemble asters; leaves occasionally (especially formerly) used medicinally Eriophyllum, genus Eriophyllumgenus of hairy herbs and shrubs of western North America Eupatorium, genus Eupatoriumlarge genus of chiefly tropical herbs having heads of white or purplish flowers Felicia, genus Feliciagenus of tropical African herbs or subshrubs with usually blue flowers genus Filagogenus of small woolly herbs genus Gaillardiagenus of western American hairy herbs with showy flowers genus Gazaniagenus of tomentose tropical African herbs with milky sap Gerbera, genus Gerberagenus of South African or Asiatic herbs: African daisies Gerea, genus Gereasmall genus of hairy herbs with yellow flowers Gnaphalium, genus Gnaphaliumlarge widely distributed genus of coarse hairy herbs with whitish involucres Grindelia, genus Grindelialarge genus of coarse gummy herbs of western North and Central America Gutierrezia, genus Gutierreziasticky perennial herbs and subshrubs of western North America and warm South America Gynura, genus Gynuragenus of Old World tropical herbs: velvet plants Haastia, genus Haastiagenus of New Zealand mat-forming herbs or subshrubs: vegetable sheep Haplopappus, genus Haplopappusgenus of North and South American perennial herbs or shrubs with yellow flowers; in some classifications include species placed in other genera especially Hazardia Hazardia, genus Hazardiasmall genus of shrubs and subshrubs of western United States having flowers that change color as they mature Helenium, genus Heleniumgenus of American herbs with flowers having yellow rays: sneezeweeds genus Helianthusgenus of tall erect or branched American annual or perennial herbs with showy flowers: sunflowers Helichrysum, genus Helichrysumlarge genus of mostly African and Australian herbs and shrubs: everlasting flowers; in some classifications includes genus Ozothamnus genus Heliopsisoxeye Helipterum, genus Helipterumgenus of South African and Australian herbs or shrubs grown as everlastings; the various Helipterum species are currently in process of being assigned to other genera especially genera Pteropogon and Hyalosperma Heterotheca, genus Heterothecagenus of yellow-flowered North American herbs Hieracium, genus Hieraciumlarge genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella Homogyne, genus Homogynesmall genus of low perennial herbs of montane Europe; in some classifications included in genus Tussilago Hulsea, genus Hulseasmall genus of erect balsam-scented herbs; Pacific coast of the northwestern United States Hyalosperma, genus Hyalospermagenus of herbs of temperate Australia including some from genus Helipterum Hypochaeris, Hypochoeris, genus Hypochaeris, genus Hypochoeriswidely distributed genus of herbs with milky juice; includes some cosmopolitan weeds genus Inulagenus of Old World herbs or subshrubs: elecampane genus Ivasmall genus of American herbs or shrubs; in some classifications placed in a separate family Ambrosiaceae genus Krigiasmall herbs closely related to chicory: dwarf dandelions Lactuca, genus Lactucaan herb with milky juice: lettuce; prickly lettuce Lagenophera, genus Lagenopherasmall genus of herbs of Australia and South America having small solitary white or purple flowers similar to true daisies of genus Bellis Lasthenia, genus Lastheniasmall genus of herbs of Pacific coast of North and South America Layia, genus Layiagenus of western United States annuals with showy yellow or white flowers Leontodon, genus Leontodonhawkbit Leontopodium, genus Leontopodiumedelweiss Leucanthemum, genus Leucanthemumcomprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum Leucogenes, genus LeucogenesNew Zealand edelweiss Liatris, genus Liatrisgenus of perennial North American herbs with aromatic usually cormous roots Ligularia, genus Ligulariagenus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel: leopard plants Lindheimera, genus Lindheimeraone species: Texas star Lonas, genus Lonasone species: yellow ageratum Machaeranthera, genus Machaerantherawildflowers of western North America Madia, genus Madiagenus of sticky herbs with yellow flowers open in morning or evening but closed in bright light Matricaria, genus Matricariachiefly Old World strong-smelling weedy herbs; comprises plants sometimes included in other genera: e.g. Tanacetum; Tripleurospermum Melampodium, genus Melampodiumherbs and subshrubs of warm North America Mikania, genus Mikanialarge genus of evergreen lianas of tropical America genus Mutisiagenus of South American shrubs or lianas having large flower heads with feathery pappuses Nabalus, genus Nabalusgenus of North American and east Asian perennial herbs; sometimes included in genus Prenanthes Olearia, genus Olearialarge genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or small trees with large daisylike flowers Onopordon, Onopordum, genus Onopordon, genus Onoporduma genus of Eurasian herbs of the family Compositae with prickly foliage and large purplish flowers genus Othonnagenus of western African herbs or shrubs Ozothamnus, genus Ozothamnusgenus of Australian shrubs and perennial herbs; sometimes included in genus Helichrysum Packera, genus Packeragenus of American of east Asian perennial herbs with yellow to orange or red flower rays; sometimes included in genus Senecio Parthenium, genus Partheniumsmall genus of North American herbs and shrubs with terminal panicles of small ray flowers Pericallis, genus Pericalliscineraria Petasites, genus Petasitesgenus of rhizomatous herbs of north temperate regions: butterbur; sweet coltsfoot Picris, genus Picrisgenus of weedy Old World yellow-flowered herbs usually containing a bitter-tasting substance: bitterweed Pilosella, genus Pilosellagenus of hairy perennial herbs with horizontal rhizomes and leafy or underground stolons; Eurasia and North Africa; often considered congeneric with Hieracium Piqueria, genus Piqueriasmall genus of tropical American perennial herbs or subshrubs with white to pale yellow flowers; often included in genus Stevia Prenanthes, genus Prenanthesgenus of North American and Asiatic perennial herbs having pinnatisect leaves small heads of drooping yellowish to purple flowers; sometimes includes species often placed in genus Nabalus genus Pteropogongenus of Australian and South African herbs including some from genus Helipterum Pulicaria, genus Pulicariagenus of temperate Old World herbs: fleabane Pyrethrum, genus Pyrethrumused in former classifications for plants later placed in genus Chrysanthemum and now often included in genus Tanacetum Raoulia, genus Raouliagenus of low-growing mat-forming New Zealand plants; in some classifications includes species placed in genus Haastia Ratibida, genus Ratibidagenus of perennial wildflowers of North American plains and prairies; often cultivated for their showy flower heads genus Rhodanthegenus of xerophytic herbs and shrubs of South Africa and Australia; sometimes included in genus Helipterum Rudbeckia, genus RudbeckiaNorth American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads Santolina, genus Santolinagenus of Mediterranean subshrubs with rayless flower heads Sanvitalia, genus Sanvitaliasmall genus of tropical American annual herbs: creeping zinnia Saussurea, genus Saussureagenus of herbs of temperate and cool regions of Eurasia Scolymus, genus Scolymussmall genus of thistlelike herbs of the Mediterranean region Senecio, genus Senecioenormous and diverse cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs and vines and herbs including many weeds genus Scorzoneragenus of narrow-leaved European herbs Sericocarpus, genus Sericocarpussmall genus of herbs of the eastern United States: white-topped asters Seriphidium, genus Seriphidiumwoody plants grown chiefly for their silver or grey and often aromatic foliage; formerly included in the genus Artemisia Serratula, genus Serratulagenus of Old World perennial herbs with spirally arranged toothed leaves Silphium, genus Silphiumtall North American perennial herbs Silybum, genus Silybumsmall genus of east African herbs Solidago, genus Solidagogoldenrod Sonchus, genus Sonchussow thistles Stenotus, genus Stenotusgenus of western North American low evergreen shrubs growing in dense tufts genus Steviagenus of shrubs and herbs of tropical and warm Americas Stokesia, genus Stokesiaone species: stokes' aster Tageteste, genus Tagetesmarigolds Tanacetum, genus Tanacetuma large genus of plants resembling chrysanthemums; comprises some plants often included in other genera especially genus Chrysanthemum Taraxacum, genus Taraxacuman asterid dicot genus of the family Compositae including dandelions Tetraneuris, genus Tetraneurisgenus of hairy yellow-flowered plants of the western United States genus Tithoniagenus of robust herbs of Mexico and Central America: Mexican sunflower Townsendia, genus Townsendiagenus of western American low tufted herbs: Easter daisy Tragopogon, genus Tragopogongenus of Old World herbs with linear entire leaves and yellow or purple flower heads Trilisa, genus Trilisagenus of herbs of southern United States Tripleurospermum, genus Tripleurospermumsmall genus comprising plants often included in genus Matricaria Tussilago, genus Tussilagogenus of low creeping yellow-flowered perennial herbs of north temperate regions: coltsfoots; in some classifications includes species often placed in other genera especially Homogyne and Petasites genus Ursiniagenus of South African herbs and shrubs cultivated as ornamentals Verbesina, genus Verbesinaherbs and shrubs of warm North America to Mexico; includes plants formerly placed in genus Actinomeris Actinomeris, genus Actinomerisused in some classification systems for plants now included in genus Verbesina genus Vernoniagenus of New World tropical herbs or shrubs with terminal cymose heads of tubular flowers genus Wyethiacoarse leafy perennial plants resembling sunflowers found especially in the western United States Xanthium, genus Xanthiumcoarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles genus Xeranthemumgenus of annual densely hairy herbs of Mediterranean to southwestern Asia genus Zinniagenus of annual or perennial plants of tropical America having solitary heads of brightly colored flowers genus Loasagenus of tropical American prickly herbs or subshrubs Mentzelia, genus Mentzeliagenus of bristly herbs or subshrubs of western America lacking stinging hairs Malva, genus Malvaherbs and subshrubs: mallows Abelmoschus, genus Abelmoschusgenus of tropical coarse herbs having large lobed leaves and often yellow flowers Abutilon, genus Abutilonherbs or shrubs or small trees: flowering maple; Indian mallow Alcea, genus Alceagenus of erect herbs of the Middle East having showy flowers: hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with genus Althaea genus Althaeahollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with genus Alcea Callirhoe, genus Callirhoesmall genus of North American herbs having usually red or purple flowers Gossypium, genus Gossypiumherbs and shrubs and small trees: cotton genus Hibiscuslarge genus of tropical and subtropical herbs and shrubs and trees often grown as ornamentals for their profusion of large flowers in a variety of colors Hoheria, genus Hoheriasmall genus of shrubs and small trees of New Zealand: lacebarks Iliamna, genus Iliamnasmall genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs; some often placed in other genera Kosteletzya, genus Kosteletzyasmall genus of herbs of southeastern United States and tropical America and Africa Lavatera, genus Lavaterawidespread genus of herbs or softwood arborescent shrubs cultivated for their showy flowers Malacothamnus, genus Malacothamnusgenus of shrubs or small trees: chaparral mallow genus Malopesmall genus of chiefly European herbs Malvastrum, genus Malvastrumgenus of mallows characterized by red and yellow flowers often placed in other genera Malvaviscus, genus Malvaviscussmall genus of shrubs of Central and South America: wax mallows Napaea, genus Napaeaone species: glade mallow genus Pavoniagenus of tropical hairy shrubs or herbs of tropics and subtropics especially South America Plagianthus, genus Plagianthussmall genus of shrubs and trees of Australia and New Zealand Radyera, genus Radyeravery small genus of shrubs of southern hemisphere: bush hibiscus Sida, genus Sidalarge genus of tropical subshrubs or herbs some of which yield fibers of mucilaginous substances Sidalcea, genus Sidalceagenus of showy plants of western North America having palmate leaves and variously colored racemose flowers Sphaeralcea, genus Sphaeralcealarge genus of chiefly tropical herbs with showy flowers and mostly globose fruits: globe mallows Thespesia, genus Thespesiaa small genus of tropical trees including the portia tree Bombax, genus Bombaxtrees of chiefly South America Adansonia, genus Adansoniabaobab; cream-of-tartar tree Ceiba, genus Ceibatropical American trees with palmately compound leaves and showy bell-shaped flowers Durio, genus Durioa genus of tall Asian trees of the family Bombacaceae genus Montezumaone species: medium-sized evergreen tree of Puerto Rico or Mexico Ochroma, genus Ochromaone species: balsa Pseudobombax, genus Pseudobombaxtropical American deciduous shrubs or small trees Elaeocarpus, genus Elaeocarpustype genus of the family Elaeocarpaceae Aristotelia, genus Aristoteliasmall genus of shrubs or small trees of Australia and New Zealand and western South America Muntingia, genus Muntingiaone species: Jamaican cherry; sometimes placed in family Flacourtiaceae Sloanea, genus Sloaneagenus of tropical hardwood timber trees genus Sterculiatype genus of the Sterculiaceae: deciduous or evergreen trees of Old and New World tropics and subtropics Brachychiton, genus BrachychitonAustralian trees (usually with swollen trunks) Cola, genus Colalarge genus of African trees bearing kola nuts genus Dombeyagenus of African shrubs or small trees Firmiana, genus Firmianasmall genus of Asian trees or shrubs Fremontia, Fremontodendron, genus Fremontia, genus Fremontodendronflannelbush Helicteres, genus Helicteresgenus of shrubs and small trees of tropical America and Asia having cylindrical fruits spirally twisted around one another Heritiera, Terrietia, genus Heritiera, genus Terrietiasmall genus of timber trees of eastern Asia, Australasia and tropical Africa that form large buttresses Hermannia, genus Hermanniagenus of African herbs and subshrubs having honey-scented bell-shaped flowers Pterospermum, genus Pterospermumgenus of tropical Asian trees and shrubs Tarrietia, genus Tarrietiasmall genus of east Asian and Australian timber trees Theobroma, genus Theobromacacao plants Triplochiton, genus Triplochitonsmall genus of tropical African trees with maplelike leaves Tilia, genus Tiliadeciduous trees with smooth usually silver-grey bark of North America and Europe and Asia: lime trees; lindens; basswood Entelea, genus Enteleaa genus of evergreen shrub that grows in New Zealand Corchorus, genus Corchoruswidely distributed genus of tropical herbs or subshrubs; especially Asia Grewia, genus Grewiaa genus of tropical and subtropical Old World climbers or shrubs or trees Sparmannia, genus Sparmanniasmall genus of tropical African shrubs genus Ericalarge genus of low much-branched woody evergreens ranging from prostrate subshrubs to trees: true heaths genus Andromedalow-growing shrubs of northern regions of northern hemisphere genus Arbutuslarge evergreen shrubs and trees of southern Europe and western North America: strawberry tree; madrona Arctostaphylos, genus Arctostaphylosbearberry; manzanita Bruckenthalia, genus Bruckenthaliaa genus containing only one species: spike heath genus Bryanthusa genus allied to and once included in genus Phyllodoce Calluna, genus Callunaone species Cassiope, genus Cassiopelow tufted evergreen shrubs of colder parts of north temperate regions having moss-like foliage and nodding white or pink flowers Chamaedaphne, genus Chamaedaphneone species: leatherleaf Daboecia, genus Daboeciaa dicotyledonous genus of the family Ericaceae Epigaea, genus Epigaeasmall creeping evergreen shrubs: trailing arbutus Gaultheria, genus Gaultheriawidely distributed genus of creeping or upright evergreen shrubs Gaylussacia, genus Gaylussaciadeciduous or evergreen shrubs of North America: black huckleberries genus Kalmiaerect evergreen shrubs: mountain laurel Ledum, genus Ledumevergreen shrubs of north temperate regions Leiophyllum, genus Leiophyllumone species: sand myrtle genus LeucothoeAmerican and Asiatic deciduous and evergreen shrubs Loiseleuria, genus Loiseleuriaone species: alpine azalea Lyonia, genus Lyoniaevergreen or deciduous shrubs or small trees of United States to Antilles and eastern Asia to the Himalaya Menziesia, genus Menziesiadeciduous shrubs of North America and eastern Asia Oxydendrum, genus Oxydendrumsourwood Phyllodoce, genus Phyllodocesmall genus of evergreen Arctic and alpine shrubs Pieris, genus Pierisdecorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines genus Rhododendronlarge genus of evergreen shrubs native to cooler regions of the northern hemisphere having showy flowers Azaleastrum, subgenus Azalea, subgenus Azaleastrumgroup of evergreen or deciduous shrubs formerly considered a separate genus; now included in the genus Rhododendron Vaccinium, genus Vacciniumevergreen or deciduous berry-bearing shrubs of northern hemisphere: cranberries; blueberries genus Diapensiatype genus of Diapensiaceae genus Galaxevergreen herbs of southeastern United States Pyxidanthera, genus Pyxidantheraone species: pyxie; the eastern United States genus Shortiaevergreen perennial herbs of North America and eastern Asia: oconee bells genus Epacristype genus of the Epacridaceae: Australian heath Astroloma, genus Astrolomaevergreen shrubs of Australia and Tasmania Richea, genus Richeaevergreen trees or shrubs of mountains of Australia and Tasmania Styphelia, genus StypheliaAustralian heathlike shrubs genus Pyrolashort-stemmed perennial herbs of cool or temperate regions: wintergreen; shinleaf Orthilia, genus Orthiliaa shrubby perennial rhizomatous evergreen herb; grows in damp coniferous woodlands in northern temperate regions Chimaphila, genus Chimaphilasmall genus of evergreen herbs with long creeping rootstocks and shining leaves; North America; Europe; east Asia Moneses, genus Monesesone species: one-flowered wintergreen; sometimes included in genus Pyrola Monotropa, genus Monotropaleafless fleshy saprophytic plants; in some classifications placed in the family Pyrolaceae Hypopitys, genus Hypopitysterm used in some classifications for the pinesaps, which are usually included in the genus Monotropa Sarcodes, genus Sarcodessnow plant; in some classifications placed in family Pyrolaceae Fagus, genus Fagusbeeches Castanea, genus Castaneachestnuts; chinkapins Castanopsis, genus Castanopsisevergreen trees and shrubs of warm regions valued for their foliage; southeastern United States and eastern Australia and northern New Zealand Chrysolepis, genus Chrysolepistwo species: golden chinkapins Lithocarpus, genus Lithocarpustanbark oaks Nothofagus, genus Nothofagusbeeches of temperate southern hemisphere except Africa: southern beech Quercus, genus Quercusoaks Betula, genus Betulaa genus of trees of the family Betulaceae (such as birches) Alnus, genus Alnusalders Carpinus, genus Carpinusmostly deciduous monoecious trees or shrubs: hornbeams; sometimes placed in subfamily Carpinaceae Ostrya, genus Ostryadeciduous monoecious trees of Europe and Asia and America; sometimes placed in subfamily or family Carpinaceae Ostryopsis, genus Ostryopsisdeciduous monoecious shrubs of China and Mongolia resembling trees of the genus Ostrya; sometimes placed in subfamily or family Carpinaceae Corylus, genus Corylusdeciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees: hazel; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae Circaea, genus Circaeaenchanter's nightshade Epilobium, genus Epilobiumlarge widely distributed genus of herbs and subshrubs of especially western North America and Arctic areas Melastoma, genus Melastomatype genus of Melastomataceae; Asiatic shrubs with leathery leaves and large purple flowers followed by edible fleshy black berries Medinilla, genus Medinillatropical Old World ornamental evergreen shrubs having fleshy leaves and large panicles of white pink flowers Rhexia, genus Rhexiadeer grass genus Begonialarge genus of tropical succulent plants widely cultivated genus DilleniaEast Indian and Australian shrubs and trees having panicles of large white or yellow flowers Hibbertia, genus Hibbertiaevergreen heathlike or scandent shrubs of Madagascar; Australasia; Polynesia Calophyllum, genus Calophyllumgenus of tropical evergreen trees genus Clusiatropical American aromatic trees or shrubs; often epiphytic; some stranglers Garcinia, genus Garciniaevergreen trees and shrubs: mangosteens Hypericum, genus Hypericumlarge almost cosmopolitan genus of evergreen or deciduous shrubs and herbs with often showy yellow flowers; cosmopolitan except tropical lowlands and Arctic or high altitudes and desert regions Mammea, genus MammeaAmerican and Asiatic trees having edible one-seeded fruit Mesua, genus Mesuagenus of tropical Asiatic trees having large solitary flowers Actinidia, genus Actinidiasmall Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit genus Canellaone species Carica, genus Caricatype genus of the Caricaceae; tropical American trees: papayas Caryocar, genus Caryocartype genus of the Caryocaraceae; South American trees yielding strong fine-grained wood and edible nuts Cistus, genus Cistussmall to medium-sized evergreen shrubs of southern Europe and North Africa genus Helianthemumwidely distributed evergreen or semi-evergreen shrublets; America; Europe and North Africa to Asia Minor and central Asia Hudsonia, genus Hudsoniasmall evergreen subshrubs of North America Shorea, genus Shoreagenus of Indonesian and Malaysian timber trees rich in resin Flacourtia, genus Flacourtiaoften spiny trees or shrubs of tropical Asia and Africa Dovyalis, genus Dovyalissmall genus of sometimes spiny shrubs or small trees; Africa; India; Sri Lanka Hydnocarpus, Taraktagenos, Taraktogenos, genus Hydnocarpus, genus Taraktagenos, genus Taraktogenosmedium to large Indonesian and Malaysian trees genus Idesiaone species Kiggelaria, genus Kiggelariasmall genus of South African shrubs or small trees genus Xylosmagenus of tropical American and Asiatic spiny evergreen trees and shrubs Fouquieria, genus Fouquieriaresinous succulent trees or shrubs of desert and semidesert regions of southwestern United States that are leafless most of the year Ochna, genus Ochnatype genus of Ochnaceae; evergreen trees and shrubs of Old World tropics Passiflora, genus Passifloratype genus of the Passifloraceae genus ResedaOld World genus of herbs having racemose flowers: mignonette; dyer's rocket Tamarix, genus Tamarixgenus of deciduous shrubs or small trees of eastern Mediterranean regions and tropical Asia Myricaria, genus Myricariasmall genus of deciduous shrubs or subshrubs of southern Europe to Siberia and China; tolerant of chalky soil Viola, genus Violalarge genus of flowering herbs of temperate regions Hybanthus, genus Hybanthusa genus of herbs and small shrubs with white or purple flowers; grows in tropical or subtropical regions Hymenanthera, genus Hymenantheraa genus of slender evergreen shrubs; grow in Australia and New Zealand Melicytus, genus Melicytusa genus of deciduous shrubs or trees; fruit is a berry; grow in New Zealand and Fiji and Solomon Islands Caesalpinia, genus Caesalpiniasmall spiny tropical trees or shrubs; includes the small genus or subgenus Poinciana Acrocarpus, genus Acrocarpussmall genus of trees of Indonesia and Malaysia Bauhinia, genus Bauhiniamountain ebony, orchid tree Brachystegia, genus Brachystegiasmall genus of tropical African timber trees having pale golden heartwood uniformly striped with dark brown or black: Cassia, genus Cassiasome genus Cassia species often classified as members of the genus Senna or genus Chamaecrista Ceratonia, genus Ceratoniacarobs Cercidium, genus Cercidiumspiny shrubs or small trees sometimes placed in genus Parkinsonia: paloverde Chamaecrista, genus Chamaecristagenus of tropical herbs or subshrubs having sensitive leaves and suddenly dehiscing pods; some species placed in genus Cassia Delonix, genus Delonixevergreen or deciduous trees of tropical Africa and India Gleditsia, genus Gleditsiadeciduous trees: honey locusts Gymnocladus, genus Gymnocladussmall genus of deciduous trees of China and United States having paniculate flowers and thick pulpy pods Haematoxylon, Haematoxylum, genus Haematoxylon, genus Haematoxylumsmall genus of tropical American spiny bushy shrubs or trees Parkinsonia, genus Parkinsoniasmall genus of spiny shrubs or small trees Petteria, genus Petteriaone species: Dalmatian laburnum Poinciana, subgenus Poincianasmall subgenus of ornamental tropical shrubs or trees; not recognized in some classifications genus Sennagenus of shrubs and trees and herbs many of which are often classified as members of the genus Cassia Tamarindus, genus Tamarinduswidely cultivated tropical trees originally of Africa genus AmorphaAmerican herbs or shrubs usually growing in dry sunny habitats on prairies and hillsides Amphicarpa, Amphicarpaea, genus Amphicarpa, genus Amphicarpaeavery small genus of twining vines of North America and Asia: hog peanut Anagyris, genus Anagyrisvery small genus of shrubs of southern Europe having backward curving seed pods Andira, genus Andirasmall genus of evergreen trees of tropical America and western Africa Anthyllis, genus Anthyllisgenus of Mediterranean herbs and shrubs Apios, genus Apiostwining perennial North American plants Aspalathus, genus Aspalathusgenus of South African heathlike shrubs Astragalus, genus Astragaluslarge genus of annual or perennial herbs or shrubs of north temperate regions; largest genus in the family Leguminosae Baphia, genus Baphiasmall genus of shrubs and lianas and trees of Africa and Madagascar Baptisia, genus Baptisiagenus of North American plants with showy flowers and an inflated pod Butea, genus Buteagenus of East Indian trees or shrubs: dhak Cajanus, genus Cajanuserect densely branched shrubby perennials of Old World tropics; naturalized in other warm regions Canavalia, genus Canavaliaherbs or woody vines of mainly American tropics and subtropics genus Caraganalarge genus of Asiatic deciduous shrubs or small trees Castanospermum, genus Castanospermuma rosid dicot genus of the subfamily Papilionoideae having one species: Moreton Bay chestnut Centrosema, genus Centrosemaa genus of chiefly tropical American vines of the family Leguminosae having trifoliate leaves and large flowers Cercis, genus Cercisdeciduous shrubs and trees of eastern Asia, southern Europe and the United States Chamaecytisus, genus Chamaecytisussmall late-flowering trees or subshrubs having yellow to red flowers and leathery or woody pods; often especially formerly included in genus Cytisus Chordospartium, genus Chordospartium2 species of small New Zealand trees: weeping tree broom; endangered Chorizema, genus Chorizemagenus of Australian twining vines and small shrubs: flame peas Cicer, genus Cicerchickpea plant; Asiatic herbs Cladrastis, genus Cladrastisyellowwoods genus Clianthusgenus of semi-prostrate Australasian shrubs or vines Clitoria, genus Clitoriagenus of tropical shrubs or vines having pinnate leaves and large axillary flowers Codariocalyx, genus Codariocalyxused in some classifications for plants usually included in genus Desmodium Colutea, genus Coluteasmall genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods genus Coronillagenus of Old World shrubs and herbs genus Crotalarialarge genus of herbs with simple leaves and racemes of yellow flowers; mainly of tropical Africa Cyamopsis, genus Cyamopsissmall genus of annual usually hairy herbs of tropical Africa and Arabia Cytisus, genus Cytisuslarge genus of stiff or spiny evergreen or deciduous Old World shrubs: broom Dalbergia, genus Dalbergialarge genus of tropical trees having pinnate leaves and paniculate flowers and cultivated commercially for their dramatically grained and colored timbers Dalea, genus Daleaindigo bush Daviesia, genus Daviesiagenus of Australasian shrubs and subshrubs having small yellow or purple flowers followed by short triangular pods genus Derrisgenus of Old World tropical shrubs and woody vines Desmanthus, genus Desmanthusgenus of American herbs or shrubs with sensitive pinnate leaves and small whitish flowers Desmodium, genus Desmodiumbeggarweed; tick trefoil Dipogon, genus Dipogonone species: Australian pea Dolichos, genus Dolichosgenus of chiefly tropical vines often placed in genera Dipogon or Lablab or Macrotyloma genus Erythrinagenus of attractive tropical shrubs or trees with usually red flowers Galega, genus Galegasmall genus of Eurasian herbs: goat's rue genus Gastrolobiumgenus of Australian evergreen shrubs poisonous to livestock: poison bush Genista, genus Genistachiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of Mediterranean area and western Asia: broom Geoffroea, genus Geoffroeasmall genus of shrubs or small trees of tropical and subtropical America genus Gliricidiasmall genus of low-branching profusely flowering trees of tropical America Glycine, genus Glycinegenus of Asiatic erect or sprawling herbs: soya bean Glycyrrhiza, genus Glycyrrhizasticky perennial Eurasian herbs Halimodendron, genus Halimodendronone species: salt tree Hardenbergia, genus Hardenbergiasmall genus of Australian woody vines with small violet flowers; closely related to genus Kennedia Hedysarum, genus Hedysarumgenus of herbs of north temperate regions Hippocrepis, genus Hippocrepisspecies of Old World herbs or subshrubs: horseshoe vetch genus Hoveagenus of Australian evergreen shrubs Indigofera, genus Indigoferagenus of tropical herbs and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and spurred flowers in long racemes or spikes Jacksonia, genus Jacksoniagenus of yellow-flowered Australian unarmed or spiny shrubs without true leaves but having leaflike stems or branches Kennedia, Kennedya, genus Kennedia, genus Kennedyagenus of Australian woody vines having showy red or purplish flowers Lablab, genus Lablabone species: hyacinth bean Laburnum, genus Laburnumflowering shrubs or trees having bright yellow flowers; all parts of the plant are poisonous Lathyrus, genus Lathyrusgenus of climbing herbs of Old World and temperate North and South America: vetchling; wild pea genus Lespedezagenus of shrubs or herbs of tropical Asia and Australia and the eastern United States Lens, genus Lensgenus of small erect or climbing herbs with pinnate leaves and small inconspicuous white flowers and small flattened pods: lentils Lonchocarpus, genus Lonchocarpusgenus of chiefly tropical American shrubs and trees having pinnate leaves and red or white flowers Lotus, genus Lotusannual or perennial herbs or subshrubs Lupinus, genus Lupinusherbs or shrubs: lupin Macrotyloma, genus Macrotylomaannual or perennial vines of Africa and India and Australia; plants often placed in genus Dolichos Medicago, genus Medicagoa genus of herbs that resemble clover genus Millettiagenus of trees and shrubs of the Old World tropics Stizolobium, genus Mucuna, genus Stizolobiumgenus of tropical herbs and woody vines having trifoliate leaves and showy flowers in axillary clusters Myroxylon, genus Myroxylona genus of tropical American trees having pinnate leaves and white flowers Onobrychis, genus Onobrychisgenus of Old World herbs having pinnate leaves and pink or whites racemose flowers followed by flat unjointed pods Ononis, genus Ononisgenus of European subshrubs or herbs having pink or purple or yellow solitary or clustered flowers: restharrow Ormosia, genus Ormosiagenus of tropical shrubs and trees having usually odd-pinnate leaves with large leaflets and pink to reddish wood Oxytropis, genus Oxytropislarge widely-distributed genus of evergreen shrubs or subshrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and racemose or spicate flowers each having a pea-like corolla with a clawed petal Pachyrhizus, genus Pachyrhizussmall genus of tropical vines having tuberous roots Parochetus, genus Parochetusone species: shamrock pea Phaseolus, genus Phaseolusherbs of warm regions including most American beans Pickeringia, genus Pickeringiaone species: chaparral pea Piscidia, genus Piscidiagenus of shrubs or small trees having indehiscent pods with black seeds; roots and bark yield fish poisons Pisum, genus Pisumsmall genus of variable annual Eurasian vines: peas Platylobium, genus Platylobiumsmall genus of Australian evergreen leguminous shrubs or subshrubs Platymiscium, genus Platymisciumgenus of tropical American trees: quira Podalyria, genus Podalyriagenus of South African leguminous shrubs often placed in genus Sophora Pongamia, genus Pongamiaone species: Indian beech Psophocarpus, genus Psophocarpusspecies of tropical Asian and African climbing herbs Psoralea, genus Psoraleawidely distributed genus of herbs or shrubs with glandular compound leaves and spicate or racemose purple or white flowers Pterocarpus, genus Pterocarpusgenus of tropical trees or climbers having usually broadly winged pods Pueraria, genus Puerariagenus of woody Asiatic vines: kudzu Retama, genus Retamasmall genus of Mediterranean shrubs; often included in genus Genista Robinia, genus Robiniadeciduous flowering trees and shrubs Sabinea, genus Sabineasmall genus of deciduous West Indian trees or shrubs: carib wood genus Sesbaniasmall genus of tropical and subtropical leguminous herbs or shrubs or trees Sophora, genus Sophoracosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and showy flowers; some species placed in genus Podalyria Spartium, genus Spartiumone species: Spanish broom Strongylodon, genus Strongylodongenus of Polynesian or southeastern Asian shrubs or vines Templetonia, genus Templetoniagenus of Australian shrubs or subshrubs: coral bush Tephrosia, genus Tephrosiagenus of tropical and subtropical herbs or shrubs: hoary peas Thermopsis, genus Thermopsisgenus of American and Asiatic showy rhizomatous herbs: bush peas Tipuana, genus Tipuanaone species: South American tree: tipu tree Trigonella, genus TrigonellaOld World genus of frequently aromatic herbs Ulex, genus Ulexgenus of Eurasian spiny shrubs: gorse Vicia, genus Viciawidely distributed genus of annual or perennial and often climbing herbs Vigna, genus Vignagenus of vines or erect herbs having trifoliate leaves and yellowish or purplish flowers; of warm or tropical regions; most species often placed in genus Phaseolus Viminaria, genus Viminariaone species: Australian leafless shrubs: swamp oak Virgilia, genus Virgiliagenus of South African trees having pinnate leaves and rose-purple flowers followed by leathery pods genus WisteriaAsiatic deciduous woody vine having large drooping racemes of white or bluish or purple or pinkish flowers and velvety pods; widely grown as an ornamental Rosa, genus Rosalarge genus of erect or climbing prickly shrubs including roses genus Agrimoniagenus of herbs found chiefly in north temperate regions having pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by bristly fruit Amelanchier, genus AmelanchierNorth American deciduous trees or shrubs Chaenomeles, genus Chaenomelesflowering quince Chrysobalanus, genus Chrysobalanuscoco plums genus Cotoneastergenus of deciduous or evergreen Old World shrubs widely cultivated Crataegus, genus Crataegusthorny shrubs and small trees: hawthorn; thorn; thorn apple Cydonia, genus Cydoniaquince Dryas, genus Dryasmountain avens Eriobotrya, genus EriobotryaAsiatic evergreen fruit trees Fragaria, genus Fragariastrawberries Geum, genus Geumavens Heteromeles, genus Heteromelesone species: toyon; in some classifications included in genus Photinia Malus, genus Malusapple trees; found throughout temperate zones of the northern hemisphere Mespilus, genus Mespilusmedlars Photinia, genus Photiniagenus of deciduous and evergreen east Asian trees and shrubs widely cultivated as ornamentals for their white flowers and red fruits; in some classifications includes genus Heteromeles Potentilla, genus Potentillachiefly perennial northern hemisphere herbs and shrubs: cinquefoil Poterium, genus Poteriuma genus of thorny herbs or shrubs of the family Rosaceae Prunus, genus Prunusa genus of shrubs and trees of the family Rosaceae that is widely distributed in temperate regions Amygdalus, genus Amygdalusused in former classifications for peach and almond trees which are now included in genus Prunus genus PyracanthaEurasian evergreen thorny shrubs bearing red or orange-red berries Pyrus, genus Pyrusfruit trees native to the Old World: pears Rubus, genus Rubuslarge genus of brambles bearing berries Sorbus, genus Sorbusa genus of shrubs or trees of the family Rosaceae having feathery leaves Spiraea, genus Spiraeaa dicotyledonous genus of the family Rosaceae Rubia, genus Rubiatype genus of the Rubiaceae; Old World herbs and subshrubs grown for their medicinal properties and for dye substances extracted from their roots Asperula, genus Asperulawoodruff Calycophyllum, genus Calycophyllummedium to large tropical American trees having shiny reddish-brown shredding bark Chiococca, genus Chiococcashrubs of tropical and subtropical New World Coffea, genus Coffeacoffee trees genus Chinchona, genus Cinchonalarge genus of trees of Andean region of South America having medicinal bark Galium, genus Galiumannual or perennial herbs: bedstraw; cleavers genus Gardenialarge genus of attractive Old World tropical shrubs and small trees genus Genipatropical American evergreen trees or shrubs bearing yellow flowers and succulent edible fruit with a thick rind genus Hameliaevergreen tropical American shrubs or small trees Mitchella, genus Mitchellacreeping evergreen herbs of North America Nauclea, genus Naucleasmall genus of evergreen tropical shrubs or trees with smooth leathery leaves Pinckneya, genus Pinckneyasmall genus of shrubs or small trees of southeastern United States and northern South America Psychotria, genus Psychotriatropical chiefly South American shrubs and trees Sarcocephalus, genus Sarcocephalusgenus of tropical African trees and shrubs Vangueria, genus Vangueriatropical African and Asiatic trees and shrubs having one-seeded fruit genus Abeliachiefly east Asian shrubs Diervilla, genus Diervillasmall genus of low deciduous shrubs: bush honeysuckles Kolkwitzia, genus KolkwitziaChinese genus of 1 species: beauty bush Leycesteria, genus Leycesteriasmall species of shrubs of western Himalayas to China Linnaea, genus Linnaeaone species: twinflower Lonicera, genus Lonicerawoodbine Symphoricarpos, genus Symphoricarposdeciduous shrubs of North America and Central America and China Sambucus, genus Sambucuselder; elderberry Triostium, genus Triostiumgenus of Asiatic and North American herbs: feverroot Viburnum, genus Viburnumdeciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees: arrow-wood; wayfaring tree genus Weigelaeast Asian flowering shrubs Dipsacus, genus Dipsacustype genus of the Dipsacaceae: teasel genus Scabiosaannual or perennial herbs or subshrubs; mainly Mediterranean genus Impatiensannual or perennial herbs with stems more or less succulent; cosmopolitan except for South America, Australia, and New Zealand Pelargonium, genus Pelargoniumgeraniums native chiefly to South Africa; widely cultivated Erodium, genus Erodiumgeraniums of Europe and South America and Australia especially mountainous regions Bursera, genus Burseratype genus of Burseraceae; tropical and subtropical American shrubs and trees some yielding timber and gum elemi Boswellia, genus Boswelliagenus of trees of North Africa and India that yield incense Commiphora, genus Commiphoragenus of East Indian and African trees yielding balsamic products Protium, genus Protiumgenus of chiefly tropical American trees having fragrant wood and yielding gum elemi Callitriche, genus Callitrichewater starworts Malpighia, genus Malpighiatype genus of the Malpighiaceae Melia, genus Meliatype genus of the Meliaceae: East Indian and Australian deciduous trees with leaves resembling those of the ash Azadirachta, genus Azadirachtagenus of large important East Indian trees: neem trees Cedrela, genus Cedrelatropical American trees Chloroxylon, genus Chloroxylondeciduous trees of India and Sri Lanka Entandrophragma, genus Entandrophragmacedar mahogany trees Flindersia, genus Flindersiasmall genus of Australian timber trees Khaya, genus KhayaAfrican mahogany trees genus Lansiuma dicotyledonous genus of the family Meliaceae Lovoa, genus Lovoagenus of African timber trees Swietinia, genus Swietiniatropical American mahogany trees Toona, genus Toonaformerly included in genus Cedrela genus Turreaegenus of trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and Asia and Australia genus Lepidobotrysa genus of dicotyledonous trees belonging to the family Lepidobotryaceae Ruptiliocarpon, genus Ruptiliocarponnew (1993) genus of trees of Central America now recognized as similar to those of genus Lepidobotrys genus Oxalistype genus of the Oxalidaceae; large genus of plants having leaves that resemble clover and variously colored flowers usually clustered in umbels Averrhoa, genus Averrhoatrees native to East Indies having pinnate leaves: carambolas Polygala, genus Polygalatype genus of the Polygalaceae: milkwort; senega; snakeroot Ruta, genus Rutatype genus of the Rutaceae; strong-scented Eurasian herbs genus Citrusorange; lemon; lime; etc. Citroncirus, genus Citroncirusa cross between Citrus sinensis and Poncirus trifoliata Dictamnus, genus Dictamnusa dicotyledonous genus of the family Rutaceae Fortunella, genus Fortunellasmall genus of shrubs native to south China producing small ovoid fruits resembling oranges: includes kumquats Phellodendron, genus Phellodendronsmall genus of aromatic deciduous trees of east Asia often having thick corky bark Poncirus, genus Poncirusone species: trifoliate orange Zanthoxylum, genus Zanthoxylumdeciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs: prickly ash Simarouba, genus Simaroubatype genus of Simaroubaceae; tropical American trees and shrubs having a pale soft wood and bitter bark genus Ailanthussmall genus of east Asian and Chinese trees with odd-pinnate leaves and long twisted samaras Irvingia, genus Irvingiawild mango Kirkia, genus Kirkiasmall genus of tropical South African trees and shrubs Picrasma, genus Picrasmasmall genus of deciduous trees of tropical America and Asia genus Quassiatropical trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves and large scarlet flowers; bark is medicinal Tropaeolum, genus Tropaeoluma tropical American genus of dicotyledonous climbing or diffuse pungent herbs constituting the family Tropaeolaceae Zygophyllum, genus Zygophyllumusually tropical herbs or shrubs having ill-smelling foliage and flower buds that are used as capers: bean capers Bulnesia, genus Bulnesiapalo santo Guaiacum, genus Guaiacumsmall genus of evergreen resinous trees or shrubs of warm and tropical America Larrea, genus Larreaxerophytic evergreen shrubs; South America to southwestern United States Tribulus, genus Tribulusannual or perennial herbs or subshrubs of warm regions Salix, genus Salixa large and widespread genus varying in size from small shrubs to large trees: willows Populus, genus Populusa genus of trees of the family Salicaceae that is found in the northern hemisphere; poplars Santalum, genus Santalumparasitic trees of Indonesia and Malaysia genus Buckleyasmall genus of Asiatic and American parasitic shrubs Comandra, genus Comandrasmall genus of chiefly North American parasitic plants Eucarya, Fusanus, genus Eucarya, genus Fusanusquandong trees Pyrularia, genus Pyrulariasmall genus of chiefly Asiatic parasitic shrubs Loranthus, genus Loranthustype genus of the Loranthaceae: 1 species Arceuthobium, genus Arceuthobiumgenus of chiefly American plants parasitic on conifers Nuytsia, genus Nuytsiaone species Viscum, genus Viscumtype genus of the Viscaceae: Old World evergreen shrubs parasitic on many trees including oaks but especially apple trees, poplars, aspens and cottonwoods Phoradendron, genus Phoradendronany of various American parasitic plants similar to Old World mistletoe: false mistletoe Cephalotus, genus Cephalotusone species: Australian pitcher plant Ceratopetalum, genus Ceratopetaluma dicotyledonous genus of the family Cunoniaceae genus Hydrangeatype genus of Hydrangeaceae; large genus of shrubs and some trees and vines with white or pink or blue flower clusters; sometimes placed in family Saxifragaceae genus Carpenteriaone species; sometimes placed in family Saxifragaceae Decumaria, genus Decumariasmall genus of woody climbers with adhesive aerial roots; sometimes placed in family Saxifragaceae genus Deutziagenus of ornamental mostly deciduous shrubs native to Asia and Central America; widespread in cultivation; sometimes placed in family Saxifragaceae genus Philadelphusmock orange: type and sole genus of the subfamily Philadelphaceae; sometimes placed in family Saxifragaceae Schizophragma, genus Schizophragmasmall genus of deciduous climbing and creeping shrubs with white flowers in flat clusters; sometimes placed in family Saxifragaceae Saxifraga, genus Saxifragatype genus of the Saxifragaceae; large genus of usually perennial herbs of Arctic and cool regions of northern hemisphere: saxifrage genus Astilbechiefly Asiatic perennials: spirea genus Bergeniagenus of perennial spring-blooming rhizomatous herbs with thick evergreen leaves; eastern Asia Boykinia, genus Boykiniagenus of perennial rhizomatous herbs with flowers in panicles; North America; Japan Chrysosplenium, genus Chrysospleniumgenus of widely distributed semiaquatic herbs with minute greenish-yellow apetalous flowers Darmera, Peltiphyllum, genus Darmera, genus Peltiphyllumone species Francoa, genus Francoaperennial evergreen herbs with white or pink flowers; Chile Heuchera, genus Heucheragenus of North American herbs with basal cordate or orbicular leaves and small panicled flowers Leptarrhena, genus Leptarrhenaone species: leatherleaf saxifrage Lithophragma, genus Lithophragmasmall genus of perennial herbs of the western North America Mitella, genus Mitellagenus of low slender herbs of North America and northeastern Asia having flowers with trifid or pinnatifid petals genus Parnassiagenus of bog herbs of Arctic and northern temperate regions genus Suksdorfiasmall genus of rhizomatous herbs of northwestern America and South America Tellima, genus Tellimagenus of hardy perennials with palmately lobed leaves and long racemes of small nodding five-petaled flowers; western North America Tiarella, genus Tiarellasmall genus of North American herbs having mostly basal leaves and slender racemes of delicate white flowers Tolmiea, genus Tolmieaone species: pickaback plant Platanus, genus Platanusgenus of large monoecious mostly deciduous trees: London plane; sycamore genus Polemoniumtype genus of the Polemoniaceae genus Acanthusbear's breeches Graptophyllum, genus Graptophyllumcaricature plant Thunbergia, genus Thunbergiaa genus of herbs or vines of the family Acanthaceae Bignonia, genus Bignoniaone species: cross vine genus Catalpaa dicotyledonous genus of plants belonging to the family Bignoniaceae; has large flowers (white or mottled) and long terete pods Chilopsis, genus Chilopsisone species: desert willow Crescentia, genus Crescentiaa genus of tropical American trees of the family Bignoniaceae; has a short trunk and crooked limbs and drooping branches genus Gesnerialarge genus of tropical American herbs having showy tubular flowers genus Achimenesgenus of tropical perennial American herbs genus Aeschynanthuslarge genus of East Indian ornamental woody epiphytic plants Alsobia, genus Alsobiatropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Episcia genus Columneagenus of tropical American subshrubs and lianas genus Episciagenus of tropical American herbs having soft hairy foliage genus Gloxiniasmall genus of tropical American herbs with leafy stems and axillary flowers genus Kohleriagenus of tropical American shrubs Saintpaulia, genus Saintpauliaeast African herb with nodding flowers; widely cultivated Sinningia, genus Sinningiagenus of perennial tuberous herbs and shrubs of Central and South America genus Streptocarpuslarge genus of usually stemless African or Asian herbs: Cape primrose Hydrophyllum, genus Hydrophyllumwaterleaf Emmanthe, genus Emmantheone species: yellow bells Eriodictyon, genus Eriodictyonsmall genus of evergreen shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico genus Nemophilagenus of ornamental chiefly California herbs: baby blue-eyes genus PhaceliaAmerican herbs with usually pinnatifid leaves and blue or purple or white flowers in scorpioid cymes Pholistoma, genus Pholistomastraggling herbs of southwestern United States Acinos, genus Acinosplants closely allied to the genera Satureja and Calamintha Agastache, genus Agastachegiant hyssop; Mexican hyssop Ajuga, genus Ajugabugle Ballota, genus Ballotaperennial herbs or subshrubs of especially Mediterranean area: black horehound Blephilia, genus Blephiliasmall genus of North American herbs: wood mints Calamintha, genus Calaminthacalamint Clinopodium, genus Clinopodiumwild basil Collinsonia, genus Collinsoniasmall genus of perennial erect or spreading aromatic herbs; United States genus Coleusgenus of Old World tropical plants cultivated for their variegated leaves; various plants sometimes placed in genera Plectranthus or Solenostemon Conradina, genus Conradinasmall genus of low aromatic shrubs of southeastern United States Dracocephalum, genus Dracocephalumgenus of American herbs and dwarf shrubs of the mind family: dragonheads genus Elsholtziagenus of Asiatic and African aromatic herbs Galeopsis, genus Galeopsiserect annual European herbs Glechoma, genus Glechomaground ivy Hedeoma, genus Hedeomasmall genus of American herbs (American pennyroyal) Hyssopus, genus HyssopusEurasian genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs Lamium, genus Lamiumgenus of Old World herbs: dead nettles; henbits Lavandula, genus Lavandulalavender Leonotis, genus Leonotissmall genus of tropical herbs and subshrubs of South Africa Leonurus, genus Leonurusgenus of stout Old World herbs having flowers in whorls Lepechinia, Sphacele, genus Lepechinia, genus Sphacelea dicotyledonous genus of the family Labiatae Lycopus, genus Lycopussmall genus of herbs of the mint family genus Origanuma genus of aromatic mints of the family Labiatae Majorana, genus Majoranasmall genus of herbs usually included in the genus Origanum Marrubium, genus MarrubiumOld World aromatic herbs: horehound Melissa, genus Melissaa genus of Old World mints of the family Labiatae Mentha, genus Menthamint plants Micromeria, genus Micromerialarge genus of fragrant chiefly Old World herbs Molucella, genus Molucellasmall genus of aromatic herbs of Mediterranean regions; widely cultivated genus Monardawild bergamot, horsemint, beebalm Nepeta, genus Nepetacatmint Ocimum, genus Ocimumbasil Perilla, genus Perillasmall genus of Asiatic herbs genus Phlomislarge genus of Old World aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs having often woolly leaves genus Physostegiagenus of North American perennial herbs genus Plectranthuslarge genus of ornamental flowering plants; includes some plants often placed in the genus Coleus Pogostemon, genus Pogostemongenus of Asiatic shrubs or trees whose leaves yield a fragrant oil Prunella, genus Prunellasmall genus of perennial mostly Eurasian having terminal spikes of small purplish or white flowers Koellia, Pycnanthemum, genus Koellia, genus PycnanthemumAmerican mountain mint Rosmarinus, genus Rosmarinusrosemary genus Salvialarge genus of shrubs and subshrubs of the mint family varying greatly in habit: sage Satureia, Satureja, genus Satureia, genus Saturejasavory Scutellaria, genus Scutellariaan asterid dicot genus that includes the skullcaps Sideritis, genus Sideritisgenus of woolly aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs of Mediterranean region Solenostemon, genus Solenostemongenus of shrubby often succulent herbs of tropical Africa and Asia; includes some plants often placed in genus Coleus Stachys, genus Stachyslarge genus of usually woolly or hairy herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; temperate eastern hemisphere; tropical Australasia Teucrium, genus Teucriumlarge widely distributed genus of perennial herbs or shrubs or subshrubs; native to Mediterranean region to western Asia Thymus, genus Thymuslarge genus of Old World mints: thyme Trichostema, genus Trichostemagenus of North American aromatic herbs or subshrubs: blue curls Scrophularia, genus Scrophulariatype genus of Scrophulariaceae; named for the plants' supposed ability to cure scrofula: figworts Antirrhinum, genus Antirrhinuma genus of herbs of the family Scrophulariaceae with brightly colored irregular flowers Besseya, genus Besseyagenus of North American spring wildflowers Aureolaria, genus Aureolariasmall genus of North American herbs often root-parasitic and bearing golden-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Gerardia genus Calceolarialarge genus of tropical American herbs and shrubs with showy cymose flowers Castilleia, Castilleja, genus Castilleia, genus Castillejagenus of western North and South American perennials often partially parasitic on roots of grasses Chelone, genus Cheloneherbaceous perennials: shellflower Collinsia, genus Collinsiagenus of hardy annual herbs of western United States Culver's physic, Culver's root, Culvers physic, Culvers root, Veronicastrum virginicum, whorlyworta tall perennial herb having spikes of small white or purple flowers; common in eastern North America genus Digitalisgenus of Eurasian herbs having alternate leaves and racemes of showy bell-shaped flowers genus Gerardiagenus of annual or perennial herbs with showy pink or purple or yellow flowers; plants often assigned to genera Aureolaria or Agalinis Agalinis, genus Agalinissemiparasitic herb with purple or white or pink flowers; grows in the United States and West Indies Linaria, genus Linariagenus of herbs and subshrubs having showy flowers: spurred snapdragon Penstemon, genus Penstemonlarge genus of subshrubs or herbs having showy blue or purple or red or yellow or white flowers; mostly western North America Verbascum, genus Verbascumgenus of coarse herbs and subshrubs mostly with woolly leaves genus Veronicawidespread genus of herbs with pink or white or blue or purple flowers: speedwell Solanum, genus Solanumtype genus of the Solanaceae: nightshade; potato; eggplant; bittersweet Atropa, genus Atropabelladonna genus Browalliasmall genus of tropical South American annuals Brunfelsia, genus Brunfelsiagenus of tropical American shrubs grown for their flowers followed by fleshy berrylike fruits Brugmansia, genus Brugmansiaincludes some plants often placed in the genus Datura: angel's trumpets Capsicum, genus Capsicumchiefly tropical perennial shrubby plants having many-seeded fruits: sweet and hot peppers Cestrum, genus Cestrumgenus of fragrant tropical American shrubs Cyphomandra, genus Cyphomandratree tomato Datura, genus Daturathorn apple Fabiana, genus Fabianagenus of South and Central American heathlike evergreen shrubs Hyoscyamus, genus Hyoscyamusgenus of poisonous herbs: henbane Lycium, genus Lyciumdeciduous and evergreen shrubs often spiny; cosmopolitan in temperate and subtropical regions Lycopersicon, Lycopersicum, genus Lycopersicon, genus Lycopersicumtomatoes Mandragora, genus Mandragoraa genus of stemless herbs of the family Solanaceae Nicandra, genus Nicandrasturdy annual of Peru Nicotiana, genus NicotianaAmerican and Asiatic aromatic herbs and shrubs with viscid foliage genus Nierembergiagenus of tropical American erect or creeping herbs with solitary flowers Petunia, genus Petuniaannual or perennial herbs or shrubs of tropical South America Physalis, genus Physalisground cherries Salpichroa, genus Salpichroaherbs of temperate North and South America: cock's eggs genus Salpiglossissmall genus of herbs of the southern Andes having large showy flowers genus SchizanthusChilean herbs with orchid-like flowers Scopolia, genus Scopoliagenus of European perennial herbs yielding medicinal alkaloids Solandra, genus Solandrashrubby climbers of tropical America Streptosolen, genus Streptosolenone species: marmalade bush genus Verbenatype genus of the Verbenaceae; genus of herbaceous perennials and subshrubs Avicennia, genus Avicenniasmall genus of tropical shrubs or trees Aegiceras, genus Aegicerasa genus of herbs of the family Verbenaceae Tectona, genus Tectonasmall genus of southeastern Asian tropics: teak Euphorbia, genus Euphorbiatype genus of the Euphorbiaceae: very large genus of diverse plants all having milky juice Acalypha, genus Acalyphaa genus of herbs and shrubs belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae genus Crotontropical shrubs and herbs; source of croton oil Codiaeum, genus Codiaeumevergreen tropical trees and shrubs with thick and colorful leathery leaves; Malaya and Pacific islands Mercurialis, genus Mercurialisa genus of slender herbs belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae Ricinus, genus Ricinusa genus of herb having only one known species: castor-oil plant Cnidoscolus, genus Cnidoscolusa genus of perennial plant with bristles; belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae Jatropha, genus Jatrophaa mainly tropical genus of American plant belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae Hevea, genus Hevea, rubber treesmall genus of South American trees yielding latex Manihot, genus Manihotgenus of economically important tropical plants: cassava Aleurites, genus Aleuritescandlenut Pedilanthus, genus Pedilanthustropical American succulent shrubs Sebastiana, genus SebastianaMexican spurges genus Camelliatropical Asiatic evergreen shrubs or small trees Aethusa, genus Aethusafool's parsley Anethum, genus Anethumdill genus Angelicabiennial or perennial herbs of the northern hemisphere; have a taproot Anthriscus, genus Anthriscuschervil: of Europe, North Africa and Asia Apium, genus Apiumcelery genus Astrantiaa genus of Eurasian herbs of the family Umbelliferae with aromatic roots and palmate leaves and showy flowers Carum, genus Carumcaraway Cicuta, genus Cicutasmall genus of perennial herbs having deadly poisonous tuberous roots: water hemlock Conium, genus Coniumsmall genus of highly toxic biennials: hemlock Conopodium, genus Conopodiuma genus of dicotyledonous plants of the family Umbelliferae Coriandrum, genus Coriandrumsmall genus of annual Mediterranean herbs Cuminum, genus Cuminumcumin Daucus, genus Daucuscarrot Eryngium, genus Eryngiumlarge genus of decorative plants with thistlelike flower heads; cosmopolitan in distribution Foeniculum, genus Foeniculumvery small genus of aromatic European herbs with pinnately compound leaves and yellow flowers Heracleum, genus Heracleumwidely distributed genus of plants with usually thick rootstocks and large umbels of white flowers Levisticum, genus Levisticumgenus of aromatic European herbs with yellow flowers Myrrhis, genus MyrrhisEuropean perennial herbs having pinnate leaves and umbels of white flowers Oenanthe, genus Oenanthepoisonous herbs: water dropworts Pastinaca, genus Pastinacaa rosid dicot genus of the family Umbelliferae; includes parsnips Petroselinum, genus Petroselinumparsley Pimpinella, genus Pimpinellaanise Sanicula, genus Saniculachiefly American herbs: sanicle Seseli, genus Seselia rosid dicot genus that includes moon carrots Sison, genus Sisongenus including stone parsley Sium, genus Siumperennial of wet and marshy places in the northern hemisphere: water parsnips Smyrnium, genus SmyrniumAlexanders Aucuba, genus Aucubahardy evergreen dioecious shrubs and small trees from Japan Cornus, genus Cornusa rosid dicot genus of the family Cornaceae including: dogwood; cornel: perennial chiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of temperate regions of northern hemisphere Corokia, genus Corokiaevergreen shrubs with intricately twisted wiry stems that in summer are smothered in small yellow flowers; grows in New Zealand Curtisia, genus Curtisiaa large evergreen tree of South Africa Griselinia, genus Griseliniaevergreen shrubs of New Zealand and South America Helwingia, genus Helwingiadeciduous dioecious shrubs native to woodland thickets in low mountains in Japan Valeriana, genus Valerianagenus of widely distributed perennial herbs and some shrubs Valerianella, genus Valerianellagenus of Old World annual herbs widely naturalized Centranthus, genus Centranthusgenus of southern European herbs and subshrubs genus (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
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