单词 | mammal family |
释义 | mammal family (once / 5909656 pages) n WORD FAMILY mammal family USAGE EXAMPLESCredit: After putting together a sort of mammal family tree, researchers have identified the common ancestor of all placental mammals—humans included. Science Magazine(Feb 08, 2013) For a century, researchers at different institutions gave Necrolestes their best shot, trying to place it accurately onto the mammal family tree. Scientific American(Nov 20, 2012) n a family of mammals Hypo|Hyper Tachyglossidae, family Tachyglossidae echidnas Ornithorhynchidae, family Ornithorhynchidaeplatypus Didelphidae, family Didelphidaeopossums Caenolestidae, family Caenolestidaesmall marsupials of southern South America Peramelidae, family Peramelidaebandicoots Macropodidae, family Macropodidaekangaroos; wallabies Potoroinae, subfamily Potoroinaerat kangaroos Phalangeridae, family Phalangeridaephalangers; koalas Vombatidae, family Vombatidaewombats Dasyuridae, family Dasyuridae, family Dasyurinaedasyures; native cats; pouched mice; banded anteaters; Tasmanian devils Notoryctidae, family Notoryctidaepouched moles Talpidae, family Talpidaemoles Chrysochloridae, family Chrysochloridaegolden moles Soricidae, family Soricidaeshrews Erinaceidae, family Erinaceidaetrue hedgehogs Tenrecidae, family Tenrecidaetenrecs and extinct related forms Potamogalidae, family Potamogalidaeotter shrews Balaenidae, family Balaenidaeright whales Balaenopteridae, family Balaenopteridaerorquals; blue whales Eschrichtiidae, family Eschrichtiidaecomprising only the grey whales Physeteridae, family Physeteridaesperm whales Hyperodontidae, Ziphiidae, family Hyperodontidae, family Ziphiidaebeaked whales; in some especially former classifications included in the family Physeteridae Delphinidae, family Delphinidaedolphins Platanistidae, family Platanistidaeriver dolphins Monodontidae, family Monodontidaenarwhals Trichechidae, family Trichechidaecomprising only the manatees Dugongidae, family Dugongidaea family of mammals of order Sirenia including dugongs and Steller's sea cow Otariidae, family Otariidaeeared seals: sea lions and fur seals Phocidae, family Phocidaeearless seals Odobenidae, family Odobenidaewalruses and extinct forms Orycteropodidae, family Orycteropodidaeaardvarks Canidae, family Canidaedogs; wolves; jackals; foxes Hyaenidae, family Hyaenidaehyenas Felidae, family Felidaecats; wildcats; lions; leopards; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers Ursidae, family Ursidaebears and extinct related forms Viverridae, Viverrinae, family Viverridae, family Viverrinaegenets; civets; mongooses Phyllostomatidae, Phyllostomidae, family Phyllostomatidae, family PhyllostomidaeNew World leaf-nosed bats Rhinolophidae, family RhinolophidaeOld World leaf-nosed bats Hipposideridae, family HipposideridaeOld World leafnose bats Megadermatidae, family MegadermatidaeOld World false vampire bats Vespertilionidae, family Vespertilionidaethe majority of common bats of temperate regions of the world Molossidae, family Molossidaemastiff bats; freetail bats Desmodontidae, family Desmodontidaetrue vampire bats Leporidae, family Leporidaehares and rabbits Ochotonidae, family Ochotonidaepikas and extinct forms Muroidea, superfamily Muroideaa superfamily of rodents essentially equal to the suborder Myomorpha but with the Dipodidae excluded Muridae, family Muridaeoriginally Old World rats now distributed worldwide; distinguished from the Cricetidae by typically lacking cheek pouches Hydromyinae, subfamily Hydromyinaewater rats of Australia and New Guinea Cricetidae, family Cricetidaemostly small New World rodents including New World mice and lemmings and voles and hamsters Gerbillinae, subfamily Gerbillinaegerbils Hystricidae, family HystricidaeOld World porcupines Erethizontidae, family ErethizontidaeNew World arboreal porcupines Heteromyidae, family Heteromyidaesmall New World burrowing mouselike rodents with fur-lined cheek pouches and hind limbs and tail adapted to leaping; adapted to desert conditions: pocket mice; kangaroo mice; kangaroo rats Zapodidae, family Zapodidaejumping mice Dipodidae, family DipodidaeOld World jerboas Gliridae, family Gliridaedormice and other Old World forms Geomyidae, family GeomyidaeNorth American pocket gophers Sciuridae, family Sciuridaea mammal family of true squirrels including: ground squirrels; marmots; chipmunks; flying squirrels; spermophiles Petauristidae, subfamily PetauristidaeOld World flying squirrels Castoridae, family Castoridaebeavers Aplodontiidae, family Aplodontiidaemountain beavers Caviidae, family Caviidaea family of Hystricomorpha Hydrochoeridae, family Hydrochoeridaecapybara Dasyproctidae, family Dasyproctidaeagoutis and pacas Capromyidae, family Capromyidaecoypus Chinchillidae, family Chinchillidaesmall bushy-tailed South American burrowing rodents Spalacidae, family Spalacidaemole rats Bathyergidae, family Bathyergidaemole rats; sand rats Uintatheriidae, family Uintatheriidaean extinct family of Dinocerata Procaviidae, family Procaviidaeincludes all recent members of the order Hyracoidea Equidae, family Equidaehorses; asses; zebras; extinct animals Rhinocerotidae, family Rhinocerotidae, rhinoceros familyrhinoceroses Tapiridae, family Tapiridaetapirs and extinct related forms Suidae, family Suidaepigs; hogs; boars Tayassuidae, family Tayassuidaepeccaries Hippopotamidae, family Hippopotamidaehippopotami Bovidae, family Bovidaetrue antelopes; cattle; oxen; sheep; goats Bovinae, subfamily Bovinaeterm not used technically; essentially coextensive with genus Bos: cattle; buffalo; and sometimes includes kudu Antilocapridae, family Antilocapridaecomprising only the pronghorns Cervidae, family Cervidaedeer: reindeer; moose or elks; muntjacs; roe deer Tragulidae, family Tragulidaechevrotains Camelidae, family Camelidaecamels and llamas and vicunas Giraffidae, family Giraffidaegiraffes Mustelidae, family Mustelidaeweasels; polecats; ferrets; minks; fishers; otters; badgers; skunks; wolverines; martens Lutrinae, subfamily Lutrinaesubdivision not used in some classifications: otters Mephitinae, subfamily Mephitinaesubdivision not used in some classifications: skunks Melinae, subfamily Melinaesubdivision not used in some classifications: badgers Dasypodidae, family Dasypodidaearmadillos Bradypodidae, family Bradypodidaea family of edentates comprising the true sloths Megalonychidae, family Megalonychidaemammal family consisting of the two-toed sloths Megatheriidae, family Megatheriidaeextinct ground sloths Mylodontidae, family Mylodontidaeextinct South American edentates Myrmecophagidae, family MyrmecophagidaeNew World anteaters Manidae, family Manidaecoextensive with the order Pholidota Hominidae, family Hominidaemodern man and extinct immediate ancestors of man Pongidae, family Pongidaeusually considered as comprising orangutans; gorillas; chimpanzees; and sometimes gibbons Hylobatidae, family Hylobatidaeused in some classifications for the lesser apes (gibbons and siamangs); sometimes considered a subfamily of Pongidae Cercopithecidae, family CercopithecidaeOld World monkeys: guenon; baboon; colobus monkey; langur; macaque; mandrill; mangabey; patas; proboscis monkey Platyrrhini, superfamily PlatyrrhiniNew World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey; saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly monkey; marmoset; tamarin Callithricidae, family Callithricidaemarmosets Cebidae, family Cebidaeall the New World monkeys except marmosets and tamarins Tupaiidae, family Tupaiidaetree shrews; in some classifications tree shrews are considered prosimian primates Lemuridae, family Lemuridaetypical lemurs; of Madagascar Daubentoniidae, family Daubentoniidaecomprising solely the aye-aye Lorisidae, family Lorisidaeslow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia; usually tailless Indriidae, family Indriidaea family of Lemuroidea Tarsiidae, family Tarsiidaecoextensive with the genus Tarsius: tarsiers Cynocephalidae, family Cynocephalidaea family of Dermoptera Elephantidae, family Elephantidaeelephants Mammutidae, family Mammutidae, family Mastodontidaeextinct family: mastodons Gomphotheriidae, family Gomphotheriidaeelephants extinct since the Pleistocene Procyonidae, family Procyonidaeraccoons; coatis; cacomistles; kinkajous; and sometimes pandas Bassariscidae, subfamily Bassariscidaein some classifications considered a separate family Ailuropodidae, family Ailuropodidaein some classifications considered the family comprising the giant pandas family (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera |
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