

单词 mammal genus
mammal genus
(extremely rare)

mammal genus
n a genus of mammals
Tachyglossus, genus Tachyglossus
type genus of the family Tachyglossidae
Zaglossus, genus Zaglossus
a genus of Tachyglossidae
Ornithorhynchus, genus Ornithorhynchus
type genus of the family Ornithorhynchidae
Didelphis, genus Didelphis
type genus of the family Didelphidae
Caenolestes, genus Caenolestes
type genus of the family Caenolestidae
Macrotis, genus Macrotis
a genus of Peramelidae
Macropus, genus Macropus
type genus of the family Macropodidae: typical kangaroos and wallabies
Lagorchestes, genus Lagorchestes
hare wallabies
Onychogalea, genus Onychogalea
a genus of Macropodidae
Petrogale, genus Petrogale
rock wallabies
Thylogale, genus Thylogale
Dendrolagus, genus Dendrolagus
tree wallabies
Hypsiprymnodon, genus Hypsiprymnodon
musk kangaroos
Potorous, genus Potorous
Bettongia, genus Bettongia
jerboa kangaroo
genus Phalanger
type genus of the family Phalangeridae: cuscuses
Trichosurus, genus Trichosurus
a genus of Phalangeridae
Petaurus, genus Petaurus
a genus of Phalangeridae
Acrobates, genus Acrobates
a genus of Phalangeridae
Phascolarctos, genus Phascolarctos
Dasyurus, genus Dasyurus
type genus of the family Dasyuridae: native cats
Thylacinus, genus Thylacinus
Tasmanian wolf
Sarcophilus, genus Sarcophilus
Tasmanian devil
Phascogale, genus Phascogale
pouched mice
Myrmecobius, genus Myrmecobius
banded anteater
Notoryctus, genus Notoryctus
type genus of the family Notoryctidae: comprising solely the marsupial mole
Condylura, genus Condylura
star-nosed moles
Parascalops, genus Parascalops
brewer's moles
Chrysochloris, genus Chrysochloris
type genus of the Chrysochloridae
Uropsilus, genus Uropsilus
shrew moles
Neurotrichus, genus Neurotrichus
shrew moles
Sorex, genus Sorex
type genus of the family Soricidae: shrews
Blarina, genus Blarina
Neomys, genus Neomys
a genus of Soricidae
Cryptotis, genus Cryptotis
least shrews
Erinaceus, genus Erinaceus
type genus of the family Erinaceidae: hedgehogs
genus Tenrec
type genus of the family Tenrecidae: tenrecs
genus Potamogale
type genus of the family Potamogalidae: otter shrews
Balaena, genus Balaena
type genus of the Balaenidae: Greenland whales
Balaenoptera, genus Balaenoptera
type genus of the Balaenopteridae
Megaptera, genus Megaptera
humpback whales
Eschrichtius, genus Eschrichtius
type and sole genus of the Eschrichtiidae
Physeter, genus Physeter
type genus of the Physeteridae
Kogia, genus Kogia
pygmy sperm whales
Hyperoodon, genus Hyperoodon
bottle-nosed whales
Delphinus, genus Delphinus
type genus of the Delphinidae
Tursiops, genus Tursiops
a genus of Delphinidae
Phocoena, genus Phocoena
genus Grampus
Orcinus, genus Orcinus
killer whales
Globicephala, genus Globicephala
pilot whales
Monodon, genus Monodon
type genus of the Monodontidae
Delphinapterus, genus Delphinapterus
white whale
Trichechus, genus Trichecus
type and sole genus of the Trichechidae
genus Dugong
type genus of the Dugongidae comprising only the dugongs
Hydrodamalis, genus Hydrodamalis
a genus of the family Dugongidae comprising only Steller's sea cow
Arctocephalus, genus Arctocephalus
fur seals
Callorhinus, genus Callorhinus
fur seals
Otaria, genus Otaria
type genus of the Otariidae
Zalophus, genus Zalophus
sea lions
Eumetopias, genus Eumetopias
sea lions
Phoca, genus Phoca
type genus of the Phocidae: earless seals
Pagophilus, genus Pagophilus
harp seals
Mirounga, genus Mirounga
elephant seals
Erignathus, genus Erignathus
bearded seals
Cystophora, genus Cystophora
hooded seals
Odobenus, genus Odobenus
type genus of the Odobenidae: walruses
Orycteropus, genus Orycteropus
coextensive with the family Orycteropodidae
Canis, genus Canis
type genus of the Canidae: domestic and wild dogs; wolves; jackals
Cuon, Cyon, genus Cuon, genus Cyon
Asiatic wild dog
Dusicyon, genus Dusicyon
crab-eating dog
Nyctereutes, genus Nyctereutes
raccoon dogs
Lycaeon, genus Lycaeon
African hunting dog
genus Hyaena
type genus of the Hyaenidae
Crocuta, genus Crocuta
a genus of Hyaenidae
Proteles, genus Proteles
Vulpes, genus Vulpes
Alopex, genus Alopex
arctic foxes
Urocyon, genus Urocyon
grey foxes
Felis, genus Felis
type genus of the Felidae: true cats and most wildcats
genus Lynx
Panthera, genus Panthera
lions; leopards; snow leopards; jaguars; tigers; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers
Acinonyx, genus Acinonyx
Smiledon, genus Smiledon
saber-toothed tigers
Nimravus, genus Nimravus
false sabertoothed tigers
Ursus, genus Ursus
type genus of Ursidae: brown bears; in some classifications genus Ursus includes all bears
Euarctos, genus Euarctos
American black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
Selenarctos, genus Selenarctos
Asiatic black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
Thalarctos, genus Thalarctos
polar bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
Melursus, genus Melursus
sloth bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
Viverra, genus Viverra
type genus of the family Viverridae
Viverricula, genus Viverricula
a genus of Viverridae
Arctictis, genus Arctictis
Fossa, genus Fossa
monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets
Genetta, genus Genetta
Hemigalus, genus Hemigalus
banded palm civets
Herpestes, genus Herpestes
Paradoxurus, genus Paradoxurus
palm civets
Suricata, genus Suricata
Pteropus, genus Pteropus
a genus of Megachiroptera
Nyctimene, genus Nyctimene
East Indian fruit bats
Cynopterus, genus Cynopterus
a genus of Megachiroptera
genus Macrotus
leafnose bats
Phyllostomus, genus Phyllostomus
type genus of the family Phyllostomatidae
Choeronycteris, genus Choeronycteris
a genus of Phyllostomatidae
Hipposideros, genus Hipposideros
horseshoe bats
Rhinonicteris, genus Rhinonicteris
orange horseshoe bats
Megaderma, genus Megaderma
type genus of the Megadermatidae
Vespertilio, genus Vespertilio
a genus of Vespertilionidae
Lasiurus, genus Lasiurus
a genus of Vespertilionidae
Myotis, genus Myotis
largest and most widely distributed genus of bats
Eptesicus, genus Eptesicus
a genus of Vespertilionidae
Antrozous, genus Antrozous
a genus of Vespertilionidae
Pipistrellus, genus Pipistrellus
nearly cosmopolitan genus of very small bats
Euderma, genus Euderma
a genus of Vespertilionidae
Plecotus, genus Plecotus
a genus of Vespertilionidae
Tadarida, genus Tadarida
freetail bats
Eumops, genus Eumops
mastiff bats
Desmodus, genus Desmodus
type genus of the Desmodontidae: vampire bats
Diphylla, genus Diphylla
vampire bats
Oryctolagus, genus Oryctolagus
Old World rabbits
Sylvilagus, genus Sylvilagus
North American rabbits
Lepus, genus Lepus
type genus of the Leporidae: hares
Ochotona, genus Ochotona
type genus of the Ochotonidae
Mus, genus Mus
type genus of the Muridae: common house mice; the tips of the upper incisors have a square notch
Micromyx, genus Micromyx
Old World harvest mice
Apodemus, genus Apodemus
Old World field mice
Rattus, genus Rattus
common house rats; upper incisors have a beveled edge
Nesokia, genus Nesokia
bandicoot rats
Conilurus, genus Conilurus
jerboa rats
Notomys, genus Notomys
jerboa rats
Hydromys, genus Hydromys
water rats
Reithrodontomys, genus Reithrodontomys
New World harvest mice
Peromyscus, genus Peromyscus
New World wood mice
Baiomys, genus Baiomys
pygmy mice
Onychomys, genus Onychomys
grasshopper mice
Ondatra, genus Ondatra
Neofiber, genus Neofiber
round-tailed muskrat
Sigmodon, genus Sigmodon
American cotton rats
Neotoma, genus Neotoma
Oryzomys, genus Oryzomys
rice rats
Pitymys, genus Pitymys
pine mice
Microtus, genus Microtus
voles of the northern hemisphere
Arvicola, genus Arvicola
in some classifications considered synonymous with Microtus
Clethrionomys, genus Clethrionomys
a genus of Cricetidae
genus Phenacomys
North American voles
Cricetus, genus Cricetus
type genus of the Cricetidae: Old World hamsters
Mesocricetus, genus Mesocricetus
golden hamsters
Gerbillus, genus Gerbillus
type genus of the Gerbillinae: typical gerbils
Meriones, genus Meriones
a genus of Cricetidae
Lemmus, genus lemmus
Myopus, genus Myopus
a genus of Cricetidae
Dicrostonyx, genus Dicrostonyx
pied lemmings
Synaptomys, genus Synaptomys
bog lemmings
Atherurus, genus Atherurus
a genus of Hystricidae
Trichys, genus Trichys
a genus of Hystricidae
Erethizon, genus Erethizon
a genus of Erethizontidae
Perognathus, genus Perognathus
pocket mice
Liomys, genus Liomys
pocket mice
Dipodomys, genus Dipodomys
kangaroo rats
Microdipodops, genus Microdipodops
kangaroo mice
Zapus, genus Zapus
type genus of the Zapodidae
Dipus, genus Dipus
type genus of the Dipodidae; typical jerboas having three toes on each hind foot
Jaculus, genus Jaculus
Glis, genus Glis
type genus of the Gliridae
Muscardinus, genus Muscardinus
a genus of Gliridae
Eliomys, genus Eliomys
Geomys, genus Geomys
type genus of the Geomyidae
Thomomys, genus Thomomys
western pocket gophers
Sciurus, genus Sciurus
type genus of the Sciuridae; typical moderate-sized arboreal squirrels
Tamiasciurus, genus Tamiasciurus
American red squirrels
Citellus, Spermophilus, genus Citellus, genus Spermophilus
typical ground squirrels
Cynomys, genus Cynomys
prairie dogs
Tamias, genus Tamias
chipmunks of eastern North America
Eutamias, genus Eutamias
chipmunks of western America and Asia
Glaucomys, genus Glaucomys
New World flying squirrels
Marmota, genus Marmota
Petaurista, genus Petaurista
very large Asiatic flying squirrels
Castor, genus Castor
type genus of the Castoridae: beavers
Castoroides, genus Castoroides
extinct beavers of the Pleistocene; of eastern and southern United States
Aplodontia, genus Aplodontia
type genus of the Aplodontiidae: comprising the mountain beavers
Cavia, genus Cavia
type genus of the Caviidae: guinea pigs
Dolichotis, genus Dolichotis
Hydrochoerus, genus Hydrochoerus
a genus of Hydrochoeridae
Dasyprocta, genus Dasyprocta
type genus of the Dasyproctidae: agoutis
Cuniculus, genus Cuniculus
Stictomys, genus Stictomys
mountain pacas
Myocastor, genus Myocastor
a genus of Capromyidae
genus Chinchilla
type genus of the Chinchillidae
Lagidium, genus Lagidium
a genus of Chinchillidae
Lagostomus, genus Lagostomus
Abrocoma, genus Abrocoma
Spalax, genus Spalax
type genus of the Spalacidae
Bathyergus, genus Bathyergus
mole rats
Heterocephalus, genus Heterocephalus
sand rats
Uintatherium, genus Uintatherium
type genus of the Uintatheriidae; extinct large herbivorous ungulates somewhat resembling elephants; from the Eocene in Wyoming
Procavia, genus Procavia
type genus of the Procaviidae
Equus, genus Equus
type genus of the Equidae: only surviving genus of the family Equidae
Hyracotherium, genus Hyracotherium
extinct horse genus; formerly called eohippus
genus Mesohippus
a genus of Equidae
genus Protohippus
a genus of Equidae
genus Rhinoceros
type genus of the Rhinocerotidae
Ceratotherium, genus Ceratotherium
African genus
Diceros, genus Diceros
most common species in Africa
Tapirus, genus Tapirus
type genus of the Tapiridae
Sus, genus Sus
type genus of the Suidae
Babyrousa, genus Babyrousa
a genus of Suidae
Phacochoerus, genus Phacochoerus
Tayassu, genus Pecari, genus Tayassu
type genus of the Tayassuidae
genus Hippopotamus
type genus of the Hippopotamidae
Bos, genus Bos
wild and domestic cattle; in some classifications placed in the subfamily Bovinae or tribe Bovini
Bubalus, genus Bubalus, tribe Bubalus
in some classification systems included in genus Bos; water buffaloes
genus Anoa
a genus of mammals of the family Bovidae
Synercus, genus Synercus, tribe synercus
Cape buffalo
Bibos, genus Bibos
wild ox
genus Bison
sometimes considered a subgenus of genus Bos: American buffalo
Ovibos, genus Ovibos
consisting of the musk-ox
Ovis, genus Ovis
Ammotragus, genus Ammotragus
genus of wild sheep
Capra, genus Capra
Oreamnos, genus Oreamnos
mountain goats
Naemorhedus, genus Naemorhedus
Capricornis, genus Capricornis
Rupicapra, genus Rupicapra
Budorcas, genus Budorcas
gnu goats
Antilope, genus Antilope
Litocranius, genus Litocranius
antelopes of eastern Africa: gerenuks
genus Addax
genus of antelopes of northern African deserts
Connochaetes, genus Connochaetes
African antelopes: gnus
Madoqua, genus Madoqua
genus comprising some small antelopes of eastern and northeastern Africa
Alcelaphus, genus Alcelaphus
African antelopes: hartebeests
Damaliscus, genus Damaliscus
African antelopes: sassabies
Aepyceros, genus Aepyceros
African antelopes: impalas
Gazella, genus Gazella
typical gazelles
Antidorcas, genus Antidorcas
Strepsiceros, Tragelaphus, genus Strepsiceros, genus Tragelaphus
African antelopes: kudus; bongos; nyalas; bushbucks
Boselaphus, genus Boselaphus
Indian antelopes: nilgais
Hippotragus, genus Hippotragus
sable antelopes
genus Saiga
Eurasian antelopes: saigas
Raphicerus, genus Raphicerus
African antelopes: steenboks
Taurotragus, genus Taurotragus
African antelopes: elands
Kobus, genus Kobus
African antelopes: waterbucks
Adenota, genus Adenota
African antelopes: puku
genus Oryx
African antelopes: oryxes
Pseudoryx, genus Pseudoryx
species of large cow-like mammals of Vietnam discovered by scientists in 1992
Antilocapra, genus Antilocapra
type and sole genus of the Antilocapridae comprising one species
Cervus, genus Cervus
the type genus of the Cervidae
Odocoileus, genus Odocoileus
North American deer
Alces, genus Alces
elk or moose
Dama, genus Dama
fallow deer
Capreolus, genus Capreolus
roe deer
Rangifer, genus Rangifer
reindeer or caribou
Mazama, genus Mazama
Muntiacus, genus Muntiacus
Moschus, genus Moschus
musk deer
Elaphurus, genus Elaphurus
a genus of Cervidae
Tragulus, genus Tragulus
type genus of the Tragulidae
Hyemoschus, genus Hyemoschus
water chevrotains
Camelus, genus Camelus
type genus of the Camelidae: camels
Lama, genus Lama
Vicugna, genus Vicugna
a genus of Camelidae
Giraffa, genus Giraffa
type genus of the Giraffidae
Okapia, genus Okapia
Mustela, genus Mustela
type genus of the family Mustelidae: minks and weasels
Poecilogale, genus Poecilogale
Ictonyx, genus Ictonyx
a genus of Mustelidae
Lutra, genus Lutra
in some classifications considered a genus of the subfamily Lutrinae
Enhydra, genus Enhydra
sea otters
Mephitis, genus Mephitis
in some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Mephitinae
Conepatus, genus Conepatus
a genus of Mustelidae
Spilogale, genus Spilogale
a genus of Mustelidae
Taxidea, genus Taxidea
in some classifications considered a genus of subfamily Melinae
Meles, genus Meles
in some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Melinae
Mellivora, genus Mellivora
Melogale, genus Melogale
a genus of Mustelidae
Arctonyx, genus Arctonyx
a genus of Mustelidae
Gulo, genus Gulo
a genus of Mustelidae
genus Grison
a genus of Mustelidae
genus Galictis
alternative name for the genus Grison
Martes, genus Martes
Charronia, genus Charronia
a genus of Mustelidae
Eira, genus Eira
a genus of Mustelidae
Dasypus, genus Dasypus
type genus of the Dasypodidae
Tolypeutes, genus Tolypeutes
a genus of Dasypodidae
genus Cabassous
solely the tatouay
Euphractus, genus Euphractus
a genus of Dasypodidae
Priodontes, genus Priodontes
solely the giant armadillo
Chlamyphorus, genus Chlamyphorus
Burmeisteria, genus Burmeisteria
a genus of Dasypodidae
Bradypus, genus Bradypus
type genus of the Bradypodidae: three-toed sloths
Choloepus, genus Choloepus
a genus of Megalonychidae consisting of the two-toed sloth
Megatherium, genus Megatherium
type genus of the Megatheriidae
genus Mylodon
type genus of the Mylodontidae; sometimes included in family Megatheriidae
Myrmecophaga, genus Myrmecophaga
type genus of the Myrmecophagidae; South American ant bear
Cyclopes, genus Cyclopes
only the silky anteater
genus Tamandua
lesser anteater
Manis, genus Manis
type genus of the Manidae
genus Homo
type genus of the family Hominidae
Australopithecus, genus Australopithecus
extinct genus of African hominid
Plesianthropus, genus Plesianthropus
former name for the genus Australopithecus
genus Sivapithecus
extinct primates; lower Pliocene
Dryopithecus, genus Dryopithecus
genus of Old World hominoids; Miocene and Pliocene
Ouranopithecus, genus Ouranopithecus
a genus of Hominidae
Lufengpithecus, genus Lufengpithecus
a genus of Hominidae
genus Proconsul
genus of extinct primitive African primates of the Miocene epoch; sometimes considered a subgenus of Dryopithecus
Kenyapithecus, genus Kenyapithecus
extinct primate having powerful chewing muscles along with large molars and small incisors; fossils found in Kenya
genus Aegyptopithecus
a genus of Hominoidea
Algeripithecus, genus Algeripithecus
an extinct genus of Hominoidea
Pongo, genus Pongo
type genus of the family Pongidae: orangutans
genus Gorilla
Pan, genus Pan
chimpanzees; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids
Hylobates, genus Hylobates
Symphalangus, genus Symphalangus
used in some classifications for the siamangs
Cercopithecus, genus Cercopithecus
type genus of the Cercopithecidae: guenons
Cercocebus, genus Cercocebus
Erythrocebus, genus Erythrocebus
Papio, genus Papio
Mandrillus, genus Mandrillus
Macaca, genus Macaca
macaques; rhesus monkeys
Presbytes, genus Presbytes, mammal Semnopithecus
genus Colobus
a genus of Cercopithecidae
Nasalis, genus Nasalis
proboscis monkeys
Callithrix, genus Callithrix
type genus of the Callithricidae: true marmosets
Cebuella, genus Cebuella
pygmy marmosets
Leontocebus, genus Leontideus, genus Leontocebus
Cebus, genus Cebus
type genus of the Cebidae
Aotus, genus Aotus
Alouatta, genus Alouatta
howler monkeys
Pithecia, genus Pithecia
Cacajao, genus Cacajao
Callicebus, genus Callicebus
Ateles, genus Ateles
spider monkeys
Saimiri, genus Saimiri
squirrel monkeys
Lagothrix, genus Lagothrix
woolly monkeys
Tupaia, genus Tupaia
the type genus of the Tupaia: chief genus of tree shrews
Ptilocercus, genus Ptilocercus
genus Lemur
type genus of the Lemuridae
Daubentonia, genus Daubentonia
type genus; coextensive with the family Daubentoniidae
genus Loris
type genus of the Lorisidae
Nycticebus, genus Nycticebus
a genus of Lorisidae
Perodicticus, genus Perodicticus
a genus of Lorisidae
Arctocebus, genus Arctocebus
a genus of Lorisidae
genus Galago
bush babies
genus Indri
type genus of the Indriidae
Avahi, genus Avahi
a genus of Indriidae
Tarsius, genus Tarsius
type and sole genus of the family Tarsiidae
Cynocephalus, genus Cynocephalus
type genus of the family Cynocephalidae
Elephas, genus Elephas
type genus of the family Elephantidae
Loxodonta, genus Loxodonta
a genus of Elephantidae
Mammuthus, genus Mammuthus
extinct genus: mammoths
Archidiskidon, genus Archidiskidon
a genus of Elephantidae
Mammut, genus Mammut, genus Mastodon
extinct type genus of the Mammutidae: mastodons
Gomphotherium, genus Gomphotherium
type genus of the Gomphotheriidae
Procyon, genus Procyon
the type genus of the family Procyonidae: raccoons
Bassariscus, genus Bassariscus
Potos, genus Potos
a genus of Procyonidae
Nasua, genus Nasua
Ailurus, genus Ailurus
lesser pandas
Ailuropoda, genus Ailuropoda
only the giant panda: in some classifications considered a genus of the separate family Ailuropodidae
(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species




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