

单词 physical process
physical process
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physical process: physical processes
“I think our behavior is the product of physical processes in the brain.”
Wall Street Journal(Dec 29, 2016)
The instrument will allow researchers to study split-second chemical reactions and biological and physical processes in atomic detail.
Nature(Dec 21, 2016)
Almost every physical process behaves identically when viewed in a mirror.
Nature(May 15, 2016)
n a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states
any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
(medicine) the process of removing a heavy metal from the bloodstream by means of a chelate as in treating lead or mercury poisoning
a process whereby voters are moved toward nonpartisanship thus weakening the structure of political parties
decrease, decrement
a process of becoming smaller or shorter
degeneration, devolution
the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality
development, evolution
a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)
economic process
any process affecting the production and development and management of material wealth
the process of enclosing (as in a capsule)
execution, instruction execution
(computer science) the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer
human process
a process in which human beings are involved
growth, increase, increment
a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important
industrial process
a systematic series of mechanical or chemical operations that produce or manufacture something
irreversible process
any process that is not reversible
iteration, looping
(computer science) executing the same set of instructions a given number of times or until a specified result is obtained
iteration, loop
(computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated
action, activity, natural action, natural process
a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings)
functioning, operation, performance
process or manner of functioning or operating
biological process, organic process
a process occurring in living organisms
the process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces
preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure
reversible process
any process in which a system can be made to pass through the same states in the reverse order when the process is reversed
sensitisation, sensitization
(psychology) the process of becoming highly sensitive to specific events or situations (especially emotional events or situations)
defining, shaping
any process serving to define the shape of something
the process of varying or being varied
(statistics) correlated variation
the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats
natural phenomenon
all phenomena that are not artificial
the phenomenon of a person or thing rising into the air by apparently supernatural means
metempsychosis, rebirth
after death the soul begins a new cycle of existence in another human body
consequence, effect, event, issue, outcome, result, upshot
a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
chance, fortune, hazard, luck
an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
fortune, luck
an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome
a periodically recurring phenomenon that alternately increases and decreases some quantity
(physics) the process in which incident radiated energy is retained without reflection or transmission on passing through a medium
a process of increasing by addition (as to a collection or group)
accretion, accumulation
an increase by natural growth or addition
(geology) an increase in land resulting from alluvial deposits or waterborne sediment
(biology) growth by addition as by the adhesion of parts or particles
(astronomy) the formation of a celestial object by the effect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases
Acheson process
an industrial process for making graphite by heating a mixture of coke and clay
the process of becoming acid or being converted into an acid
adaptation, adaption, adjustment
the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)
adiabatic process
(thermodynamics) any process that occurs without gain or loss of heat
the process of exposing to air (so as to purify)
a clumping of bacteria or red cells when held together by antibodies (agglutinins)
ageing, aging, senescence
the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
the process of producing pictures in contrasting colors that appear three-dimensional when superimposed and viewed through spectacles with one red and one green lens
the absence of ovulation due to immaturity or post-maturity or pregnancy or oral contraceptive pills or dysfunction of the ovary
the process of preventing redeposition
antisepsis, asepsis
the process of inhibiting the growth and multiplication of microorganisms
the development of a consonant phoneme into a sibilant
absorption, assimilation
the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion
the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent)
autotype, autotypy
process for producing permanent prints in a carbon pigment
(physiology) processes that maintain a generally constant physiological state in a cell or organism
inhibition of the growth of bacteria
batch processing
the serial execution of computer programs
Bessemer process
an industrial process for making steel using a Bessemer converter to blast air through molten iron and thus burning the excess carbon and impurities; the first successful method of making steel in quantity at low cost
bloom, blooming
the organic process of bearing flowers
processing that involves blowing a gas
activity, bodily function, bodily process, body process
an organic process that takes place in the body
any process in which an atomic or nuclear system acquires an additional particle
a process whereby a star or planet holds an object in its gravitational field
carbon cycle
the organic circulation of carbon from the atmosphere into organisms and back again
catabolism, destructive metabolism, dissimilation, katabolism
breakdown in living organisms of more complex substances into simpler ones together with release of energy
cell division, cellular division
the process in reproduction and growth by which a cell divides to form daughter cells
the process of separating substances of different densities by the use of a centrifuge
chemical action, chemical change, chemical process
(chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved
a process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency
the formation of stonelike objects within a body organ (e.g., the kidneys)
the process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state
(meteorology) the vertical movement of heat or other properties by massive motion within the atmosphere
crossing over, crossover
the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis
clotting, coagulation, curdling
the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid
cyanide process
an industrial process for extracting gold and silver by treating ore with a sodium cyanide solution
data processing
(computer science) a series of operations on data by a computer in order to retrieve or transform or classify information
decay, decline
a gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current
the process of gradually becoming inferior
decline, diminution
change toward something smaller or lower
a process of becoming deeper and more profound
a contraction of economic activity resulting in a decline of prices
the loss of foliage
demagnetisation, demagnetization
the process of removing magnetization
the ability and desire to purchase goods and services
the loss of the mineral content of bone tissue
desensitisation, desensitization
the process of reducing sensitivity
changing from an adsorbed state on a surface to a gaseous or liquid state
developing, development
processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible
(physics) the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration
the organic process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed into the body
digital photography
a photographic method that stores the image digitally for later reproduction
a reduction of prices intended to improve the balance of payments
disintegration, dissolution
separation into component parts
distillation, distillment
the process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors
the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)
dry plate, dry plate process
a former photographic method that used a glass plate coated with a light-sensitive gelatinous emulsion
a change that occurs in degenerative joint disease in which bone is converted into a dense smooth substance resembling ivory
the escape of blood from ruptured blood vessels into the surrounding tissue to form a purple or black-and-blue spot on the skin
economic growth
steady growth in the productive capacity of the economy (and so a growth of national income)
shortening of the uterine cervix and thinning of its walls as it is dilated during labor
the process of bubbling as gas escapes
cataphoresis, dielectrolysis, electrophoresis, ionophoresis
the motion of charged particles in a colloid under the influence of an electric field; particles with a positive charge go to the cathode and negative to the anode
electrostatic precipitation
a process that removes suspended dust particles from a gas by applying a high voltage electrostatic charge to the particles and collecting them on charged plates
the process of producing red blood cells by the stem cells in the bone marrow
ecesis, establishment
(ecology) the process by which a plant or animal becomes established in a new habitat
excessive nutrients in a lake or other body of water, usually caused by runoff of nutrients (animal waste, fertilizers, sewage) from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life; the decomposition of the plants depletes the supply of oxygen, leading to the death of animal life
evolution, organic evolution, phylogenesis, phylogeny
(biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms
(genetics) the process of expressing a gene
the reduction of the intensity of radiation as a consequence of absorption and radiation
the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means
the process of exuding or passing out of a vessel into surrounding tissues; said of blood or lymph or urine
the process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input in order to regulate its further output
the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering medium
the process of flocculating; forming woolly cloudlike aggregations
any uninterrupted stream or discharge
natural process that causes something to form
fossilisation, fossilization
the process of fossilizing a plant or animal that existed in some earlier age; the process of being turned to stone
fractional process, fractionation
a process that uses heat to separate a substance into its components
the process in which a gastrula develops from a blastula by the inward migration of cells
geologic process, geological process
(geology) a natural process whereby geological features are modified
globalisation, globalization
growth to a global or worldwide scale
the formation in animals of glycogen from glucose
development, growing, growth, maturation, ontogenesis, ontogeny
(biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level
a progression from simpler to more complex forms
Haber process, Haber-Bosch process
an industrial process for producing ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen by combining them under high pressure in the presence of an iron catalyst
curing, hardening, set, solidification, solidifying
the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization
haematogenesis, haematopoiesis, haemogenesis, haemopoiesis, hematogenesis, hematopoiesis, hemogenesis, hemopoiesis, sanguification
the formation of blood cells in the living body (especially in the bone marrow)
the biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the next
the process of the formation of humus from plant remains
epistasis, hypostasis
the suppression of a gene by the effect of an unrelated gene
implantation, nidation
(embryology) the organic process whereby a fertilized egg becomes implanted in the lining of the uterus of placental mammals
the process of rendering inactive
inflation, rising prices
a general and progressive increase in prices
(physiology) the process whereby nerves can retard or prevent the functioning of an organ or part
infolding, introversion, intussusception, invagination
the folding in of an outer layer so as to form a pocket in the surface
reduction in size of an organ or part (as in the return of the uterus to normal size after childbirth)
ion exchange
a process in which ions are exchanged between a solution and an insoluble (usually resinous) solid; widely used in industrial processing
ionisation, ionization
the process of ionizing; the formation of ions by separating atoms or molecules or radicals or by adding or subtracting electrons from atoms by strong electric fields in a gas
organic process consisting of the division of the cytoplasm of a cell following karyokinesis bringing about the separation into two daughter cells
organic process consisting of the division of the nucleus of a cell during mitosis or meiosis
keratinisation, keratinization
organic process by which keratin is deposited in cells and the cells become horny (as in nails and hair)
Krebs citric acid cycle, Krebs cycle, citric acid cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle
in all plants and animals: a series of enzymatic reactions in mitochondria involving oxidative metabolism of acetyl compounds to produce high-energy phosphate compounds that are the source of cellular energy
leach, leaching
the process of leaching
linguistic process
a process involved in human language
the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow and lymph nodes and thymus and spleen
lysogenisation, lysogenization
the process by which a bacterium acquires a phage that becomes integrated into its genome
magnetic induction, magnetisation, magnetization
the process that makes a substance magnetic (temporarily or permanently)
market forces
the interaction of supply and demand that shapes a market economy
materialisation, materialization
the process of coming into being; becoming reality
maturation, maturement, ripening
coming to full development; becoming mature
metabolic process, metabolism
the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are necessary for life
metabolism, metamorphosis
the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals
a multiplicative increase
concurrent execution, multiprogramming
the execution of two or more computer programs by a single computer
a decrease in width
nitrogen cycle
the circulation of nitrogen; nitrates from the soil are absorbed by plants which are eaten by animals that die and decay returning the nitrogen back to the soil
nitrogen fixation
the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by soil bacteria and its release for plant use on the death of the bacteria
failure of normal development to occur
nuclear reaction
(physics) a process that alters the energy or structure or composition of atomic nuclei
(physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance
the process of becoming obsolete; falling into disuse or becoming out of date
the process of becoming cloudy or opaque
the process of organ formation
the process of oscillating between states
the developmental process of bone formation
the process of becoming rigidly fixed in a conventional pattern of thought or behavior
the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary (usually midway in the menstrual cycle)
oxidative phosphorylation
an enzymatic process in cell metabolism that synthesizes ATP from ADP
the process of providing or combining or treating with oxygen
pair creation, pair formation, pair production
the transformation of a gamma-ray photon into an electron and a positron when the photon passes close to an atomic nucleus
birth, birthing, giving birth, parturition
the process of giving birth
pathologic process, pathological process
an organic process occurring as a consequence of disease
the process of living through a number of years (as a perennial plant)
phase change, phase transition, physical change, state change
a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
photomechanics, photoplate making
the process whereby printing surfaces (plates or cylinders) are produced by photographic methods
population growth
increase in the number of people who inhabit a territory or state
powder method, powder photography, powder technique
a process for identifying minerals or crystals; a small rod is coated with a powdered form of the substance and subjected to suitably modified X-rays; the pattern of diffracted rings is used for identification
precession of the equinoxes
a slow westward shift of the equinoxes along the plane of the ecliptic caused by precession of the Earth's axis of rotation
a process that saves organic substances from decay
a rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons)
psychoanalytic process
a process that is assumed to occur in psychoanalytic theory
a rapid and abundant increase
quellung, quellung reaction
the swelling of the capsule surrounding a microorganism after reaction with an antibody; the basis of certain tests for identifying microorganisms
the process of showing signs of life
radiography, skiagraphy
the process of making a radiograph; producing an image on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light
purification, refinement, refining
the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)
(biology) growth anew of lost tissue or destroyed parts or organs
(embryology) the ability of an early embryo to continue normal development after its structure has been somehow damaged or altered
(physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers
a process that liberates or discharges something
(genetics) the process whereby DNA makes a copy of itself before cell division
the process of generating offspring
reabsorption, resorption
the organic process in which the substance of some differentiated structure that has been produced by the body undergoes lysis and assimilation
ageing, aging, ripening
acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time
(geology) the leaping movement of sand or soil particles as they are transported in a fluid medium over an uneven surface
the process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recognized by a computer
the physical process in which particles are deflected haphazardly as a result of collisions
secernment, secretion
the organic process of synthesizing and releasing some substance
(genetics) the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes
raising silkworms in order to obtain raw silk
shedding, sloughing
the process whereby something is shed
(technology) a process that acts to absorb or remove energy or a substance from a system
a decrease of transmitted power in a mechanical system caused by slipping
soak, soakage, soaking
the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid)
social process
a process involved in the formation of groups of persons
the process of becoming softer
Solvay process
an industrial process for producing sodium carbonate from sodium chloride and ammonia and carbon dioxide
the process in which one substance takes up or holds another (by either absorption or adsorption)
(technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system
a continuously accelerating change in the economy
rigidification, rigidifying, stiffening
the process of becoming stiff or rigid
(physiology) the effect of a stimulus (on nerves or organs etc.)
ecological succession, succession
(ecology) the gradual and orderly process of change in an ecosystem brought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another until a stable climax is established
(physiology) the process whereby multiple stimuli can produce a response (in a muscle or nerve or other part) that one stimulus alone does not produce
offering goods and services for sale
natural selection, selection, survival, survival of the fittest
a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment
a growing together of parts or structures
the side by side pairing of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes at the start of meiosis
synergism, synergy
the working together of two things (muscles or drugs for example) to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects
synezesis, synizesis
the contraction of chromatin towards one side of the nucleus during the prophase of meiosis
temperature change
a process whereby the degree of hotness of a body (or medium) changes
(genetics) the organic process whereby the DNA sequence in a gene is copied into mRNA; the process whereby a base sequence of messenger RNA is synthesized on a template of complementary DNA
the process whereby a transducer accepts energy in one form and gives back related energy in a different form
(genetics) the process of transfering genetic material from one cell to another by a plasmid or bacteriophage
(genetics) the process whereby genetic information coded in messenger RNA directs the formation of a specific protein at a ribosome in the cytoplasm
folding, protein folding
the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape
(genetics) an exchange of chromosome parts
the transport of dissolved material within a plant
the emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants
the passage of gases through fine tubes because of differences in pressure or temperature
the process of tumefying; the organic process whereby tissue becomes swollen by the accumulation of fluid within it
the process of ulcer formation; the process of becoming ulcerated
flowering, unfolding
a developmental process
a process of taking up or using up or consuming
vascularisation, vascularization
the organic process whereby body tissue becomes vascular and develops capillaries
blistering, vesication, vesiculation
the formation of vesicles in or beneath the skin
video digitizing
the process of capturing and converting and storing video images for use by a computer
the process of becoming vitreous
vulcanisation, vulcanization
process of treating rubber or rubberlike materials with sulphur at great heat to improve elasticity and strength or to harden them
the process of wasting
broadening, widening
an increase in width
macular degeneration
eye disease caused by degeneration of the cells of the macula lutea and results in blurred vision; can cause blindness
physical entity
an entity that has physical existence




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