单词 | fungus genus |
释义 | fungus genus (extremely rare) n WORD FAMILY fungus genus: fungi genus n includes lichen genera Hypo|Hyper Erysiphe, genus Erysiphe genus of powdery mildews Neurospora, genus Neurosporagenus of fungi with black perithecia used extensively in genetic research; includes some forms with orange spore masses that cause severe damage in bakeries Ceratostomella, genus Ceratostomellagenus of fungi forming continuous hyaline spores Claviceps, genus Clavicepsfungi parasitic upon the ovaries of various grasses Xylaria, genus Xylariatype genus of Xylariaceae; fungi with perithecia in the upper part of erect black woody stromata Rosellinia, genus Roselliniafungi having smooth perithecia with dark one-celled ascospores Helotium, genus Helotiumtype genus of the Helotiaceae genus Sclerotinialarge genus of ascomycetous fungi including various destructive plant pathogens Scleroderma, genus Sclerodermagenus of poisonous fungi having hard-skinned fruiting bodies: false truffles Tulestoma, Tulostoma, genus Tulestoma, genus Tulostomatype genus of the Tulostomaceae Rhizopogon, genus Rhizopogona genus of fungi having subterranean sporophores resembling tubers Truncocolumella, genus Truncocolumellaa genus of fungi belonging to the family Rhizopogonaceae genus Mucortype genus of the Mucoraceae; genus of molds having cylindrical or pear-shaped sporangia not limited in location to points where rhizoids develop genus Rhizopusa genus of rot-causing fungi having columnar hemispherical aerial sporangia anchored to the substrate by rhizoids Entomophthora, genus Entomophthoratype genus of the Entomophthoraceae; fungi parasitic on insects genus Dictostyliumgenus of slime molds that grow on dung and decaying vegetation Blastocladia, genus Blastocladiaa genus of fungi of the family Blastodiaceae Synchytrium, genus Synchytriumsimple parasitic fungi including pond scum parasites Saprolegnia, genus Saprolegniaaquatic fungi growing chiefly on plant debris and animal remains Peronospora, genus Peronosporagenus of destructive downy mildews Albugo, genus Albugotype genus of the Albuginaceae; fungi causing white rusts genus Pythiumdestructive root-parasitic fungi Phytophthora, genus Phytophthoradestructive parasitic fungi causing brown rot in plants Plasmodiophora, genus Plasmodiophoratype genus of Plasmodiophoraceae comprising minute plant parasitic fungi similar to and sometimes included among the slime molds Tuber, genus Tubertype genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles Hydnum, genus Hydnumtype genus of Hydnaceae genus Lecanoratype genus of Lecanoraceae; crustaceous lichens genus Roccellachiefly fruticose maritime rock-inhabiting lichens Pertusaria, genus Pertusariacrustose lichens that are a source of the dye archil and of litmus Usnea, genus Usneawidely distributed lichens usually having a greyish or yellow pendulous freely branched thallus Evernia, genus Evernialichens of the family Usneaceae having a pendulous or shrubby thallus Ramalina, genus Ramalinashrubby lichens of the family Usneaceae having a flattened thallus Alectoria, genus Alectorialichens having dark brown erect or pendulous much-branched cylindrical thallus Cladonia, genus Cladoniatype genus of Cladoniaceae; lichens characterized by a crustose thallus and capitate fruiting bodies borne on simple or branched podetia Parmelia, genus Parmeliatype genus of the Parmeliaceae; a large genus of chiefly alpine foliaceous lichens Cetraria, genus Cetrariafoliose lichens chiefly of northern latitudes Agaricus, genus Agaricustype genus of Agaricaceae; gill fungi having brown spores and including several edible species Lentinus, genus Lentinusa genus of fungus belonging to the family Tricholomataceae Amanita, genus Amanitagenus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few exceptions Cantharellus, genus Cantharellusa well-known genus of fungus; has funnel-shaped fruiting body; includes the chanterelles Omphalotus, genus Omphalotusa genus of fungi with a depressed disc in the cap Coprinus, genus Coprinusgenus of black-spotted agarics in which the cap breaks down at maturity into an inky fluid; sometimes placed in its own family Coprinaceae Lactarius, genus Lactariuslarge genus of agarics that have white spore and contain a white or milky juice when cut or broken; includes both edible and poisonous species Marasmius, genus Marasmiuschiefly small mushrooms with white spores Pleurotus, genus Pleurotusagarics with white spores and caps having an eccentric stem; an important mushroom of Japan Pholiota, genus Pholiotagenus of gilled agarics of Europe and North America having brown spores and an annulus; grows on open ground or decaying wood Russula, genus Russulalarge genus of fungi with stout stems and white spores and neither annulus nor volva; brittle caps of red or purple or yellow or green or blue; differs from genus Lactarius in lacking milky juice Stropharia, genus Stropharia, ring-stalked fungusgenus of gill fungi with brown spores that is closely related to Agaricus; here placed in its own family Strophariaceae Entoloma, genus Entolomaagarics with pink spores but lacking both volva and annulus (includes some that are poisonous) genus Chlorophylluma genus of fungus belonging to the family Lepiotaceae genus Lepiotaagarics with white spores that includes several edible and poisonous mushrooms: parasol mushrooms Corticium, genus Corticiumgenus of fungi having simple smooth sporophores; some are parasitic on wood or economic crops; some species formerly placed in form genus Rhizoctinia Pellicularia, genus Pelliculariagenus of fungi having the hymenium in the form of a crust; some species formerly placed in form genus Rhizoctinia Tricholoma, genus Tricholomaagarics with white spores and a fleshy stalk and notched gills; of various colors both edible and inedible Volvaria, genus Volvariaagarics having pink spores and a distinct volva Pluteus, genus Pluteus, roof mushrooma large genus of fungi belonging to the family Pluteaceae; the shape of the cap resembles a roof; often abundant early in the summer Volvariella, genus Volvariellaan important genus of mushrooms in the Orient Clitocybe, genus Clitocybea genus of agarics with white to pale yellow spore deposits and fleshy stalks centrally attached to the cap and closely attached gills Flammulina, genus Flammulinaa genus of agarics Saccharomyces, genus Saccharomycessingle-celled yeasts that reproduce asexually by budding; used to ferment carbohydrates Schizosaccharomyces, genus Schizosaccharomycestype and only genus of Schizosaccharomycetaceae; comprises the fission yeasts Eurotium, genus Eurotiuma genus of fungi belonging to the order Eurotiales Aspergillus, genus Aspergillusgenus of common molds causing food spoilage and some pathogenic to plants and animals Thielavia, genus Thielaviagenus of fungi having spherical brown perithecia and some conidia borne in chains; cause root rot Peziza, genus Pezizatype genus of the Pezizaceae: a variety of cup fungus Plectania, genus Plectaniagenus of fungi in the family Pezizaceae closely related to and often included in genus Peziza Morchella, genus Morchellagenus of edible fungi: morel Wynnea, genus Wynneaa genus of fungi belonging to the family Sarcoscyphaceae genus Helvellatype genus of the Helvellaceae genus Discinaa genus of fungi of the family Helvellaceae with a cup-shaped or saucer-shaped fruiting body and ornamented spores genus Gyromitraa genus of fungi of the family Helvellaceae with a fertile portion that is tan to brown Phallales, order Phallalesorder of fungi comprising the stinkhorns and related forms whose mature hymenium is slimy and fetid; sometimes placed in subclass Homobasidiomycetes Phallus, genus Phallusgenus of fungi having the cap or pileus hanging free around the stem Dictyophera, genus Dictyopheraclosely related to genus Phallus distinguished by an indusium hanging like a skirt from below the pileus Mutinus, genus Mutinusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Phallaceae Clathrus, genus Clathrustype genus of the Clathraceae Pseudocolus, genus Pseudocolusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Clathraceae Lycoperdon, genus Lycoperdongenus of fungi whose fruiting body tapers toward a base consisting of spongy mycelium Calvatia, genus Calvatiagenus of puffballs having outer casings whose upper parts break at maturity into angular pieces to expose the spores Geastrum, genus Geastrumtype genus of Geastraceae; fungi whose outer peridium when dry splits into starlike segments Radiigera, genus Radiigeraa genus of fungus belonging to the family Geastraceae Astreus, genus Astreusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Geastraceae Nidularia, genus Nidulariatype genus of the Nidulariaceae Gastrocybe, genus Gastrocybea genus of fungi of the family Secotiaceae Macowanites, genus Macowanitesa stout-stemmed genus of fungus belonging to the family Secotiaceae having fruiting bodies that never expand completely Gastroboletus, genus Gastroboletusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Secotiaceae; they resemble boletes but the spores are not discharged from the basidium Albatrellus, genus Albatrellusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae Neolentinus, genus Neolentinusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae Nigroporus, genus Nigroporusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae Oligoporus, genus Oligoporusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae Polyporus, genus Polyporustype genus of the Polyporaceae; includes important pathogens of e.g. birches and conifers Fistulina, genus Fistulinafungi having each pore separate though crowded Fomes, genus Fomesgenus of bracket fungi forming corky or woody perennial shelflike sporophores often of large size; includes some that cause destructive heartrot in trees Boletus, genus Boletustype genus of Boletaceae; genus of soft early-decaying pore fungi; some poisonous and some edible Fuscoboletinus, genus Fuscoboletinusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae Leccinum, genus Leccinuma genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae Phylloporus, genus Phylloporusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae Suillus, genus Suillusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae Strobilomyces, genus Strobilomycesfungi similar to Boletus but with a shaggy scaly cap Boletellus, genus Boletellusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae Tremella, genus Tremellafungi with yellowish gelatinous sporophores having convolutions resembling those of the brain Auricularia, genus Auriculariatype genus of the Auriculariaceae Dacrymyces, genus Dacrymycestype genus of the Dacrymycetaceae: fungi with a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa Melampsora, genus Melampsorarusts having sessile one-celled teliospores in a single layer Cronartium, genus Cronartiumrust fungi having aecia produced in raised or swollen sori and teliospores borne in waxy columns Puccinia, genus Pucciniatype genus of the Pucciniaceae; a large genus of parasitic fungi including many that are destructive to various economic plants Gymnosporangium, genus Gymnosporangiumgenus of fungi that produce galls on cedars and other conifers of genera Juniperus and Libocedrus and causes rust spots on apples and pears and other plants of family Rosaceae Ustilago, genus Ustilagotype genus of the Ustilaginaceae; genus comprising the loose smuts Tilletia, genus Tilletiaa genus of fungi belonging to the family Tilletiaceae Urocystis, genus Urocystisa genus of smut fungi belonging to the family Tilletiaceae Septobasidium, genus Septobasidiumtype genus of Septobasidiaceae: smooth shelf fungi usually having a well-developed sometimes thick-walled hypobasidium Hygrocybe, genus Hygrocybea genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae Hygrophorus, genus Hygrophorusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae Hygrotrama, genus Hygrotramaa genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae Neohygrophorus, genus Neohygrophorusa genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae Cortinarius, genus Cortinariusthe largest genus in the Agaricales; agarics having rusty spores and prominent cortinae (cobwebby partial veils) Gymnopilus, genus Gymnopilusa genus of fungus characterized by the orange color of the spore deposit genus Verticilliumgenus of imperfect fungi having conidia borne singly at the apex of whorled branchlets; cause wilt diseases Trichophyton, genus Trichophytona genus of fungus of the family Moniliaceae; causes ringworm and favus Microsporum, genus Microsporuma genus of fungus of the family Moniliaceae; causes ringworm genus Moniliagenus of parasitic yeastlike imperfect fungi having spherical or oval conidia in branched chains; some species usually placed in other genera especially genus Candida genus Candidaa genus of yeastlike imperfect fungi; sometimes included in genus Monilia of the family Moniliaceae Cercosporella, genus Cercosporellaform genus of imperfect fungi lacking pigment in the spores and conidiophores Penicillium, genus Penicilliumgenus of fungi commonly growing as green or blue molds on decaying food; used in making cheese and as a source of penicillin Blastomyces, genus Blastomycesgenus of pathogenic yeastlike fungi Cercospora, genus Cercosporaform genus of imperfect fungi that are leaf parasites with long slender spores Ustilaginoidea, genus Ustilaginoideagenus of imperfect fungi causing plant diseases like smut Tubercularia, genus Tuberculariatype genus of the Tuberculariaceae; fungi with nodules of red or pink conidia; some cause diebacks of woody plants genus Fusariuma form genus of mostly plant parasites some of which cause dry rot; in humans a species can cause inflammation of cornea leading to blindness form genus Rhizoctinia, genus Rhizoctiniaform genus of imperfect fungi some species of which are now placed in genera Pellicularia and Corticium because their perfect stages have been found Ozonium, genus Ozoniumform genus of imperfect fungi Sclerotium, genus Sclerotiumform genus of sterile imperfect fungi; many form sclerotia; some cause sclerotium disease in plants Geoglossum, genus Geoglossumtype genus of the Geoglossaceae comprising the earthtongues Armillaria, genus Armillariagenus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice; some are edible; some cause root rot Armillariella, genus Armillariellaa honey-colored diminutive form of genus Armillaria; grows in clusters; edible (when cooked) but most attention has been on how to get rid of it slime mushrooma mushroom of the genus Amanita genus (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
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