

单词 physicist
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A physicist is a scientist who studies and is trained in physics, which is the study of nature, especially how matter and energy behave.
Do you ever wonder how things work? If you're interested in what makes magnets attract iron or what's happening in atoms, then maybe you should become a physicist. Physicists study physics, which is related to the word physical. Physicists are interested in everything that physically exists, from tiny gadgets to massive stars. It takes many years of school to become a physicist, and physicists work on complex projects such as space travel and new energy sources.
physicist: physicists+/physical: nonphysical, physicalism, physicality, physically, physicalness/physicality: physicalities/physics: physical, physicist
He is among the last living physicists who helped usher in the nuclear age.
New York Times(Jan 02, 2017)
The physicist Stephen Hawking, who publicly confirmed his atheism in 2014, doesn’t believe that God is needed to explain creation.
Wall Street Journal(Dec 29, 2016)
Perry’s two immediate predecessors in the job were both nuclear physicists.
The Guardian(Dec 29, 2016)
n a scientist trained in physics
Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham
an Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century; established experiments as the norm of proof in physics (died in 1040)
Philip Warren Anderson
United States physicist who studied the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems (1923-)
Sir Edward Victor Appleton
English physicist remembered for his studies of the ionosphere (1892-1966)
Greek mathematician and physicist noted for his work in hydrostatics and mechanics and geometry (287-212 BC)
Svante August Arrhenius
Swedish chemist and physicist noted for his theory of chemical dissociation (1859-1927)
Amedeo Avogadro
Italian physicist noted for his work on gases; proposed what has come to be called Avogadro's law (1776-1856)
John Bardeen
United States physicist who won the Nobel prize for physics twice (1908-1991)
Antoine Henri Becquerel
French physicist who discovered that rays emitted by uranium salts affect photographic plates (1852-1908)
Daniel Bernoulli
Swiss physicist who contributed to hydrodynamics and mathematical physics (1700-1782)
Ludwig Boltzmann
Austrian physicist who contributed to the kinetic theory of gases (1844-1906)
Bertram Brockhouse
Canadian physicist who bounced neutron beams off of atomic nuclei to study the structure of matter (1918-2003)
Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot
French physicist who founded thermodynamics (1796-1832)
Henry Cavendish
British chemist and physicist who established that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen and who calculated the density of the earth (1731-1810)
Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles
French physicist and author of Charles's law which anticipated Gay-Lussac's law (1746-1823)
Charles Augustin de Coulomb
French physicist famous for his discoveries in the field of electricity and magnetism; formulated Coulomb's Law (1736-1806)
Sir William Crookes
English chemist and physicist; discovered thallium; invented the radiometer and studied cathode rays (1832-1919)
Pierre Curie
French physicist; husband of Marie Curie (1859-1906)
John Dalton
English chemist and physicist who formulated atomic theory and the law of partial pressures; gave the first description of red-green color blindness (1766-1844)
Sir James Dewar
Scottish chemist and physicist noted for his work in cryogenics and his invention of the Dewar flask (1842-1923)
Christian Johann Doppler
Austrian physicist famous for his discovery of the Doppler effect (1803-1853)
Albert Einstein
physicist born in Germany who formulated the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity; Einstein also proposed that light consists of discrete quantized bundles of energy (later called photons) (1879-1955)
Leo Esaki
physicist honored for advances in solid state electronics (born in Japan in 1925)
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit
German physicist who invented the mercury thermometer and developed the scale of temperature that bears his name (1686-1736)
Michael Faraday
the English physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction (1791-1867)
Gustav Theodor Fechner
German physicist who founded psychophysics; derived Fechner's law on the basis of early work by E. H. Weber (1801-1887)
Jean Bernard Leon Foucault
French physicist who determined the speed of light and showed that it travels slower in water than in air; invented the Foucault pendulum and the gyroscope (1819-1868)
Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
French mathematician who developed Fourier analysis and studied the conduction of heat (1768-1830)
James Franck
United States physicist (born in Germany) who with Gustav Hertz performed an electron scattering experiment that proved the existence of the stationary energy states postulated by Niels Bohr (1882-1964)
Augustin Jean Fresnel
French physicist who invented polarized light and invented the Fresnel lens (1788-1827)
Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs
British physicist who was born in Germany and fled Nazi persecution; in the 1940s he passed secret information to the USSR about the development of the atom bomb in the United States (1911-1988)
Dennis Gabor
British physicist (born in Hungary) noted for his work on holography (1900-1979)
George Gamow
United States physicist (born in Russia) who was a proponent of the big-bang theory and who did research in radioactivity and suggested the triplet code for DNA (1904-1968)
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
French chemist and physicist who first isolated boron and who formulated the law describing the behavior of gases under constant pressure (1778-1850)
Hans Geiger
German physicist who developed the Geiger counter (1882-1945)
William Gilbert
English court physician noted for his studies of terrestrial magnetism (1540-1603)
Robert Hutchings Goddard
United States physicist who developed the first successful liquid-fueled rocket (1882-1945)
Stephen William Hawking
English theoretical physicist (born in 1942)
Oliver Heaviside
English physicist and electrical engineer who helped develop telegraphic and telephonic communications; in 1902 (independent of A. E. Kennelly) he suggested the existence of an atmospheric layer that reflects radio waves back to earth (1850-1925)
Baron Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz
German physiologist and physicist (1821-1894)
Joseph Henry
United States physicist who studied electromagnetic phenomena (1791-1878)
Heinrich Rudolph Hertz
German physicist who was the first to produce electromagnetic waves artificially (1857-1894)
Victor Franz Hess
United States physicist (born in Austria) who was a discoverer of cosmic radiation (1883-1964)
Christiaan Huygens
Dutch physicist who first formulated the wave theory of light (1629-1695)
Jean-Frederic Joliot-Curie
French nuclear physicist who was Marie Curie's assistant and who worked with Marie Curie's daughter who he married (taking the name Joliot-Curie); he and his wife discovered how to synthesize new radioactive elements (1900-1958)
Irene Joliot-Curie
French physicist who (with her husband) synthesized new chemical elements (1897-1956)
James Prescott Joule
English physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics (1818-1889)
Alfred Kastler
French physicist (1902-1984)
First Baron Kelvin
British physicist who invented the Kelvin scale of temperature and pioneered undersea telegraphy (1824-1907)
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
German physicist who with Bunsen pioneered spectrum analysis and formulated two laws governing electric networks (1824-1887)
Lev Davidovich Landau
Soviet physicist who worked on low temperature physics (1908-1968)
Philipp Lenard
German physicist who studied cathode rays (1862-1947)
Gabriel Lippmann
French physicist who developed the first color photographic process (1845-1921)
Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge
English physicist who studied electromagnetic radiation and was a pioneer of radiotelegraphy (1851-1940)
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Dutch physicist noted for work on electromagnetic theory (1853-1928)
Ernst Mach
Austrian physicist and philosopher who introduced the Mach number and who founded logical positivism (1838-1916)
James Clerk Maxwell
Scottish physicist whose equations unified electricity and magnetism and who recognized the electromagnetic nature of light (1831-1879)
Fritz W. Meissner
German physicist (1882-1974)
Albert Abraham Michelson
United States physicist (born in Germany) who collaborated with Morley in the Michelson-Morley experiment (1852-1931)
Robert Andrews Millikan
United States physicist who isolated the electron and measured its charge (1868-1953)
Louis Eugene Felix Neel
French physicist noted for research on magnetism (born in 1904)
Walther Hermann Nernst
German physicist and chemist who formulated the third law of thermodynamics (1864-1941)
Sir Isaac Newton
English mathematician and physicist; remembered for developing the calculus and for his law of gravitation and his three laws of motion (1642-1727)
Hans Christian Oersted
Danish physicist (1777-1851)
Georg Simon Ohm
German physicist who formulated Ohm's law (1787-1854)
Henri Pitot
French physicist for whom the Pitot tube was named (1695-1771)
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
German physicist whose explanation of blackbody radiation in the context of quantized energy emissions initiated quantum theory (1858-1947)
Cecil Frank Powell
English physicist who discovered the pion (the first known meson) which is a subatomic particle involved in holding the nucleus together (1903-1969)
Aleksandr Mikjailovich Prokhorov
Russian physicist whose research into ways of moving electrons around atoms led to the development of masers and lasers for producing high-intensity radiation (1916-2002)
Third Baron Rayleigh
English physicist who studied the density of gases and discovered argon; made important contributions to acoustic theory (1842-1919)
Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur
French physicist who invented the alcohol thermometer (1683-1757)
Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen
German physicist who discovered x-rays and developed roentgenography (1845-1923)
First Baron Rutherford of Nelson
British physicist (born in New Zealand) who discovered the atomic nucleus and proposed a nuclear model of the atom (1871-1937)
William Bradford Shockley
United States physicist (born in England) who contributed to the development of the electronic transistor (1910-1989)
Benjamin Thompson
English physicist (born in America) who studied heat and friction; experiments convinced him that heat is caused by moving particles (1753-1814)
Sir Joseph John Thomson
English physicist who experimented with the conduction of electricity through gases and who discovered the electron and determined its charge and mass (1856-1940)
Sir George Paget Thomson
English physicist (son of Joseph John Thomson) who was a co-discoverer of the diffraction of electrons by crystals (1892-1975)
Evangelista Torricelli
Italian physicist who invented the mercury barometer (1608-1647)
John Tyndall
British physicist (born in Ireland) remembered for his experiments on the transparency of gases and the absorption of radiant heat by gases and the transmission of sound through the atmosphere; he was the first person to explain why the daylight sky is blue (1820-1893)
James Alfred Van Allen
United States physicist who discovered two belts of charged particles from the solar wind trapped by the Earth's magnetic field (born in 1914)
Robert Jemison Van de Graaff
United States physicist (1901-1967)
Johannes Diderik van der Waals
Dutch physicist (1837-1923)
John Hasbrouck Van Vleck
United States physicist (1899-1980)
Conte Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta
Italian physicist after whom the volt is named; studied electric currents and invented the voltaic pile (1745-1827)
Wilhelm Eduard Weber
German physicist and brother of E. H. Weber; noted for his studies of terrestrial magnetism (1804-1891)
Steven Weinberg
United States theoretical physicist (born in 1933)
Sir Charles Wheatstone
English physicist and inventor who devised the Wheatstone bridge (1802-1875)
Robert Woodrow Wilson
United States physicist honored for his work on cosmic microwave radiation (born in 1918)
William Hyde Wollaston
English chemist and physicist who discovered palladium and rhodium and demonstrated that static and current electricity are the same (1766-1828)
Yang Chen Ning
United States physicist (born in China) who collaborated with Tsung Dao Lee in disproving the principle of conservation of parity (born in 1922)
Thomas Young
British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829)
Pieter Zeeman
Dutch physicist honored for his research on the influence of magnetism on radiation which showed that light is radiated by the motion of charged particles in an atom (1865-1943)
Vladimir Kosma Zworykin
United States physicist who invented the iconoscope (1889-1982)
a presocratic Greek philosopher and student of Thales who believed the universal substance to be infinity rather than something resembling ordinary objects (611-547 BC)
Carl David Anderson
United States physicist who discovered antimatter in the form of an antielectron that is called the positron (1905-1991)
Aristarchus of Samos
an ancient Greek astronomer who was one of the first to propose a heliocentric theory of the universe (circa 270 BC)
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
German mathematician and astronomer who made accurate measurements of stellar distances and who predicted the existence on an 8th planet (1784-1846)
Hans Albrecht Bethe
United States physicist (born in Germany) noted for research in astrophysics and nuclear physics (1906-2005)
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Danish physicist who studied atomic structure and radiations; the Bohr theory of the atom accounted for the spectrum of hydrogen (1885-1962)
Max Born
British nuclear physicist (born in Germany) honored for his contributions to quantum mechanics (1882-1970)
Satyendra Nath Bose
Indian physicist who with Albert Einstein proposed statistical laws based on the indistinguishability of particles; led to the description of fundamental particles that later came to be known as bosons
Nathaniel Bowditch
United States mathematician and astronomer noted for his works on navigation (1773-1838)
Tycho Brahe
Danish astronomer whose observations of the planets provided the basis for Kepler's laws of planetary motion (1546-1601)
Louis Victor de Broglie
French nuclear physicist who generalized the wave-particle duality by proposing that particles of matter exhibit wavelike properties (1892-1987)
Anders Celsius
Swedish astronomer who devised the centigrade thermometer (1701-1744)
Sir John Douglas Cockcroft
British physicist who (with Ernest Walton in 1931) first split an atom (1897-1967)
Arthur Holly Compton
United States physicist noted for research on x-rays and gamma rays and nuclear energy; his observation that X-rays behave like miniature bowling balls in their interactions with electrons provided evidence for the quantal nature of light (1892-1962)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543)
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
English theoretical physicist who applied relativity theory to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of antimatter and the positron (1902-1984)
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington
English astronomer remembered for his popular elucidation of relativity theory (1882-1944)
Greek mathematician and astronomer who estimated the circumference of the earth and the distances to the Moon and sun (276-194 BC)
Enrico Fermi
Italian nuclear physicist (in the United States after 1939) who worked on artificial radioactivity caused by neutron bombardment and who headed the group that in 1942 produced the first controlled nuclear reaction (1901-1954)
Richard Phillips Feynman
United States physicist who contributed to the theory of the interaction of photons and electrons (1918-1988)
Otto Robert Frisch
British physicist (born in Austria) who with Lise Meitner recognized that Otto Hahn had produced a new kind of nuclear reaction which they named nuclear fission; Frisch described the explosive potential of a chain nuclear reaction (1904-1979)
Galileo Galilei
Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642)
Murray Gell-Mann
United States physicist noted for his studies of subatomic particles (born in 1929)
Donald Arthur Glaser
United States physicist who invented the bubble chamber to study subatomic particles (born in 1926)
George Ellery Hale
United States astronomer who discovered that sunspots are associated with strong magnetic fields (1868-1938)
Asaph Hall
United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907)
Edmond Halley
English astronomer who used Newton's laws of motion to predict the period of a comet (1656-1742)
Werner Karl Heisenberg
German mathematical physicist noted for stating the uncertainty principle (1901-1976)
Sir Frederick William Herschel
English astronomer (born in Germany) who discovered infrared light and who catalogued the stars and discovered the planet Uranus (1738-1822)
Sir John Frederick William Herschel
English astronomer (son of William Herschel) who extended the catalogue of stars to the southern hemisphere and did pioneering work in photography (1792-1871)
Gustav Ludwig Hertz
German physicist who with James Franck proved the existence of the stationary energy states postulated by Bohr (1887-1975)
Gerhard Herzberg
Canadian physicist (born in Germany) noted for contributions to understanding the structure of molecules (born in 1904)
Greek astronomer and mathematician who discovered the precession of the equinoxes and made the first known star chart and is said to have invented trigonometry (second century BC)
Sir Fred Hoyle
an English astrophysicist and advocate of the steady state theory of cosmology; described processes of nucleosynthesis inside stars (1915-2001)
Edwin Powell Hubble
United States astronomer who discovered that (as the universe expands) the speed with which nebulae recede increases with their distance from the observer (1889-1953)
Sir William Huggins
English astronomer who pioneered spectroscopic analysis in astronomy and who discovered the red shift (1824-1910)
Greek philosopher and astronomer; she invented the astrolabe (370-415)
Johannes Kepler
German astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion (1571-1630)
Gerard Peter Kuiper
United States astronomer (born in the Netherlands) who studied the solar system and suggested in 1951 that there is a belt of comet-like debris at the edge of the solar system (1905-1973)
Samuel Pierpoint Langley
United States astronomer and aviation pioneer who invented the bolometer and contributed to the design of early aircraft (1834-1906)
Pierre Simon de Laplace
French mathematician and astronomer who formulated the nebular hypothesis concerning the origins of the solar system and who developed the theory of probability (1749-1827)
Ernest Orlando Lawrence
United States physicist who developed the cyclotron (1901-1958)
Tsung Dao Lee
United States physicist (born in China) who collaborated with Yang Chen Ning in disproving the principle of conservation of parity (born in 1926)
Georges Henri Lemaitre
Belgian cosmologist who proposed the big-bang theory of the origin of the universe (1894-1966)
Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell
English astronomer who pioneered radio astronomy (born in 1913)
Percival Lowell
United States astronomer whose studies of Mars led him to conclude that Mars was inhabited (1855-1916)
Marie Goeppert Mayer
United States physicist (born in Germany) noted for her research on the structure of the atom (1906-1972)
Lise Meitner
Swedish physicist (born in Austria) who worked in the field of radiochemistry with Otto Hahn and formulated the concept of nuclear fission with Otto Frisch (1878-1968)
Maria Mitchell
United States astronomer who studied sunspots and nebulae (1818-1889)
Rudolf Ludwig Mossbauer
German physicist (born in 1929)
Johann Muller
German mathematician and astronomer (1436-1476)
Karl Alex Muller
Swiss physicist who studied superconductivity (born in 1927)
Simon Newcomb
United States astronomer (1835-1909)
Omar Khayyam
Persian poet and mathematician and astronomer whose poetry was popularized by Edward Fitzgerald's translation (1050-1123)
Jan Hendrix Oort
Dutch astronomer who proved that the galaxy is rotating and proposed the existence of the Oort cloud (1900-1992)
Robert Oppenheimer
United States physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb (1904-1967)
Wolfgang Pauli
United States physicist (born in Austria) who proposed the exclusion principle (thus providing a theoretical basis for the periodic table) (1900-1958)
Benjamin Peirce
United States mathematician and astronomer remembered for his studies of Uranus and Saturn and Neptune (1809-1880)
Claudius Ptolemaeus
Alexandrian astronomer (of the 2nd century) who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until the late Renaissance
David Rittenhouse
United States astronomer said to have built the first telescope made in America; also the first director of the United States Mint (1732-1796)
Henry Norris Russell
United States astronomer who developed a theory of stellar evolution (1877-1957)
Andrei Dimitrievich Sakharov
Soviet physicist and dissident; helped develop the first Russian hydrogen bomb; advocated nuclear disarmament and campaigned for human rights (1921-1989)
Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli
Italian astronomer who first noted lines (which he called canals) on the surface of Mars (1835-1910)
Erwin Schrodinger
Austrian physicist who discovered the wave equation (1887-1961)
Harlow Shapley
United States astronomer (1885-1972)
Willem de Sitter
Dutch astronomer who calculated the size of the universe and suggested that it is expanding (1872-1934)
Leo Szilard
United States physicist and molecular biologist who helped develop the first atom bomb and later opposed the use of all nuclear weapons (1898-1964)
Igor Yevgeneevich Tamm
Russian physicist (1895-1971)
Edward Teller
United States physicist (born in Hungary) who worked on the first atom bomb and the first hydrogen bomb (1908-2003)
Thales of Miletus
a presocratic Greek philosopher and astronomer (who predicted an eclipse in 585 BC) who was said by Aristotle to be the founder of physical science; he held that all things originated in water (624-546 BC)
Clyde William Tombaugh
United States astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto (1906-1997)
Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton
Irish physicist who (with Sir John Cockcroft in 1931) first split an atom (1903-1995)
Eugene Paul Wigner
United States physicist (born in Hungary) noted for his work on the structure of the atom and its nucleus (1902-1995)
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
Scottish physicist who invented the cloud chamber (1869-1959)
Hideki Yukawa
Japanese mathematical physicist who proposed that nuclear forces are mediated by massive particles called mesons which are analogous to the photon in mediating electromagnetic forces (1907-1981)
a physicist who specializes in acoustics
astronomer, stargazer, uranologist
a physicist who studies astronomy
a physicist who applies the methods of physics to biology
nuclear physicist
a physicist who specializes in nuclear physics
Charles Hard Townes, Charles Townes, Townes
United States physicist who developed the laser and maser principles for producing high-intensity radiation (1915-)
an astronomer who studies the physical properties of celestial bodies
an astronomer who studies the evolution and space-time relations of the universe
a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences




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