单词 | trait |
释义 | trait (once / 507 pages) n A trait is something about you that makes you "you." When your mother says that you get all your best traits from her, she means you have the same charming smile and the same brilliant mind as she has. In science, trait refers to a characteristic that is caused by genetics. Having green eyes or being shorter than average are traits a person might have. In more general use, a trait is an important part of someone’s personality or appearance. Try to describe your favorite teacher in three words and you’ll probably come up with a list of her essential traits — such as compassionate, calm, and kooky. WORD FAMILYtrait: traits USAGE EXAMPLESAfter a while, as Burke regained his position in the Wizards’ rotation, Brooks began embracing his best traits. Washington Post(Dec 31, 2016) When I spoke with Barrett, she noted that the traits we think of as gender-based generally depend on varying perception, not varying behavior. The New Yorker(Dec 31, 2016) What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? The Guardian(Dec 31, 2016) n a distinguishing feature of your personal nature Hypo|Hyper character, fiber, fibre the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions naturethe complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions compulsiveness, compulsivitythe trait of acting compulsively emotionalism, emotionalityemotional nature or quality emotionlessness, unemotionalityabsence of emotion activeness, activitythe trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically inactiveness, inactivity, inertiaa disposition to remain inactive or inert earnestness, serious-mindedness, seriousness, sinceritythe trait of being serious frivolity, frivolousnessthe trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible communicativenessthe trait of being communicative uncommunicativenessthe trait of being uncommunicative thoughtfulnessthe trait of thinking carefully before acting thoughtlessness, unthoughtfulnessthe trait of not thinking carefully before acting attentivenessthe trait of being observant and paying attention inattentivenessthe trait of not being considerate and thoughtful of others masculinitythe trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men femininity, muliebritythe trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women trustiness, trustworthinessthe trait of deserving trust and confidence untrustiness, untrustworthinessthe trait of not deserving trust or confidence individualism, individuality, individuationthe quality of being individual stinginessa lack of generosity; a general unwillingness to part with money egocentrism, egoism, self-centeredness, self-concern, self-interestconcern for your own interests and welfare drivethe trait of being highly motivated firmness, firmness of purpose, resoluteness, resolution, resolvethe trait of being resolute irresoluteness, irresolutionthe trait of being irresolute; lacking firmness of purpose disciplinethe trait of being well behaved indiscipline, undisciplinethe trait of lacking discipline pridethe trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards conceit, conceitedness, vanitythe trait of being unduly vain and conceited; false pride humbleness, humilitya disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride wisdom, wisenessthe trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight folly, foolishness, unwisenessthe trait of acting stupidly or rashly judgement, judgment, perspicacity, sound judgement, sound judgmentthe capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions trust, trustfulness, trustingnessthe trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others distrust, distrustfulness, mistrustthe trait of not trusting others cleanlinessdiligence in keeping clean uncleanlinesslack of cleanly habits behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people flexibility, tractability, tractablenessthe trait of being easily persuaded intractability, intractablenessthe trait of being hard to influence or control ruralism, ruralitya rural characteristic or trait spirita fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character animal nature, animalitythe physical (or animal) side of a person as opposed to the spirit or intellect disposition, temperamentyour usual mood complexion(obsolete) a combination of elements (of dryness and warmth or of the four humors) that was once believed to determine a person's health and temperament obsessiveness, obsessivityextreme compulsiveness workaholismcompulsiveness about working dramathe quality of being arresting or highly emotional demonstrativenesstending to express your feelings freely affectionateness, fondness, lovingness, warmtha quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love drippiness, mawkishness, mushiness, sentimentality, sloppiness, soupinessfalsely emotional in a maudlin way heat, passion, warmththe trait of being intensely emotional temperamentexcessive emotionalism or irritability and excitability (especially when displayed openly) excitability, excitableness, volatilitybeing easily excited blandnessthe trait of exhibiting no personal embarrassment or concern chilliness, coldness, coolness, frigidity, frigidness, icinessa lack of affection or enthusiasm dispassion, dispassionateness, drynessobjectivity and detachment stoicism, stolidity, stolidnessan indifference to pleasure or pain animation, brio, invigoration, spiritedness, vivificationquality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous dynamism, oomph, pizzaz, pizzazz, zingthe activeness of an energetic personality flatness, languor, lethargy, phlegm, sluggishnessinactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy restfulnessthe attribute of being restful passiveness, passivitythe trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative indolence, lazinessinactivity resulting from a dislike of work commitment, committednessthe trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose graveness, gravity, soberness, sobriety, somberness, sombrenessa manner that is serious and solemn sedateness, solemness, solemnity, staidnessa trait of dignified seriousness giddiness, sillinessan impulsive scatterbrained manner levitya manner lacking seriousness fun, playfulnessa disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement frankness, outspokennessthe trait of being blunt and outspoken effusiveness, expansiveness, expansivitya friendly open trait of a talkative person articulateness, fluency, volubilitythe quality of being facile in speech and writing garrulity, garrulousness, loquaciousness, loquacity, talkativenessthe quality of being wordy and talkative muteness, silencea refusal to speak when expected secrecy, secretiveness, silencethe trait of keeping things secret reserve, reticence, taciturnitythe trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary socialitythe tendency to associate with others and to form social groups contemplativeness, meditativeness, pensivenessdeep serious thoughtfulness introspectivenessthoughtfulness about your own situation and feelings deliberateness, deliberationthe trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision reflectiveness, reflectivitythe capability of quiet thought or contemplation foolhardiness, rashness, recklessnessthe trait of giving little thought to danger impulsivenessthe trait of acting suddenly on impulse without reflection carefulnessthe quality of being careful and painstaking heedfulness, mindfulnessthe trait of staying aware of (paying close attention to) your responsibilities carefulness, caution, cautiousnessthe trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger alertness, on the qui vive, sharp-sightednesslively attentiveness vigilance, watchfulness, weather eyevigilant attentiveness carelessness, sloppinessthe quality of not being careful or taking pains heedlessness, inadvertence, inadvertency, unmindfulnessthe trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities manfulness, manliness, virilitythe trait of being manly; having the characteristics of an adult male boyishnessbeing characteristic of a boy machismoexaggerated masculinity hoydenism, tomboyishnessmasculinity in women (especially in girls and young women) womanlike, womanlinessthe trait of being womanly; having the characteristics of an adult female ladylikenessbehavior befitting a lady maidenlinessbehavior befitting a young maiden girlishnessbeing characteristic of a girl effeminacy, effeminateness, sissiness, softness, unmanliness, womanishnessthe trait of being effeminate (derogatory of a man) creditworthinesstrustworthiness with money as based on a person's credit history; a general qualification for borrowing responsibility, responsiblenessa form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one's conduct irresponsibility, irresponsiblenessa form of untrustworthiness; the trait of lacking a sense of responsibility and not feeling accountable for your actions singularity, uniquenessthe quality of being one of a kind distinctiveness, peculiarity, speciality, specialness, specialtya distinguishing trait closeness, meanness, minginess, niggardliness, niggardness, parsimoniousness, parsimony, tightfistedness, tightnessextreme stinginess penuriousnessa disposition to be niggardly with money illiberalitya disposition not to be liberal (generous) with money selfishnessstinginess resulting from a concern for your own welfare and a disregard of others narcism, narcissism, self-lovean exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself actionthe trait of being active and energetic and forceful enterprise, enterprisingness, go-ahead, initiativereadiness to embark on bold new ventures ambition, ambitiousnessa strong drive for success energy, get-up-and-go, pushenterprising or ambitious drive aggressivenessthe quality of being bold and enterprising possession, self-command, self-control, self-possession, self-will, will power, willpowerthe trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior steadinessfreedom from wavering or indecision; constancy of resolve or conduct sturdinessresoluteness evidenced by strength of character stiffnessfirm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action bullheadedness, obstinacy, obstinance, pigheadedness, self-will, stubbornnessresolute adherence to your own ideas or desires single-mindednesscharacterized by one unified purpose adamance, obduracy, unyieldingnessresoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible decision, decisivenessthe trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose determination, purposethe quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose steadfastnesssteadfast resolution unpredictability, volatilitythe trait of being unpredictably irresolute indecision, indecisivenessthe trait of irresolution; a lack of firmness of character or purpose self-denial, self-disciplinethe trait of practicing self discipline control, restraintdiscipline in personal and social activities indulgence, self-indulgencean inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires dissoluteness, incontinence, self-gratificationindiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures unrestraintthe quality of lacking restraint boastfulness, vaingloryoutspoken conceit egotism, self-importance, swelled headan exaggerated opinion of your own importance posturingadopting a vain conceited posture meekness, subduednessa disposition to be patient and long suffering judiciousness, sagaciousness, sagacitythe trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating initiation, knowledgeability, knowledgeablenesswisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge diplomacy, statecraft, statesmanshipwisdom in the management of public affairs discernment, discretionthe trait of judging wisely and objectively indiscretion, injudiciousnessthe trait of being injudicious absurdity, fatuity, fatuousness, sillinessa ludicrous folly asininitythe quality of being asinine; stupidity combined with stubbornness objectiveness, objectivityjudgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices subjectiveness, subjectivityjudgment based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions rather than external facts credulitytendency to believe readily suspicion, suspiciousnessbeing of a suspicious nature fastidiousnessthe trait of being meticulous about matters of taste or style neatness, tidinessthe trait of being neat and orderly slovenlinesshabitual uncleanliness messiness, untidinessthe trait of being untidy and messy mannerssocial deportment citizenshipconduct as a citizen swashbucklingflamboyantly reckless and boastful behavior correctitude, properness, proprietycorrect or appropriate behavior improperness, improprietyan improper demeanor manageability, manageablenesscapable of being managed or controlled docilitythe trait of being agreeably submissive and manageable domestication, tamenessthe attribute of having been domesticated amenability, amenableness, cooperativenessthe trait of being cooperative obediencethe trait of being willing to obey recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, refractoriness, unmanageablenessthe trait of being unmanageable wildnessan intractably barbarous or uncultivated state of nature defiance, rebelliousnessintentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude fractiousness, unruliness, wilfulness, willfulnessthe trait of being prone to disobedience and lack of discipline balkinesslikely to stop abruptly and unexpectedly mulishness, obstinacy, obstinance, stubbornnessthe trait of being difficult to handle or overcome disobediencethe trait of being unwilling to obey manner, personal mannera way of acting or behaving attribute an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity |
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