单词 | act |
释义 | act (once / 10 pages) 1vn 2vn 3n When you do something, you act. A commercial that says "Act now!" means "Get up from the couch and order me! This minute!" Act is both a noun and a verb. You can perform an act of kindness or violence. Or, you can act in a play. People who take on roles and perform them are actors. Likewise, plays, operas, and ballets are broken down into acts. You may have seen references to Shakespeare's plays, such as "Act I, Scene IV." Comedians refer to their shows as acts. Other performers, from magicians to lion tamers, sometimes do the same: a magic act is a magician's show. WORD FAMILYact: actable, acted, acting, action, active, actor, actress, acts, actuate, counteract, enact, interact, overact, underact+/actable: unactable/acting: actings, self-acting/action: actionable, actioned, actions, inaction/activate: activated, activates, activating, activation, activator, deactivate, reactivate/activating: self-activating/activation: activations/activator: activators/active: activate, actively, activeness, activer, actives, activest, activity, hyperactive, inactive, overactive, underactive/activity: activities/actor: actors/actress: actresses/actuate: actuated, actuates, actuating, actuation, actuator/actuator: actuators/counteract: counteracted, counteracting, counteraction, counteractive, counteracts/counteraction: counteractions/deactivate: deactivated, deactivates, deactivating, deactivation/enact: enacted, enacting, enactment, enacts, reenact/enactment: enactments/hyperactive: hyperactively, hyperactivity/inaction: inactions/inactivate: inactivated, inactivates, inactivating, inactivation/inactive: inactivate, inactively, inactiveness, inactivity/inactivity: inactivities/interact: interacted, interacting, interaction, interactive, interacts/interaction: interactional, interactions/interactive: interactively/overact: overacted, overacting, overacts/overacting: overactings/overactive: overactivity/reactivate: reactivated, reactivates, reactivating/reenact: reenacted, reenacting, reenactment, reenacts/reenactment: reenactments/underact: underacted, underacting, underacts USAGE EXAMPLESAmong her most damaging acts, she passed information on the location of U.S. Washington Times(Jan 02, 2017) “This needs to be repeated since one of the human ways of talking oneself into inhuman acts is to cite the supposed cruelty of nature.” New York Times(Jan 02, 2017) A poll this fall by the Kaiser Family Foundation found only 37 percent believe repealing the Affordable Care Act should be a top priority. Seattle Times(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1v behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself You should act like an adult The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people Syn|Hypo behave, do act as, play pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind dissemble, pretendbehave unnaturally or affectedly act involuntarily, act reflexively act in an uncontrolled manner bend over backwards, fall over backwardstry very hard to please someone presumetake liberties or act with too much confidence vulgarise, vulgarizeact in a vulgar manner optimise, optimizeact as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world quackact as a medical quack or a charlatan menaceact in a threatening manner makeact in a certain way so as to acquire bluster, swagger, swashact in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner freezesuddenly behave coldly and formally wantonbehave extremely cruelly and brutally romanticizeact in a romantic way sentimentalise, sentimentalize, sentimentise, sentimentizeact in a sentimental way or indulge in sentimental thoughts or expression bunglespoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly play, toyengage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously act as, playpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind stoogeact as a stooge, in a compliant or subordinate manner jest, jokeact in a funny or teasing way piffleact in a trivial or ineffective way makebehave in a certain way make as ifbegin or appear to begin an action break down, lose it, snaplose control of one's emotions dally, dawdlewaste time backslapdisplay excessive cordiality (towards) hugger muggeract stealthily or secretively saucebehave saucily or impudently towards footleact foolishly, as by talking nonsense frivol, trifleact frivolously puff up, swellbecome filled with pride, arrogance, or anger followaccept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of loosen up, relaxbecome less tense, less formal, or less restrained, and assume a friendlier manner rage, ramp, stormbehave violently, as if in state of a great anger sneezeexhale spasmodically, as when an irritant entered one's nose blink, nictate, nictitate, winkbriefly shut the eyes fartexpel intestinal gases through the anus salivateproduce saliva antic, clown, clown aroundact as or like a clown dissolvelose control emotionally diebe brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame fall apart, go to pieceslose one's emotional or mental composure 2v perform an action, or work out or perform (an action) think before you act The governor should act on the new energy bill The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel Syn|Ant|Hypo move forbear, refrain resist doing something alternate, take turns do something in turns end up, fetch up, finish, finish up, land up, wind upfinally be or do something festinate, hasten, hurry, look sharp, rushact or move at high speed disturb, interruptdestroy the peace or tranquility of react, respondshow a response or a reaction to something go ahead, plow aheadproceed (with a plan of action) aggress, attacktake the initiative and go on the offensive forcedo forcibly; exert force createpursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity come forward, come out, come to the fore, step forward, step to the fore, step upmake oneself visible; take action pay back, repay, rewardact or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions satisfice, satisfisedecide on and pursue a course of action satisfying the minimum requirements to achieve a goal maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvreact in order to achieve a certain goal dispatchdispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently evadepractice evasion raceto work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others usehabitually do something (use only in the past tense) play it by eardecide on one's actions as one goes along, depending on the situation playact or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome dealtake action with respect to (someone or something) partneract as a partner exertmake a great effort at a mental or physical task egotripact in a way that attracts attention reciprocateact, feel, or give mutually or in return go, move, proceedfollow a procedure or take a course come closenearly do something performperform a function dare, make bold, presumetake upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission engage, prosecute, pursuecarry out or participate in an activity; be involved in act onregulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice interactact together or towards others or with others oppose, reactact against or in opposition to take time by the forelockact quickly and decisively; not let slip an opportunity coactact together, as of organisms offer, volunteeragree freely get around todo something despite obstacles such as lack of time dally, flirt, play, toybehave carelessly or indifferently approach, go about, set aboutbegin to deal with participate, take partshare in something misbehave, misconduct, misdemeanbehave badly condescend, lower oneself, stoopdebase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way acquit, bear, behave, carry, comport, conduct, deportbehave in a certain manner behave, comportbehave well or properly assay, attempt, essay, seek, trymake an effort or attempt court, romance, solicit, woomake amorous advances towards courtengage in social activities leading to marriage dareto be courageous enough to try or do something effectact so as to bring into existence antagonise, antagonize, counteractact in opposition to anticipate, counter, foresee, forestallact in advance of; deal with ahead of time prosecuteconduct a prosecution in a court of law commit, perpetrate, pullperform an act, usually with a negative connotation rampageact violently, recklessly, or destructively contend, cope, deal, get by, grapple, make do, make out, managecome to terms with condescend, deign, descenddo something that one considers to be below one's dignity condescendbehave in a patronizing and condescending manner take carebe careful, prudent, or watchful act superior, lord it over, put on airs, queen it overact like the master of stampedeact, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse make a point, make suremake a point of doing something; act purposefully and intentionally repeat, take overdo over surprisecome upon or take unawares sneakput, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner playbehave in a certain way takecarry out guardtake precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence begin, startbegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object go off at half-cock, go off half-cockedact prematurely or without reflection or too soon hold back, hold off, waitwait before acting continue, go along, go on, keep, proceedcontinue a certain state, condition, or activity do well, had bestact in one's own or everybody's best interest continuecontinue after an interruption continue, persist indo something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop spelltake turns working treatregard or consider in a specific way bristlereact in an offended or angry manner collude, conspireact in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose flip, flip outreact in an excited, delighted, or surprised way overreactshow an exaggerated response to something answerreact to a stimulus or command acceptbe sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal stoolreact to a decoy, of wildfowl respondrespond favorably or as hoped greetreact to in a certain way explodeshow a violent emotional reaction acceptreact favorably to; consider right and proper answerrespond to a signal communicate, intercommunicatetransmit thoughts or feelings reach outattempt to communicate decline, refuseshow unwillingness towards accept, consent, go forgive an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to confront, face, face updeal with (something unpleasant) head on condescend, patronise, patronizetreat condescendingly marvel, wonderbe amazed at pick up the gauntlet, take a darebe dared to do something and attempt it acknowledge, noticeexpress recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with communicatebe in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas checkplace into check forkplace under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy pieces harassexhaust by attacking repeatedly pinimmobilize a piece tackleseize and throw down an opponent player, who usually carries the ball pullapply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion drawengage in drawing paintmake a painting buildbe engaged in building flusterbe flustered; behave in a confused manner control, keep in line, manipulatecontrol (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage churchperform a special church rite or service for transactconduct business returnreturn in kind overexertexert (oneself) excessively and go beyond one's strength workproceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity embark, ventureproceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers steamroll, steamrollerproceed with great force assert, put forwardinsist on having one's opinions and rights recognized commit, practiceengage in or perform closeengage at close quarters politickengage in political activities act on, follow up on, pursuecarry further or advance marginalise, marginalizerelegate to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of people dealbehave in a certain way towards others combinejoin for a common purpose or in a common action havehave a personal or business relationship with someone buck, go againstresist officiateact in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding invite, pay forhave as a guest socialise, socializetake part in social activities; interact with others connect, get in touch, touch baseestablish communication with someone fight, strugglemake a strenuous or labored effort assemble, foregather, forgather, gather, meetcollect in one place partake inbe active in relatehave or establish a relationship to do by, handle, treatinteract in a certain way fall all overdisplay excessive love or show excessive gratitude towards fall from gracerevert back to bad behavior after a period of good behavior act up, carry onmisbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way walk aroundbehave in a certain manner or have certain properties walklive or behave in a specified manner assert oneselfput oneself forward in an assertive and insistent manner pose, posturebehave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others give it a try, have a gomake an attempt at something gropesearch blindly or uncertainly endeavor, endeavour, striveattempt by employing effort give it a try, give it a whirltry chase, chase afterpursue someone sexually or romantically displayattract attention by displaying some body part or posing; of animals interfere, interpose, intervene, step inget involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force adventure, chance, gamble, hazard, risk, run a risk, take a chance, take chancestake a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome lay on the line, put on the line, riskexpose to a chance of loss or damage bring to bearbring into operation or effect carryextend to a certain degree backdatemake effective from an earlier date makecarry out or commit recommitcommit once again, as of a crime riottake part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot extemporize, improvisemanage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand fendtry to manage without help cut, hackbe able to manage or manage successfully rub along, scrape along, scrape by, scratch along, squeak by, squeeze bymanage one's existence barely affiliate, associate, assort, consortkeep company with; hang out with philander, womanise, womanizehave amorous affairs; of men cope with, match, meetsatisfy or fulfill blindsidecatch unawares, especially with harmful consequences remember oneselfrecover one's good manners after a lapse or stop behaving badly hold outwait uncompromisingly for something desirable delayact later than planned, scheduled, or required holdremain in a certain state, position, or condition keep going, run oncontinue uninterrupted ridecontinue undisturbed and without interference refuse, reject, resistresist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ 3v be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure Hypo play be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children drive arounddrive without any particular aim walk aroundwalk randomly roughhouseengage in rough or disorderly play fool, fool around, horse aroundindulge in horseplay cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, lark about, rollick, romp, run around, skylark, sportplay boisterously dabble, paddle, splash aroundplay in or as if in water, as of small children 4v have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected The breaks of my new car act quickly Syn|Hyper work bring, make for, play, work, wreak cause to happen or to occur as a consequence bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, succeed, win attain success or reach a desired goal 5v discharge one's duties She acts as the chair In what capacity are you acting? Hypo|Hyper criticise, criticize act as a critic bankact as the banker in a game or in gambling serve do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function 6v pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind He acted the idiot Syn|Hyper act as, play behave, do behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself play, representplay a role or part behave, do behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself 7v behave unnaturally or affectedly She's just acting Syn|Hypo dissemble, pretend behave, do behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself assume, feign, sham, simulate make a pretence of playpretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity feintdeceive by a mock action 8n something that people do or cause to happen Syn|Exp|Hypo|Hyper deed, human action, human activity Hegira the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 which marked the beginning of the Muslim era; the Muslim calendar begins in that year Underground Railroadsecret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War Babylonian Captivitythe deportation of the Jews to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC Manhattan Projectcode name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II Peasant's Revolta widespread rebellion in 1381 against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed the poorer people of England; suppressed by Richard II Seward's Follythe transaction in 1867 in which the United States Secretary of State William Henry Seward purchased Alaska from Russia Battle of Britainthe prolonged bombardment of British cities by the German Luftwaffe during World War II and the aerial combat that accompanied it Chino-Japanese Wara war between China and Japan (1894 and 1895) over the control of the Korean Peninsula; China was overwhelmingly defeated at Port Arthur Dardanelles campaignthe unsuccessful campaign in World War I (1915) by the English and French to open a passage for aid to Russia; defeated by the Turks Droghedain 1649 the place was captured by Oliver Cromwell, who massacred the Catholic inhabitants Dunkerquean amphibious evacuation in World War II (1940) when 330,000 Allied troops had to be evacuated from the beaches in northern France in a desperate retreat under enemy fire Indian Mutinydiscontent with British administration in India led to numerous mutinies in 1857 and 1858; the revolt was put down after several battles and sieges (notably the siege at Lucknow) Macedonian Warone the four wars between Macedonia and Rome in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, which ended in the defeat of Macedonia and its annexation as a Roman province Meuse-Argonne operationan American operation in World War I (1918); American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the armistice on November 11 Okinawa campaigna campaign in the closing days of World War II in the Pacific (April to June 1945); in savage close-quarter fighting United States marines and regular army troops took the island from the Japanese; considered the greatest victory of the Pacific campaign for the Americans Operation Desert Stormthe United States and its allies defeated Iraq in a ground war that lasted 100 hours (1991) Petersburg Campaignthe final campaign of the American Civil War (1864-65); Union forces under Grant besieged and finally defeated Confederate forces under Lee Wilderness CampaignAmerican Civil War; a series of indecisive battles in Grant's campaign (1864) against Lee in which both armies suffered terrible losses American War of Independencethe revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain; 1775-1783 Arab-Israeli Wartension between Arabs and Israeli erupted into a brief war in June 1967; Israel emerged as a major power in the Middle East Arab-Israeli WarEgypt and Syria attacked Israel in October 1973 (on Yom Kippur); Israel counterattacked and drove the Syrians back and crossed the Suez Canal into Egypt Balkan Warstwo wars (1912-1913) that were fought over the last of the European territories of the Ottoman Empire and that left the area around Constantinople (now Istanbul) as the only Ottoman territory in Europe Boer Wareither of two wars: the first when the Boers fought England in order to regain the independence they had given up to obtain British help against the Zulus (1880-1881); the second when the Orange Free State and Transvaal declared war on Britain (1899-1902) Chinese Revolutionthe republican revolution against the Manchu dynasty in China; 1911-1912 Crimean Wara war in Crimea between Russia and a group of nations including England and France and Turkey and Sardinia; 1853-1856 Cuban Revolutionthe revolution led by Fidel Castro and a small band of guerrilla fighters against a corrupt dictatorship in Cuba; 1956-1959 Bloodless Revolutionthe revolution against James II; there was little armed resistance to William and Mary in England although battles were fought in Scotland and Ireland (1688-1689) Franco-Prussian Wara war between France and Prussia that ended the Second Empire in France and led to the founding of modern Germany; 1870-1871 French and Indian Wara war in North America between France and Britain (both aided by American Indian tribes); 1755-1760 French Revolutionthe revolution in France against the Bourbons; 1789-1799 Hundred Years' Warthe series of wars fought intermittently between France and England; 1337-1453 Iran-Iraq Wara dispute over control of the waterway between Iraq and Iran broke out into open fighting in 1980 and continued until 1988, when they accepted a UN cease-fire resolution Korean Wara war between North and South Korea; South Korea was aided by the United States and other members of the United Nations; 1950-1953 Mexican Revolutiona revolution for agrarian reforms led in northern Mexico by Pancho Villa and in southern Mexico by Emiliano Zapata (1910-1911) Mexican Warafter disputes over Texas lands that were settled by Mexicans the United States declared war on Mexico in 1846 and by treaty in 1848 took Texas and California and Arizona and New Mexico and Nevada and Utah and part of Colorado and paid Mexico $15,000,000 Napoleonic Warsa series of wars fought between France (led by Napoleon Bonaparte) and alliances involving England and Prussia and Russia and Austria at different times; 1799-1815 Norman Conquestthe invasion and settlement of England by the Normans following the battle of Hastings (1066) Peloponnesian Wara war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta; 431-404 BC Persian Gulf Wara war fought between Iraq and a coalition led by the United States that freed Kuwait from Iraqi invaders; 1990-1991 Punic Warone of the three wars between Carthage and Rome that resulted in the destruction of Carthage and its annexation by Rome; 264-241 BC, 218-201 BC, 149-146 BC Restorationthe re-establishment of the British monarchy in 1660 February Revolutionthe revolution against the czarist government which led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the creation of a provisional government in March 1917 October Revolutionthe coup d'etat by the Bolsheviks under Lenin in November 1917 that led to a period of civil war which ended in victory for the Bolsheviks in 1922 Russo-Japanese WarJapanese victory in the war with Russia (1904-1905) gave Japan power over Korea and Manchuria Seven Years' Wara war of England and Prussia against France and Austria (1756-1763); Britain and Prussia got the better of it Spanish-American Wara war between the United States and Spain in 1898 Thirty Years' Wara series of conflicts (1618-1648) between Protestants and Catholics starting in Germany and spreading until France and Denmark and Sweden were opposing the Holy Roman Empire and Spain Trojan War(Greek mythology) a great war fought between Greece and Troy; the Greeks sailed to Troy to recover Helen of Troy, the beautiful wife of Menelaus who had been abducted by Paris; after ten years the Greeks (via the Trojan Horse) achieved final victory and burned Troy to the ground Vietnam Wara prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States War of Greek Independencethe Greeks rebelled against Turkish rule in 1821; with the support of England and France and Russia they won independence in 1828 at Navarino (although the country included only half its present size) War of the Austrian SuccessionPrussia and Austria fought over Silesia and most of the rest of Europe took sides; 1740-1748 War of the League of Augsburgan aggressive war waged by Louis XIV against Spain and the Holy Roman Empire and England and Holland and other states (1689-1697) War of the Spanish Successiona general war in Europe (1701-1714) that broke out when Louis XIV installed his grandson on the throne of Spain; England and Holland hoped to limit Louis' power Wars of the Rosesstruggle for the English throne (1455-1485) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the Tudor monarch Henry VII War of 1812a war (1812-1814) between the United States and England which was trying to interfere with American trade with France Ten Commandmentsthe biblical commandments of Moses Hippocratic oathan oath taken by physicians to observe medical ethics deriving from Hippocrates Gettysburg Addressa three-minute address by Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War at the dedication of a national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg (November 19, 1863) Sermon on the Mountthe first major discourse delivered by Jesus (Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6:20-49) Creation(theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence Secessionthe withdrawal of eleven southern states from the Union in 1860 which precipitated the American Civil War Boston Tea Partydemonstration (1773) by citizens of Boston who (disguised as Indians) raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped hundreds of chests of tea into the harbor; organized as a protest against taxes on tea Bakke decisiona ruling by the Supreme Court on affirmative action; the Court ruled in 1978 that medical schools are entitled to consider race as a factor in their admission policy Actiumthe naval battle in which Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian's fleet under Agrippa in 31 BC Aegadean Islesislands west of Sicily (now known as the Egadi Islands) where the Romans won a naval victory over the Carthaginians that ended the first Punic War in 241 BC Aegospotamosa river in ancient Thrace (now Turkey); in the mouth of this river the Spartan fleet under Lysander destroyed the Athenian fleet in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War (404 BC) Agincourta battle in northern France in which English longbowmen under Henry V decisively defeated a much larger French army in 1415 Alamoa siege and massacre at a mission in San Antonio in 1836; Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independent of Mexico battle of Atlantaa siege in which Federal troops under Sherman cut off the railroads supplying the city and then burned it; 1864 battle of Austerlitza decisive battle during the Napoleonic campaigns (1805); the French under Napoleon defeated the Russian armies of Czar Alexander I and the Austrian armies of Emperor Francis II Bannockburna battle in which the Scots under Robert the Bruce defeated the English and assured the independence of Scotland Corregidorthe peninsula and island in the Philippines where Japanese forces besieged American forces in World War II; United States forces surrendered in 1942 and recaptured the area in 1945 Battle of Kerbalaa battle in 680 in which the grandson of Mohammed and his followers were killed Battle of the Ardennes Bulgea battle during World War II; in December 1944 von Rundstedt launched a powerful counteroffensive in the forest at Ardennes and caught the Allies by surprise Battle of the Marnea World War I battle in northwestern France where the Allies defeated the Germans in 1918 battle of the Bismarck Seaa naval battle in World War II; Allied land-based bombers destroyed a Japanese convoy in the Bismarck Sea in March 1943 Blenheimthe First Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy defeated the French in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession BorodinoNapoleon defeated the Russians in 1812 in a pitched battle at a village in western Russia west of Moscow, but irreparably weakened his army Bosworth Fieldthe battle that ended the Wars of the Roses (1485); Richard III was killed and Henry Tudor was crowned as Henry VII Bouvinesin 1214 the French under Philip Augustus defeated a coalition formed against him in one of the greatest battles of the middle ages battle of Boynea battle in the War of the Grand Alliance in Ireland in 1690; William III defeated the deposed James II and so ended the Catholicism that had been reintroduced in England by the Stuarts battle of Brunanburha battle in 937 when Athelstan defeated the Scots Buena Vistaa pitched battle in the Mexican War in 1847; United States forces under Zachary Taylor defeated the Mexican forces under Santa Anna at a locality in northern Mexico Battle of Bull Runeither of two battles during the American Civil War (1861 and 1862); Confederate forces defeated the Federal army in both battles battle of Bunker Hillthe first important battle of the American War of Independence (1775) which was fought at Breed's Hill; the British defeated the colonial forces Cannaeancient city is southeastern Italy where Hannibal defeated the Romans in 216 BC battle of Caporettobattle of World War I (1917); Italians were defeated by the Austrian and German forces Caudine Forksa battle in the Apennines in 321 BC in which the Samnites defeated the Romans Chaeroneaa battle in which Philip II of Macedon defeated the Athenians and Thebans (338 BC) and also Sulla defeated Mithridates (86 BC) Chalons-sur-Marnethe battle in which Attila the Hun was defeated by the Romans and Visigoths in 451 Chancellorsvillea major battle in the American Civil War (1863); the Confederates under Robert E. Lee defeated the Union forces under Joseph Hooker Chapultepeca pitched battle in the Mexican War that resulted in a major victory for American forces over Mexican forces at a locality south of Mexico City (1847) battle of Chattanoogain the American Civil War (1863) the Union armies of Hooker, Thomas, and Sherman under the command of Ulysses S. Grant won a decisive victory over the Confederate Army under Braxton Bragg battle of Chickamaugaa Confederate victory in the American Civil War (1863); Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces battle of the Coral Seaa Japanese defeat in World War II (May 1942); the first naval battle fought entirely by planes based on aircraft carriers battle of Cowpensbattle in the American Revolution; Americans under Daniel Morgan defeated the British battle of Crecythe first decisive battle of the Hundred Years' War; in 1346 the English under Edward III defeated the French under Philip of Valois battle of Cunaxabattle in 401 BC when the Artaxerxes II defeated his younger brother who tried to usurp the throne battle of Cynoscephalaethe battle that ended the second Macedonian War (197 BC); the Romans defeated Philip V who lost his control of Greece Dien Bien Phuthe French military base fell after a siege by Vietnam troops that lasted 56 days; ended the involvement of France in Indochina in 1954 Battle of El Alameina pitched battle in World War II (1942) resulting in a decisive Allied victory by British troops under Montgomery over German troops under Rommel EniwetokWorld War II (February 1944); American infantry landed and captured a Japanese stronghold Battle of Flodden Fielda battle in 1513; the English defeated the invading Scots and James IV was killed Battle of Fontenoya battle in 1745 in which the French army under Marshal Saxe defeated the English army and their allies under the duke of Cumberland Fort Ticonderogaa pitched battle in which American revolutionary troops captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British in 1775 Battle of Fredericksburgan important battle in the American Civil War (1862); the Union Army under A. E. Burnside was defeated by the Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee Battle of Gettysburga battle of the American Civil War (1863); the defeat of Robert E. Lee's invading Confederate Army was a major victory for the Union Battle of Granicus Riverthe battle in which Alexander won his first major victory against the Persians (334 BC) Battle of Guadalcanala battle in World War II in the Pacific (1942-1943); the island was occupied by the Japanese and later recaptured by American forces Hampton Roadsa naval battle of the American Civil War (1862); the indecisive battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac battle of Hastingsthe decisive battle in which William the Conqueror (duke of Normandy) defeated the Saxons under Harold II (1066) and thus left England open for the Norman Conquest battle of Hohenlindena battle during the Napoleonic Wars (1800); the French defeated the Austrians Inchona battle in the Korean War (1950); United States forces landed at Inchon battle of Ipsusa battle between the successors of Alexander the Great (301 BC); Lysimachus and Seleucus defeated Antigonus and Demetrius battle of Issusa battle (333 BC) in which Alexander the Great defeated the Persians under Darius III Ivry la Bataillea battle (1590) in which the Huguenots under Henry IV defeated the Catholics under the duke of Mayenne invasion of Iwoa bloody and prolonged operation on the island of Iwo Jima in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders (February and March 1945) Battle of Jenathe battle in 1806 in which Napoleon decisively defeated the Prussians battle of Jutlandan indecisive naval battle in World War I (1916); fought between the British and German fleets off the northwestern coast of Denmark Kennesaw Mountainbattle of the American Civil War (1864); Union forces under William Tecumseh Sherman were repulsed by Confederate troops under Joseph Eggleston Johnston Kwajaleinan amphibious assault in the Pacific in World War II (January 1944); American forces landed and captured a Japanese air base Battle of Lake Trasimenusa battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius battle of Langside(1568) Catholic forces supporting Mary Queen of Scots were routed by Protestants Battle of LepantoTurkish sea power was destroyed in 1571 by a league of Christian nations organized by the Pope battle of LeuctraThebes defeated Sparta in 371 BC; the battle ended Sparta's military supremacy in Greece Lexington and Concordthe first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775) Leyte invasiona battle in World War II; the return of United States troops to the Philippines began with landings on Leyte Island in October 1944; the battle marked first use of kamikaze aircraft by the Japanese Lucknowthe British residents of Lucknow were besieged by Indian insurgents during the Indian Mutiny (1857) battle of Lule Burgasthe principal battle of the Balkan Wars (1912); Bulgarian forces defeated the Turks battle of Lutzena battle in the Thirty Years' War (1632); Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus defeated the Holy Roman Empire under Wallenstein; Gustavus Adolphus was killed Battle of Magentaa battle in 1859 in which the French and Sardinian forces under Napoleon III defeated the Austrians under Francis Joseph I Battle of Maldona battle in which the Danes defeated the Saxons in 991; celebrated in an old English poem Manila Baya naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the American fleet under Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet Mantineiathe site of three famous battles among Greek city-states: in 418 BC and 362 BC and 207 BC battle of Marathona battle in 490 BC in which the Athenians and their allies defeated the Persians Marengoa battle in 1800 in which the French under Napoleon Bonaparte won a great victory over the Austrians battle of Marston Moora battle in 1644 in which the Parliamentarians under the earl of Manchester defeated the Royalists under Prince Rupert Metaurus Rivera battle during the second Punic War (207 BC); Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal was defeated by the Romans which ended Hannibal's hopes for success in Italy Battle of Midwaynaval battle of World War II (June 1942); American planes based on land and on carriers decisively defeated a Japanese fleet on its way to invade the Midway Islands battle of Mindena battle in the Seven Years' War (1759) in which the English forces and their allies defeated the French Battle of Monmouth Court Housea pitched battle in New Jersey during the American Revolution (1778) that ended with the withdrawal of British forces Battle of Nasebya battle in 1645 that settled the outcome of the first English Civil War as the Parliamentarians won a major victory over the Royalists battle of Navarinoa decisive naval battle in the War of Greek Independence (1827); the Turkish and Egyptian fleet was defeated by an allied fleet of British and French and Russian warships battle of Omdurmana battle (1898) in which an English and Egyptian army under Kitchener defeated the Sudanese siege of Orleansa long siege of Orleans by the English was relieved by Joan of Arc in 1429 battle of Panipatbattle in which the ruler of Afghanistan defeated the Mahrattas in 1761 Cape Passeroa naval battle in the Mediterranean Sea off Cape Passero in which the Spanish navy was destroyed by France and England while attempting to recover Sicily and Sardinia from Italy (1719) battle of PharsalusCaesar defeated Pompey in 48 BC battle of PhilippiOctavian and Mark Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius in 42 BC battle of the Philippine Seaa naval battle in World War II (1944); a decisive naval victory for the United States fleet over the Japanese who were trying to block supplies from reaching American troops on Leyte battle of Plasseythe victory in 1757 by the British under Clive over Siraj-ud-daula that established British supremacy over Bengal battle of Plataeaa defeat of the Persian army by the Greeks at Plataea in 479 BC Pleventhe town was taken from the Turks by the Russians in 1877 after a siege of 143 days battle of Poitiersthe battle in 1356 in which the English under the Black Prince defeated the French Port Arthura battle in the Chino-Japanese War (1894); Japanese captured the port and fortifications from the Chinese Battle of Pueblaa battle in which Mexican forces defeated the French in 1862 Battle of Pydnaa major victory by the Romans over the Macedonians in 168 BC; resulted in the downfall of the ancient Macedonian kingdom Battle of Ravennaa battle between the French and an alliance of Spaniards and Swiss and Venetians in 1512 Battle of Rocroia battle in the Thirty Years' War (1643); the French defeated the Spanish invaders battle of Rossbacha battle in the Seven Years' War (1757); Prussian forces under Frederick the Great defeated the armies of France and Austria battle of St Mihiela battle in the Meuse-Argonne operation in World War I (1918); the battle in which American troops launched their first offensive in France SaipanUS forces captured the island from the Japanese in July 1944; it was an important air base until the end of World War II Salernoa battle in World War II; the port was captured by United States troops in September 1943 Santiago de Cubaa naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the United States fleet bottled up the Spanish ships in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba and destroyed them when they tried to escape battle of Saratogaa battle during the American Revolution (1777); the British under Burgoyne were defeated battle of Sempatchthe Swiss Confederation escaped Hapsburg domination by their victory in 1386 battle of Pittsburgh Landingthe second great battle of the American Civil War (1862); the battle ended with the withdrawal of Confederate troops but it was not a Union victory battle of the Chemin-des-Damesa battle in World War I (May 1918); the Germans tried to attack before the American numbers were too great to defeat; the tactical success of the Germans proved to be a strategic failure battle of Solferinoan indecisive battle in 1859 between the French and Sardinians under Napoleon III and the Austrians under Francis Joseph I Battle of the Sommebattle in World War I (1916) Battle of the Sommebattle of World War II (1944) Battle of the Spanish Armadain the English Channel a small fleet of British ships successfully defeated the large armada sent from Spain by Philip II to invade England battle of Spotsylvania Courthousea battle between the armies of Grant and Lee during the Wilderness Campaign siege of Syracusethe Athenian siege of Syracuse (415-413 BC) was eventually won by Syracuse siege of Syracusethe Roman siege of Syracuse (214-212 BC) was eventually won by the Romans who sacked the city (killing Archimedes) battle of Tannenberga battle in World War I (1914); decisive German victory over the Russians Tarawa-Makinbattles in World War II in the Pacific (November 1943); United States Marines took the islands from the Japanese after bitter fighting battle of Tertrya battle in France in 687 among the descendants of Clovis battle of Teutoburger Walda battle in 9 AD in which the Germans under Arminius annihilated three Roman Legions battle of Tewkesburythe final battle of the War of the Roses in 1471 in which Edward IV defeated the Lancastrians battle of Thermopylaea famous battle in 480 BC; a Greek army under Leonidas was annihilated by the Persians who were trying to conquer Greece battle of Trafalgara naval battle in 1805 off the southwest coast of Spain; the French and Spanish fleets were defeated by the English under Nelson (who was mortally wounded) battle of Trasimenoa battle in central Italy where Hannibal defeated the Romans under Flaminius in 217 BC Tsushimaa naval battle in the Russo-Japanese War (1905); the Japanese fleet defeated the Russian fleet in the Korean Strait battle of Valmythe French defeated the Austrian and Prussian troops in 1792 (with a famous cannonade from the French artillery) battle of Verduna battle in World War I (1916); in some of the bloodiest fighting in World War I the German offensive was stopped siege of Vicksburga decisive battle in the American Civil War (1863); after being besieged for nearly seven weeks the Confederates surrendered battle of Wagrama battle in the Napoleonic campaigns (1809); Napoleon defeated the Austrians Battle of Wake Islandin December 1941 the island was captured by the Japanese after a gallant last-ditch stand by a few hundred United States marines Battle of Waterloothe battle on 18 June 1815 in which Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon Yalu Rivera battle in the Korean War (November 1950); when UN troops advanced north to the Yalu River 200,000 Chinese troops crossed the river and drove them back siege of Yorktownin 1781 the British under Cornwallis surrendered after a siege of three weeks by American and French troops; the surrender ended the American Revolution first battle of Ypresbattle in World War I (1914); heavy but indecisive fighting as the Allies and the Germans both tried to break through the lines of the others second battle of Ypresbattle in World War I (1915); Germans wanted to try chlorine (a toxic yellow gas) as a weapon and succeeded in taking considerable territory from the Allied salient third battle of Ypresbattle in World War I (1917); an Allied offensive which eventually failed because tanks bogged down in the waterlogged soil of Flanders; Germans introduced mustard gas which interfered with the Allied artillery battle of Zamathe battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War United States Civil Warcivil war in the United States between the North and the South; 1861-1865 English Civil Warcivil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I; 1644-1648 Spanish Civil Warcivil war in Spain in which Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government; during the war Spain became a battleground for fascists and socialists from all countries; 1936-1939 First World Wara war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918 Second World Wara war between the Allies (Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iran, Iraq, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, USSR, Yugoslavia) and the Axis (Albania, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Rumania, Slovakia, Thailand) from 1939 to 1945 Emergency Alert Systema federal warning system that is activated by FEMA; enables the President to take over the United States airwaves to warn the whole country of major catastrophic events Berlin airliftairlift in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin Human Genome Projectan international study of the entire human genetic material First Crusadea Crusade from 1096 to 1099; captured Jerusalem and created a theocracy there Second Crusadea Crusade from 1145 to 1147 that failed because of internal disagreements among the crusaders and led to the loss of Jerusalem in 1187 Third Crusadea Crusade from 1189 to 1192 led by Richard I and the king of France that failed because an army torn by dissensions and fighting on foreign soil could not succeed against forces united by religious zeal Fourth Crusadea Crusade from 1202 to 1204 that was diverted into a battle for Constantinople and failed to recapture Jerusalem Fifth Crusadea Crusade under papal control from 1218 to 1221 that achieved military victories but failed when dissension arose over accepting the terms they had been offered Sixth Crusadea Crusade from 1228 to 1229 led by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II who fell ill and was excommunicated by the Pope; by negotiation Frederick II was able to crown himself king of Jerusalem Seventh Crusadea Crusade initiated in 1248 after the loss of Jerusalem in 1244 and defeated in 1249 September 11the day in 2001 when Arab suicide bombers hijacked United States airliners and used them as bombs final solutionthe mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime from 1941 until 1945 Red Hand Defendersa paramilitary group of Protestants in Northern Ireland that tries to prevent any political settlement with the Irish Republic; attacks interests of Catholic civilians in Northern Ireland; responsible for arson and bombing and murder Battle of the Little Bighorna battle in Montana near the Little Bighorn River between United States cavalry under Custer and several groups of Native Americans (1876); Custer was pursuing Sioux led by Sitting Bull; Custer underestimated the size of the Sioux forces (which were supported by Cheyenne warriors) and was killed along with all his command action something done (usually as opposed to something said) acquiring, gettingthe act of acquiring something causation, causingthe act of causing something to happen delivery, obstetrical deliverythe act of delivering a child departure, going, going away, leavingthe act of departing discovery, find, uncoveringthe act of discovering something disposal, dispositionthe act or means of getting rid of something effectuation, implementationthe act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect egress, egression, emergencethe act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent equalisation, equalization, levelingthe act of making equal or uniform digging up, disinterment, exhumationthe act of digging something out of the ground (especially a corpse) where it has been buried mitsvah, mitzvah(Judaism) a good deed performed out of religious duty actuation, propulsionthe act of propelling recovery, retrievalthe act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost) running awaythe act of leaving (without permission) the place you are expected to be touch, touchingthe act of putting two things together with no space between them nonaccomplishment, nonachievementan act that does not achieve its intended goal leaningthe act of deviating from a vertical position motivating, motivationthe act of motivating; providing incentive assumptionthe act of assuming or taking for granted rejectionthe act of rejecting something forfeit, forfeiture, sacrificethe act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc. derivationthe act of deriving something or obtaining something from a source or origin activityany specific behavior hirethe act of hiring something or someone wear, wearingthe act of having on your person as a covering or adornment assessment, judgement, judgmentthe act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event productionthe act or process of producing something staycontinuing or remaining in a place or state abidance, residence, residencythe act of dwelling in a place inactivitybeing inactive; being less active hinderance, hindrance, interferencethe act of hindering or obstructing or impeding stop, stoppagethe act of stopping something group actionaction taken by a group of people distributionthe act of distributing or spreading or apportioning legitimationthe act of rendering a person legitimate permissive waste, waste(law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect proclamation, promulgationthe formal act of proclaiming; giving public notice communicating, communicationthe activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information speech actthe use of language to perform some act thingan action benignity, kindnessa kind act accomplishment, achievementthe action of accomplishing something alienationthe action of alienating; the action of causing to become unfriendly applicationthe action of putting something into operation res gestaethings done course, course of actiona mode of action interactiona mutual or reciprocal action; interacting fetchthe action of fetching playingthe action of taking part in a game or sport or other recreation play, swordplaythe act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully arrivalthe act of arriving at a certain place breaking awaydeparting hastily farewell, leave, leave-taking, partingthe act of departing politely French leavean abrupt and unannounced departure (without saying farewell) disappearance, disappearingthe act of leaving secretly or without explanation withdrawalthe act of withdrawing stand-down, standdown(military) a temporary stop of offensive military action sailingthe departure of a vessel from a port boarding, embarkation, embarkmentthe act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft exitthe act of going out elopementthe act of running away with a lover (usually to get married) escape, flightthe act of escaping physically surfacingemerging to the surface and becoming apparent despatch, dispatch, shipmentthe act of sending off something failurean act that fails foiling, frustration, thwartingan act of hindering someone's plans or efforts error, fault, mistakea wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention acquisitionthe act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something obtainment, obtentionthe act of obtaining catching, contractingbecoming infected positionthe act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom appropriationa deliberate act of acquisition of something, often without the permission of the owner moving in, occupancy, occupationthe act of occupying or taking possession of a building capture, gaining control, seizurethe act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property repossessionthe action of regaining possession (especially the seizure of collateral securing a loan that is in default) receipt, receptionthe act of receiving appointment(law) the act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment comb-outthe act of carefully weeding out unwanted things or people givingdisposing of property by voluntary transfer without receiving value in return abandonmentthe voluntary surrender of property (or a right to property) without attempting to reclaim it or give it away mine disposalthe disposal of explosive mines sewage disposalthe disposal of sewage reclamationthe recovery of useful substances from waste products deliverance, delivery, rescue, savingrecovery or preservation from loss or danger ransomthe act of freeing from captivity or punishment recapture, retakingthe act of taking something back invocationthe act of appealing for help instrumentationthe act of providing or using the instruments needed for some implementation carrying into action, carrying out, execution, performancethe act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it motorisation, motorizationthe act of motorizing (equiping with motors or with motor vehicles) launch, launchingthe act of propelling with force launchingthe act of moving a newly built vessel into the water for the first time drive, driving force, thrustthe act of applying force to propel something bowl, rollthe act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling) throwthe act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist) push, pushingthe act of applying force in order to move something away pull, pullingthe act of pulling; applying force to move something toward or with you heave, lift, raisethe act of raising something ejection, expulsion, forcing out, projectionthe act of expelling or projecting or ejecting jump, jumpingthe act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground lobthe act of propelling something (as a ball or shell etc.) in a high arc sendingthe act of causing something to go (especially messages) rolling, wheelingpropelling something on wheels shooting, shotthe act of firing a projectile contact, physical contactthe act of touching physically dab, pat, tapa light touch or stroke hit, hitting, strikingthe act of contacting one thing with another dig, jabthe act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow kissa light glancing touch buss, kiss, osculationthe act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof) catch, grab, snap, snatchthe act of catching an object with the hands handling, manipulationthe action of touching with the hands (or the skillful use of the hands) or by the use of mechanical means fingeringtouching something with the fingers gropethe act of groping; and instance of groping palpation, tactual explorationa method of examination in which the examiner feels the size or shape or firmness or location of something (of body parts when the examiner is a health professional) tickle, tickling, titillationthe act of tickling stroke, strokinga light touch with the hands tag(sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game) lap, licktouching with the tongue grazing, shaving, skimmingthe act of brushing against while passing tracingthe discovery and description of the course of development of something catching, detection, espial, spotting, spyingthe act of detecting something; catching sight of something self-discoverydiscovering your own individuality breakthroughmaking an important discovery determination, findingthe act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation rediscoverythe act of discovering again induction, initiation, triggeran act that sets in motion some course of events coercion, compulsionusing force to cause something to occur influencecausing something without any direct or apparent effort inducement, inducingact of bringing about a desired result choice, option, pick, selectionthe act of choosing or selecting assigning, assignmentthe act of distributing something to designated places or persons agency, means, wayhow a result is obtained or an end is achieved votethe opinion of a group as determined by voting balancing, reconciliationgetting two things to correspond equating, equationthe act of regarding as equal breech birth, breech delivery, breech presentationdelivery of an infant whose feet or buttocks appear first C-section, abdominal delivery, caesarean, caesarean delivery, caesarean section, caesarian, caesarian delivery, caesarian section, cesarean, cesarean delivery, cesarean section, cesarian, cesarian sectionthe delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way) forceps deliverydelivery in which forceps are inserted through the vagina and used to grasp the head of the fetus and pull it through the birth canal; since the forceps can injure the fetus this procedure has generally given way to cesarean deliveries midwiferyassisting women at childbirth changethe action of changing something economy, savingan act of economizing; reduction in cost variance, variationan activity that varies from a norm or standard forbiddance, inhibition, prohibitionthe action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof) opposition, resistancethe action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with brush-offa curt or disdainful rejection avoidance, dodging, shunning, turning awaydeliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening abandonment, desertion, forsakingthe act of giving something up forgoing, forswearing, renunciationthe act of renouncing; sacrificing or giving up or surrendering (a possession or right or title or privilege etc.) nonacceptance, turndownthe act of refusing an offer banishment, proscriptionrejection by means of an act of banishing or proscribing someone displacementact of removing from office or employment bruxisminvoluntarily or unconsciously clenching or grinding the teeth, typically during sleep space walkany kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crew processionthe group action of a collection of people or animals or vehicles moving ahead in more or less regular formation takeoffa departure; especially of airplanes pickupthe act of taking aboard passengers or freight transfusionthe action of pouring a liquid from one vessel to another domesticitydomestic activities or life operationthe activity of operating something (a machine or business etc.) operationa planned activity involving many people performing various actions pattern, practicea customary way of operation or behavior practice, praxistranslating an idea into action diversion, recreationan activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates bag, cup of tea, dishan activity that you like or at which you are superior follow-up, followupan activity that continues something that has already begun or that repeats something that has already been done gamea contest with rules to determine a winner play, turn(game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession dribble, dribblingthe propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks musicmusical activity (singing or whistling etc.) acting, performing, playacting, playingthe performance of a part or role in a drama animation, livelinessgeneral activity and motion burst, fita sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason) workactivity directed toward making or doing something deeds, worksperformance of moral or religious acts service(law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him business, job, line, line of work, occupationthe principal activity in your life that you do to earn money occupationany activity that occupies a person's attention committal to writing, writingthe activity of putting something in written form haemostasia, haemostasis, hemostasia, hemostasissurgical procedure of stopping the flow of blood (as with a hemostat) justicejudgment involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments pickings, takingthe act of someone who picks up or takes something rolenormal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting actus reus, misconduct, wrongdoing, wrongful conductactivity that transgresses moral or civil law carelessness, neglect, negligence, nonperformancefailure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances dissipation, waste, wastefulnessuseless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly transgressionthe action of going beyond or overstepping some boundary or limit attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, tryearnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something controlthe activity of managing or exerting control over something protectionthe activity of protecting someone or something adjudicationthe final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented disapprovalthe act of disapproving or condemning evaluation, ratingact of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of estimate, estimationa judgment of the qualities of something or somebody logistic assessmenta judgment of the logistic support required for some particular military operation value judgement, value judgmentan assessment that reveals more about the values of the person making the assessment than about the reality of what is assessed sensory activityactivity intended to achieve a particular sensory result didactics, education, educational activity, instruction, pedagogy, teachingthe activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill grooming, preparation, trainingactivity leading to skilled behavior representationan activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent creation, creative activitythe human act of creating disassembly, dismantlement, dismantlingthe act of taking something apart (as a piece of machinery) rainmakingactivity intended to produce rain devising, fashioning, makingthe act that results in something coming to be foliationthe production of foil by cutting or beating metal into thin leaves puncturethe act of puncturing or perforating hunt, hunting, searchthe activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone employment, exercise, usage, use, utilisation, utilizationthe act of using action, military actiona military engagement military operation, operationactivity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign) battle, conflict, strugglean open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals) revolutionthe overthrow of a government by those who are governed aggression, hostilityviolent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked measure, measurement, measuring, mensurationthe act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule calibration, standardisation, standardizationthe act of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a measuring instrument organisation, organizationthe activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically groupingthe activity of putting things together in groups support, supportingthe act of bearing the weight of or strengthening continuance, continuationthe act of continuing an activity without interruption procedure, processa particular course of action intended to achieve a result ceremonyany activity that is performed in an especially solemn elaborate or formal way ceremonythe proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion worshipthe activity of worshipping activating, activation, energizingthe activity of causing to have energy and be active concealing, concealment, hidingthe activity of keeping something secret emplacement, locating, location, placement, position, positioningthe act of putting something in a certain place lodgingthe act of lodging occupancy, tenancyan act of being a tenant or occupant sojourn, visita temporary stay (e.g., as a guest) layover, stop, stopovera brief stay in the course of a journey provision, supply, supplyingthe activity of supplying or providing something demandthe act of demanding pausetemporary inactivity wait, waitingthe act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something) ease, relaxation, repose, restfreedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility) idleness, idling, loafinghaving no employment delay, holdupthe act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time pleasurean activity that affords enjoyment delectation, enjoymentact of receiving pleasure from something lamentation, mourningthe passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief laughterthe activity of laughing; the manifestation of joy or mirth or scorn antagonism(biochemistry) interference in or inhibition of the physiological action of a chemical substance by another having a similar structure obstructionthe act of obstructing complicationthe act or process of complicating deterrencethe act or process of discouraging actions or preventing occurrences by instilling fear or doubt or anxiety bar, preventionthe act of preventing social activityactivity considered appropriate on social occasions communalismthe practice of communal living and common ownership alliance, confederationthe act of forming an alliance or confederation decolonisation, decolonizationthe action of changing from colonial to independent status disbandmentthe act of disbanding disestablishmentthe act terminating an established state of affairs; especially ending a connection with the Church of England redistributiondistributing again dispensationthe act of dispensing (giving out in portions) allocation, allotment, apportioning, apportionment, assignation, parceling, parcellingthe act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan dealthe act of distributing playing cards revenue sharingdistribution of part of the federal tax income to states and municipalities share-out, sharinga distribution in shares lending, loaningdisposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned market, market place, marketplacethe world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold dealing, dealings, transactionthe act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities) stampedea headlong rush of people on a common impulse social controlcontrol exerted (actively or passively) by group action politicsthe activities and affairs involved in managing a state or a government canalisation, canalizationthe production of a canal or a conversion to canals preparation, readyingthe activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose coup, coup d'etat, putsch, takeovera sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force internationalisation, internationalizationthe act of bringing something under international control nationalisation, nationalizationthe action of forming or becoming a nation destabilisation, destabilizationthe action of destabilizing; making something less stable (especially of a government or country or economy) exchange, interchangethe act of changing one thing for another thing exchange, rally(sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes compliance, submissionthe act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another competition, contention, rivalrythe act of competing as for profit or a prize resistancegroup action in opposition to those in power nonresistancegroup refusal to resort to violence even in defense against violence due process, due process of law(law) the administration of justice according to established rules and principles; based on the principle that a person cannot be deprived of life or liberty or property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards actionan act by a government body or supranational organization legalisation, legalization, legitimationthe act of making lawful separationthe social act of separating or parting company desegregation, integrating, integrationthe action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community cooperationjoint operation or action brainstorminga group problem-solving technique in which members spontaneously share ideas and solutions aid, assist, assistance, helpthe activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose supportthe activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities employment, engagementthe act of giving someone a job behavior, behaviour, conduct, doingsmanner of acting or controlling yourself behavior, behaviour(psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation civility, politenessthe act of showing regard for others reverencean act showing respect (especially a bow or curtsy) assemblage, assembly, gatheringthe social act of assembling attendance, attendingthe act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.) nonattendancethe failure to attend getting even, paying back, returna reciprocal group action democratisation, democratizationthe action of making something democratic engagement, involution, involvement, participationthe act of sharing in the activities of a group non-engagement, non-involvement, nonparticipationwithdrawing from the activities of a group emanation, emissionthe act of emitting; causing to flow forth leadership, leadingthe activity of leading precedence, precedency, precessionthe act of preceding in time or order or rank (as in a ceremony) soloany activity that is performed alone without assistance buzza confusion of activity and gossip funviolent and excited activity hell, sinviolent and excited activity consultation, referencethe act of referring or consulting accenting, accentuation, emphasizingthe act of giving special importance or significance to something outlet, release, ventactivity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion lasta person's dying act; the final thing a person can do beatificationthe action of rendering supremely blessed and extremely happy ethnic cleansingthe mass expulsion and killing of one ethnic or religious group in an area by another ethnic or religious group in that area jump-start, jumpstartstarting an automobile engine that has a weak battery by means of jumper cables to another car mystification, obfuscationthe activity of obscuring people's understanding, leaving them baffled or bewildered negotiationthe activity or business of negotiating an agreement; coming to terms socialisation, socializationthe action of establishing on a socialist basis stupefactionthe action of stupefying; making dull or lethargic vampirismthe actions or practices of a vampire transmissioncommunication by means of transmitted signals intercommunicationmutual communication; communication with each other mediuman intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication channel, communication channel, line(often plural) a means of communication or access mail, mail service, post, postal servicethe system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office congratulation, felicitationthe act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for celebration slanderwords falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another dramatic art, dramatics, dramaturgy, theater, theatrethe art of writing and producing plays verbalisation, verbalizationthe activity of expressing something in words discourse, discussion, treatmentan extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic exhortationa communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action expression, verbal expression, verbalismthe communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions proposal, propositionthe act of making a proposal bid, bidding, command, dictationan authoritative direction or instruction to do something agreementthe verbal act of agreeing citation(law) the act of citing (as of spoken words or written passages or legal precedents etc.) disagreementthe speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing offer, offeringthe verbal act of offering asking, requestthe verbal act of requesting exam, examination, testa set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge reply, responsethe speech act of continuing a conversational exchange descriptionthe act of describing something affirmation, assertion, statementthe act of affirming or asserting or stating something denialthe act of refusing to comply (as with a request) rejectionthe speech act of rejecting objectionthe speech act of objecting informing, making knowna speech act that conveys information disclosure, revealing, revelationthe speech act of making something evident promisea verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future boast, boasting, jactitation, self-praisespeaking of yourself in superlatives namingthe verbal act of naming challengea call to engage in a contest or fight explanationthe act of explaining; making something plain or intelligible denouncement, denunciationa public act of denouncing address, speechthe act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience persuasion, suasionthe act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action dissuasionpersuading not to do or believe something; talking someone out of a belief or an intended course of action expostulation, objection, remonstrance, remonstrationthe act of expressing earnest opposition or protest resignationthe act of giving up (a claim or office or possession etc.) contact, toucha communicative interaction trafficthe amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time disturbance, perturbationactivity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption growing(electronics) the production of (semiconductor) crystals by slow crystallization from the molten state steel productionmaking steel from pig iron timekeepingthe act or process of determining the time event something that happens at a given place and time 9n a manifestation of insincerity 2he put on quite an act for her benefit Hyper expression, manifestation, reflection, reflexion expression without words 1v play a role or part She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role Syn|Hypo|Hyper play, represent act as, play pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind play, playact, roleplayperform on a stage or theater playpretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity make, make believe, pretend represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like supportplay a subordinate role to (another performer) act out, enact, reenactact out; represent or perform as if in a play act outrepresent an incident, state, or emotion by action, especially on stage impersonate, portrayassume or act the character of parodymake a spoof of or make fun of emotegive expression or emotion to, in a stage or movie role go through the motionspretend to do something by acting as if one was really doing it re-create create anew 2v perform on a stage or theater She acts in this play He acted in `Julius Caesar' Syn|Hypo|Hyper play, playact, roleplay play perform on a certain location playbe performed or presented for public viewing play, representplay a role or part stooge act as the stooge mime, pantomimeact out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only ham, ham it up, overact, overplayexaggerate one's acting underact, underplayact (a role) with great restraint perform give a performance (of something) 3v be suitable for theatrical performance This scene acts well Syn|Hyper play, playact, roleplay perform on a stage or theater be have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun) 4n a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet Hyper dramatic composition, dramatic work a play for performance on the stage or television or in a movie etc. 5n a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program 3he did his act three times every evening Syn|Hypo|Hyper bit, number, routine, turn show-stopper, showstopper, stopper an act so striking or impressive that the show must be delayed until the audience quiets down performance, public presentation a dramatic or musical entertainment n a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body Syn|Hypo|Hyper enactment nullity something that is null (especially an enactment that has no legal validity) decree, edict, fiat, order, rescripta legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge) legislative act, statutean act passed by a legislative body consent decreean agreement between two parties that is sanctioned by the court; for example, a company might agree to stop certain questionable practices without admitting guilt curfewan order that after a specific time certain activities (as being outside on the streets) are prohibited decree nisia decree issued on a first petition for divorce; becomes absolute at some later date imperial decreea decree issued by a sovereign ruler judicial separation, legal separationa judicial decree regulating the rights and responsibilities of a married couple living apart programmaan edict that has been publicly posted ban, prohibition, proscriptiona decree that prohibits something staya judicial order forbidding some action until an event occurs or the order is lifted fair-trade actformerly a state law that protected manufacturers from price-cutting by allowing them to set minimum retail prices for their merchandise; eliminated by the United States Congress in 1975 Stamp Actan act passed by the British Parliament in 1756 that raised revenue from the American Colonies by a duty in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents; opposition by the Colonies resulted in the repeal of the act in 1766 enabling act, enabling clausea provision in a law that confers on appropriate officials the power to implement or enforce the law FISA, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Actan act passed by Congress in 1978 to establish procedures for requesting judicial authorization for foreign intelligence surveillance and to create the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; intended to increase United States counterintelligence; separate from ordinary law enforcement surveillance ordinancea statute enacted by a city government special acta legislative act that applies only to a particular person or particular district bull, papal bulla formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla) instrument, legal document, legal instrument, official document (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right |
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