

单词 tree
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tree: treed, treeless, treelet, treelike, trees+/treelet: treelets
“The only way to destroy the beetles is to destroy the tree.”
Washington Times(Jan 03, 2017)
Erickson, now a paleontologist at Florida State University in Tallahassee, noticed more than 900 fine lines resembling tree rings on the tooth.
Science Magazine(Jan 02, 2017)
“The accident investigation team worked systematically through an extensive fault tree analysis,” SpaceX said in its statement.
New York Times(Jan 02, 2017)
1n a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
(Norse mythology) a huge ash tree whose roots and branches hold the earth and Heaven and Hell together
yellowwood, yellowwood tree
any of various trees having yellowish wood or yielding a yellow extract
Oxandra lanceolata, lancewood, lancewood tree
source of most of the lancewood of commerce
Guinea pepper, Xylopia aethiopica, negro pepper
tropical west African evergreen tree bearing pungent aromatic seeds used as a condiment and in folk medicine
anise tree
any of several evergreen shrubs and small trees of the genus Illicium
Drimys winteri, winter's bark, winter's bark tree
South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a light soft wood similar to basswood
zebrawood, zebrawood tree
any of various trees or shrubs having mottled or striped wood
Brya ebenus, granadilla tree, granadillo
West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony
any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia
Adenanthera pavonina, Barbados pride, coral-wood, coralwood, peacock flower fence, red sandalwood
East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental
albizia, albizzia
any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia
Enterolobium cyclocarpa, conacaste, elephant's ear
tropical South American tree having a wide-spreading crown of bipinnate leaves and coiled ear-shaped fruits; grown for shade and ornament as well as valuable timber
any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers; cultivated as ornamentals
Inga edulis, ice-cream bean
ornamental evergreen tree with masses of white flowers; tropical and subtropical America
Inga laurina, guama
tropical tree of Central America and West Indies and Puerto Rico having spikes of white flowers; used as shade for coffee plantations
Leucaena glauca, Leucaena leucocephala, lead tree, white popinac
low scrubby tree of tropical and subtropical North America having white flowers tinged with yellow resembling mimosa and long flattened pods
Lysiloma bahamensis, Lysiloma latisiliqua, wild tamarind
a tree of the West Indies and Florida and Mexico; resembles tamarind and has long flat pods
nitta tree
any of several Old World tropical trees of the genus Parkia having heads of red or yellow flowers followed by pods usually containing edible seeds and pulp
Pithecellobium dulce, camachile, huamachil, manila tamarind, wild tamarind
common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum
Alstonia scholaris, devil tree, dita, dita bark
evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes; bark formerly used medicinally
Holarrhena antidysenterica, Holarrhena pubescens, conessi, ivory tree, kurchee, kurchi
tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea
Meryta sinclairii, puka
small roundheaded New Zealand tree having large resinous leaves and panicles of green-white flowers
Pisonia aculeata, cockspur
small spiny West Indian tree
pandanus, screw pine
any of various Old World tropical palmlike trees having huge prop roots and edible conelike fruits and leaves like pineapple leaves
Hoheria populnea, houhere, lacebark, ribbonwood
small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage
Plagianthus betulinus, Plagianthus regius, ribbon tree, ribbonwood
deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax and is called New Zealand cotton
tulipwood tree
any of various trees yielding variously colored woods similar to true tulipwood
Bombax ceiba, Bombax malabarica, red silk-cotton tree, simal
East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok
evergreen tree with large leathery leaves and large pink to orange flowers; considered a link plant between families Bombacaceae and Sterculiaceae
Pseudobombax ellipticum, shaving-brush tree
tree of Mexico to Guatemala having densely hairy flowers with long narrow petals clustered at ends of branches before leaves appear
Brisbane quandong, Elaeocarpus grandis, blue fig, quandong, quandong tree, silver quandong tree
Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit
Jamaican cherry, Muntingia calabura, calabur tree, calabura, silk wood, silkwood
a fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit; bark yields a silky fiber used in cordage and wood is valuable for staves
Sloanea jamaicensis, break-axe, breakax, breakaxe
West Indian timber tree having very hard wood
bottle tree, bottle-tree
an Australian tree of the genus Brachychiton
Chinese parasol, Chinese parasol tree, Firmiana simplex, Japanese varnish tree, phoenix tree
deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods
Pterospermum acerifolium, maple-leaved bayur, mayeng
Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for planking; often grown as an ornamental or shade tree
Tarrietia argyrodendron, silver tree
Australian timber tree
Triplochiton scleroxcylon, arere, obeche, obechi, samba
large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood
basswood, lime, lime tree, linden, linden tree
any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia with heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers; several yield valuable timber
Leucadendron argenteum, silver tree
small South African tree with long silvery silky foliage
Orites excelsa, prickly ash
Australian tree having alternate simple leaves (when young they are pinnate with prickly toothed margins) and slender axillary spikes of white flowers
Stenocarpus sinuatus, firewheel tree, wheel tree
eastern Australian tree widely cultivated as a shade tree and for its glossy leaves and circular clusters of showy red to orange-scarlet flowers
Stenocarpus salignus, beefwood, scrub beefwood
tree or tall shrub with shiny leaves and umbels of fragrant creamy-white flowers; yields hard heavy reddish wood
any of various trees and shrubs of the genus Casuarina having jointed stems and whorls of scalelike leaves; some yield heavy hardwood
beech, beech tree
any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth grey bark and small sweet edible triangular nuts enclosed in burs; north temperate regions
chestnut, chestnut tree
any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur
oak chestnut
a tree of the genus Castanopsis
Castanea chrysophylla, Castanopsis chrysophylla, Chrysolepis chrysophylla, giant chinkapin, golden chinkapin
small ornamental evergreen tree of Pacific Coast whose glossy yellow-green leaves are yellow beneath; bears edible nuts
Lithocarpus densiflorus, tanbark oak
evergreen tree of the Pacific coast area having large leathery leaves; yields tanbark
evergreen beech, southern beech
any of various beeches of the southern hemisphere having small usually evergreen leaves
oak, oak tree
a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves
birch, birch tree
any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark
alder, alder tree
north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rot-resistant
any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Carpinus
hop hornbeam
any of several trees resembling hornbeams with fruiting clusters resembling hops
fringe tree
any of various small decorative flowering trees or shrubs of the genus Chionanthus
ash, ash tree
any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus
American olive, Osmanthus americanus, devilwood
small tree of southern United States having panicles of dull white flowers followed by dark purple fruits
dhava, dhawa
an Indian tree of the family Combretaceae that is a source of timber and gum
Conocarpus erectus, button mangrove, button tree
evergreen tree or shrub with fruit resembling buttons and yielding heavy hard compact wood
Laguncularia racemosa, white mangrove
shrub to moderately large tree that grows in brackish water along the seacoasts of western Africa and tropical America; locally important as a source of tannin
Jamaica bayberry, Pimenta acris, bay-rum tree, bayberry, wild cinnamon
West Indian tree; source of bay rum
gum, gum tree
any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum
any of several East Indian trees of the genus Calophyllum having shiny leathery leaves and lightweight hard wood
Calophyllum calaba, Santa Maria tree, calaba
West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice
Calophyllum longifolium, Maria
valuable timber tree of Panama
Calophyllum candidissimum, lancewood tree, laurelwood
tropical American tree; valued for its hard durable wood
an aromatic tree of the genus Clusia having large white or yellow or pink flowers
Clusia flava, wild fig
a West Indies clusia having fig-shaped fruit
Mesua ferrea, ironwood, ironwood tree, rose chestnut
handsome East Indian evergreen tree often planted as an ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume; source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties
Caryocar nuciferum, souari, souari nut, souari tree
large South American evergreen tree trifoliate leaves and drupes with nutlike seeds used as food and a source of cooking oil
tree of the family Dipterocarpaceae
Ceylon gooseberry, Dovyalis hebecarpa, ketembilla, ketembilla tree, kitambilla, kitembilla
a small shrubby spiny tree cultivated for its maroon-purple fruit with sweet purple pulp tasting like gooseberries; Sri Lanka and India
Hydnocarpus kurzii, Taraktagenos kurzii, Taraktogenos kurzii, chaulmoogra, chaulmoogra tree, chaulmugra
East Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy
Hydnocarpus laurifolia, Hydnocarpus wightiana
leathery-leaved tree of western India bearing round fruits with brown densely hairy rind enclosing oily pulp that yields hydnocarpus oil
Idesia polycarpa, idesia
deciduous roundheaded Asiatic tree widely grown in mild climates as an ornamental for its heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow-green flowers followed by hanging clusters of fleshy orange-red berries
Australian nettle, Australian nettle tree
any of several tall Australian trees of the genus Laportea
fig tree
any moraceous tree of the tropical genus Ficus; produces a closed pear-shaped receptacle that becomes fleshy and edible when mature
elm, elm tree
any of various trees of the genus Ulmus: important timber or shade trees
hackberry, nettle tree
any of various trees of the genus Celtis having inconspicuous flowers and small berrylike fruits
Cordyline australis, cabbage tree, grass tree
elegant tree having either a single trunk or a branching trunk each with terminal clusters of long narrow leaves and large panicles of fragrant white, yellow or red flowers; New Zealand
Caesalpinia bonduc, Caesalpinia bonducella, bonduc, bonduc tree
tropical tree with large prickly pods of seeds that resemble beans and are used for jewelry and rosaries
Caesalpinia coriaria, divi-divi
small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tannin
Caesalpinia echinata, brazilwood, peach-wood, peachwood, pernambuco wood
tropical tree with prickly trunk; its heavy red wood yields a red dye and is used for cabinetry
Caesalpinia ferrea, brazilian ironwood
thornless tree yielding heavy wood
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius, shingle tree
East Indian timber tree with hard durable wood used especially for tea boxes
Brachystegia speciformis, msasa
small shrubby African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers
any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Cassia having pinnately compound leaves and usually yellow flowers followed by long seedpods
locust, locust tree
any of various hardwood trees of the family Leguminosae
Gymnocladus dioica, Kentucky coffee tree, bonduc, chicot
handsome tree of central and eastern North America having large bipinnate leaves and green-white flowers followed by large woody brown pods whose seeds are used as a coffee substitute
Cercidium floridum, Parkinsonia florida, palo verde
densely branched spiny tree of southwestern United States having showy yellow flowers and blue-green bark; sometimes placed in genus Cercidium
andelmin, angelim
any of several tropical American trees of the genus Andira
African sandalwood, Baphia nitida, camwood
small shrubby African tree with hard wood used as a dyewood yielding a red dye
Butea frondosa, Butea monosperma, dak, dhak, palas
East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye
rosewood, rosewood tree
any of those hardwood trees of the genus Dalbergia that yield rosewood--valuable cabinet woods of a dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black
Dalbergia sissoo, sisham, sissoo, sissu
East Indian tree whose leaves are used for fodder; yields a compact dark brown durable timber used in shipbuilding and making railroad ties
Dalbergia cearensis, kingwood, kingwood tree
Brazilian tree yielding a handsome cabinet wood
Dalbergia retusa, cocobolo
a valuable timber tree of tropical South America
blackwood, blackwood tree
any of several hardwood trees yielding very dark-colored wood
coral tree, erythrina
any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental
any of several small deciduous trees valued for their dark wood and dense racemes of nectar-rich pink flowers grown in great profusion on arching branches; roots and bark and leaves and seeds are poisonous
any of several tropical trees or shrubs yielding showy streaked dark reddish or chocolate-colored wood
Myroxylon balsamum, Myroxylon toluiferum, tolu balsam tree, tolu tree
medium-sized tropical American tree yielding tolu balsam and a fragrant hard wood used for high-grade furniture and cabinetwork
Myroxylon balsamum pereirae, Myroxylon pereirae, Peruvian balsam
tree of South and Central America yielding an aromatic balsam
necklace tree
a tree of the genus Ormosia having seeds used as beads
Jamaica dogwood, Piscidia erythrina, Piscidia piscipula, fish fuddle
small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods; yields fish poisons
any of several tropical American trees some yielding economically important timber
Indian beech, Pongamia glabra
evergreen Asiatic tree having glossy pinnate leaves and racemose creamy-white scented flowers; used as a shade tree
Pterocarpus angolensis, bloodwood tree, kiaat
deciduous South African tree having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers; yields a red juice and heavy strong durable wood
Pterocarpus indicus, amboyna, padauk, padouk
tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain
Burma padauk, Burmese rosewood, Pterocarpus macrocarpus
tree of India and Burma yielding a wood resembling mahogany
Pterocarpus marsupium, kino
East Indian tree yielding a resin or extract often used medicinally and in e.g. tanning
Pterocarpus santalinus, red sandalwood, red sanders, red sanderswood, red saunders
tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood
Sabinea carinalis, carib wood
small Dominican tree bearing masses of large crimson flowers before the fine pinnate foliage emerges
Sesbania grandiflora, scarlet wisteria tree, vegetable hummingbird
a softwood tree with lax racemes of usually red or pink flowers; tropical Australia and Asia; naturalized in southern Florida and West Indies
Chinese scholar tree, Chinese scholartree, Japanese pagoda tree, Sophora japonica, Sophora sinensis
handsome roundheaded deciduous tree having compound dark green leaves and profuse panicles of fragrant creamy-white flowers; China and Japan
Sophora secundiflora, coral bean, frijolillo, frijolito, mescal bean
shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans
Sophora tetraptera, kowhai
shrub or small tree of New Zealand and Chile having pendulous racemes of tubular golden-yellow flowers; yields a hard strong wood
pride of Bolivia, tipu, tipu tree, yellow jacaranda
semi-evergreen South American tree with odd-pinnate leaves and golden yellow flowers cultivated as an ornamental
Virgilia capensis, Virgilia oroboides, keurboom
tree with odd-pinnate leaves and racemes of fragrant pink to purple flowers
Virgilia divaricata, keurboom
fast-growing roundheaded tree with fragrant white to deep rose flowers; planted as an ornamental
palm, palm tree
any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves
Calycophyllum candidissimum, dagame, lemonwood tree
source of a tough elastic wood
coffee, coffee tree
any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding coffee beans
chinchona, cinchona
any of several trees of the genus Cinchona
Nauclea diderrichii, Sarcocephalus diderrichii, opepe
large African forest tree yielding a strong hard yellow to golden brown lumber; sometimes placed in genus Sarcocephalus
Psychotria capensis, lemon-wood, lemon-wood tree, lemonwood, lemonwood tree
South African evergreen having hard tough wood
Vangueria infausta, medlar, wild medlar, wild medlar tree
small deciduous tree of southern Africa having edible fruit
Spanish tamarind, Vangueria madagascariensis
shrubby tree of Madagascar occasionally cultivated for its edible apple-shaped fruit
incense tree
any of various tropical trees of the family Burseraceae yielding fragrant gums or resins that are burned as incense
mahogany, mahogany tree
any of various tropical timber trees of the family Meliaceae especially the genus Swietinia valued for their hard yellowish- to reddish-brown wood that is readily worked and takes a high polish
China tree, Melia azedarach, Melia azederach, Persian lilac, azedarach, azederach, chinaberry, chinaberry tree, pride-of-India
tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits; naturalized in the southern United States as a shade tree
Azadirachta indica, Melia Azadirachta, arishth, margosa, neem, neem tree, nim tree
large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies; trunk exudes a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia
Chloroxylon swietenia, satinwood, satinwood tree
East Indian tree with valuable hard lustrous yellowish wood;
silver ash
any of various timber trees of the genus Flindersia
Lansium domesticum, langsat, langset, lanseh tree
East Indian tree bearing an edible yellow berry
African walnut, Lovoa klaineana
tropical African timber tree with wood that resembles mahogany
any of numerous trees and shrubs grown for their beautiful glossy foliage and sweetly fragrant starry flowers
African tree often classified in other families; similar to the Costa Rican caracolito in wood structure as well as in fruit and flowers and leaves and seeds
Ruptiliocarpon caracolito, caracolito
large Costa Rican tree having light-colored wood suitable for cabinetry; similar to the African lepidobotrys in wood structure as well as in fruit and flowers and leaves and seeds; often classified in other families
Phellodendron amurense, cork tree
deciduous tree of China and Manchuria having a turpentine aroma and handsome compound leaves turning yellow in autumn and deeply fissured corky bark
Poncirus trifoliata, trifoliata, trifoliate orange, wild orange
small fast-growing spiny deciduous Chinese orange tree bearing sweetly scented flowers and decorative but inedible fruit: used as a stock in grafting and for hedges
prickly ash
any of a number of trees or shrubs of the genus Zanthoxylum having spiny branches
bitterwood tree
any of various trees or shrubs of the family Simaroubaceae having wood and bark with a bitter taste
Kirkia wilmsii, pepper tree
small African deciduous tree with spreading crown having leaves clustered toward ends of branches and clusters of creamy flowers resembling lilacs
willow, willow tree
any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix
Santalum album, sandalwood tree, true sandalwood
parasitic tree of Indonesia and Malaysia having fragrant close-grained yellowish heartwood with insect repelling properties and used, e.g., for making chests
Eucarya acuminata, Fusanus acuminatus, quandang, quandong, quandong tree
Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seed
a small Hawaiian tree with hard dark wood
soapberry, soapberry tree
a tree of the genus Sapindus whose fruit is rich in saponin
Schinus chichita, aroeira blanca
small resinous tree or shrub of Brazil
Peruvian mastic tree, Schinus molle, molle, pepper tree
small Peruvian evergreen with broad rounded head and slender pendant branches with attractive clusters of greenish flowers followed by clusters of rose-pink fruits
Brazilian pepper tree, Schinus terebinthifolius
small Brazilian evergreen resinous tree or shrub having dark green leaflets and white flowers followed by bright red fruit; used as a street tree and lawn specimen
Diospyros ebenum, ebony, ebony tree
tropical tree of southern Asia having hard dark-colored heartwood used in cabinetwork
Andaman marble, Diospyros kurzii, marble-wood, marblewood
large Asiatic tree having hard marbled zebrawood
Manilkara bidentata, balata, balata tree, beefwood, bully tree
a tropical hardwood tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber
Palaquium gutta, gutta-percha tree
one of several East Indian trees yielding gutta-percha
gutta-percha tree
one of several East Indian trees yielding gutta-percha
Calocarpum zapota, Pouteria zapota, mammee, marmalade tree, sapote
tropical American tree having wood like mahogany and sweet edible egg-shaped fruit; in some classifications placed in the genus Calocarpum
Ceratopetalum gummiferum, Christmas bush, Christmas tree
Australian tree or shrub with red flowers; often used in Christmas decoration
plane tree, platan, sycamore
any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits
Crescentia cujete, calabash, calabash tree
tropical American evergreen that produces large round gourds
Cordia gerascanthus, Spanish elm, princewood
tropical American timber tree
Avicennia officinalis, white mangrove
a small to medium-sized tree growing in brackish water especially along the shores of the southwestern Pacific
Aegiceras majus, black mangrove
an Australian tree resembling the black mangrove of the West Indies and Florida
Tectona grandis, teak
tall East Indian timber tree now planted in western Africa and tropical America for its hard durable wood
a dead tree that is still standing, usually in an undisturbed forest
timber tree
any tree that is valued as a source of lumber or timber
a small tree
tree (as opposed to shrub)
bean tree
any of several trees having seedpods as fruits
a tree with limbs cut back to promote a more bushy growth of foliage
young tree
shade tree
a tree planted or valued chiefly for its shade from sunlight
gymnospermous tree
any tree of the division Gymnospermophyta
angiospermous tree, flowering tree
any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary
fever tree
any of several trees having leaves or bark used to allay fever or thought to indicate regions free of fever
a dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub grown in a tray or shallow pot
any of several small to medium-sized trees of Florida and West Indies with thin scaly bark and heavy dark heartwood
Pomaderris apetala, hazel, hazel tree
Australian tree grown especially for ornament and its fine-grained wood and bearing edible nuts
tree of knowledge
the biblical tree in the Garden of Eden whose forbidden fruit was tasted by Adam and Eve
Gnetum gnemon, gnetum
small tropical tree with tiered branches and divaricate branchlets having broad glossy dark green leaves; exploited for its edible young leaves and seeds that provide a fine flour
gymnospermous yellowwood
any of various gymnospermous trees having yellow wood
angiospermous yellowwood
any of various angiospermous trees having yellow wood
Ginkgo biloba, gingko, ginkgo, maidenhair tree
deciduous dioecious Chinese tree having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellow seeds; exists almost exclusively in cultivation especially as an ornamental street tree
Cananga odorata, ilang-ilang, ylang-ylang
evergreen Asian tree with aromatic greenish-yellow flowers yielding a volatile oil; widely grown in the tropics as an ornamental
Cercidiphyllum japonicum, katsura tree
rapidly growing deciduous tree of low mountainsides of China and Japan; grown as an ornamental for its dark blue-green candy-scented foliage that becomes yellow to scarlet in autumn
any of various aromatic trees of the laurel family
Illicium floridanum, purple anise
small shrubby tree with purple flowers; found in wet soils of southeastern United States
Illicium anisatum, star anise
small shrubby tree of Japan and Taiwan; flowers are not fragrant
Chinese anise, Illicium verum, star anise
small tree of China and Vietnam bearing anise-scented star-shaped fruit used in food and medicinally as a carminative
any shrub or tree of the genus Magnolia; valued for their longevity and exquisite fragrant blooms
genus Manglietia, manglietia
a genus of flowering tree of the family Magnoliaceae found from Malay to southern China
Liriodendron tulipifera, canary whitewood, tulip poplar, tulip tree, yellow poplar
tall North American deciduous timber tree having large tulip-shaped greenish yellow flowers and conelike fruit; yields soft white woods used especially for cabinet work
Connarus guianensis
tropical American and east African tree with strikingly marked hardwood used in cabinetwork
Centrolobium robustum, arariba
Brazilian tree with handsomely marked wood
Coumarouna odorata, Dipteryx odorata, tonka bean, tonka bean tree
tall tropical South American tree having pulpy egg-shaped pods of fragrant black almond-shaped seeds used for flavoring
Hymenaea courbaril, courbaril
West Indian locust tree having pinnate leaves and panicles of large white or purplish flowers; yields very hard tough wood
shittah, shittah tree
source of a wood mentioned frequently in the Bible; probably a species of genus Acacia
any of various Australasian trees yielding slender poles suitable for wattle
Acacia catechu, Jerusalem thorn, catechu
East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu
Acacia farnesiana, cassie, flame tree, huisache, mimosa bush, scented wattle, sweet acacia, sweet wattle
tropical American thorny shrub or small tree; fragrant yellow flowers used in making perfumery
Acacia melanoxylon, lightwood
tall Australian acacia yielding highly valued black timber
Acacia xanthophloea, fever tree
African tree supposed to mark healthful regions
Albizia julibrissin, Albizzia julibrissin, silk tree
attractive domed or flat-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens
Albizia lebbeck, Albizzia lebbeck, siris, siris tree
large spreading Old World tree having large leaves and globose clusters of greenish-yellow flowers and long seed pods that clatter in the wind
Albizia saman, monkey pod, monkeypod, rain tree, saman, zaman, zamang
large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle
Parkia javanica
tall evergreen rain forest tree with wide-spreading crown having yellow-white flowers; grown as an ornamental in parks and large gardens
Bocconia frutescens, bocconia, tree celandine
small Central American tree having loose racemes of purple-tinted green flowers
Pandanus tectorius, lauhala, textile screw pine
Polynesian screw pine
Thespesia populnea, bendy tree, portia tree, seaside mahoe
pantropical tree of usually seacoasts sometimes cultivated as an ornamental for its rounded heart-shaped leaves and showy yellow and purple flowers; yields valuable pink to dark red close-grained wood and oil from its seeds
Adansonia gregorii, cream-of-tartar tree, sour gourd
Australian tree having an agreeably acid fruit that resembles a gourd
Adansonia digitata, baobab, monkey-bread tree
African tree having an exceedingly thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread
Bombay ceiba, Ceiba pentandra, God tree, ceiba tree, kapok, silk-cotton tree, white silk-cotton tree
massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss; source of the silky kapok fiber
Ochroma lagopus, balsa
forest tree of lowland Central America having a strong very light wood; used for making floats and rafts and in crafts
any tree of the genus Sterculia
Brachychiton acerifolius, Sterculia acerifolia, flame durrajong, flame tree
south Australian tree having panicles of brilliant scarlet flowers
Brachychiton australis, broad-leaved bottletree, flame tree
north Australian tree having white flowers and broad leaves
Brachychiton populneus, currajong, kurrajong
widely distributed tree of eastern Australia yielding a tough durable fiber and soft light attractively grained wood; foliage is an important emergency food for cattle
Brachychiton rupestris, Queensland bottletree, Sterculia rupestris, narrow-leaved bottletree
large tree of Queensland having cream-colored flowers blotched with red inside; sometimes placed in genus Sterculia
Heritiera trifoliolata, Terrietia trifoliolata, booyong, brown oak, crow's foot, red beech, silky elm, stave wood
large tree of Australasia
Heritiera macrophylla, looking glass tree
large evergreen tree of India and Burma whose leaves are silvery beneath
Heritiera littoralis, looking-glass plant
small tree of coastal regions of Old World tropics whose leaves are silvery beneath
Theobroma cacao, cacao, cacao tree, chocolate tree
tropical American tree producing cacao beans
American basswood, American lime, Tilia americana
large American shade tree with large dark green leaves and rounded crown
Tilia cordata, small-leaved lime, small-leaved linden
large spreading European linden with small dark green leaves; often cultivated as an ornamental
Tilia heterophylla, cottonwood, white basswood
American basswood of the Allegheny region
Japanese lime, Japanese linden, Tilia japonica
medium-sized tree of Japan used as an ornamental
Tilia tomentosa, silver lime, silver linden
large tree native to eastern Europe and Asia Minor having leaves with white tomentum on the under side; widely cultivated as an ornamental
New Zealand honeysuckle, rewa-rewa
slender elegant tree of New Zealand having racemes of red flowers and yielding valuable mottled red timber
any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina
any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina yielding heavy hard red wood used in cabinetwork
Oxydendrum arboreum, sorrel tree, sourwood, titi
deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves
European beech, Fagus sylvatica, common beech
large European beech with minutely-toothed leaves; widely planted as an ornamental in North America
Fagus purpurea, Fagus sylvatica atropunicea, Fagus sylvatica purpurea, copper beech, purple beech
variety of European beech with shining purple or copper-colored leaves
American beech, Fagus americana, Fagus grandifolia, red beech, white beech
North American forest tree with light green leaves and edible nuts
Fagus pendula, Fagus sylvatica pendula, weeping beech
variety of European beech with pendulous limbs
Japanese beech
a beech native to Japan having soft light yellowish-brown wood
American chestnut, American sweet chestnut, Castanea dentata
large tree found from Maine to Alabama
Castanea sativa, European chestnut, Spanish chestnut, sweet chestnut
wild or cultivated throughout southern Europe, northwestern Africa and southwestern Asia
Castanea mollissima, Chinese chestnut
a small tree with small sweet nuts; wild or naturalized in Korea and China
Castanea crenata, Japanese chestnut
a spreading tree of Japan that has a short trunk
Allegheny chinkapin, Castanea pumila, chinquapin, dwarf chestnut, eastern chinquapin
shrubby chestnut tree of southeastern United States having small edible nuts
Castanea ozarkensis, Ozark chinkapin, Ozark chinquapin, chinquapin
shrubby tree closely related to the Allegheny chinkapin but with larger leaves; southern midwestern United States
Japanese oak, Lithocarpus glaber, Lithocarpus glabra
small evergreen tree of China and Japan
Nothofagus cuninghamii, myrtle beech
large evergreen tree of Tasmania
Coigue, Nothofagus dombeyi
Chilean evergreen whose leafy boughs are used for thatching
New Zealand beech
any of several tall New Zealand trees of the genus Nothofagus; some yield useful timber
Nothofagus obliqua, roble beech
tall deciduous South American tree
Nothofagus procera, rauli beech
large Chilean timber tree yielding coarse lumber
Nothofagus solanderi, black beech
New Zealand forest tree
Nothofagus truncata, hard beech
tall New Zealand tree yielding very hard wood
live oak
any of several American evergreen oaks
white oak
any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf
European turkey oak, Quercus cerris, turkey oak
large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes
Quercus coccinea, scarlet oak
medium-large deciduous tree with a thick trunk found in the eastern United States and southern Canada and having close-grained wood and deeply seven-lobed leaves turning scarlet in autumn
Quercus ellipsoidalis, jack oak, northern pin oak
small to medium deciduous oak of east central North America; leaves have sharply pointed lobes
red oak
any of numerous American oaks having 4 stamens in each floret, acorns requiring two years to mature and leaf veins usually extending beyond the leaf margin to form points or bristles
Quercus ilex, evergreen oak, holly-leaved oak, holm oak, holm tree
evergreen oak of southern Europe having leaves somewhat resembling those of holly; yields a hard wood
Quercus imbricaria, laurel oak, shingle oak
small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having leaves that shine like laurel; wood is used in western states for shingles
Quercus incana, bluejack oak, turkey oak
small semi-evergreen shrubby tree of southeastern United States having hairy young branchlets and leaves narrowing to a slender bristly point
California black oak, Quercus kelloggii
large deciduous tree of the Pacific coast having deeply parted bristle-tipped leaves
American turkey oak, Quercus laevis, turkey oak
small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes
Quercus laurifolia, laurel oak, pin oak
large nearly semi-evergreen oak of southeastern United States; thrives in damp soil
Quercus lyrata, overcup oak
medium-large deciduous timber tree of central and southern United States; acorns deeply immersed in the cup and mature in first year
scrub oak
any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a dominant form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets
Japanese oak, Quercus grosseserrata, Quercus mongolica
oak with moderately light fine-grained wood; Japan
chestnut oak
an oak having leaves resembling those of chestnut trees
Quercus nigra, possum oak, water oak
relatively tall deciduous water oak of southeastern United States often cultivated as a shade tree; thrives in wet soil
Nuttall oak, Nuttall's oak, Quercus nuttalli
similar to the pin oak; grows in damp sites in Mississippi River basin
Quercus palustris, pin oak, swamp oak
fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn; thrives in damp soil
Quercus phellos, willow oak
medium to large deciduous oak of the eastern United States having long lanceolate leaves and soft strong wood
Quercus stellata, box white oak, brash oak, iron oak, post oak
small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts
Quercus suber, cork oak
medium-sized evergreen oak of southern Europe and northern Africa having thick corky bark that is periodically stripped to yield commercial cork
Quercus texana, Spanish oak
small deciduous tree having the trunk branched almost from the base with spreading branches; Texas and southern Oklahoma
Chinese cork oak, Quercus variabilis
medium to large deciduous tree of China, Japan, and Korea having thick corky bark
Quercus velutina, black oak, quercitron, quercitron oak, yellow oak
medium to large deciduous timber tree of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada having dark outer bark and yellow inner bark used for tanning; broad five-lobed leaves are bristle-tipped
Betula alleghaniensis, Betula leutea, yellow birch
tree of eastern North America with thin lustrous yellow or grey bark
American white birch, Betula cordifolia, Betula papyrifera, canoe birch, paper birch, paperbark birch
small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes
American gray birch, American grey birch, Betula populifolia, gray birch, grey birch
medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-growth forest tree
Betula pendula, European white birch, common birch, silver birch
European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches
Betula pubescens, downy birch, white birch
European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branches
Betula nigra, black birch, red birch, river birch
birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown bark
Betula lenta, black birch, cherry birch, sweet birch
common birch of the eastern United States having spicy brown bark yielding a volatile oil and hard dark wood used for furniture
Betula neoalaskana, Yukon white birch
Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark
Betula fontinalis, Western birch, Western paper birch, mountain birch, swamp birch, water birch
birch of western United States resembling the paper birch but having brownish bark
American dwarf birch, Betula glandulosa, Newfoundland dwarf birch
small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland
Alnus glutinosa, Alnus vulgaris, European black alder, common alder
medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins; leaves are hairy beneath
Alnus incana, gray alder, grey alder
native to Europe but introduced in America
Alnus maritima, seaside alder
shrub or small tree of southeastern United States having soft light brown wood
Alnus rhombifolia, mountain alder, white alder
tree of western United States
Alnus rubra, Oregon alder, red alder
large tree of Pacific coast of North America having hard red wood much used for furniture
Alnus rugosa, speckled alder
common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down
Alnus serrulata, hazel alder, smooth alder
common shrub of the eastern United States with smooth bark
Alnus veridis, green alder
shrub of mountainous areas of Europe
Alnus crispa, Alnus veridis crispa, green alder
North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts
Carpinus betulus, European hornbeam
medium-sized Old World tree with smooth grey bark and leaves like beech that turn yellow-orange in autumn
American hornbeam, Carpinus caroliniana
tree or large shrub with grey bark and blue-green leaves that turn red-orange in autumn
Old World hop hornbeam, Ostrya carpinifolia
medium-sized hop hornbeam of southern Europe and Asia Minor
Eastern hop hornbeam, Ostrya virginiana, ironwood, ironwood tree
medium-sized hop hornbeam of eastern North America
Chionanthus virginicus, fringe bush
small bushy tree of southeastern United States having profuse clusters of white flowers
Fraxinus Americana, white ash
spreading American ash with leaves pale green or silvery beneath and having hard brownish wood
Fraxinus caroliniana, swamp ash
small ash of swampy areas of southeastern United States
Fraxinus cuspidata, flowering ash
shrubby ash of southwestern United States having fragrant white flowers
Fraxinus dipetala, flowering ash
shrubby California ash with showy off-white flowers
European ash, Fraxinus excelsior, common European ash
tall ash of Europe to the Caucasus having leaves shiny dark-green above and pale downy beneath
Fraxinus latifolia, Fraxinus oregona, Oregon ash
timber tree of western North America yielding hard light wood; closely related to the red ash
Fraxinus nigra, basket ash, black ash, brown ash, hoop ash
vigorous spreading North American tree having dark brown heavy wood; leaves turn gold in autumn
Fraxinus ornus, flowering ash, manna ash
southern Mediterranean ash having fragrant white flowers in dense panicles and yielding manna
Fraxinus pennsylvanica, downy ash, red ash
smallish American tree with velvety branchlets and lower leaf surfaces
Fraxinus quadrangulata, blue ash
ash of central and southern United States with bluish-green foliage and hard brown wood
Fraxinus texensis, mountain ash
low-growing ash of Texas
Fraxinus tomentosa, pumpkin ash
timber tree of central and southeastern United States having hairy branchlets and a swollen trunk base
Arizona ash, Fraxinus velutina
small shrubby ash of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico
any tree of the genus Liquidambar
iron tree, iron-tree, ironwood, ironwood tree
a small slow-growing deciduous tree of northern Iran having a low domed shape
Combretum appiculatum, bush willow
small deciduous tree of the Transvaal having spikes of yellow flowers
Combretum erythrophyllum, bush willow
small South African tree having creamy yellow fragrant flowers usually growing on stream banks
Lagerstroemia speciosa, Queen's crape myrtle, pride-of-India
native to Asia, Australia, and East Indies, where it provides timber called pyinma; used elsewhere as an ornamental for its large showy flowers
myrtaceous tree
trees and shrubs
any evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Myrtus
Eugenia dicrana, nakedwood
tree of extreme southern Florida and West Indies having thin scaly bark and aromatic fruits and seeds and yielding hard heavy close-grained zebrawood
eucalypt, eucalyptus, eucalyptus tree
a tree of the genus Eucalyptus
tupelo, tupelo tree
any of several gum trees of swampy areas of North America
Rhizophora mangle, mangrove
a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that eventually form an impenetrable mass and are important in land building
any of several evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Dillenia grown for their foliage and nodding flowers resembling magnolias which are followed by fruit that is used in curries and jellies and preserves
Alexandrian laurel, Calophyllum inophyllum
East Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers; coastal areas southern India to Malaysia
Garcinia cambogia, Garcinia gummi-gutta, Garcinia hanburyi, gamboge tree
low spreading tree of Indonesia yielding an orange to brown gum resin (gamboge) used as a pigment when powdered
Shorea teysmanniana, red lauan, red lauan tree
valuable Philippine timber tree
Pipturus albidus
Hawaiian tree of genus Pipturus having a bark (tapa) from which tapa cloth is made
Ficus carica, common fig, common fig tree, fig
Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit
Ficus aurea, Florida strangler fig, golden fig, strangler fig, wild fig
a strangler tree native to southern Florida and West Indies; begins as an epiphyte eventually developing many thick aerial roots and covering enormous areas
East Indian fig tree, Ficus bengalensis, Indian banyan, banian, banian tree, banyan, banyan tree
East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks
Ficus religiosa, bo tree, peepul, pipal, pipal tree, pipul, sacred fig
fig tree of India noted for great size and longevity; lacks the prop roots of the banyan; regarded as sacred by Buddhists
Assam rubber, Ficus elastica, India-rubber fig, India-rubber plant, India-rubber tree, rubber plant
large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant; source of Assam rubber
Ficus deltoidea, Ficus diversifolia, mistletoe fig, mistletoe rubber plant
shrub or small tree often grown as a houseplant having foliage like mistletoe
Botany Bay fig, Ficus rubiginosa, Port Jackson fig, little-leaf fig, rusty rig
Australian tree resembling the banyan often planted for ornament; introduced into South Africa for brushwood
Ficus sycomorus, mulberry fig, sycamore, sycamore fig
thick-branched wide-spreading tree of Africa and adjacent southwestern Asia often buttressed with branches rising from near the ground; produces cluster of edible but inferior figs on short leafless twigs; the biblical sycamore
Broussonetia papyrifera, paper mulberry
shrubby Asiatic tree having bark (tapa) that resembles cloth; grown as a shade tree in Europe and America; male flowers are pendulous catkins and female are urn-shaped followed by small orange-red aggregate berries
Cecropia peltata, imbauba, snake wood, trumpet tree, trumpet-wood, trumpetwood
tropical American tree with large peltate leaves and hollow stems
Ulmus alata, wing elm, winged elm
North American elm having twigs and young branches with prominent corky projections
American elm, Ulmus americana, rock elm, water elm, white elm
large ornamental tree with graceful gradually spreading branches common in eastern North America
European field elm, Ulmus carpinifolia, smooth-leaved elm
European elm with lustrous smooth leaves used as an ornamental
Ulmus crassifolia, cedar elm
elm of southern United States and Mexico having spreading pendulous corky branches
Ulmus glabra, witch elm, wych elm
Eurasian elm often planted as a shade tree
Dutch elm, Ulmus hollandica
any of various hybrid ornamental European shade trees ranging from dwarf to tall
Huntingdon elm, Ulmus hollandica vegetata
erect vigorous hybrid ornamental elm tree
Ulmus laevis, water elm
Eurasian elm closely resembling the American elm; thrives in a moist environment
Chinese elm, Ulmus parvifolia
small fast-growing tree native to Asia; widely grown as shelterbelts and hedges
English elm, European elm, Ulmus procera
broad spreading rough-leaved elm common throughout Europe and planted elsewhere
Chinese elm, Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila, dwarf elm
fast-growing shrubby Asian tree naturalized in United States for shelter or ornament
Ulmus rubra, red elm, slippery elm
North American elm having rough leaves that are red when opening; yields a hard wood
Jersey elm, Ulmus campestris sarniensis, Ulmus campestris wheatleyi, Ulmus sarniensis, guernsey elm, wheately elm
a variety of the English elm with erect branches and broader leaves
September elm, Ulmus serotina, red elm
autumn-flowering elm of southeastern United States
Ulmus thomasii, rock elm
tall widely distributed elm of eastern North America
Celtis australis, European hackberry, Mediterranean hackberry
bright green deciduous shade tree of southern Europe
American hackberry, Celtis occidentalis
large deciduous shade tree of southern United States with small deep purple berries
Celtis laevigata, sugarberry
deciduous shade tree with small black berries; southern United States; yields soft yellowish wood
Bauhinia variegata, mountain ebony, orchid tree
small East Indian tree having orchid-like flowers and hard dark wood
Cassia fistula, canafistola, canafistula, drumstick tree, golden shower tree, pudding pipe tree, purging cassia
deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is used medicinally; tropical Asia and Central and South America and Australia
Cassia grandis, horse cassia, pink shower, pink shower tree
tropical American semi-evergreen tree having erect racemes of pink or rose-colored flowers; used as an ornamental
Cassia javonica, rainbow shower
deciduous ornamental hybrid of southeastern Asia and Hawaii having racemes of flowers ranging in color from cream-colored to orange and red
Cassia marginata, Cassia roxburghii, horse cassia
East Indian tree having long pods containing a black cathartic pulp used as a horse medicine
Ceratonia siliqua, algarroba, carob, carob bean tree, carob tree
evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob
Delonix regia, Poinciana regia, flamboyant, flame tree, peacock flower, royal poinciana
showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana
Gleditsia aquatica, swamp locust, water locust
honey locust of swamps and bottomlands of southern United States having short oval pods; yields dark heavy wood
Gleditsia triacanthos, honey locust
tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World
Haematoxylum campechianum, bloodwood tree, campeachy, logwood, logwood tree
spiny shrub or small tree of Central America and West Indies having bipinnate leaves and racemes of small bright yellow flowers and yielding a hard brown or brownish-red heartwood used in preparing a black dye
Tamarindus indica, tamarind, tamarind tree, tamarindo
long-lived tropical evergreen tree with a spreading crown and feathery evergreen foliage and fragrant flowers yielding hard yellowish wood and long pods with edible chocolate-colored acidic pulp
Andira inermis, cabbage bark, cabbage tree, cabbage-bark tree
tree with shaggy unpleasant-smelling toxic bark and yielding strong durable wood; bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic
Australian chestnut, Moreton Bay chestnut
Australian tree having pinnate leaves and orange-yellow flowers followed by large woody pods containing 3 or 4 seeds that resemble chestnuts; yields dark strong wood
Circis siliquastrum, Judas tree, love tree
small tree of the eastern Mediterranean having abundant purplish-red flowers growing on old wood directly from stems and appearing before the leaves: widely cultivated in mild regions; wood valuable for veneers
Cercis canadensis, redbud
small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood
Dalbergia latifolia, East India rosewood, East Indian rosewood, Indian blackwood, Indian rosewood
East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood
Brazilian rosewood, Dalbergia nigra, caviuna wood, jacaranda
an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black
Dalbergia stevensonii, Honduras rosewood
Central American tree yielding a valuable dark streaked rosewood
Cape kafferboom, Erythrina caffra, kaffir boom
small semi-evergreen broad-spreading tree of eastern South Africa with orange-scarlet flowers and small coral-red seeds; yields a light soft wood used for fence posts or shingles
Erythrina corallodendrum, coral bean tree
deciduous shrub having racemes of deep red flowers and black-spotted red seeds
Erythrina crista-galli, ceibo, common coral tree, cry-baby tree, crybaby tree
small South American spiny tree with dark crimson and scarlet flowers solitary or clustered
Erythrina lysistemon, Transvaal kafferboom, kaffir boom
small semi-evergreen tree of South Africa having dense clusters of clear scarlet flowers and red seeds
Erythrina Indica, Erythrina variegata, Indian coral tree
small to medium-sized thorny tree of tropical Asia and northern Australia having dense clusters of scarlet or crimson flowers and black seeds
Erythrina vespertilio, cork tree
prickly Australian coral tree having soft spongy wood
Ormosia monosperma, bead tree, jumby bean, jumby tree
small tree of West Indies and northeastern Venezuela having large oblong pointed leaflets and panicles of purple flowers; seeds are black or scarlet with black spots
Ormosia coarctata, jumbie bead, jumby bead
West Indian tree similar to Ormosia monosperma but larger and having smaller leaflets and smaller seeds
Platymiscium trinitatis, roble
large tree of Trinidad and Guyana having odd-pinnate leaves and violet-scented axillary racemes of yellow flowers and long smooth pods; grown as a specimen in parks and large gardens
Panama redwood, Panama redwood tree, Platymiscium pinnatum
large erect shrub of Colombia having large odd-pinnate leaves with large leaflets and axillary racemes of fragrant yellow flowers
Robinia pseudoacacia, black locust, yellow locust
large thorny tree of eastern and central United States having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of white flowers; widely naturalized in many varieties in temperate regions
Robinia viscosa, clammy locust
small rough-barked locust of southeastern United States having racemes of pink flowers and glutinous branches and seeds
sago palm
any of various tropical Asian palm trees the trunks of which yield sago
feather palm
palm having pinnate or featherlike leaves
fan palm
palm having palmate or fan-shaped leaves
any tropical Asian palm of the genus Calamus; light tough stems are a source of rattan canes
fishtail palm
attractive East Indian palm having distinctive bipinnate foliage
Cocos nucifera, coco, coco palm, cocoa palm, coconut, coconut palm, coconut tree
tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits; widely planted throughout the tropics
corozo, corozo palm
any of several tropical American palms bearing corozo nuts
Euterpe oleracea, cabbage palm
Brazilian palm of genus Euterpe whose leaf buds are eaten like cabbage when young
Livistona australis, cabbage palm, cabbage tree
Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
Nipa fruticans, nipa palm
any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal estuaries; its sap is used for a liquor; leaves are used for thatch; fruit has edible seeds
Raffia farinifera, Raffia ruffia, raffia palm
a large feather palm of Africa and Madagascar having very long pinnatisect fronds yielding a strong commercially important fiber from its leafstalks
lady palm
any of several small palms of the genus Rhapis; cultivated as houseplants
Roystonea regia, royal palm
tall feather palm of southern Florida and Cuba
Roystonea oleracea, cabbage palm
West Indian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
Prunus caroliniana, cherry laurel, laurel cherry, mock orange, wild orange
small flowering evergreen tree of southern United States
fruit tree
tree bearing edible fruit
mountain ash
any of various trees of the genus Sorbus
Arabian coffee, Coffea arabica
shrubby tree of northeastern tropical Africa widely cultivated in tropical or near tropical regions for its seed which form most of the commercial coffee
Coffea liberica, Liberian coffee
small tree of West Africa
Coffea canephora, Coffea robusta, Rio Nunez coffee, robusta coffee
native to West Africa but grown in Java and elsewhere; resistant to coffee rust
Cartagena bark, Cinchona cordifolia, Cinchona lancifolia
Colombian tree; source of Cartagena bark (a cinchona bark)
Cinchona calisaya, Cinchona ledgeriana, Cinchona officinalis, calisaya
Peruvian shrub or small tree having large glossy leaves and cymes of fragrant yellow to green or red flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark
Cinchona pubescens, cinchona tree
small tree of Ecuador and Peru having very large glossy leaves and large panicles of fragrant pink flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark
Bursera microphylla, elephant tree
small tree or shrub of the southwestern United States having a spicy odor and odd-pinnate leaves and small clusters of white flowers
Bursera simaruba, gumbo-limbo
tropical American tree yielding a reddish resin used in cements and varnishes
Boswellia carteri
tree yielding an aromatic gum resin burned as incense
Boswellia serrata, salai
East Indian tree yielding a resin used medicinally and burned as incense
Commiphora meccanensis, balm of gilead
small evergreen tree of Africa and Asia; leaves have a strong aromatic odor when bruised
Commiphora myrrha, myrrh tree
tree of eastern Africa and Asia yielding myrrh
Protium heptaphyllum
tropical American tree
Protium guianense
tropical American tree
Cedrela odorata, Spanish cedar, Spanish cedar tree
tropical American tree yielding fragrant wood used especially for boxes
African scented mahogany, Entandrophragma cylindricum, cedar mahogany, sapele mahogany
African tree having rather lightweight cedar-scented wood varying in color from pink to reddish brown
Flindersia australis, flindosa, flindosy, native beech
tall Australian timber tree yielding tough hard wood used for staves etc
Flindersia schottiana, bunji-bunji
Australian timber tree whose bark yields a poison
African mahogany
African tree having hard heavy odorless wood
Cuban mahogany, Dominican mahogany, Swietinia mahogani, true mahogany
mahogany tree of West Indies
Honduras mahogany, Swietinia macrophylla
an important Central American mahogany tree
Cedrela calantas, Philippine cedar, Philippine mahogany, Toona calantas, kalantas
Philippine timber tree having hard red fragrant wood
Zanthoxylum americanum, Zanthoxylum fraxineum, sea ash, toothache tree
small deciduous aromatic shrub (or tree) having spiny branches and yellowish flowers; eastern North America
Hercules'-club, Hercules'-clubs, Hercules-club, Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
densely spiny ornamental of southeastern United States and West Indies
Simarouba amara, marupa
tree of the Amazon valley yielding a light brittle timber locally regarded as resistant to insect attack
Simarouba glauca, bitterwood, paradise tree
medium to large tree of tropical North and South America having odd-pinnate leaves and long panicles of small pale yellow flowers followed by scarlet fruits
any of several deciduous Asian trees of the genus Ailanthus
Jamaica quassia, Picrasma excelsa, Picrasma excelsum, bitterwood
West Indian tree yielding the drug Jamaica quassia
Quassia amara, bitterwood, quassia
handsome South American shrub or small tree having bright scarlet flowers and yielding a valuable fine-grained yellowish wood; yields the bitter drug quassia from its wood and bark
Bulnesia sarmienti, palo santo
South American tree of dry interior regions of Argentina and Paraguay having resinous heartwood used for incense
Guaiacum officinale, lignum vitae
small evergreen tree of Caribbean and southern Central America to northern South America; a source of lignum vitae wood, hardest of commercial timbers, and a medicinal resin
Guaiacum sanctum, bastard lignum vitae
small evergreen tree of the southern United States and West Indies a source of lignum vitae wood
any of various willows having pliable twigs used in basketry and furniture
Huntingdon willow, Salix alba, white willow
large willow tree of Eurasia and North Africa having greyish canescent leaves and grey bark
Salix alba sericea, Salix sericea, silky willow, silver willow
North American willow with greyish silky pubescent leaves that usually blacken in drying
Salix alba caerulea, cricket-bat willow
Eurasian willow tree having greyish leaves and ascending branches
Salix arctica, arctic willow
low creeping shrub of Arctic Europe and America
Babylonian weeping willow, Salix babylonica, weeping willow
willow with long drooping branches and slender leaves native to China; widely cultivated as an ornamental
Salix blanda, Salix pendulina, Salix pendulina blanda, Wisconsin weeping willow
hybrid willow usually not strongly weeping in habit
Salix discolor, pussy willow
small willow of eastern North America having greyish leaves and silky catkins that come before the leaves
any of several Old World shrubby broad-leaved willows having large catkins; some are important sources for tanbark and charcoal
Salix amygdaloides, almond-leaves willow, peach-leaved willow, peachleaf willow
willow of the western United States with leaves like those of peach or almond trees
Salix candida, hoary willow, sage willow
North American shrub with whitish canescent leaves
Salix fragilis, brittle willow, crack willow, snap willow
large willow tree with stiff branches that are easily broken
Salix humilis, prairie willow
slender shrubby willow of dry areas of North America
Salix herbacea, dwarf willow
widely distributed boreal shrubby willow with partially underground creeping stems and bright green glossy leaves
Salix cinerea, gray willow, grey willow
Eurasian shrubby willow with whitish tomentose twigs
Salix lasiolepis, arroyo willow
shrubby willow of the western United States
Salix lucida, shining willow
common North American shrub with shiny lanceolate leaves
Salix nigra, black willow, swamp willow
North American shrubby willow having dark bark and linear leaves growing close to streams and lakes
Salix pentandra, bay willow, laurel willow
European willow tree with shining leathery leaves; widely naturalized in the eastern United States
Salix pyrifolia, balsam willow
small shrubby tree of eastern North America having leaves exuding an odor of balsam when crushed
Salix repens, creeping willow
small trailing bush of Europe and Asia having straggling branches with silky green leaves of which several varieties are cultivated
Salix sitchensis, Sitka willow, silky willow
small shrubby tree of western North America (Alaska to Oregon)
Salix tristis, dwarf gray willow, dwarf grey willow, sage willow
willow shrub of dry places in the eastern United States having long narrow leaves canescent beneath
Salix uva-ursi, bearberry willow
dwarf prostrate mat-forming shrub of Arctic and alpine regions of North America and Greenland having deep green elliptic leaves that taper toward the base
poplar, poplar tree
any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins
Sapindus drumondii, Sapindus marginatus, wild China tree
deciduous tree of southwestern United States having pulpy fruit containing saponin
China tree, Sapindus saponaria, chinaberry, false dogwood, jaboncillo
evergreen of tropical America having pulpy fruit containing saponin which was used as soap by Native Americans
any of various tree of the genus Harpullia
Cliftonia monophylla, buckwheat tree, titi
tree of low-lying coastal areas of southeastern United States having glossy leaves and racemes of fragrant white flowers
any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer bearing winged seeds in pairs; north temperate zone
any tree or shrub of the genus Ilex having red berries and shiny evergreen leaves with prickly edges
Astronium fraxinifolium, goncalo alves
tall tropical American timber tree especially abundant in eastern Brazil; yields hard strong durable zebrawood with straight grain and dark strips on a pinkish to yellowish ground; widely used for veneer and furniture and heavy construction
Pistacia terebinthus, terebinth
a Mediterranean tree yielding Chian turpentine
Aesculus hippocastanum, buckeye, horse chestnut
tree having palmate leaves and large clusters of white to red flowers followed by brown shiny inedible seeds
marble-wood, marblewood
hard marbled wood
Chrysophyllum oliviforme, caimitillo, damson plum, satin leaf, satinleaf
tropical American timber tree with dark hard heavy wood and small plumlike purple fruit
silver bell
any of various deciduous trees of the genus Halesia having white bell-shaped flowers
London plane, Platanus acerifolia
very large fast-growing tree much planted as a street tree
American plane, American sycamore, Platanus occidentalis, buttonwood
very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central North America to Mexico
Platanus orientalis, oriental plane
large tree of southeastern Europe to Asia Minor
California sycamore, Platanus racemosa
tall tree of Baja California having deciduous bark and large alternate palmately lobed leaves and ball-shaped clusters of flowers
Arizona sycamore, Platanus wrightii
medium-sized tree of Arizona and adjacent regions having deeply lobed leaves and collective fruits in groups of 3 to 5
Indian bean, catalpa
tree of the genus Catalpa with large leaves and white flowers followed by long slender pods
Cordia alliodora, Equador laurel, Spanish elm, cypre, princewood, salmwood
large tropical American tree of the genus Cordia grown for its abundant creamy white flowers and valuable wood
Avicennia marina, black mangrove
a mangrove of the West Indies and the southern Florida coast; occurs in dense thickets and has numerous short roots that bend up from the ground
Jatropha curcus, physic nut
small tropical American tree yielding purple dye and a tanning extract and bearing physic nuts containing a purgative oil that is poisonous in large quantities
Hevea brasiliensis, Para rubber tree, caoutchouc tree
deciduous tree of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers having leathery leaves and fragrant yellow-white flowers; it yields a milky juice that is the chief source of commercial rubber
Aleurites moluccana, candlenut, varnish tree
large tree native to southeastern Asia; the nuts yield oil used in varnishes; nut kernels strung together are used locally as candles
Aleurites fordii, tung, tung tree, tung-oil tree
Chinese tree bearing seeds that yield tung oil
cornel, dogwood, dogwood tree
a tree of shrub of the genus Cornus often having showy bracts resembling flowers
conifer, coniferous tree
any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
nut tree
tree bearing edible nuts
spice tree
tree bearing aromatic bark or berries
ming tree
a dwarfed evergreen conifer or shrub shaped to have flat-topped asymmetrical branches and grown in a container
ming tree
an artificial plant resembling a bonsai
a mountain mahogany
ligneous plant, woody plant
a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems
2n a figure that branches from a single root
genealogical tree
tree diagram
a tree diagram used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships
a tree diagram showing a reconstruction of the transmission of manuscripts of a literary work
plane figure, two-dimensional figure
a two-dimensional shape
3v chase an animal up a tree
the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it
her dog likes to tree squirrels
chase, chase after, dog, give chase, go after, tag, tail, track, trail
go after with the intent to catch
4v force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
channelise, channelize, direct, guide, head, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, point, steer
direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
5v plant with trees
this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer
plant, set
put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground
v stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree
elongate, stretch
make long or longer by pulling and stretching
(once / 1341 pages)

Tree: Trees
They collected specimens near One Tree Island in the Great Barrier Reef, off the northeast coast of Australia.
New York Times(Dec 28, 2016)
That’s when he met up with Big Tree Farms co-founder Ben Ripple, who was working in Bali.
Washington Times(Dec 31, 2016)
Trees on city streets may worsen rather than reduce air pollution.
BBC(Dec 30, 2016)
n English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree
actor, histrion, player, role player, thespian
a theatrical performer
theatrical producer
someone who produces theatrical performances




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