单词 | monocot genus |
释义 | monocot genus (extremely rare) n WORD FAMILY monocot genus n genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed Syn|Hypo|Hyper liliopsid genus liliid monocot genus genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils Juncus, genus Juncustype genus of the Juncaceae; perennial tufted glabrous marsh plants of temperate regions: rushes genus Arumtype genus of the Araceae: tuberous perennial herbs of Europe and Asia with usually heart-shaped leaves Acorus, genus Acorussweet flags; sometimes placed in subfamily Acoraceae Aglaonema, genus Aglaonemaclimbing herbs of southeastern Asia having thick fleshy oblong leaves and naked unisexual flowers: Chinese evergreen genus Alocasiatropical Asiatic herbs similar to Colocasia but distinguished by a large sterile spadix genus Amorphophallusgenus of large tropical east Asian cormous aroids: devil's tongue; snake palm genus Anthuriumlarge genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated as houseplants Arisaema, genus Arisaematuberous or rhizomatous herbaceous perennials Arisarum, genus Arisarumtuberous or rhizomatous perennial herbs; mainly Mediterranean area genus Caladiumsmall genus of tropical South American tuberous perennials with large variously colored leaves Calla, genus Callawater arum Colocasia, genus Colocasiasmall genus of perennial tuberous herbs of tropical Asia: taro genus Cryptocorynewater trumpet; aquatic herbs having broad leaves and long slender spathes; often used as aquarium plants Dieffenbachia, genus Dieffenbachiaevergreen perennial herbs of tropical America with lush foliage and poisonous sap; often cultivated as houseplants genus Dracontiumsmall genus of tropical American cormous herbs Dracunculus, genus Dracunculustuberous herbaceous perennials: dragon arum Epipremnum, genus Epipremnumsmall genus of evergreen lianas of southeastern Asia to western Pacific areas Lysichiton, Lysichitum, genus Lysichiton, genus Lysichitumskunk cabbage genus Monsteratropical American climbing plant with deeply incised leaves genus Nephthytissmall genus of tropical western African creeping or twining herbs Orontium, genus Orontiumone species of aquatic plant: golden club Peltandra, genus Peltandrasmall genus of North American marsh or aquatic herbs genus Philodendronany of several tropical American climbing plants with smooth shiny evergreen leaves genus Pistiaone species: water lettuce Scindapsus, genus Pothos, genus Scindapsusevergreen climbers with adhesive adventitious roots; southeastern Asia and Brazil genus Spathiphyllumevergreen rhizomatous perennials of tropical America and Philippines and Indonesia Symplocarpus, genus Symplocarpusone species: skunk cabbage Syngonium, genus Syngoniumepiphytic or terrestrial climbing shrubs of Central and South America; used as ornamental houseplants for their velvety foliage Xanthosoma, genus Xanthosomatropical American tuberous perennials Zantedeschia, genus Zantedeschiacalla lily Lemna, genus Lemnaminute aquatic herbs floating on or below the water surface of still water consisting of a leaflike frond or plant body and single root Spirodela, genus Spirodelaminute aquatic herbs floating on the water surface consisting of a shiny leaflike frond and 2-21 roots Wolffia, genus Wolffiaminute rootless aquatic herbs having globular fronds floating on or near the water surface and bearing one flower per frond Wolffiella, genus Wolffiellaminute rootless aquatic herbs having flat fronds floating on or below the water surface and bearing 1-2 flowers per frond; America and Africa genus Orchistype genus of the orchid family; hardy terrestrial orchids of the temperate the northern hemisphere genus Aeridesepiphytic orchids of tropical Asia having stiff leaves and fragrant white flowers in arching racemes Angraecum, genus Angraecum, genus Angrecumgenus of tropical Old World epiphytic orchids with showy flowers sometimes grotesque Anoectochilus, genus Anoectochilusgenus of delicate Asiatic orchids Aplectrum, genus Aplectruma monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae genus Arethusagenus of bog orchids of North America and Japan genus Bletiagenus of tropical American terrestrial orchids with large purple or pink flowers Bletilla, genus Bletillasmall genus of chiefly east Asiatic hardy terrestrial orchids similar to genus Bletia genus Brassavolagenus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic rhizomatous orchids Brassia, genus Brassiagenus of tropical American epiphytic orchids having striking axillary racemes of yellow to green spiderlike flowers with long slender sepals and warty lips: spider orchids genus Caladeniaterrestrial orchids of Australia to New Caledonia genus Calanthelarge and widely distributed genus of terrestrial orchids Calopogon, genus Calopogonterrestrial orchids of North America genus Calypsoone species found throughout much of northern North America and Eurasia Catasetum, genus Catasetumgenus of tropical American orchids having showy male and female flowers usually on separate inflorescences genus Cattleyalarge and highly valued genus of beautiful tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchids; the typical orchids; known in many varieties Cephalanthera, genus Cephalantherasmall genus of temperate Old World terrestrial orchids Cleistes, genus Cleistesterrestrial orchids of North and South America having slender fibrous roots; allied to genus Pogonia Coeloglossum, genus Coeloglossumterrestrial orchids of cooler parts of North America and Europe: satyr orchid genus Coelogynelarge diverse genus of tropical Asiatic epiphytic orchids Corallorhiza, genus Corallorhizagenus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; widely distributed in temperate regions Coryanthes, genus Coryanthessmall genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchids Cycnoches, genus Cycnochesgenus of epiphytic or terrestrial tropical American orchids genus Cymbidiumgenus of tropical epiphytic or terrestrial Old World orchids; one of the most popular orchid genera Cypripedium, genus Cypripediumgenus of chiefly American perennial leafy-stemmed orchids: lady's slippers; sometimes includes species of genus Paphiopedilum Dactylorhiza, genus Dactylorhizagenus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and Asia and North Africa genus Dendrobiumlarge genus and variable genus of chiefly epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Asia and Australasia genus Disagenus of showy tropical African terrestrial orchids Dracula, genus Draculacomprises tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: diminutive plants having bizarre and often sinister-looking flowers with pendulous scapes and motile lips Dryadella, genus Dryadellacomprises tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: very dwarf plants having short tufted and usually unifoliate stems with usually solitary flowers Eburophyton, genus Eburophytona monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae Encyclia, genus Encyclialarge genus of epiphytic and lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas and West Indies; formerly included in genus Epidendrum Epidendrum, genus Epidendrumlarge and variable genus of terrestrial or epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas; some native to United States Epipactis, genus Epipactisgenus of hardy orchids with leafy-bracted racemes of greenish or purplish irregular flowers Glossodia, genus Glossodiasmall genus of Australian orchids Goodyera, genus Goodyeragenus of small orchids of the northern hemisphere with creeping rhizomes and stalked ovate leaves and small flowers Grammatophyllum, genus Grammatophyllumsmall genus of large epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of southeastern Asia to Polynesia; the giants of the Orchidaceae having long narrow leaves and drooping flower clusters often 6 feet long Gymnadenia, genus Gymnadeniasmall genus of terrestrial orchids of North America and temperate Eurasia Gymnadeniopsis, genus Gymnadeniopsisgenus of North American terrestrial orchids usually included in genus Habenaria Habenaria, genus Habenariachiefly terrestrial orchids with tubers or fleshy roots often having long slender spurs and petals and lip lobes; includes species formerly placed in genus Gymnadeniopsis Hexalectris, genus Hexalectrisa monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae Himantoglossum, genus Himantoglossumsmall genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and Mediterranean region genus Laelialarge genus of mostly epiphytic or lithophytic Central and South American orchids of various sizes genus Liparisgenus of terrestrial and epiphytic orchids; pantropical to temperate Listera, genus Listeragenus of terrestrial orchids having usually a single pair of broad shining leaves near the middle of the stem; found in temperate Asia and North America and Europe Malaxis, genus Malaxislarge genus of largely terrestrial orchids with one or a few plicate leaves and slender spikes or tiny mostly green flowers; cosmopolitan genus Masdevallialarge genus of tropical American mostly epiphytic orchids whose flowers have sepals fused at the base forming a tube; includes orchids sometimes placed in genera Dracula and Dryadella and Scaphosepalum genus Maxillarialarge genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with persistent leathery leaves and single-flowered scapes Miltonia, genus Miltoniagenus of tropical American orchids genus Odontoglossumlarge and important genus of tropical American mostly epiphytic orchids; some of the most widely grown species are often placed in other genera genus Oncidiumlarge genus of showy epiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial orchids of tropical and subtropical America Ophrys, genus Ophrysa hardy genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and northern Africa and western Asia Paphiopedilum, genus Paphiopedilumhorticulturally important genus of mainly terrestrial orchids including many hybrids; southeastern Asia and Indonesia to Philippines and Solomon Islands; Paphiopedilum species sometimes included in genus Cypripedium genus Phaiusgenus of Asiatic and Australian terrestrial orchids Phalaenopsis, genus Phalaenopsisgenus of ornamental epiphytic orchids of Asia and Australia Pholidota, genus Pholidotagenus of mostly epiphytic orchids of Indonesia and the western Pacific Phragmipedium, genus Phragmipediumgenus of tropical American orchid species often included in genus Cypripedium or Paphiopedilum and Selenipedium: lady slippers Platanthera, genus Platantheraherbaceous terrestrial orchids of temperate northern and southern hemispheres Plectorrhiza, genus Plectorrhizasmall genus of Australian orchids Pleione, genus Pleionesmall genus of dwarf orchids; India to Thailand and Taiwan genus Pleurothallislarge genus of epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical America genus Pogoniasmall but widely distributed genus of orchids closely related to genus Cleistes;: of damp or boggy areas of north temperate zone Psychopsis, genus Psychopsisepiphytic orchids of Central and South America formerly included in genus Oncidium Pterostylis, genus Pterostylisgenus of terrestrial orchids of Australia and New Zealand and western Pacific Rhyncostylis, genus Rhyncostylisgenus of epiphytic orchids of tropical Asia Sarcochilus, genus Sarcochilusdiminutive epiphytic or lithophytic orchids with clumped short-stemmed foliage and arching racemes of colorful flowers; Australia and Polynesia to southeastern Asia Scaphosepalum, genus Scaphosepalumcomprises some tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: diminutive plants with small flowers carried on one scape Schomburgkia, genus Schomburgkiagenus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with showy racemose flowers Selenipedium, genus Selenipediumgenus of tall reedlike tropical American orchids; includes species with pods used locally as a substitute for vanilla genus Sobraliagenus of tropical American orchids Spiranthes, genus Spirantheslarge cosmopolitan genus of white-flowered terrestrial orchids genus Stanhopeagenus of tropical American epiphytic orchids genus Stelisgenus of small caespitose orchids of tropical America Trichoceros, genus Trichocerossmall genus of small epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of tropical South America genus Vandagenus of showy epiphytic orchids of Himalayas to Malaysia genus Vanillalarge genus of tropical climbing orchids; Old and New Worlds Burmannia, genus Burmanniatype genus of the Burmanniaceae; slender herbs of warm regions with leaves resembling scales and flowers with a three-angled or three-winged perianth Aegilops, genus Aegilopsgoat grass Agropyron, genus Agropyronperennial grasses of temperate and cool regions: wheatgrass; dog grass Alopecurus, genus Alopecurusannual or perennial grasses including decorative and meadow species as well as notorious agricultural weeds Andropogon, genus Andropogontall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes; warm regions Arundo, genus Arundoany of several coarse tall perennial grasses of most warm areas: reeds Bromus, genus Bromusa genus of grasses of the family Gramineae Bouteloua, genus Boutelouaforage grasses Buchloe, genus Buchloebuffalo grass Calamagrostis, genus Calamagrostisreed grass Cenchrus, genus Cenchrusa genus of grasses of the family Gramineae that have burs Chloris, genus Chloristufted or perennial or annual grasses having runners: finger grass; windmill grass Cortaderia, genus Cortaderiatall ornamental grasses of South America and New Zealand and New Guinea: pampas grass Cynodon, genus Cynodoncreeping perennial grasses of tropical and southern Africa Dactylis, genus Dactylisa monocotyledonous grass of the family Gramineae (has only one species) Dactyloctenium, genus Dactylocteniuma monocotyledonous genus of the family Gramineae Digitaria, genus Digitariacrab grass; finger grass Echinochloa, genus Echinochloaannual or perennial succulent grasses of warm regions Eleusine, genus Eleusineannual and perennial grasses of savannas and upland grasslands Elymus, genus Elymustall tufted perennial grasses (such as lyme grass or wild rye) Eragrostis, genus Eragrostisannual or perennial grasses of tropics and subtropics Erianthus, genus Erianthusgenus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky hairs Festuca, genus Festucaa genus of tufted perennial grasses of the family Gramineae Glyceria, genus Glyceriamanna grass Holcus, genus Holcusa genus of Old World grasses widely cultivated in America Hordeum, genus Hordeumannual to perennial grasses of temperate northern hemisphere and South America: barley Leymus, genus Leymusgenus that in some classifications overlaps the genus Elymus Lolium, genus Loliumdarnel; ryegrass Muhlenbergia, genus Muhlenbergiaa genus of grasses of the family Gramineae grown in America and Asia Oryza, genus Oryzarice Oryzopsis, genus Oryzopsisrice grass Panicum, genus Panicumpanic grass genus Paspaluma genus of perennial grasses of warm regions Pennisetum, genus Pennisetuma genus of Old World grasses Phalaris, genus Phalarisa genus of grasses with broad leaves and a dense spike of flowers Phleum, genus Phleumgrasses native to temperate regions Phragmites, genus Phragmitesreeds of marshes and riversides in tropical or temperate regions Poa, genus Poachiefly perennial grasses of cool temperate regions Saccharum, genus Saccharumtall perennial reedlike grass originally of southeastern Asia: sugarcane Schizachyrium, genus Schizachyriumoverlaps the genus Andropogon Secale, genus Secalecereal grass widely cultivated for its grain: rye Setaria, genus Setariaannual or perennial grasses of warm regions: bristlegrasses Sorghum, genus Sorghumannual or perennial tropical and subtropical cereal grasses: sorghum Spartina, genus Spartinagrass of freshwater swamps and salt marshes of Europe, Africa, America, and South Atlantic islands Sporobolus, genus Sporoboluscosmopolitan annual and perennial grasses (as dropseed or rush grass) Stenotaphrum, genus Stenotaphrumlawn grasses Triticum, genus Triticumannual cereal grasses from Mediterranean area; widely cultivated in temperate regions Zea, genus Zeacorn Zizania, genus Zizaniawild rice Zoisia, genus Zoisia, genus Zoysialawn grasses native to southeastern Asia and New Zealand; grown especially in warm regions Bambusa, genus Bambusatall tender clumping bamboos Arundinaria, genus ArundinariaNorth American bamboo Dendrocalamus, genus Dendrocalamusgiant clump-forming bamboos Phyllostachys, genus Phyllostachysmedium and large bamboos Cyperus, genus Cyperustype genus of Cyperaceae; grasslike rhizomatous herbs; cosmopolitan except very cold regions Carex, genus Carexlarge genus of plants found in damp woodlands and bogs and ditches or at water margins: sedges Eriophorum, genus Eriophorumcotton grass Scirpus, genus Scirpusrhizomatous perennial grasslike herbs Eleocharis, genus Eleocharissedges having dense spikes of flowers and leaves reduced to basal sheaths genus Pandanustype genus of the Pandanaceae (as screw pines) Typha, genus Typhareed maces; cattails Sparganium, genus Sparganiumtype and sole genus of Sparganiaceae; marsh or aquatic herbs of temperate regions Haemodorum, genus Haemodorumtype genus of family Haemodoraceae Anigozanthus, genus Anigozanthusgenus of monocotyledonous plants with curious woolly flowers on sturdy stems above a fan of sword-shaped leaves; includes kangaroo's paw and Australian sword lily; sometimes placed in family Amaryllidaceae genus Cannatype and sole genus of the Cannaceae: perennial lily-like herbs of New World tropics genus Marantaherbs of tropical America Musa, genus Musatype genus of the Musaceae: bananas Ensete, genus EnseteOld World tropical herbs: Abyssinian bananas Strelitzia, genus Strelitziasmall genus of large perennial evergreen herbs having leaves resembling those of banana plants; sometimes placed in family Musaceae genus Ravenalawoody tropical plants with tall trunks; sometimes placed in family Musaceae Zingiber, genus Zingibertropical Asiatic and Polynesian perennial plants: ginger Curcuma, genus Curcumatropical Asiatic perennial herbs Elettaria, genus Elettariacardamom Acrocomia, genus AcrocomiaCentral and South American feather palms genus Arecaa monocotyledonous genus of palm trees Attalea, genus Attaleaunarmed feather palms of central and northern South America Borassus, genus Borassuspalmyra genus Calamusdistinctive often spiny-stemmed palms found as climbers in tropical and subtropical forest Caryota, genus Caryotafishtail palms Ceroxylon, genus Ceroxylonwax palms Cocos, genus Cocoscoconut palms Copernicia, genus Coperniciaslow-growing tropical fan palms genus Corozoa monocotyledonous genus of tropical American palm trees Corypha, genus Coryphalarge fan palms of tropical Asia to Australia Elaeis, genus Elaeisoil palms Euterpe, genus Euterpea monocotyledonous genus of graceful palm trees in tropical America Metroxylon, genus Metroxylona genus of Malayan pinnate-leaved palm trees that flower and fruit once and then die Nipa, Nypa, genus Nipa, genus Nypamonotypic genus of palms of Australasia Orbignya, genus Orbignyapalms of southern Mexico to northern South America: babassu palm genus Phoenicophorium, phoenicophoriumlatanier palm genus Phoenix, phoenixa large monocotyledonous genus of pinnate-leaved palms found in Asia and Africa Raffia, Raphia, genus Raffia, genus Raphiafeather palm of tropical Africa and Madagascar and Central and South America widely grown for commercial purposes Rhapis, genus Rhapisgenus of small clump-forming fan palms of China and Japan Roystonea, genus Roystoneaa monocotyledonous genus of West Indian feather palms Sabal, genus SabalAmerican dwarf fan palms Serenoa, genus Serenoaone species: saw palmetto Thrinax, genus Thrinaxsmall to medium-sized fan palms Xyris, genus Xyrischiefly American marsh plants, having usually yellow flowers genus Commelinatype genus of the Commelinaceae; large genus of herbs of branching or creeping habit: day flower; widow's tears Tradescantia, genus Tradescantiaspiderworts Ananas, genus Ananasa genus of tropical American plants have sword-shaped leaves and a fleshy compound fruits composed of the fruits of several flowers (such as pineapples) Bromeliathe type genus of the family Bromeliaceae which includes tropical American plants with deeply cleft calyx Tillandsia, genus Tillandsialarge genus of epiphytic or terrestrial sparse-rooting tropical plants usually forming dense clumps or pendant masses Mayaca, genus Mayacasmall genus of delicate mossy bog plants having white or violet flowers Eriocaulon, genus Eriocaulontype genus of the Eriocaulaceae: rushlike aquatic or marginal perennials usually found in shallow waters of acid lakes and pools and bogs Pontederia, genus Pontederiapickerelweed Eichhornia, genus Eichhorniawater hyacinth; water orchid Heteranthera, genus Heterantheramud plantains Naias, Najas, genus Naias, genus Najassole genus of the family Naiadaceae Alisma, genus Alismasmall genus of aquatic or semiaquatic plants Sagittaria, genus Sagittariagenus of aquatic herbs of temperate and tropical regions having sagittate or hastate leaves and white scapose flowers Hydrocharis, genus Hydrocharisfrogbit genus Hydrillaone species Limnobium, genus LimnobiumAmerican frogbit Elodea, ditchmoss, genus Elodea, pondweedsubmerged freshwater perennials Egeria, genus Egeriasmall genus of dioecious tropical aquatic plants Vallisneria, genus Vallisneriaeelgrass; eel grass Potamogeton, genus Potamogetona large genus of aquatic herbs found in quiet waters in temperate regions; leaves usually float on the water Groenlandia, genus Groenlandiaa monocotyledonous genus of the family Potamogetonaceae Triglochin, genus Triglochinperennial or annual bog or marsh plants; includes arrow grass Zannichellia, genus Zannichelliahorned pondweed: completely submerged herbs; in some classifications included in Potamogetonaceae Zostera, genus Zostera(or in some classifications family Zosteraceae) small genus of widely distributed marine plants genus Irislarge genus of perennials that develop from bulbs or rhizomes Belamcanda, genus Belamcandaa monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae genus Crocusa monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae genus Freesiacormous perennial herbs; native to South Africa genus Gladiolusgladiolas Ixia, genus Ixiaa monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae Sisyrinchium, genus Sisyrinchiumchiefly North American grasslike herbs Sparaxis, genus Sparaxisdeciduous perennial herbs of South Africa genus Amaryllistype genus of the Amaryllidaceae; bulbous flowering plants of southern Africa Bomarea, genus Bomarealarge genus of tropical American vines having showy often spotted umbellate flowers; sometimes placed in family Liliaceae especially subfamily Alstroemeriaceae Haemanthus, genus Haemanthusgenus of African deciduous or evergreen bulbous herbs: blood lilies genus Hippeastrumbulbous flowering plants of tropical America genus NarcissusOld World perennial bulbous herbs Strekelia, genus Strekeliaa monocotyledonous genus of the amaryllis family Hypoxis, genus Hypoxissmall plants that resemble amaryllis and that grow from a corm and bear flowers on a leafless stalk; sometimes classified as member of the family Amaryllidaceae: star grass Lilium, genus Liliumtype genus of Liliaceae genus Agapanthussmall genus of South African evergreen or deciduous plants; sometimes placed in the family or subfamily Alliaceae genus Albucagenus of bulbous plants of South Africa; sometimes placed in subfamily Hyacinthaceae Aletris, genus Aletrissmall genus of bitter-rooted herbs of eastern North America and Asia; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae Allium, genus Alliumlarge genus of perennial and biennial pungent bulbous plants: garlic; leek; onion; chive; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae as the type genus genus Aloelarge genus of chiefly African liliaceous plants; in some systems placed in family Aloeaceae genus Kniphofiagenus of showy clump-forming African herbs with grasslike leaves; sometimes placed in family Aloeaceae genus Alstroemeriagenus of showy South American herbs with leafy stems; sometimes placed in family Alstroemeriaceae or in family Amaryllidaceae Amianthum, genus Amianthumone species: fly poison; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae Anthericum, genus Anthericumgenus of Old World (mainly African) perennial herbs; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceae Aphyllanthes, genus Aphyllanthesone species; small fibrous-rooted perennial with rushlike foliage and deep blue flowers; sometimes placed in its own family Aphyllanthaceae genus Asparaguslarge genus of Old World perennial herbs with erect or spreading or climbing stems and small scalelike leaves and inconspicuous flowers; sometimes placed in family Asparagaceae Asphodeline, genus Asphodelinegenus of rhizomatous perennial or biennial herbs with numerous sometimes fragrant flowers in long cylindrical racemes; Mediterranean region to Caucasus; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceae Asphodelus, genus Asphodelussmall genus of tall striking annuals or perennials with grasslike foliage and flowers in dense racemes or panicles; Mediterranean to Himalayas; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceae genus Aspidistragenus of eastern Asiatic herbs; sometimes placed in the family Convallariaceae Bessera, genus Besserasmall genus of cormous perennials of Mexico; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae Blandfordia, genus Blandfordiasmall genus of tuberous Australian perennial herbs Bloomeria, genus Bloomeriasmall genus of bulbous perennial herbs of southwestern United States and Mexico; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae Bowiea, genus Bowieasmall genus of tropical African perennial bulbous herbs with deciduous twining stems; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae genus Brodiaeagenus of western United States bulbous plants with basal leaves and variously colored flowers; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae Calochortus, genus Calochortuslarge genus of western North American leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs Camassia, Quamassia, genus Camassia, genus Quamassiagenus of scapose herbs of North and South America having large edible bulbs Erythronium, genus Erythroniumperennial bulbous herbs most of northern United States: dogtooth violet; adder's tongue; trout lily; fawn lily Fritillaria, genus Fritillariafritillary Tulipa, genus TulipaEurasian perennial bulbous herbs Colchicum, genus Colchicumchiefly fall-blooming perennial cormous herbs; sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae genus Gloriosasometimes placed in family Colchicaceae; one species: glory lily Hemerocallis, genus Hemerocalliseast Asian rhizomatous clump-forming perennial herbs having flowers on long leafless stalks; cosmopolitan in cultivation: day lilies; sometimes placed in subfamily Hemerocallidaceae Funka, Hosta, genus Funka, genus Hostarobust east Asian clump-forming perennial herbs having racemose flowers: plantain lilies; sometimes placed in family Hostaceae genus Hyacinthussometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae as the type genus Hyacinthoides, genus Hyacinthoidessmall genus of perennial bulbs of western Europe and North Africa; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae Ornithogalum, genus Ornithogalumsometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae Muscari, genus Muscarisometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae genus Scillasometimes placed in subfamily Hyacinthaceae Tofieldia, genus Tofieldiagenus of perennial herbs of cool temperate regions; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae Urginea, genus UrgineaMediterranean liliaceous plants; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae Ruscus, genus Ruscusa genus of European evergreen shrubs; sometimes placed in family Asparagaceae Narthecium, genus Nartheciumbog asphodels; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae Veratrum, genus Veratruma genus of coarse poisonous perennial herbs; sometimes placed in subfamily Melanthiaceae Xerophyllum, genus Xerophyllumsmall genus of North American herbs having grasslike basal leaves: squaw grass; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae Xanthorroea, genus Xanthorroeagrass trees; sometimes placed in family Xanthorrhoeaceae Zigadenus, genus Zigadenusgenus of mostly North American poisonous plants; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae genus Trilliumdeciduous perennial herbs; sometimes placed in family Liliaceae Smilax, genus Smilaxsometimes placed in Smilacaceae Convallaria, genus Convallariasometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: lily of the valley genus Clintoniasometimes placed in family Convallariaceae Liriope, genus Liriopesometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: lilyturf Maianthemum, genus Maianthemumsometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: false lily of the valley Polygonatum, genus Polygonatumsometimes placed in subfamily Convallariaceae Uvularia, genus Uvulariagenus of perennial rhizomatous herb of southern and southeastern United States Tacca, genus Taccagenus of tropical plants with creeping rootstocks and small umbellate flowers genus Agavetype genus of the Agavaceae; in some classifications considered a genus of Amaryllidaceae Cordyline, genus CordylineAsiatic and Pacific trees or shrubs; fragments of the trunk will regrow to form whole plants genus DracaenaOld World tropical plants with branches ending in tufts of sword-shaped leaves; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae Nolina, genus Nolinaperennial plants resembling yucca; found in southern United States and Mexico Polianthes, genus Polianthesgenus of perennial tuberous herbs having lily-like flowers; Mexico; sometimes placed in family Amaryllidaceae genus SansevieriaOld World tropical herbaceous perennial of the agave family; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae genus Yuccatropical American plants with stiff lancelike leaves and spikes of white blossoms; sometimes considered a genus of Amaryllidaceae common arrowheada weed genus (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
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