单词 | business |
释义 | business (once / 19 pages) 1n 2n If you are in Hong Kong to do work, then you’re away on business. The word business can refer to the activities you perform for your job. The word business often refers to an occupation (like "she owns her own business") or a particular trade, like show business. Business can also describe an enterprise's financial goal, as in, a store that uses advertising to attract business, or its activity — like a store that does most of its business on weekends. It isn't always easy to run a business. In fact, it comes from the Old English word bisignis, which meant “anxiety." WORD FAMILYbusiness: businesses, businesslike+/busy: busied, busier, busies, busiest, busily, business, busying, busyly, busyness, overbusy/busyness: busynesses USAGE EXAMPLESShe put teaching on the back burner and helped her husband run his clock business. Wall Street Journal(Jan 02, 2017) “It’s a business decision that ignores the culinary tradition of Roman cuisine,” he said. New York Times(Jan 02, 2017) This year, according to the models Mass trusts, looks like a “ La Nada year” — business as usual. Seattle Times(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1n the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money he's not in my line of business Syn|Hypo|Hyper job, line, line of work, occupation confectionery the occupation and skills of a confectioner sportthe occupation of athletes who compete for pay farming, landagriculture considered as an occupation or way of life biz, gameyour occupation or line of work calling, career, vocationthe particular occupation for which you are trained employment, workthe occupation for which you are paid appointmentthe job to which you are (or hope to be) appointed berth, billet, office, place, position, post, situation, spota job in an organization salt mine, treadmilla job involving drudgery and confinement craft, tradethe skilled practice of a practical occupation professionan occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences) medium, metieran occupation for which you are especially well suited accountancy, accountingthe occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business photographythe occupation of taking and printing photographs or making movies cateringproviding food and services coaching, coaching jobthe job of a professional coach booking, engagementemployment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time ministrythe work of a minister of religion navigation, sailing, seafaringthe work of a sailor professional boxingboxing for money professional wrestlingwrestling for money sumoa Japanese form of wrestling; you lose if you are forced out of a small ring or if any part of your body (other than your feet) touches the ground professional golfplaying golf for money professional footballfootball played for pay professional baseballplaying baseball for money professional basketballplaying basketball for money professional tennisplaying tennis for money work load, workloadwork that a person is expected to do in a specified time pieceworkwork paid for according to the quantity produced specialisation, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialtythe special line of work you have adopted as your career lifeworkthe principal work of your career walk, walk of lifecareers in general serviceemployment in or work for another telecommuting, teleworkingemployment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone or fax or modem servicesperformance of duties or provision of space and equipment helpful to others public serviceemployment within a government system (especially in the civil service) academicianshipthe position of member of an honorary academy accountantshipthe position of accountant admiraltythe office of admiral ambassadorshipthe post of ambassador apostleshipthe position of apostle apprenticeship, internshipthe position of apprentice associateshipthe position of associate (as in an office or academy) attorneyshipthe position of attorney bailiffshipthe office of bailiff baronetagethe state of a baronet bishopry, episcopatethe office and dignity of a bishop cadetshipthe position of cadet caliphatethe office of a caliph captaincy, captainshipthe post of captain cardinalshipthe office of cardinal chairmanshipthe position of chairman chancellorshipthe office of chancellor chaplaincy, chaplainshipthe position of chaplain chieftaincy, chieftainshipthe position of chieftain clerkshipthe job of clerk commandership, commanderythe position or office of commander comptrollershipthe position of comptroller consulshipthe post of consul controllershipthe position of controller councillorship, councilorshipthe position of council member counsellorship, counselorshipthe position of counselor curacythe position of a curate curatorshipthe position of curator custodianshipthe position of custodian deanery, deanshipthe position or office of a dean directorshipthe position of a director of a business concern discipleshipthe position of disciple editorshipthe position of editor eldershipthe office of elder emiratethe office of an emir fatherhoodthe status of a father fatherhoodthe status of a religious leader foremanshipthe position of foreman generalcy, generalshipthe office and authority of a general governorshipthe office of governor headshipthe position of head headshipthe position of headmaster or headmistress hot seata difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticism incumbencythe office of an incumbent inspectorshipthe office of inspector instructorshipthe position of instructor internshipthe position of a medical intern judgeship, judicaturethe position of judge khanatethe position of a khan lectureshipthe post of lecturer legateship, legationthe post or office of legate legislatorshipthe office of legislator librarianshipthe position of librarian lieutenancythe position of a lieutenant magistracy, magistraturethe position of magistrate managershipthe position of manager manhoodthe status of being a man marshalshipthe post of marshall mastershipthe position of master mayoraltythe position of mayor messiahshipthe position of messiah moderatorshipthe position of moderator overlordshipthe position of overlord pastorate, pastorshipthe position of pastor peasanthoodthe state of being a peasant pluma highly desirable position or assignment praetorshipthe office of praetor precentorshipthe position of precentor preceptorshipthe position of preceptor prefecturethe office of prefect prelacy, prelaturethe office or station of a prelate premiershipthe office of premier presidency, presidentshipthe office and function of president primateshipthe office of primate principalshipthe post of principal priorshipthe office of prior proconsulate, proconsulshipthe position of proconsul proctorshipthe position of proctor chair, professorshipthe position of professor protectorshipthe position of protector public officea position concerning the people as a whole rabbinatethe office or function of a rabbi receivershipthe office of a receiver rectorate, rectorshipthe office or station of a rector regencythe office of a regent residencythe position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship) rulershipthe position of ruler sainthoodthe status and dignity of a saint secretaryshipthe position of secretary feudal lordship, seigneury, seigniorythe position and authority of a feudal lord senatorshipthe office of senator sinecurean office that involves minimal duties solicitorshipthe position of solicitor speakershipthe position of Speaker stewardshipthe position of steward studentshipthe position of student teachershipthe position of teacher thaneshipthe position of thane thronethe position and power of an exalted person (a sovereign or bishop) who is entitled to sit in a chair of state on ceremonial occasions treasurershipthe position of treasurer tribuneshipthe position of tribune trusteeshipthe position of trustee vice-presidencythe office and function of a vice president viceroyshipthe position of viceroy viziershipthe position of vizier wardenshipthe position of warden wardershipthe position of warder womanhoodthe status of a woman business life, professional lifea career in industrial or commercial or professional activities airplane mechanicsthe craft of building and repairing airplanes auto mechanicsthe craft of building and repairing automobiles basketrythe craft of basket making carpentry, woodwork, woodworkingthe craft of a carpenter: making things out of wood drafting, mechanical drawingthe craft of drawing blueprints dressmakingthe craft of making dresses electrical workthe craft of an electrician interior decoration, interior designthe trade of planning the layout and furnishings of an architectural interior lumberingthe trade of cutting or preparing or selling timber masonrythe craft of a mason oculismthe craft of an oculist house painting, paintingthe occupation of a house painter papermakingthe craft of making paper pilotage, pilotingthe occupation of a pilot plumbery, plumbingthe occupation of a plumber (installing and repairing pipes and fixtures for water or gas or sewage in a building) potterythe craft of making earthenware learned professionone of the three professions traditionally believed to require advanced learning and high principles literaturethe profession or art of a writer architecturethe profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect educationthe profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university) journalismthe profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the media politicsthe profession devoted to governing and to political affairs pyrotechnics, pyrotechnythe craft of making fireworks cobbling, shoe repairing, shoemakingthe shoemaker's trade roofingthe craft of a roofer sheet-metal workthe craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems) shinglingthe laying on of shingles tailoringthe occupation of a tailor tool-and-die workthe craft of making special tools and dies cost accountingkeeping account of the costs of items in production bookkeeping, clerkingthe activity of recording business transactions inventory accountingaccounting that controls and evaluates inventory handicrafta craft that requires skillful hands paper routethe job of delivering newspapers regularly mintageact or process of minting coins tanningmaking leather from rawhide engineering, technologythe practical application of science to commerce or industry typographythe craft of composing type and printing from it undertakingthe trade of a funeral director upholsterythe craft of upholstering wine making, winemakingthe craft and science of growing grapes and making wine activity any specific behavior 2n a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it he bought his brother's business a small mom-and-pop business a racially integrated business concern Syn|Hypo|Hyper business concern, business organisation, business organization, concern agency a business that provides a specialized service brokeragethe business of a broker; charges a fee to arrange a contract between two parties carrier, common carriera person or firm in the business of transporting people or goods or messages chain(business) a number of similar establishments (stores or restaurants or banks or hotels or theaters) under one ownership business firm, firm, housethe members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments dealership, franchisea business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area maker, manufacturer, manufacturing businessa business engaged in manufacturing some product partnershipthe members of a business venture created by contract processora business engaged in processing agricultural products and preparing them for market shipbuildera business that builds and repairs ships underperformera business that is less successful than expected linea commercial organization serving as a common carrier corp, corporationa business firm whose articles of incorporation have been approved in some state copartnershipa partnership in which employees get a share of the profits in addition to their wages apparel chaina chain of clothing stores discount chaina chain of discount stores restaurant chaina chain of restaurants retail chaina chain of retail stores accounting firma firm of accountants who provide accounting and auditing services for a fee consulting company, consulting firma firm of experts providing professional advice to an organization for a fee publisher, publishing company, publishing firm, publishing housea firm in the publishing business dealera firm engaged in trading law firma firm of lawyers armorer, armourera manufacturer of firearms bottlera manufacturer that makes and bottles beverages auto maker, auto manufacturer, automaker, car maker, car manufacturer, carmakera business engaged in the manufacture of automobiles computer businessa business that manufactures and sells computers commodity brokeragea brokerage firm dealing in commodities auction housea firm that conducts auctions ad agency, advertising agencyan agency that designs advertisement to call public attention to its clients credit bureaua private firm that maintains consumer credit data files and provides credit information to authorized users for a fee detective agencyan agency that makes inquiries for its clients employment agency, employment officean agency that finds people to fill particular jobs or finds jobs for unemployed people commercial agency, mercantile agencyan organization that provides businesses with credit ratings of other firms news agency, news organisation, news organization, press agency, press association, wire servicean agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically service agency, service bureau, service firma business that makes its facilities available to others for a fee; achieves economy of scale travel agencyan agency that arranges personal travel transfer agentan agency (usually a bank) that is appointed by a corporation to keep records of its stock and bond owners and to resolve problems about certificates enterprise an organization created for business ventures 3n the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects computers are now widely used in business Syn|Hypo|Hyper business enterprise, commercial enterprise tourism, touristry the business of providing services to tourists fishingthe occupation of catching fish for a living butchering, butcherythe business of a butcher storagethe commercial enterprise of storing goods and materials industry, manufacturethe organized action of making of goods and services for sale field, field of operation, line of businessa particular kind of commercial enterprise employee-owned business, employee-owned enterprisea commercial enterprise owned by the people who work for it financethe commercial activity of providing funds and capital discount businessthe business of selling merchandise at a discount real-estate businessthe business of selling real estate advertising, publicizingthe business of drawing public attention to goods and services publication, publishingthe business of issuing printed matter for sale or distribution printingthe business of producing printed material for sale or distribution packagingthe business of packing agribusiness, agriculture, factory farma large-scale farming enterprise building, constructionthe commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones shipping, transport, transportationthe commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials venturea commercial undertaking that risks a loss but promises a profit ecotourismtourism to exotic or threatened ecosystems to observe wildlife or to help preserve nature cold storagerefrigerated storage for preservation stowage, stowingthe act of packing or storing away tankagethe act of storing in tanks cottage industrysmall-scale industry that can be carried on at home by family members using their own equipment production(economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale industrial enterprise, industrialisation, industrializationthe development of industry on an extensive scale corporate financethe financial activities of corporation financing, fundingthe act of financing high financelarge and complex financial transactions (often used with the implication that those individuals or institutions who engage in them are unethical) investing, investmentthe act of investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit floatation, flotationfinancing a commercial enterprise by bond or stock shares bankingtransacting business with a bank; depositing or withdrawing funds or requesting a loan etc. hard sellforceful and insistent advertising soft sellsuggestive or persuasive advertising circularisation, circularizationcirculating printed notices as a means of advertising desktop publishing(computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials republication, republishingthe act of publishing again contributiona writing for publication especially one of a collection of writings, as an article or story serialisation, serializationpublication in serial form gravurethe act of intaglio printing issue, publicationthe act of issuing printed materials meat packing, meat-packing business, meatpackingwholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers) unitisation, unitizationthe act of packaging cargo into unit loads jerry-buildingconstruction of inferior buildings for a quick profit air transport, air transportationtransportation by air navigationship traffic hauling, truckage, truckingthe activity of transporting goods by truck freight, freightagetransporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates express, expressagerapid transport of goods ferry, ferryingtransport by boat or aircraft commerce, commercialism, mercantilism transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services) 4n the volume of commercial activity business is good today show me where the business was today Hypo|Hyper patronage, trade the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers land-office businessvery large and profitable volume of commercial activity customhabitual patronage business activity, commercial activity activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise 5n business concerns collectively Government and business could not agree Syn|Hypo|Hyper business sector big business commercial enterprises organized and financed on a scale large enough to influence social and political policies sector a social group that forms part of the society or the economy 6n customers collectively Syn|Hyper clientele, patronage people (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively 7n a rightful concern or responsibility it's none of your business mind your own business Hyper concern, headache, vexation, worry something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness 8n an immediate objective 2gossip was the main business of the evening Hypo|Hyper occasions something you have to do aim, object, objective, target the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable) n incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect his business with the cane was hilarious Syn|Hypo|Hyper byplay, stage business schtick, schtik, shtick, shtik (Yiddish) a contrived and often used bit of business that a performer uses to steal attention acting, performing, playacting, playing the performance of a part or role in a drama |
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