单词 | give |
释义 | give (once / 5 pages) 1v 2v 3v 4vn 5v 6v 7v When you give something, you hand over possession to someone else. Give can also be a noun; a material that has give has the ability to stretch. Just as you can take many things, so can you give many things. You can give a gift, give a party, or give your car keys to friend, but just temporarily. If you give someone a chance, you let them have an opportunity. If you give your word, you make a promise. If give your hand, you marry — or at least hold hands. You can also give by communicating or passing something on — like your regards, or a cold. WORD FAMILYgive: gave, given, giver, gives, giving, misgive+/given: givenness, givens/giver: givers/giving: givings, self-giving/misgive: misgave, misgiven, misgives USAGE EXAMPLESThe Cardinals have give up the fewest yards in the league. Washington Times(Dec 01, 2016) Melton gave up the seat after he was elected Selma’s mayor in October. Washington Times(Dec 01, 2016) Shumlin says that in 2015 enough painkillers were handed out in Vermont to give every man, woman and child a bottle of 100 pills. Washington Times(Dec 01, 2016) 1 1v transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody I gave her my money can you give me lessons? She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care Ant|Hypo|Hyper take take into one's possession cater, ply, provide, supply give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance cough up, pony up, spit upgive reluctantly lease, let, rentgrant use or occupation of under a term of contract supportsupport materially or financially paygive money, usually in exchange for goods or services accord, allot, grantallow to have allow, grantlet have present, submithand over formally bestowgive as a gift heapbestow in large quantities administer, allot, deal, deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, lot, mete out, parcel out, shell outadminister or bestow, as in small portions offer, profferpresent for acceptance or rejection chip in, contribute, kick incontribute to some cause render, returngive back bank, depositput into a bank account cede, concede, grant, yieldgive over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another lend, loangive temporarily; let have for a limited time furnish, provide, render, supplygive something useful or necessary to repay, requitemake repayment for or return something dispense with, give up, part with, sparegive up what is not strictly needed vestplace (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons enfeoffput in possession of land in exchange for a pledge of service, in feudal society hydratesupply water or liquid to in order to maintain a healthy balance chargeenergize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge dateprovide with a dateline; mark with a date staffprovide with staff drenchforce to drink regale, treatprovide with choice or abundant food or drink boardprovide food and lodging (for) feedgive food to feedserve as food for; be the food for dish, dish out, dish up, serve, serve upprovide (usually but not necessarily food) catersupply food ready to eat; for parties and banquets feedfeed into; supply help, servehelp to some food; help with food or drink powersupply the force or power for the functioning of feedprovide as food gratify, indulge, panderyield (to); give satisfaction to underlayprovide with a base, support, lining, or backing fill, fulfil, fulfill, meet, satisfyfill or meet a want or need horseprovide with a horse or horses showerprovide abundantly with accommodateprovide with something desired or needed nourish, nurture, sustainprovide with nourishment fix upfind (something or someone) for gutterprovide with gutters calkprovide with calks sublease, subletlease or rent all or part of (a leased or rented property) to another person farm out, hire out, rent outgrant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee fundfurnish money for fundprovide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest subsidise, subsidizesupport through subsidies subsidise, subsidizesecure the assistance of by granting a subsidy, as of nations or military forces financeobtain or provide money for bring home the bacon, providesupply means of subsistence; earn a living see throughsupport financially through a period of time patronise, patronize, sponsorassume sponsorship of scant, skimp, stintsupply sparingly and with restricted quantities terrace, terrasseprovide (a house) with a terrace dadoprovide with a dado innervatesupply nerves to (some organ or body part) allot, assign, portiongive out reallotallot again contribute, put upprovide dealdistribute cards to the players in a game compensate, recompense, remuneratemake payment to; compensate overpaypay too much underpaypay too little prepaypay for something before receiving it go Dutchshare expenses equally and split the cost of something compensate, indemnify, recompense, repairmake amends for; pay compensation for tithepay a tenth of one's income, especially to the church remitsend (money) in payment vouchsafegrant in a condescending manner allowanceput on a fixed allowance, as of food pay off, redeempay off (loans or promissory notes) bring insubmit (a verdict) to a court trustextend credit to drop, expend, spendpay out advancepay in advance bribe, buy, corrupt, grease one's palmsmake illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence give back, refund, repay, returnpay back foot, pickpay for something tendermake a tender of; in legal settlements offermake available or accessible, provide or furnish signalise, signalizeprovide with traffic signals extend, offermake available; provide disburse, pay outexpend, as from a fund combineadd together from different sources applygive or convey physically feed back, resubmitsubmit (information) again to a program or automatic system redepositdeposit once again chargepay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt pay cashpay (for something) with cash stockprovide or furnish with a stock of something buy in, stock, stock upamass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use captionprovide with a caption, as of a photograph or a drawing tubeprovide with a tube or insert a tube into ticketprovide with a ticket for passage or admission stocksupply with livestock stocksupply with fish rimfurnish with a rim fretprovide (a musical instrument) with frets stepfurnish with steps railprovide with rails gratefurnish with a grate capitalise, capitalizesupply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lenders alphabetizeprovide with an alphabet wharfprovide with a wharf air-condition, air-coolequip with an apparatus for controlling the humidity and temperature uniformprovide with uniforms railroadsupply with railroad lines partnerprovide with a partner bewhisker, whiskerfurnish with whiskers subtitlesupply (a movie) with subtitles headlineprovide (a newspaper page or a story) with a headline matchprovide funds complementary to hobnailsupply with hobnails wiveprovide with a wife; marry (someone) to a wife victualsupply with food cloy, surfeitsupply or feed to surfeit heatprovide with heat seatprovide with seats seatput a seat on a chair rampfurnish with a ramp armsupply with arms interleaveprovide (books) with blank leaves glass, glazefurnish with glass crenel, crenelate, crenellatesupply with battlements causewayprovide with a causeway canal, canalise, canalizeprovide (a city) with a canal bushprovide with a bushing bratticesupply with a brattice, to ventilate mines furnishprovide or equip with furniture slatequip or bar with slats berthprovide with a berth bedfurnish with a bed computerise, computerizeprovide with computers costumefurnish with costumes; as for a film or play bottomprovide with a bottom or a seat rafterprovide (a ceiling) with rafters toolfurnish with tools keyprovide with a key fuelprovide with a combustible substance that provides energy provision, purveysupply with provisions afford, yieldbe the cause or source of equip, fit, fit out, outfitprovide with (something) usually for a specific purpose transistorise, transistorizeequip (an electronic circuit or device) with transistors upholsterprovide furniture with padding, springs, webbing, and covers paymake a compensation for defraybear the expenses of cleatprovide with cleats coalsupply with coal corbelfurnish with a corbel cornicefurnish with a cornice constitutionalizeprovide with a constitution, as of a country copper-bottomprovide with a copper bottom curtainprovide with drapery gatesupply with a gate indexprovide with an index articulate, jointprovide with a joint kick backpay a kickback; make an illegal payment poursupply in large amounts or quantities pumpsupply in great quantities fire, fuelprovide with fuel flood, glut, oversupplysupply with an excess of toggleprovide with a toggle or toggles patchprovide with a patch; also used metaphorically waterprovide with water leverageprovide with leverage tapfurnish with a tap or spout, so as to be able to draw liquid from it top, top outprovide with a top or finish the top (of a structure) reflectorise, reflectorizeprovide with reflectors, such as chemicals retrofitprovide with parts, devices, or equipment not available or in use at the time of the original manufacture border, edgeprovide with a border or edge machicolatesupply with projecting galleries sanitateprovide with sanitary facilities or appliances hatfurnish with a hat themeprovide with a particular theme or motive kernfurnish with a kern headquarterprovide with headquarters prefergive preference to one creditor over another enfranchisegrant voting rights shelterprovide shelter for transfer cause to change ownership 2v place into the hands or custody of Syn|Hypo|Hyper hand, pass, pass on, reach, turn over slip, sneak pass on stealthily dealgive (a specific card) to a player deliver, fork out, fork over, fork up, hand over, render, turn into surrender someone or something to another free, give up, release, relinquish, resignpart with a possession or right commit, confide, entrust, intrust, trustconfer a trust upon entrust, leaveput into the care or protection of someone commendgive to in charge derequisitionrelease from government control baildeliver something in trust to somebody for a special purpose and for a limited period give awayformally hand over to the bridegroom in marriage; of a bride by her father sacrificeendure the loss of charge, consigngive over to another for care or safekeeping recommitcommit again obligatecommit in order to fulfill an obligation transfer cause to change ownership 3v give (as medicine) I gave him the drug Syn|Hyper apply give or convey physically administer, dispense give or apply (medications) 4v give food to don't give the child this tough meat Syn|Ant|Hypo|Hyper feed famish, starve deprive of food starvedeprive of a necessity and cause suffering dine give dinner to; host for dinner scavengefeed on carrion or refuse foddergive fodder (to domesticated animals) slop, swillfeed pigs regurgitatefeed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food cornfeed (cattle) with corn malnourish, undernourishprovide with insufficient quality or quantity of nourishment overfeedfeed excessively spoonfeedfeed with a spoon force-feedfeed someone who will not or cannot eat lunchprovide a midday meal for breakfastprovide breakfast for breastfeed, give suck, lactate, nurse, suck, suckle, wet-nursegive suck to bottlefeedfeed (infants) with a bottle injectfeed intravenously aliment, nourish, nutrifygive nourishment to rangelet eat crop, graze, pasturelet feed in a field or pasture or meadow grassfeed with grass driftdrive slowly and far afield for grazing cater, ply, provide, supply give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance 5v deliver in exchange or recompense I'll give you three books for four CDs Hyper compensate, indemnify, recompense, repair make amends for; pay compensation for 6v give or convey physically She gave him First Aid I gave him a punch in the nose Syn|Hypo|Hyper apply tread apply (the tread) to a tire administerperform (a church sacrament) ritually insufflatebreathe or blow onto as a ritual or sacramental act, especially so as to symbolize the action of the Holy Spirit administer, allot, deal, deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, lot, mete out, parcel out, shell out administer or bestow, as in small portions 7v cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense She gave him a black eye The draft gave me a cold Syn|Hypo afford, yield be the cause or source of infect communicate a disease to award, grantgive as judged due or on the basis of merit deliver, drive homecarry out or perform cankerinfect with a canker pension, pension offgrant a pension to landdeliver (a blow) 8v be the cause or source of He gave me a lot of trouble Syn|Hypo|Hyper afford, yield open, open up make available allow, allow for, leave, providemake a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain furnish, provide, render, supply give something useful or necessary to 9v cause to happen or be responsible for His two singles gave the team the victory Syn|Hyper yield generate, render, return, yield give or supply create, make make or cause to be or to become 10v inflict as a punishment She gave the boy a good spanking The judge gave me 10 years Hyper bring down, impose, inflict, visit impose something unpleasant 11v give as a present; make a gift of What will you give her for her birthday? Syn|Hypo gift, present dower, endow furnish with an endowment distribute, give out, hand out, pass outgive to several people give awaymake a gift of raffle, raffle offdispose of in a lottery bung, fee, tipgive a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on bequeath, leave, willleave or give by will after one's death cede, deliver, give up, surrenderrelinquish possession or control over deed over, granttransfer by deed treatprovide with a gift or entertainment donategive to a charity or good cause tenderoffer or present for acceptance render, submitmake over as a return beneficeendow with a benefice devisegive by will, especially real property pass ongive to or transfer possession of yield upsurrender, as a result of pressure or force sellgive up for a price or reward apportion, deal, divvy up, portion out, sharegive out as one's portion or share pledge, subscribepay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals sign away, sign overformally assign ownership of remembershow appreciation to entail, fee-taillimit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs 12v contribute to some cause I gave at the office Syn|Hypo chip in, contribute, kick in combine add together from different sources 13v leave with; give temporarily Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool? Can I give you the children for the weekend? Hyper hand, pass, pass on, reach, turn over place into the hands or custody of 14v proffer (a body part) She gave her hand to her little sister Hyper offer, proffer present for acceptance or rejection 15v convey or reveal information Give one's name Syn|Hypo|Hyper impart, leave, pass on transmit (knowledge or skills) quote name the price of castdeposit underquotequote a price lower than that quoted by (another seller) say, state, tell express in words 16v transmit (knowledge or skills) give a secret to the Russians Syn|Hypo|Hyper impart, leave, pass on bequeath, leave, will leave or give by will after one's death convey make known; pass on, of information give thanks, thankexpress gratitude or show appreciation to hint, suggestdrop a hint; intimate by a hint saycommunicate or express nonverbally lookconvey by one's expression flashmake known or cause to appear with great speed breathemanifest or evince evince, express, showgive expression to intend, meanmean or intend to express or convey tell let something be known 17v present to view He gave the sign to start Hyper show make visible or noticeable 18v convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow give the orders Give him my best regards Syn|Hypo|Hyper pay extend, offer offer verbally communicate, intercommunicate transmit thoughts or feelings 19v submit for consideration, judgment, or use give one's opinion give an excuse Hyper subject, submit refer for judgment or consideration 20v offer in good faith He gave her his word Syn|Hyper commit, consecrate, dedicate, devote give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause pledge give as a guarantee 21v convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture She gave me a dirty look Syn|Hyper throw communicate, intercommunicate transmit thoughts or feelings 22v emit or utter Give a gulp give a yelp Hyper emit, let loose, let out, utter express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words) 23v allow to have or take I give you two minutes to respond Hyper allow, countenance, let, permit consent to, give permission 24v give or supply Syn|Hyper generate, render, return, yield yield cause to happen or be responsible for establishbring about create, make, produce create or manufacture a man-made product 25v bring about Syn|Hypo|Hyper establish generate, render, return, yield give or supply introduce bring in or establish in a new place or environment pacifyfight violence and try to establish peace in (a location) interposeintroduce create, make make or cause to be or to become 26v bestow give homage Syn|Hypo|Hyper render dedicate inscribe or address by way of compliment inscribeaddress, (a work of literature) in a style less formal than a dedication communicate, intercommunicate transmit thoughts or feelings 27v bestow, especially officially give a divorce Syn grant 28v execute and deliver Give bond Hyper execute carry out the legalities of 29v accord by verdict 2give a decision for the plaintiff Syn|Hyper render bestow accord, allot, grant allow to have 1v manifest or show This student gives promise of real creativity The office gave evidence of tampering Hyper evince, express, show give expression to 2v organize or be responsible for give a course Syn|Hyper have, hold, make, throw direct be in charge of 3v propose He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party Hyper drink, pledge, salute, toast, wassail propose a toast to 4v perform for an audience 3Pollini is giving another concert in New York Hyper perform give a performance (of something) 1v dedicate give thought to give priority to Syn|Hyper devote, pay sacrifice endure the loss of cerebrate, cogitate, think use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments 2v give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause give one's talents to a good cause Syn|Hypo|Hyper commit, consecrate, dedicate, devote sacrifice endure the loss of consecrate, vow dedicate to a deity by a vow rededicatededicate anew applyapply oneself to apply, employ, use, utilise, utilize put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose 3v endure the loss of He gave his life for his children I gave two sons to the war Syn|Hyper sacrifice devote, pay dedicate commit, consecrate, dedicate, devotegive entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause free, give up, release, relinquish, resign part with a possession or right 4v consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man 4She gave herself to many men Hyper accept, consent, go for give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to 1v be flexible under stress of physical force This material doesn't give Syn|Hyper yield stretch become longer by being stretched and pulled 2v break down, literally or metaphorically The wall gave in The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice Syn|Hypo|Hyper break, cave in, collapse, fall in, founder, give way abandon, give up stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims burst, collapsecause to burst go off, implode burst inward buckle, crumplefold or collapse flopfall loosely breakcurl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves sink, slide down, slumpfall or sink heavily change undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature 3v move in order to make room for someone for something The park gave way to a supermarket Syn|Hyper ease up, give way, move over, yield abandon, give up stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims move move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion 4v afford access to The French doors give onto a terrace Syn afford, open 5n the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length 5Syn|Hyper spring, springiness elasticity, snap the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed v estimate the duration or outcome of something 6He gave the patient three months to live I gave him a very good chance at success Hyper approximate, estimate, gauge, guess, judge judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time) v guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion 7You gave me to think that you agreed with me Hyper lead cause to undertake a certain action v occur what gives? Hyper come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place come to pass |
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