

单词 moth
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moth: moths, mothy
At night, abundant small insects included midges and other flies, while medium-sized ones includes lacewings and large ones included noctuid moths and hawkmoths.
Reuters(Dec 22, 2016)
It’s likely that people moving to Washington from the East or Midwest will continue to introduce some of the moths to the state.
Washington Times(Dec 17, 2016)
The bank started reporting monthly figures on retail banking activity last moth as part of an effort to win back the trust of investors.
Reuters(Dec 16, 2016)
n typically crepuscular or nocturnal insect having a stout body and feathery or hairlike antennae
miller, moth miller
any of various moths that have powdery wings
tortricid, tortricid moth
any of numerous small moths having lightly fringed wings; larvae are leaf rollers or live in fruits and galls
lymantriid, tussock moth
dull-colored moth whose larvae have tufts of hair on the body and feed on the leaves of many deciduous trees
geometrid, geometrid moth
slender-bodied broad-winged moth whose larvae are called measuring worms
pyralid, pyralid moth
usually tropical slender-bodied long-legged moth whose larvae are crop pests
tineoid, tineoid moth
small dull-colored moth with chewing mouthparts
gelechiid, gelechiid moth
small slender-winged moths whose larvae are agricultural pests
noctuid, noctuid moth, owlet moth
usually dull-colored medium-sized nocturnal moth; the usually smooth-bodied larvae are destructive agricultural pests
hawk moth, hawkmoth, hummingbird moth, sphingid, sphinx moth
any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed
bombycid, bombycid moth, silkworm moth
moderate-sized Asiatic moth whose larvae feed on mulberry leaves and produce silk
saturniid, saturniid moth
large brightly colored and usually tropical moth; larvae spin silken cocoons
arctiid, arctiid moth
stout-bodied broad-winged moth with conspicuously striped or spotted wings; larvae are hairy caterpillars
lasiocampid, lasiocampid moth
medium-sized stout-bodied neutral-colored moths with comb-like antennae
Malacosoma americana, tent-caterpillar moth
moth whose larvae are tent caterpillars
leaf roller, leaf-roller
moth whose larvae form nests by rolling and tying leaves with spun silk
Homona coffearia, tea tortrix, tortrix
small Indian moth infesting e.g. tea and coffee plants
Argyrotaenia citrana, orange tortrix, tortrix
California moth whose larvae live in especially oranges
Carpocapsa pomonella, codlin moth, codling moth
a small grey moth whose larvae live in apples and English walnuts
Lymantria dispar, gipsy moth, gypsy moth
European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees
Euproctis phaeorrhoea, brown-tail moth, browntail
small brown and white European moth introduced into eastern United States; pest of various shade and fruit trees
Euproctis chrysorrhoea, gold-tail moth
white furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft
Paleacrita vernata
moth whose larvae are spring cankerworms
Alsophila pometaria
North American moth with grey-winged males and wingless females; larvae are fall cankerworms
Galleria mellonella, bee moth, wax moth
moth whose larvae live in and feed on bee honeycombs
European corn borer moth, Pyrausta nubilalis, corn borer, corn borer moth
native to Europe; in America the larvae bore into the stem and crown of corn and other plants
Anagasta kuehniella, Mediterranean flour moth
small moth whose larvae damage stored grain and flour
Ephestia elutella, cacao moth, tobacco moth
small moth whose larvae feed on tobacco and other dried plant products
Cadra cautella, almond moth, fig moth
a moth whose larvae feed on and mat together with webbing various stored products of vegetable origin
Cadra figulilella, raisin moth
moth whose larvae attack dried fruits and cereal products
tineid, tineid moth
small yellowish moths whose larvae feed on wool or fur
gracilariid, gracilariid moth
small dull or metallic-colored tineoid moths whose larvae mine in plant leaves
Gelechia gossypiella
small brown moth whose larvae bore into flowers and bolls of cotton
grain moth
moth whose larvae feed on grain
Phthorimaea operculella, potato moth, potato tuber moth, splitworm
greyish-brown moth whose larva is the potato tuberworm
moth having dull forewings and brightly colored hind wings
Cerapteryx graminis, antler moth
European moth with white antler-like markings on the forewings; the larvae damage pastures and grasslands
Heliothis zia, heliothis moth
medium-sized moth whose larvae are corn earworms
Pseudaletia unipuncta, armyworm
moth whose destructive larvae travel in multitudes
Spodoptera exigua
moth whose larvae are beet armyworms
Spodoptera frugiperda
moth whose larvae are fall armyworms
Manduca sexta
moth whose larvae are tobacco hornworms
Manduca quinquemaculata
moth whose larvae are tomato hornworms
Acherontia atropos, death's-head moth
European hawkmoth with markings on the back resembling a human skull
Bombyx mori, domestic silkworm moth, domesticated silkworm moth
stocky creamy-white Asiatic moth found almost entirely under human care; the source of most of the silk commerce
Saturnia pavonia, emperor, emperor moth
large moth of temperate forests of Eurasia having heavily scaled transparent wings
Eacles imperialis, imperial moth
large American moth having yellow wings with purplish or brownish markings; larvae feed on e.g. maple and pine trees
giant silkworm moth, silkworm moth
any silkworm moth of the family Saturniidae
Actias luna, luna moth
large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each forewing
Hyalophora cecropia, cecropia, cecropia moth
North American silkworm moth; larvae feed on the leaves of forest trees
Automeris io, io moth
large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing; the larvae have stinging spines
Antheraea polyphemus, polyphemus moth
very large yellowish-brown American silkworm moth with large eyespots on hind wings; larvae feed on fruit and shade trees
Antheraea pernyi, pernyi moth
a Chinese moth that produces a brownish silk
Antheraea mylitta, tussah, tusseh, tusser, tussore, tussur
oriental moth that produces brownish silk
tiger moth
medium-sized moth with long richly colored and intricately patterned wings; larvae are called woolly bears
Callimorpha jacobeae, cinnabar, cinnabar moth
large red-and-black European moth; larvae feed on leaves of ragwort; introduced into United States to control ragwort
eggar, egger
moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adults; larvae feed on tree foliage and spin egg-shaped cocoons
Malacosoma disstria, tent-caterpillar moth
moth whose gregarious larvae spin webs resembling carpets
lappet, lappet moth
medium-sized hairy moths; larvae are lappet caterpillars
webworm moth
a variety of moth that spins a web in which it lives
lepidopteran, lepidopteron, lepidopterous insect
insect that in the adult state has four wings more or less covered with tiny scales




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