单词 | move |
释义 | move (once / 14 pages) 1vn 2vn 3vn 4v 5v 6v To move is to shift your position or change where you are. It can be a little spooky to hear a sleepwalker move around a dark house at night. You can move from one room to another, or move from Oregon to New Hampshire, changing the place where you live. Dancers move their bodies as they move around on a stage, and chess players move pieces strategically on the board. If someone inspires you to do something, or makes you feel an intense emotion, you can also say that they move you. When your dad says, "Get a move on!" he basically means "Hurry up!" WORD FAMILYmove: countermove, movable, moveable, moved, movement, mover, moves, moving+/countermove: countermoves/immovable: immovability, immovableness, immovables, immovably/immoveable: immoveably/movable: immovable, movability, movableness, movables, movably, unmovable/moveable: immoveable, moveably/moved: unmoved/movement: movements/mover: movers/moving: movingly, nonmoving, self-moving, unmoving/unmovable: unmovably/unmoved: unmovedly/unmoving: unmovingly USAGE EXAMPLESAs soon as he kicked it, Boermeester turned around, started running and, as promised, did the dance move. Los Angeles Times(Jan 02, 2017) The director of policy and strategy at CityUK, said businesses did not want to move. The Guardian(Jan 03, 2017) Your airways are lined with hairlike cilia that consolidate microbes and mucus and help move it toward the exit. Washington Post(Dec 30, 2016) 1 1v change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell Syn|Ant|Hypo go, locomote, travel displace cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense stay in place be stationary circulate, go around, spread become widely known and passed on carrycover a certain distance or advance beyond easemove gently or carefully whishmove with a whishing sound floatmove lightly, as if suspended swapmove (a piece of a program) into memory, in computer science seekgo to or towards whinemove with a whining sound flybe dispersed or disseminated ridemove like a floating object comecover a certain distance ghostmove like a ghost betake oneselfdisplace oneself; go from one location to another overfly, pass overfly over travelundergo transportation as in a vehicle wenddirect one's course or way dotravel or traverse (a distance) rafttravel by raft in water get about, get aroundmove around; move from place to place repair, resortmove, travel, or proceed toward some place cruisetravel at a moderate speed journey, traveltravel upon or across come, come upmove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody roundwind around; move along a circular course trundlemove heavily pushmove strenuously and with effort travel purposefullytravel volitionally and in a certain direction with a certain goal swingchange direction with a swinging motion; turn cast, drift, ramble, range, roam, roll, rove, stray, swan, tramp, vagabond, wandermove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment take the air, walktake a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure meander, thread, wander, weave, windto move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course forge, spirt, spurtmove or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy crawl, creepmove slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground scrambleto move hurriedly slide, slitherto pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly roll, wheelmove along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle glidemove smoothly and effortlessly bounce, jouncemove up and down repeatedly breezeto proceed quickly and easily be adrift, blow, drift, floatbe in motion due to some air or water current playmove or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly float, swimbe afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom swimmove as if gliding through water walkuse one's feet to advance; advance by steps move around, turnpass to the other side of circletravel around something slice into, slice throughmove through a body or an object with a slicing motion drift, err, straywander from a direct course or at random runtravel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means stepshift or move by taking a step drive, motortravel or be transported in a vehicle automobiletravel in an automobile skimove along on skis fly, wingtravel through the air; be airborne steam, steamertravel by means of steam power tramtravel by tram taxitravel slowly ferrytravel by ferry caravantravel in a caravan ride, sitsit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions prancespring forward on the hind legs swimtravel through water arise, come up, go up, lift, move up, rise, uprisemove upward ascend, go uptravel up, "We ascended the mountain" come down, descend, fall, go downmove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way falldescend in free fall under the influence of gravity crank, zigzagtravel along a zigzag path follow, travel alongtravel along a certain course advance, go on, march on, move on, pass on, progressmove forward, also in the metaphorical sense draw back, move back, pull away, pull back, recede, retire, retreat, withdrawpull back or move away or backward retrogrademove in a direction contrary to the usual one continue, go forward, proceedmove ahead; travel onward in time or space backtravel backward panmake a sweeping movement followto travel behind, go after, come after lead, precedemove ahead (of others) in time or space follow, pursuefollow in or as if in pursuit returngo or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before derail, jumprun off or leave the rails flockmove as a crowd or in a group accompanygo or travel along with billowmove with great difficulty circulatemove around freely circle, circulatemove in circles anglemove or proceed at an angle go across, go through, passgo across or through go by, go past, pass, pass by, surpass, travel bymove past hurry, speed, travel rapidly, zipmove very fast speedtravel at an excessive or illegal velocity zoommove with a low humming noise drivemove by being propelled by a force belt along, bucket along, cannonball along, hasten, hie, hotfoot, pelt along, race, rush, rush along, speed, step on itmove fast shack, trailmove, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly shuttletravel back and forth between two points hiss, whooshmove with a whooshing sound whiskmove quickly and nimbly careermove headlong at high speed circuitmake a circuit lancemove quickly, as if by cutting one's way go around, outflankgo around the flank of (an opposing army) propagatetravel through the air drawmove or go steadily or gradually change, transferchange from one vehicle or transportation line to another swashmake violent, noisy movements pacego at a pace step, treadput down or press the foot, place the foot stepmove with one's feet in a specific manner hurtlemove with or as if with a rushing sound retreatmove away, as for privacy whistlemove with, or as with, a whistling sound island hoptravel from one island to the next plough, plowmove in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil lurchmove slowly and unsteadily siftmove as if through a sieve fallmove in a specified direction dragmove slowly and as if with great effort runmove about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way bangmove noisily precessmove in a gyrating fashion move around, traveltravel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge ridesit on and control a vehicle snowshoetravel on snowshoes beetlefly or go in a manner resembling a beetle resurrect, rise, uprisereturn from the dead break through, crackpass through (a barrier) emanateproceed or issue forth, as from a source accost, address, come up tospeak to someone squeak by, squeak throughescape prolapseslip or fall out of place, as of body parts thrashmove data into and out of core rather than performing useful computation flytravel in an airplane hoptravel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc. revisitvisit again stoogecruise in slow or routine flights sailtraverse or travel on (a body of water) shiptravel by ship rideride over, along, or through flytravel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft approach, come nearcome near in time transitpass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place) tramp down, trample, tread downwalk on and flatten skid, slew, slide, slip, sluemove obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner waftbe driven or carried along, as by the air tidebe carried with the tide maunderwander aimlessly constitutionalizetake a walk for one's health or to aid digestion, as after a meal gad, gallivant, jazz aroundwander aimlessly in search of pleasure snakemove along a winding path forgemove ahead steadily scend, surgerise or heave upward under the influence of a natural force such as a wave formicatecrawl about like ants coastmove effortlessly; by force of gravity bowlroll (a ball) trollcause to move round and round skitterglide easily along a surface snakemove smoothly and sinuously, like a snake dart, fleet, flit, fluttermove along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart lollopwalk clumsily and with a bounce tapwalk with a tapping sound bumble, falter, stumblewalk unsteadily driftmove in an unhurried fashion fall backmove back and away from buoyfloat on the surface of water spacewalkmove in space outside a space craft foot, hoof, hoof it, leg itwalk toewalk so that the toes assume an indicated position or direction walkaccompany or escort shlep, traipsewalk or tramp about perambulate, walk about, walk aroundwalk with no particular goal circumambulate, walk aroundwalk around something circumnavigate, compasstravel around, either by plane or ship ambulatewalk about; not be bedridden or incapable of walking creep, mouse, pussyfoot, sneakto go stealthily or furtively cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, pass over, track, traversetravel across or pass over infiltrate, pass throughpass through an enemy line; in a military conflict runcover by running; run a certain distance move through, pass across, pass over, pass through, transitmake a passage or journey from one place to another cutpass directly and often in haste wadewalk (through relatively shallow water) cock, prance, ruffle, sashay, strut, swagger, tittupto walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others sleepwalk, somnambulatewalk in one's sleep slinkwalk stealthily gimp, hitch, hobble, limpwalk impeded by some physical limitation or injury scuffle, shamble, shufflewalk by dragging one's feet saunter, strollwalk leisurely and with no apparent aim amble, moseywalk leisurely prowlmove about in or as if in a predatory manner skulkmove stealthily coggle, dodder, paddle, toddle, totter, waddlewalk unsteadily promenadetake a leisurely walk marchwalk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride stridewalk with long steps hikewalk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise footslog, pad, plod, slog, tramp, trudgewalk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud climb, climb up, go up, mountgo upward with gradual or continuous progress abseil, rappel, rope downlower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside tip, tippytoe, tiptoewalk on one's toes stalkwalk stiffly buzzfly low flouncewalk emphatically careen, keel, lurch, reel, stagger, swagwalk as if unable to control one's movements flounder, staggerwalk with great difficulty stamp, stomp, stumpwalk heavily lumber, poundmove heavily or clumsily runmove fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time consort, runkeep company backpedalstep backwards, in boxing pacewalk with slow or fast paces trample, treadtread or stomp heavily or roughly slouchwalk slovenly mincewalk daintily clomp, clumpwalk clumsily cruisedrive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure headto go or travel towards skatemove along on skates wedelski, alternating directions hot-dogperform intricate maneuvers while skiing schussski downhill slalomrace on skis around obstacles water skiride water skis rackfly in high wind flightfly in a flock fly oncontinue flying plane, skimtravel on the surface of water soarfly upwards or high in the sky hoverhang in the air; fly or be suspended above soar, soar up, soar upwards, surge, zoomrise rapidly go upbe erected, built, or constructed rocket, skyrocketshoot up abruptly, like a rocket surf, surfboardride the waves of the sea with a surfboard body-surfride the crest of a wave without a surfboard ridebe carried or travel on or in a vehicle overrideride (a horse) too hard ride herddriving animals such as horses and cattle while riding along with them outrideride better, faster, or further than dismount, get down, get off, light, unhorsealight from (a horse) ride horsebackride on horseback prancecause (a horse) to bound spring forward canterride at a cantering pace cantergo at a canter, of horses walkwalk at a pace extend, gallopcause to move at full gallop rack, single-footgo at a rack gallopgo at galloping speed schoolswim in or form a large group of fish break water, finshow the fins above the water while swimming finpropel oneself through the water in a finning motion paddleswim like a dog in shallow water crawlswim by doing the crawl breaststrokeswim with the face down and extend the arms forward and outward while kicking with the leg backstrokeswim on one's back skinny-dipbathe in the nude diveswim under water avalanche, roll downgather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow dive, plunge, plunkdrop steeply bubblerise in bubbles or as if in bubbles upliftlift up from the earth, as by geologic forces chandelleclimb suddenly and steeply steamrise as vapor ascend, come up, rise, uprisecome up, of celestial bodies go down, go under, setdisappear beyond the horizon correct, decline, slumpgo down in value precipitatefall vertically, sharply, or headlong sink, subsidedescend into or as if into some soft substance or place crashfall or come down violently flopfall suddenly and abruptly topple, tumblefall down, as if collapsing dropto fall vertically plopdrop with the sound of something falling into water pitchfall or plunge forward alight, climb downcome down go down, go under, settle, sinkgo under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned" come up, rise, rise up, surfacecome to the surface upriseascend as a sound heelfollow at the heels of a person penetratemake one's way deeper into or through creep up, sneak upadvance stealthily or unnoticed encroach, impinge, infringeadvance beyond the usual limit plough on, press on, push oncontinue moving forward string, string alongmove or come along retreat, retrogrademove back tracemake one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along roaract or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way limpproceed slowly or with difficulty barge, push forward, thrust aheadpush one's way march, processmarch in a procession back outmove out of a space backwards back down, back off, back upmove backwards from a certain position dawdle, fall back, fall behind, laghang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc. tailgatefollow at a dangerously close distance head, leadtravel in front of; go in advance of others stalkgo through (an area) in search of prey shadowfollow, usually without the person's knowledge carrypursue a line of scent or be a bearer chase, chase after, dog, give chase, go after, tag, tail, track, trailgo after with the intent to catch haunt, stalkfollow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to retrace, traceto go back over again backtrack, double back, turn backretrace one's course cut back, flash backreturn in time homereturn home accurately from a long distance go home, head homereturn home returnreturn to a previous position; in mathematics boomerangreturn to the initial position from where it came; like a boomerang crashmove violently as through a barrier musclemake one's way by force overstep, transgress, trespasspass beyond (limits or boundaries) escortaccompany as an escort escort, seeaccompany or escort tag alonggo along with, often uninvited orb, orbit, revolvemove in an orbit trollcirculate, move around loopfly loops, perform a loop loopmove in loops overhaul, overtake, passtravel past negociate, negotiatesucceed in passing through, around, or over lockpass by means through a lock in a waterway make, workproceed along a path cyclepass through a cycle blunder, fumblemake one's way clumsily or blindly skirtpass around or about; move along the border run bypass by while running fly bypass by while flying fly by, whisk by, zip bymove by very quickly approach, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go up, nearmove towards close in, draw inadvance or converge on buck, charge, shoot, shoot down, tearmove quickly and violently whizz, whizz along, zoom, zoom alongmove along very quickly pullmove into a certain direction dart, dash, flash, scoot, scud, shootrun or move very quickly or hastily pounce, swoopmove down on as if in an attack streamto extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind dripfall in drops cascade, cascade downrush down in big quantities, like a cascade edge, inchadvance slowly, as if by inches rachet up, ratchet, ratchet downmove by degrees in one direction only elapse, glide by, go along, go by, lapse, pass, slide by, slip away, slip bypass by circle around, circle round, revolve aroundmove around in a circular motion stepwalk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner step on, tread onplace or press the foot on cocoonretreat as if into a cocoon, as from an unfriendly environment itineratetravel from place to place, as for work wandergo via an indirect route or at no set pace ascendgo along towards (a river's) source snowboardglide down a snow-covered slope while standing on a board bouncecome back after being refused ridebe sustained or supported or borne 2v cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense Move those boxes into the corner, please I'm moving my money to another bank The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant Syn|Hypo displace go, locomote, travel change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically circulate, mobilise, mobilize cause to move around relocatemove or establish in a new location dislocate, luxate, slip, splaymove out of position translatechange the position of (figures or bodies) in space without rotation place, post, send, stationassign to a station agitate, commove, disturb, raise up, shake up, stir up, vexchange the arrangement or position of channel, channelise, channelize, transfer, transmit, transportsend from one person or place to another funnelmove or pour through a funnel brandish, flourish, wavemove or swing back and forth draw, force, pullcause to move by pulling carry, transportmove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body tugmove by pulling hard disarrangedestroy the arrangement or order of lay, place, pose, position, put, setput into a certain place or abstract location engage, lock, mesh, operatekeep engaged impel, propelcause to move forward with force launch, set in motionget going; give impetus to roll, twine, wind, wraparrange or or coil around unroll, unwind, wind offreverse the winding or twisting of force, squeeze, wedgesqueeze like a wedge into a tight space workmove into or onto disgorge, shed, spillcause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over slop, spill, splattercause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container unseatdislodge from one's seat, as from a horse disunite, divide, part, separateforce, take, or pull apart deracinate, extirpate, root out, uprootpull up by or as if by the roots depress, press downpress down lifttake hold of something and move it to a different location flick, riffle, ruffletwitch or flutter workmove in an agitated manner take backmove text to the previous line; in printing center, centremove into the center pumpmove up and down scanmove a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an image bump around, jar, shake upshock physically dandlemove (a baby) up and down in one's arms or on one's knees revolve, rollcause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis force, pushmove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner" rock, swaycause to move back and forth fluctuatecause to fluctuate or move in a wavelike pattern pulsedrive by or as if by pulsation dislodge, reposition, shiftchange place or direction glidecause to move or pass silently, smoothly, or imperceptibly stirmove an implement through playcause to move or operate freely within a bounded space bowl over, knock over, overturn, tip over, tump over, turn over, upsetcause to overturn from an upright or normal position send, ship, transporttransport commercially direct, sendcause to go somewhere transportmove something or somebody around; usually over long distances saltatemove by saltation bring down, get down, let down, lower, take downmove something or somebody to a lower position lift, raisemove upwards bring up, elevate, get up, lift, raiseraise from a lower to a higher position droplet fall to the ground sinkcause to sink advance, bring forwardcause to move forward chase away, dispel, drive away, drive off, drive out, run off, turn backforce to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings shift, transfermove around displacecause to move, usually with force or pressure crowd, herdcause to herd, drive, or crowd together circulatecause to move in a circuit or system circulate, distribute, pass around, pass oncause be distributed drive out, force out, rouse, rout outforce or drive out drivecause someone or something to move by driving race, rushcause to move fast or to rush or race whoosh, wooshmove with a sibilant sound pourcause to run slipcause to move with a smooth or sliding motion bring outside, exteriorizebring outside the body for surgery, of organs upstagemove upstage, forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience swingmove in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting turn, turn overcause to move around a center so as to show another side of turncause to move around or rotate turncause to move along an axis or into a new direction slidemove smoothly along a surface runcause an animal to move fast whistlemove, send, or bring as if by whistling beat, flapmove with a thrashing motion singsongmove as if accompanied by a singsong hustlecause to move furtively and hurriedly washmove by or as if by water rakemove through with or as if with a rake blowcause to move by means of an air current draguse a computer mouse to move icons on the screen and select commands from a menu draw, pullcause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense lateralizemove or displace to one side so as to make lateral translatesubject to movement in which every part of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point on the body hit, strikedrive something violently into a location slingmove with a sling change hands, change ownersbe transferred to another owner transfermove from one place to another expel, kick out, throw outforce to leave or move out get upcause to rise enclose, inclose, insert, introduce, put in, stick inintroduce dislocateput out of its usual place, position, or relationship compartmentalise, compartmentalize, cut upseparate into isolated compartments or categories polarise, polarizecause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions isolate, keep apart, sequester, sequestrate, set apartset apart from others docketplace on the docket for legal action mail, post, sendcause to be directed or transmitted to another place get off, send, send offtransfer garrisonstation (troops) in a fort or garrison fortstation (troops) in a fort jack, jack uplift with a special device nudge, poke at, prodto push against gently shouldercarry a burden, either real or metaphoric portcarry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons shoulderlift onto one's shoulders flipmove with a flick or light motion rocketpropel with a rocket carrypropel or give impetus to cockset the trigger of a firearm back for firing postposeplace after another constituent in the sentence preposeplace before another constituent in the sentence stepplace (a ship's mast) in its step disjoin, disjointmake disjoint, separated, or disconnected; undo the joining of disarticulate, disjointseparate at the joints put back, replaceput something back where it belongs stratifyform, arrange, or deposit in layers impactpress or wedge together; pack together disconnectmake disconnected, disjoin or unfasten plantplace something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive kick upcause to rise by kicking kickdrive or propel with the foot pole, puntpropel with a pole intersperseplace at intervals in or among mess up, ruffle, ruffle up, rumpledisturb the smoothness of compact, compress, pack togethermake more compact by or as if by pressing hitcause to move by striking beat, scramblestir vigorously churnstir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter tossagitate paddlestir with a paddle rile, roilmake turbid by stirring up the sediments of pokestir by poking nestle, snuggleposition comfortably bearmove while holding up or supporting bucketcarry in a bucket returnmake a return bring, convey, fetch, getgo or come after and bring or take back pileplace or lay as if in a pile projecttransfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another propagatetransmit translatebring to a certain spiritual state pipe intransport to a destiny through pipes release, turnlet (something) fall or spill from a container send, send outto cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place wigwagsend a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code press, pushmake strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby twitchmove or pull with a sudden motion pull backmove to a rearward position; pull towards the back adductdraw a limb towards the body abductpull away from the body stretchpull in opposite directions portcarry, bear, convey, or bring portercarry luggage or supplies packcarry, as on one's back carttransport something in a cart flytransport by aeroplane haultransport in a vehicle pick, pluck, plunkpull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion tugpull or strain hard at dragpull, as against a resistance lug, tote, tugcarry with difficulty cart, drag, hale, hauldraw slowly or heavily hoist, lift, windraise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help trice, trice upraise with a line hoist, run upraise heave, heave up, heft, heft uplift or elevate arrange, set upput into a proper or systematic order boot out, chuck out, eject, exclude, turf out, turn output out or expel from a place lay over, superimpose, superposeplace on top of superposeplace (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincide muss, tusslemake messy or untidy dishevel, tangle, tousledisarrange or rumple; dishevel parkplace temporarily ensconce, settlefix firmly disposeplace or put in a particular order emplaceput into place or position emplaceprovide a new emplacement for guns shipplace on board a ship underlayput (something) under or beneath trenchset, plant, or bury in a trench pigeonholeplace into a small compartment shelveplace on a shelf jarplace in a cylindrical vessel reposeto put something (eg trust) in something signplace signs, as along a road middleput in the middle parallelizeplace parallel to one another buttplace end to end without overlapping recessput into a recess repositionplace into another position throw, thrustplace or put with great energy tee, tee upplace on a tee rack upplace in a rack coffinplace into a coffin bedput to bed apposeplace side by side or in close proximity place down, put down, set downcause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place seed, sowplace (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth misplaceplace or position wrongly; put in the wrong position juxtaposeplace side by side set downput or settle into a position bottleput into bottles bucketput into a bucket barrelput in barrels groundplace or put on the ground pillow, restrest on or as if on a pillow lose, mislay, misplaceplace (something) where one cannot find it again attract, draw, draw in, pull, pull indirect toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes beat back, drive, force back, push back, repel, repulsecause to move back by force or influence throwpropel through the air flip, switch, throwcause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation ridekeep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot drivepush, propel, or press with force launchpropel with force launchlaunch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage catapultshoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult project, send offthrow, send, or cast forward upendset, turn, or stand on end spoolwind onto a spool or a reel reelwind onto or off a reel ballform into a ball by winding or rolling clew, clueroll into a ball coil, curl, loopwind around something in coils or loops bump, dislodgeremove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied stirmix or add by stirring pour forth, shed, spillpour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities seedgo to seed; shed seeds seat, sit, sit downshow to a seat; assign a seat for seatplace in or on a seat lay, put down, reposeput in a horizontal position place upright, stand, stand upput into an upright position reclinecause to recline cutseparate with or as if with an instrument tearto separate or be separated by force jointseparate (meat) at the joint ginseparate the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin breakseparate from a clinch, in boxing break up, severset or keep apart stubpull up (weeds) by their roots plant, setput or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground instal, install, put in, set upset up for use bust, rupture, snap, tearseparate or cause to separate abruptly deposit, fix, posit, situateput (something somewhere) firmly ladleput (a liquid) into a container by means of a ladle fork, pitchforklift with a pitchfork shovepush roughly flick, jerkthrow or toss with a quick motion jerk, yankpull, or move with a sudden movement winchpull or lift up with or as if with a winch pick off, pluck, pull off, tweakpull or pull out sharply poisecause to be balanced or suspended loftpropel through the air leancause to lean or incline clapput quickly or forcibly restput something in a resting position, as for support or steadying perchcause to perch or sit hoistmove from one place to another by lifting dribble, drip, droplet or cause to fall in drops loadput (something) on a structure or conveyance cramput something somewhere so that the space is completely filled setput into a position that will restore a normal state siphonmove a liquid from one container into another by means of a siphon or a siphoning action seatplace or attach firmly in or on a base cast, contrive, project, throwput or send forth frightendrive out by frightening pumpraise (gases or fluids) with a pump transfusepour out of one vessel into another sluicetransport in or send down a sluice transfer, transplantlift and reset in another soil or situation transitrevolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction transposetransfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equality jostle, shovecome into rough contact with while moving nosepush or move with the nose obtrude, push out, thrust outpush to thrust outward push aside, push awaypush out of the way muscle intoforce one's way push uppush upward floatset afloat beat downdislodge from a position thrustpush forcefully flutterflap the wings rapidly or fly with flapping movements reorientcause to turn driveurge forward levitatecause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity ferrytransport by ferry wheelbarrowtransport in a wheelbarrow chariottransport in a chariot rafttransport on a raft bussend or move around by bus pipetransport by pipeline bargetransport by barge on a body of water railroadtransport by railroad freighttransport commercially as cargo turnchannel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something turnto send or let go divertsend on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended one routesend via a specific route refersend or direct for treatment, information, or a decision airt, redirectchannel into a new direction truckconvey (goods etc.) by truck railconvey (goods etc.) by rails sledgetransport in a sleigh lightertransport in a flatbottom boat despatch, dispatch, send offsend away towards a designated goal forward, send onsend or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit pick upgive a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift reeflower and bring partially inboard depresslower (prices or markets) underlayraise or support (the level of printing) by inserting a piece of paper or cardboard under the type skidelevate onto skids pinnacleraise on or as if on a pinnacle chin, chin upraise oneself while hanging from one's hands until one's chin is level with the support bar leaven, prove, raisecause to puff up with a leaven heightenincrease the height of boost, hike, hike upincrease gather up, lift up, pick uptake and lift upward plopdrop something with a plopping sound dumpdrop (stuff) in a heap or mass hanglet drop or droop plank down, plonk down, plump downdrop heavily erect, rearcause to rise up settlecause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids) positioncause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation glycerolise, glycerolizeplace in glycerol spaceplace at intervals marshalplace in proper rank settle, settle downsettle into a position, usually on a surface or ground jampush down forcibly noseadvance the forward part of with caution firedrive out or away by or as if by fire clear the airdispel differences or negative emotions banishdrive away shoo, shoo away, shoo offdrive away by crying `shoo!' shunttransfer to another track, of trains carrytransfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication shufflemove about, move back and forth transshiptransfer for further transportation from one ship or conveyance to another bunkertransfer cargo from a ship to a warehouse carry forward, carry overtransfer from one time period to the next crowd out, force outpress, force, or thrust out of a small space evacuatemove people from their homes or country overcrowdcause to crowd together too much diplower briefly convectcirculate hot air by convection send aroundforward to others utterput into circulation wheel, wheel aroundwheel somebody or something huntchase away, with as with force smoke outdrive out with smoke pullsteer into a certain direction chauffeur, drive arounddrive someone in a vehicle inclinelower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow effuse, pour outpour out decant, pour, pour outpour out bring, convey, taketake something or somebody with oneself somewhere carry overtransport from one place or state to another scatter, spread, spread outstrew or distribute over an area remove, transfershift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes wind upgive a preliminary swing to the arm pitching evertturn inside out; turn the inner surface of outward leafturn over pages supinateturn (the hand or forearm) so that the back is downward or backward, or turn out (the leg) bring aboutcause to move into the opposite direction portput or turn on the left side, of a ship bateflap the wings wildly or frantically; used of falcons clapcause to strike the air in flight shove, squeeze, stuff, thrustpress or force tip, topple, tumblecause to topple or tumble by pushing throwto put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly whiffdrive or carry as if by a puff of air blowcause air to go in, on, or through advectconvey by horizontal mass movement of a fluid smashhit violently teleporttransport by dematerializing at one point and assembling at another vestbecome legally vested devolve, fall, pass, returnbe inherited by accrue, fallcome into the possession of communicate, convey, transmittransfer to another loadtransfer from a storage device to a computer's memory offsetcause (printed matter) to transfer or smear onto another surface importtransfer (electronic data) into a database or document exporttransfer (electronic data) out of a database or document in a format that can be used by other programs offloadtransfer to a peripheral device, of computer data carry, posttransfer (entries) from one account book to another FTPuse the file transfer protocol to transfer data from one computer to another spooltransfer data intended for a peripheral device (usually a printer) into temporary storage downloadtransfer a file or program from a central computer to a smaller computer or to a computer at a remote location uploadtransfer a file or program to a central computer from a smaller computer or a computer at a remote location locate, place, siteassign a location to charge, commit, institutionalise, institutionalize, sendcause to be admitted; of persons to an institution translocatemove from one place to another, especially of wild animals translocatetransfer (a chromosomal segment) to a new position deport, exile, expatriateexpel from a country debar, suspendbar temporarily; from school, office, etc. deliver, deport, extraditehand over to the authorities of another country banish, bar, relegateexpel, as if by official decree ban, banish, blackball, cast out, ostracise, ostracize, shunexpel from a community or group ban, banishban from a place of residence, as for punishment deracinate, uprootmove (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment imbricateplace so as to overlap 3v move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion He moved his hand slightly to the right Ant|Hypo stand still remain in place; hold still; remain fixed or immobile move involuntarily, move reflexively move in an uncontrolled manner quickenshow signs of life stretch, stretch outextend one's body or limbs click, flick, snapcause to make a snapping sound bend, flexbend a joint propagate, spreadbecome distributed or widespread reach, reach outmove forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense potter, potter around, putter, putter aroundmove around aimlessly dance, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toemove in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance drop backtake position in the rear, as in a military formation or in the line of scrimmage in football hit the deck, hit the dirtfall or drop suddenly, usually to evade some danger gravitatemove due to the pull of gravitation flymove quickly or suddenly ease up, give, give way, move over, yieldmove in order to make room for someone for something cut tomove to another scene when filming lurch, pitch, shiftmove abruptly jar, joltmove or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion duckto move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away bobmove up and down repeatedly wallow, welterroll around, "pigs were wallowing in the mud" squirm, twist, worm, wrestle, wriggle, writheto move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling) coggle, wobblemove unsteadily sashay, sidlemove sideways sidlemove unobtrusively or furtively sail, sweepmove with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions brush, sweepsweep across or over waggle, wamblemove unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion chopmove suddenly reciprocatealternate the direction of motion of move back and forthmove in one direction and then into the opposite direction nodsway gently back and forth, as in a nodding motion beat, pulsate, quivermove with or as if with a regular alternating motion beat, pound, thumpmove rhythmically seesaw, teeter, tottermove unsteadily, with a rocking motion buck, hitch, jerkjump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched cant, cant over, pitch, slant, tiltheel over careen, shift, tilt, wobblemove sideways or in an unsteady way boil, churn, moil, roilbe agitated slip, stealmove stealthily agitate, shakemove or cause to move back and forth vibrateshake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner jerk, twitchmove with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions flip, twitchtoss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air click, snapmove or strike with a noise agitate, budge, shift, stirmove very slightly arouse, stirto begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir" dancemove in a graceful and rhythmical way stumble, tripmiss a step and fall or nearly fall falter, wavermove hesitatingly, as if about to give way flap, roll, undulate, wavemove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion mill, mill about, mill aroundmove about in a confused manner turnchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense jump, start, startlemove or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm mope, mope aroundmove around slowly and aimlessly bestride, climb on, get on, hop on, jump on, mount, mount upget up on the back of climbmove with difficulty, by grasping strike outmake a motion as with one's fist or foot towards an object or away from one's body bound, jump, leap, springmove forward by leaps and bounds boltmove or jump suddenly get downlower (one's body) as by kneeling assume, strike, take, take upoccupy or take on seesawmove up and down as if on a seesaw exit, get out, go out, leavemove out of or depart from part, separate, splitgo one's own way; move apart divergemove or draw apart lean, listcause to lean to the side tumble, whirl, whirl aroundfly around close, come togethercome together, as if in an embrace bustle, bustle about, hustlemove or cause to move energetically or busily fidgetmove restlessly dawdle, lingertake one's time; proceed slowly cringe, flinch, funk, quail, recoil, shrink, squinch, wincedraw back, as with fear or pain hurl, hurtle, lunge, thrustmake a thrusting forward movement swoopmove with a sweep, or in a swooping arc flow, fluxmove or progress freely as if in a stream course, feed, flow, runmove along, of liquids flurrymove in an agitated or confused manner streakmove quickly in a straight line heavemove or cause to move in a specified way, direction, or position crashmove with, or as if with, a crashing noise thundermove fast, noisily, and heavily snapmove with a snapping sound beat, flapmove with a flapping motion flingmove in an abrupt or headlong manner hopmove quickly from one place to another turnmove around an axis or a center dodgemake a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid dodgemove to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course throwmove violently, energetically, or carelessly make wayget out of the way danceskip, leap, or move up and down or sideways grabmake a grasping or snatching motion with the hand cutmove (one's fist) closechange one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact jump, jump off, leapjump down from an elevated point slipmove easily jerk, twitchmake an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion didder, shakemove with or as if with a tremor shiver, shuddershake, as from cold roll, seetheboil vigorously branch, fork, furcate, ramify, separatedivide into two or more branches so as to form a fork flushflow freely twistturn in the opposite direction flip, flip over, turn overturn upside down, or throw so as to reverse catchspread or be communicated fluff up, plump up, shake upmake fuller by shaking gush, jetissue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth jivedance to jive music; dance the jive hoofdance in a professional capacity clogdance a clog dance tap danceperform a tap dance belly danceperform a belly dance heelperform with the heels shimmydance a shimmy depart, go, go awaymove away from a place into another direction turn on a dimehave a small turning radius dabblebob forward and under so as to feed off the bottom of a body of water bob about, bob aroundmove up and down with no specific path roll, turn overmove by turning over or rotating roll overmake a rolling motion or turn wrenchmake a sudden twisting motion pronkjump straight up swansweep majestically shimmy, wobbletremble or shake rock, shake, swaymove back and forth or sideways sway, swingmove or walk in a swinging or swaying manner flicker, flitter, flutter, quiver, wavermove back and forth very rapidly swing about, swing around, turn aroundturn abruptly and face the other way, either physically or metaphorically pulsate, pulse, throbexpand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically flutter, palpitatebeat rapidly thrashbeat so fast that (the heart's) output starts dropping until (it) does not manage to pump out blood at all flapmove noisily cocktilt or slant to one side fanagitate the air tremblemove or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways quake, tremorshake with seismic vibrations palpitatecause to throb or beat rapidly convulseshake uncontrollably spargeagitate by introducing air or compressed gas shake up, succussshake; especially (a patient to detect fluids or air in the body) concussshake violently rattleshake and cause to make a rattling noise convulse, jactitate, slash, thrash, thrash about, thresh, thresh about, tossmove or stir about violently judder, shakeshake or vibrate rapidly and intensively bounce, bound, rebound, recoil, resile, reverberate, ricochet, spring, take a hopspring back; spring away from an impact flip, tosslightly throw to see which side comes up glissadeperform a glissade, in ballet chasse, sashayperform a chasse step, in ballet caprioleperform a capriole, in ballet bebop, bopdance the bebop bumpdance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward twistdo the twist waltz, waltz arounddance a waltz tap, tapdancedance and make rhythmic clicking sounds by means of metal plates nailed to the sole of the dance shoes tangodance a tango shagdance the shag foxtrotdance the foxtrot contra danse, contradance, contredanse, country-danceperform a contradance break, break dance, break-dancedo a break dance cakewalkperform the cakewalk dance congadance the conga sambadance the samba two-stepdance the two-step Charlestondance the Charleston boogiedance to boogie music cha-chadance the cha-cha discodance to disco music mambodance a mambo polkadance a polka one-stepdance the one-step rhumba, rumbadance the rhumba mosh, slam, slam dance, thrashdance the slam dance jigdance a quick dance with leaping and kicking motions jitterbugdo the jitterbug jiggle, joggle, wigglemove to and fro folk danceperform a folk-dance square dancedance in formation quickstepperform a quickstep dartmove with sudden speed founderstumble and nearly fall luffflap when the wind is blowing equally on both sides surge, tiderise or move forward portturn or go to the port or left side, of a ship faceturn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction turn offmake a turn turn awaymove so as not face somebody or something geeturn to the right side about-faceturn, usually 180 degrees caracolemake a half turn on a horse, in dressage cornerturn a corner overturn, tip over, tump over, turn overturn from an upright or normal position shystart suddenly, as from fright bogglestartle with amazement or fear pop outexit briefly file outmarch out, in a file clamber, scramble, shin, shinny, skin, sputter, struggleclimb awkwardly, as if by scrambling remountmount again get off, hop outget out of quickly kickthrash about or strike out with the feet burstmove suddenly, energetically, or violently bounceleap suddenly caprioleperform a capriole, of horses in dressage galumphmove around heavily and clumsily ski jumpjump on skis saltateleap or skip, often in dancing vaultbound vigorously leapfrogjump across overleap, vaultjump across or leap over (an obstacle) curvetperform a leap where both hind legs come off the ground, of a horse hop, hop-skip, skipjump lightly caperjump about playfully rear backstart with anger or resentment or in protest fall outleave (a barracks) in order to take a place in a military formation, or leave a military formation get offleave a vehicle, aircraft, etc. step outgo outside a room or building for a short period of time disperse, dissipate, scatter, spread outmove away from each other break upcome apart diffractundergo diffraction bendchange direction curve, cut, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, trend, veerturn sharply; change direction abruptly deflectturn aside and away from an initial or intended course bend, deflect, turn awayturn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest avert, turn awayturn away or aside cockle, riffle, ripple, ruffle, undulatestir up (water) so as to form ripples circulatemove through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point go around, revolve, rotateturn on or around an axis or a center rotate, splay, spread out, turn outturn outward circumvolve, rotatecause to turn on an axis or center pivot, swivelturn on a pivot eddy, purl, swirl, whirl, whirlpoolflow in a circular current, of liquids kickkick a leg up skankdance the skank grinddance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one's partner such that the dancers' legs are interlaced coil, gyrate, spiralto wind or move in a spiral course corkscrew, spiralmove in a spiral or zigzag course retract, shrink backpull away from a source of disgust or fear ripostemake a return thrust deviate, divertturn aside; turn away from transpirate, transpirepass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas run off, wasterun off as waste run downmove downward pourflow in a spurt run out, spillflow, run or fall out and become lost stream, well outflow freely and abundantly dribble, filter, tricklerun or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream drain, run outflow off gradually ooze, seeppass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings ejectleave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule pronateturn the forearm or the hand so that the palm is directed downwards gutterflow in small streams undockmove out of a dock flail, threshmove like a flail; thresh about clapstrike the air in flight hopmake a jump forward or upward jackrabbitgo forward or start with a fast, sudden movement log off, log outexit a computer 4v go or proceed from one point to another the debate moved from family values to the economy Hypo|Hyper step move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation scrollmove through text or graphics in order to display parts that do not fit on the screen lapse, pass, sinkpass into a specified state or condition alter, change, vary become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence 5v progress by being changed Syn|Hyper go, run change undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature 6n the act of changing location from one place to another his move put him directly in my path Syn|Hypo|Hyper motion, movement approach, approaching, coming the act of drawing spatially closer to something advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion, procession, progress, progressionthe act of moving forward (as toward a goal) locomotion, travelself-propelled movement lunge, lurchthe act of moving forward suddenly travel, traveling, travellingthe act of going from one place to another chase, following, pursual, pursuitthe act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture ascending, ascension, ascent, risethe act of changing location in an upward direction descentthe act of changing your location in a downward direction swing, swinging, vacillationchanging location by moving back and forth returnthe act of going back to a prior location coast, glide, slidethe act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it slippagefailing to hold or slipping out of place flow, streamthe act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression crawla very slow movement hurrying, speed, speedingchanging location rapidly displacement, translationthe act of uniform movement shift, shiftingthe act of moving from one place to another haste, hurry, rush, rushingthe act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner maneuver, manoeuvre, playa deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill migrationthe movement of persons from one country or locality to another emigration, expatriation, out-migrationmigration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another) immigration, in-migrationmigration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there) accessthe act of approaching or entering closing, closureapproaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap landing approachthe approach to a landing field by an airplane pushan effort to advance career, life historythe general progression of your working or professional life marcha steady advance clear sailing, easy going, plain sailingeasy unobstructed progress brachiationswinging by the arms from branch to branch walk, walkingthe act of traveling by foot walkthe act of walking somewhere stepthe act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down gaita horse's manner of moving run, runningthe act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace jog, lope, trota slow pace of running crawl, crawling, creep, creepinga slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body circle, circuit, lapmovement once around a course circumnavigationtraveling around something (by ship or plane) peregrinationtraveling or wandering around traversal, traversetravel across roving, vagabondage, wanderingtravelling about without any clear destination wayfaringtraveling (especially on foot) crossingtraveling across drivingthe act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal horseback riding, ridingtravel by being carried on horseback air, air travel, aviationtravel via aircraft jump, parachutingdescent with a parachute journey, journeyingthe act of traveling from one place to another leg, stagea section or portion of a journey or course stagingtravel by stagecoach on the road, on tourtravelling about junketingtaking an excursion for pleasure seafaring, water traveltravel by water commutation, commutingthe travel of a commuter tracking, trailingthe pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or marks they left behind shadowing, tailingthe act of following someone secretly stalk, stalkingthe act of following prey stealthily levitationthe act of raising (a body) from the ground by presumably spiritualistic means heave, heavingthe act of lifting something with great effort climb, mountthe act of climbing something soar, zoomthe act of rising upward into the air dive, nose dive, nosedivea steep nose-down descent by an aircraft abseil, rappel(mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body swoopa swift descent through the air crash divea rapid descent by a submarine dropthe act of dropping something collapse, flopthe act of throwing yourself down reentrythe act of entering again remandthe act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial (or the continuation of the trial) sideslip, skid, slipan unexpected slide snowboardingthe act of sliding down a snow-covered slope while standing on a snowboard release, spill, spillagethe act of allowing a fluid to escape flood, outpouring, overflowa large flow acceleration, quickening, speedupthe act of accelerating; increasing the speed decelerationthe act of decelerating; decreasing the speed scud, scuddingthe act of moving along swiftly (as before a gale) run-upthe approach run during which an athlete gathers speed leapfrogadvancing as if in the child's game, by leaping over obstacles or competitors dance step, stepa sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance bolt, dashthe act of moving with great haste scamper, scramble, scurryrushing about hastily in an undignified way takeawaythe act of taking the ball or puck away from the team on the offense (as by the interception of a pass) figurea predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating completion, pass completion(American football) a successful forward pass in football ball hawkinga skillful maneuver in catching balls or in stealing the ball from the opposing team assist(sports) the act of enabling another player to make a good play icing, icing the puck(ice hockey) the act of shooting the puck from within your own defensive area the length of the rink beyond the opponent's goal jugglerythe performance of a juggler obstructiongetting in someone's way baseball play(baseball) a play executed by a baseball team footworkthe manner of using the feet shot, stroke(sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand strokeany one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing blitz, linebacker blitzing, safety blitz(American football) defensive players try to break through the offensive line mousetrap, trap play(American football) a play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then blocked off as the runner goes through the place the lineman vacated gold rusha large migration of people to a newly discovered gold field change the action of changing something 7n a change of position that does not entail a change of location 2an impatient move of his hand Syn|Hypo|Hyper motility, motion, movement abduction (physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body adduction(physiology) moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body agitationthe act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously) body Englisha motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction circumductiona circular movement of a limb or eye disturbancethe act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion fetal movement, foetal movementmotion of a fetus within the uterus (usually detected by the 16th week of pregnancy) dart, flita sudden quick movement gesturemotion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling headshake, headshakingthe act of turning your head left and right to signify denial or disbelief or bemusement inclination, incliningthe act of inclining; bending forward eversion, everting, inversionthe act of turning inside out inversion, upendingturning upside down; setting on end jerk, jerking, jolt, saccadean abrupt spasmodic movement kick, kickinga rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics kneel, kneelingsupporting yourself on your knees lurch, pitch, pitchingabrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance) eye movementthe movement of the eyes openingthe act of opening something prostrationthe act of assuming a prostrate position reach, reaching, stretchthe act of physically reaching or thrusting out reciprocationalternating back-and-forth movement recliningthe act of assuming or maintaining a reclining position retractionthe act of pulling or holding or drawing a part back retroflection, retroflexionthe act of bending backward rotary motion, rotationthe act of rotating as if on an axis closing, shuttingthe act of closing something sittingthe act of assuming or maintaining a seated position posing, sitting(photography) the act of assuming a certain position (as for a photograph or portrait) snapthe act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand squat, squattingthe act of assuming or maintaining a crouching position with the knees bent and the buttocks near the heels sweepa movement in an arc tossan abrupt movement quiver, quivering, vibrationthe act of vibrating wavea movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon flicker, flutter, waverthe act of moving back and forth standingthe act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position span, straddlethe act of sitting or standing astride strokea single complete movement squirm, wiggle, wrigglethe act of wiggling eurhythmics, eurhythmy, eurythmics, eurythmythe interpretation in harmonious bodily movements of the rhythm of musical compositions; used to teach musical understanding jab, jabbing, poke, poking, thrust, thrustinga sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow) mudraritual hand movement in Hindu religious dancing boba short abrupt inclination (as of the head) nodthe act of nodding the head stoopan inclination of the top half of the body forward and downward nystagmusinvoluntary movements of the eyeballs; its presence or absence is used to diagnose a variety of neurological and visual disorders saccadea rapid, jerky movement of the eyes between positions of rest circumvolutionthe act of turning or winding or folding around a central axis feather, featheringturning an oar parallel to the water between pulls gyration, whirlingthe act of rotating in a circle or spiral pivotthe act of turning on (or as if on) a pivot pronationrotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face downward spin, twirl, twist, twisting, whirlthe act of rotating rapidly spiralflying downward in a helical path with a large radius supinationrotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face upward turn, twistturning or twisting around (in place) twist, wind, windingthe act of winding or twisting shakingthe act of causing something to move up and down (or back and forth) with quick movements stirringagitating a liquid with an implement shake, wag, wagglecausing to move repeatedly from side to side worryingthe act of moving something by repeated tugs or pushes careen, rock, sway, tiltpitching dangerously to one side overturn, turnover, upsetthe act of upsetting something shudder, tremoran involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear) outreachthe act of reaching out key stroke, keystrokethe stroke of a key; one depression of a key on a keyboard turnout(ballet) the outward rotation of a dancer's leg from the hip beata stroke or blow bowa stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments carnival, circusa frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment disorganisation, disorganizationthe disturbance of a systematic arrangement causing disorder and confusion disruption, perturbationthe act of causing disorder commotion, din, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, tumultthe act of making a noisy disturbance furor, furorea sudden outburst (as of protest) havoc, mayhemviolent and needless disturbance battle royal, melee, scrimmagea noisy riotous fight agitation, excitement, hullabaloo, turmoil, upheavaldisturbance usually in protest outburst, tumultuous disturbancea sudden violent disturbance rampage, violent disorderviolently angry and destructive behavior derangement, overthrow, upsetthe act of disturbing the mind or body swimming kicka movement of the legs in swimming blowa powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon change the action of changing something 1v change residence, affiliation, or place of employment We moved from Idaho to Nebraska The basketball player moved from one team to another Ant|Hypo stay, stay put, stick, stick around stay put (in a certain place) relocate become established in a new location move inmove into a new house or office move outmove out of one's old house or office evacuatemove out of an unsafe location into safety migrate, transmigratemove from one country or region to another and settle there migratemove periodically or seasonally immigratecome into a new country and change residency immigratemigrate to a new environment emigrateleave one's country of residence for a new one clear outmove out and leave nothing behind 2n the act of changing your residence or place of business 3they say that three moves equal one fire Syn|Hypo|Hyper relocation flit a secret move (to avoid paying debts) overspillthe relocation of people from overcrowded cities; they are accommodated in new houses or apartments in smaller towns change the action of changing something 1v be in a state of action she is always moving Syn|Ant|Hypo be active rest be at rest bestir, rouse become active 2v live one's life in a specified environment she moves in certain circles only Hyper live lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style 3v perform an action, or work out or perform (an action) We must move quickly Syn|Ant|Hypo act forbear, refrain resist doing something alternate, take turns do something in turns end up, fetch up, finish, finish up, land up, wind upfinally be or do something festinate, hasten, hurry, look sharp, rushact or move at high speed disturb, interruptdestroy the peace or tranquility of react, respondshow a response or a reaction to something go ahead, plow aheadproceed (with a plan of action) aggress, attacktake the initiative and go on the offensive forcedo forcibly; exert force createpursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity come forward, come out, come to the fore, step forward, step to the fore, step upmake oneself visible; take action pay back, repay, rewardact or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions satisfice, satisfisedecide on and pursue a course of action satisfying the minimum requirements to achieve a goal maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvreact in order to achieve a certain goal dispatchdispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently evadepractice evasion raceto work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others usehabitually do something (use only in the past tense) play it by eardecide on one's actions as one goes along, depending on the situation playact or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome dealtake action with respect to (someone or something) partneract as a partner exertmake a great effort at a mental or physical task egotripact in a way that attracts attention reciprocateact, feel, or give mutually or in return go, proceedfollow a procedure or take a course come closenearly do something performperform a function dare, make bold, presumetake upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission engage, prosecute, pursuecarry out or participate in an activity; be involved in act onregulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice interactact together or towards others or with others oppose, reactact against or in opposition to take time by the forelockact quickly and decisively; not let slip an opportunity coactact together, as of organisms offer, volunteeragree freely get around todo something despite obstacles such as lack of time dally, flirt, play, toybehave carelessly or indifferently approach, go about, set aboutbegin to deal with participate, take partshare in something misbehave, misconduct, misdemeanbehave badly condescend, lower oneself, stoopdebase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way acquit, bear, behave, carry, comport, conduct, deportbehave in a certain manner behave, comportbehave well or properly assay, attempt, essay, seek, trymake an effort or attempt court, romance, solicit, woomake amorous advances towards courtengage in social activities leading to marriage dareto be courageous enough to try or do something effectact so as to bring into existence antagonise, antagonize, counteractact in opposition to anticipate, counter, foresee, forestallact in advance of; deal with ahead of time prosecuteconduct a prosecution in a court of law commit, perpetrate, pullperform an act, usually with a negative connotation rampageact violently, recklessly, or destructively contend, cope, deal, get by, grapple, make do, make out, managecome to terms with condescend, deign, descenddo something that one considers to be below one's dignity condescendbehave in a patronizing and condescending manner take carebe careful, prudent, or watchful act superior, lord it over, put on airs, queen it overact like the master of stampedeact, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse make a point, make suremake a point of doing something; act purposefully and intentionally repeat, take overdo over surprisecome upon or take unawares sneakput, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner playbehave in a certain way takecarry out guardtake precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence begin, startbegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object go off at half-cock, go off half-cockedact prematurely or without reflection or too soon hold back, hold off, waitwait before acting continue, go along, go on, keep, proceedcontinue a certain state, condition, or activity do well, had bestact in one's own or everybody's best interest continuecontinue after an interruption continue, persist indo something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop spelltake turns working treatregard or consider in a specific way bristlereact in an offended or angry manner collude, conspireact in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose flip, flip outreact in an excited, delighted, or surprised way overreactshow an exaggerated response to something answerreact to a stimulus or command acceptbe sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal stoolreact to a decoy, of wildfowl respondrespond favorably or as hoped greetreact to in a certain way explodeshow a violent emotional reaction acceptreact favorably to; consider right and proper answerrespond to a signal communicate, intercommunicatetransmit thoughts or feelings reach outattempt to communicate decline, refuseshow unwillingness towards accept, consent, go forgive an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to confront, face, face updeal with (something unpleasant) head on condescend, patronise, patronizetreat condescendingly marvel, wonderbe amazed at pick up the gauntlet, take a darebe dared to do something and attempt it acknowledge, noticeexpress recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with communicatebe in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas checkplace into check forkplace under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy pieces harassexhaust by attacking repeatedly pinimmobilize a piece tackleseize and throw down an opponent player, who usually carries the ball pullapply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion drawengage in drawing paintmake a painting buildbe engaged in building flusterbe flustered; behave in a confused manner control, keep in line, manipulatecontrol (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage churchperform a special church rite or service for transactconduct business returnreturn in kind overexertexert (oneself) excessively and go beyond one's strength workproceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity embark, ventureproceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers steamroll, steamrollerproceed with great force assert, put forwardinsist on having one's opinions and rights recognized commit, practiceengage in or perform closeengage at close quarters politickengage in political activities act on, follow up on, pursuecarry further or advance marginalise, marginalizerelegate to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of people dealbehave in a certain way towards others combinejoin for a common purpose or in a common action havehave a personal or business relationship with someone buck, go againstresist officiateact in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding invite, pay forhave as a guest socialise, socializetake part in social activities; interact with others connect, get in touch, touch baseestablish communication with someone fight, strugglemake a strenuous or labored effort assemble, foregather, forgather, gather, meetcollect in one place partake inbe active in relatehave or establish a relationship to do by, handle, treatinteract in a certain way fall all overdisplay excessive love or show excessive gratitude towards fall from gracerevert back to bad behavior after a period of good behavior act up, carry onmisbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way walk aroundbehave in a certain manner or have certain properties walklive or behave in a specified manner assert oneselfput oneself forward in an assertive and insistent manner pose, posturebehave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others give it a try, have a gomake an attempt at something gropesearch blindly or uncertainly endeavor, endeavour, striveattempt by employing effort give it a try, give it a whirltry chase, chase afterpursue someone sexually or romantically displayattract attention by displaying some body part or posing; of animals interfere, interpose, intervene, step inget involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force adventure, chance, gamble, hazard, risk, run a risk, take a chance, take chancestake a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome lay on the line, put on the line, riskexpose to a chance of loss or damage bring to bearbring into operation or effect carryextend to a certain degree backdatemake effective from an earlier date makecarry out or commit recommitcommit once again, as of a crime riottake part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot extemporize, improvisemanage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand fendtry to manage without help cut, hackbe able to manage or manage successfully rub along, scrape along, scrape by, scratch along, squeak by, squeeze bymanage one's existence barely affiliate, associate, assort, consortkeep company with; hang out with philander, womanise, womanizehave amorous affairs; of men cope with, match, meetsatisfy or fulfill blindsidecatch unawares, especially with harmful consequences remember oneselfrecover one's good manners after a lapse or stop behaving badly hold outwait uncompromisingly for something desirable delayact later than planned, scheduled, or required holdremain in a certain state, position, or condition keep going, run oncontinue uninterrupted ridecontinue undisturbed and without interference refuse, reject, resistresist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ 4v have a turn; make one's move in a game Syn|Hypo go make a motion propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting bluff, bluff out deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand stalematesubject to a stalemate castlemove the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king serveput the ball into play openmake the opening move cast, drawchoose at random ruff, trumpplay a trump maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, operateperform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense checkdecline to initiate betting aceserve an ace against (someone) overtrumpplay a trump higher than (one previously played) to the trick crossrufftrump alternately in two hands jockeycompete (for an advantage or a position) 5v follow a procedure or take a course Syn|Hypo|Hyper go, proceed work proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity embark, ventureproceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers steamroll, steamrollerproceed with great force act perform an action, or work out or perform (an action) 6n the act of deciding to do something he didn't make a move to help his first move was to hire a lawyer Hypo|Hyper demarche a move or step or maneuver in political or diplomatic affairs maneuver, manoeuvre, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvrea move made to gain a tactical end parkingthe act of maneuvering a vehicle into a location where it can be left temporarily device, gimmick, twistany clever maneuver feintany distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack) footworkskillful maneuvering or dealing gambit, ploy, stratagema maneuver in a game or conversation artifice, rusea deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture) measure, stepany maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal conclusion, decision, determination the act of making up your mind about something 7n (game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game 4Hypo|Hyper chess move the act of moving a chess piece castle, castlinginterchanging the positions of the king and a rook capturethe removal of an opponent's piece from the chess board check(chess) a direct attack on an opponent's king checkmate, matea chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king gambita chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an advantageous position play, turn (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession 1v have an emotional or cognitive impact upon Syn|Hypo affect, impress, strike actuate, incite, motivate, prompt, propel give an incentive for action come to, hit, strikecause to experience suddenly infect affect in a contagious way surprisecause to be surprised impress, ingrain, instillproduce or try to produce a vivid impression of awakenmake aware engraveimpress or affect deeply strike dumbrender speechless, as by surprising or shocking zapstrike suddenly and with force jaraffect in a disagreeable way hit home, strike a chord, strike a note, strike homerefer to or be relevant or familiar to smiteaffect suddenly with deep feeling cloudmake gloomy or depressed piercemove or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply impressimpress positively sweep away, sweep offoverwhelm emotionally disturb, trouble, upsetmove deeply stir, touchaffect emotionally saddenmake unhappy alienatemake withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated amaze, astonish, astoundaffect with wonder explode a bombshellutter or do something surprising catchdiscover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state boggle, bowl over, flabbergastovercome with amazement agitate, charge, charge up, commove, excite, rouse, turn oncause to be agitated, excited, or roused joltdisturb (someone's) composure cark, disorder, disquiet, distract, perturb, trouble, unhingedisturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed prepossessmake a positive impression (on someone) beforehand wowimpress greatly getevoke an emotional response distresscause mental pain to ball over, blow out of the water, floor, shock, take abacksurprise greatly; knock someone's socks off weigh down, weigh onbe oppressive or disheartening to 2v arouse sympathy or compassion in Her fate moved us all Syn|Hyper actuate, incite, motivate, prompt, propel give an incentive for action affect, impress, strike have an emotional or cognitive impact upon 3v give an incentive for action 5This moved me to sacrifice my career Syn|Hyper actuate, incite, motivate, prompt, propel affect, impress, strike have an emotional or cognitive impact upon cause, do, make give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally v propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting 6Syn|Hyper make a motion go have a turn; make one's move in a game advise, propose, suggest make a proposal, declare a plan for something v dispose of by selling The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers Hyper sell exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent |
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