单词 | movement |
释义 | movement (once / 49 pages) 1n 2n 3n 4n 5n The noun movement means a change of position or location. If you're watching a play, you might notice that an actor's repeated movement from one side of the stage to the other shows her character's nervousness. A campaign to create some change or achieve a goal is another kind of movement, like the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. A major section of a musical piece is also called a movement. Each movement of a symphony can have a different tempo and feel, working to build the piece toward a dramatic finish. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony has four movements. WORD FAMILYmovement: movements+/countermove: countermoves/immovable: immovability, immovableness, immovables, immovably/immoveable: immoveably/movable: immovable, movability, movableness, movables, movably, unmovable/move: countermove, movable, moveable, moved, movement, mover, moves, moving/moveable: immoveable, moveably/moved: unmoved/mover: movers/moving: movingly, nonmoving, self-moving, unmoving/unmovable: unmovably/unmoved: unmovedly/unmoving: unmovingly USAGE EXAMPLESThe BDS movement is a Palestinian-led global campaign to put economic and political pressure on Israel, and it is opposed by many Jewish students. Washington Post(Dec 28, 2016) “I don’t share those kinds of extreme views,” he said, when asked about nationalism and the Russian Imperial Movement. Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017) The shoe in question was the Nike Air Rift, or “split-toe” inspired by Kenyan barefoot distance runners allowing extra toe movement. The Guardian(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1n a change of position that does not entail a change of location movement is a sign of life Syn|Hypo|Hyper motility, motion, move abduction (physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body adduction(physiology) moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body agitationthe act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously) body Englisha motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction circumductiona circular movement of a limb or eye disturbancethe act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion fetal movement, foetal movementmotion of a fetus within the uterus (usually detected by the 16th week of pregnancy) dart, flita sudden quick movement gesturemotion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling headshake, headshakingthe act of turning your head left and right to signify denial or disbelief or bemusement inclination, incliningthe act of inclining; bending forward eversion, everting, inversionthe act of turning inside out inversion, upendingturning upside down; setting on end jerk, jerking, jolt, saccadean abrupt spasmodic movement kick, kickinga rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics kneel, kneelingsupporting yourself on your knees lurch, pitch, pitchingabrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance) eye movementthe movement of the eyes openingthe act of opening something prostrationthe act of assuming a prostrate position reach, reaching, stretchthe act of physically reaching or thrusting out reciprocationalternating back-and-forth movement recliningthe act of assuming or maintaining a reclining position retractionthe act of pulling or holding or drawing a part back retroflection, retroflexionthe act of bending backward rotary motion, rotationthe act of rotating as if on an axis closing, shuttingthe act of closing something sittingthe act of assuming or maintaining a seated position posing, sitting(photography) the act of assuming a certain position (as for a photograph or portrait) snapthe act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand squat, squattingthe act of assuming or maintaining a crouching position with the knees bent and the buttocks near the heels sweepa movement in an arc tossan abrupt movement quiver, quivering, vibrationthe act of vibrating wavea movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon flicker, flutter, waverthe act of moving back and forth standingthe act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position span, straddlethe act of sitting or standing astride strokea single complete movement squirm, wiggle, wrigglethe act of wiggling eurhythmics, eurhythmy, eurythmics, eurythmythe interpretation in harmonious bodily movements of the rhythm of musical compositions; used to teach musical understanding jab, jabbing, poke, poking, thrust, thrustinga sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow) mudraritual hand movement in Hindu religious dancing boba short abrupt inclination (as of the head) nodthe act of nodding the head stoopan inclination of the top half of the body forward and downward nystagmusinvoluntary movements of the eyeballs; its presence or absence is used to diagnose a variety of neurological and visual disorders saccadea rapid, jerky movement of the eyes between positions of rest circumvolutionthe act of turning or winding or folding around a central axis feather, featheringturning an oar parallel to the water between pulls gyration, whirlingthe act of rotating in a circle or spiral pivotthe act of turning on (or as if on) a pivot pronationrotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face downward spin, twirl, twist, twisting, whirlthe act of rotating rapidly spiralflying downward in a helical path with a large radius supinationrotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face upward turn, twistturning or twisting around (in place) twist, wind, windingthe act of winding or twisting shakingthe act of causing something to move up and down (or back and forth) with quick movements stirringagitating a liquid with an implement shake, wag, wagglecausing to move repeatedly from side to side worryingthe act of moving something by repeated tugs or pushes careen, rock, sway, tiltpitching dangerously to one side overturn, turnover, upsetthe act of upsetting something shudder, tremoran involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear) outreachthe act of reaching out key stroke, keystrokethe stroke of a key; one depression of a key on a keyboard turnout(ballet) the outward rotation of a dancer's leg from the hip beata stroke or blow bowa stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments carnival, circusa frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment disorganisation, disorganizationthe disturbance of a systematic arrangement causing disorder and confusion disruption, perturbationthe act of causing disorder commotion, din, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, tumultthe act of making a noisy disturbance furor, furorea sudden outburst (as of protest) havoc, mayhemviolent and needless disturbance battle royal, melee, scrimmagea noisy riotous fight agitation, excitement, hullabaloo, turmoil, upheavaldisturbance usually in protest outburst, tumultuous disturbancea sudden violent disturbance rampage, violent disorderviolently angry and destructive behavior derangement, overthrow, upsetthe act of disturbing the mind or body swimming kicka movement of the legs in swimming blowa powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon change the action of changing something 2n the act of changing location from one place to another the movement of people from the farms to the cities Syn|Hypo|Hyper motion, move approach, approaching, coming the act of drawing spatially closer to something advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion, procession, progress, progressionthe act of moving forward (as toward a goal) locomotion, travelself-propelled movement lunge, lurchthe act of moving forward suddenly travel, traveling, travellingthe act of going from one place to another chase, following, pursual, pursuitthe act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture ascending, ascension, ascent, risethe act of changing location in an upward direction descentthe act of changing your location in a downward direction swing, swinging, vacillationchanging location by moving back and forth returnthe act of going back to a prior location coast, glide, slidethe act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it slippagefailing to hold or slipping out of place flow, streamthe act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression crawla very slow movement hurrying, speed, speedingchanging location rapidly displacement, translationthe act of uniform movement shift, shiftingthe act of moving from one place to another haste, hurry, rush, rushingthe act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner maneuver, manoeuvre, playa deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill migrationthe movement of persons from one country or locality to another emigration, expatriation, out-migrationmigration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another) immigration, in-migrationmigration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there) accessthe act of approaching or entering closing, closureapproaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap landing approachthe approach to a landing field by an airplane pushan effort to advance career, life historythe general progression of your working or professional life marcha steady advance clear sailing, easy going, plain sailingeasy unobstructed progress brachiationswinging by the arms from branch to branch walk, walkingthe act of traveling by foot walkthe act of walking somewhere stepthe act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down gaita horse's manner of moving run, runningthe act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace jog, lope, trota slow pace of running crawl, crawling, creep, creepinga slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body circle, circuit, lapmovement once around a course circumnavigationtraveling around something (by ship or plane) peregrinationtraveling or wandering around traversal, traversetravel across roving, vagabondage, wanderingtravelling about without any clear destination wayfaringtraveling (especially on foot) crossingtraveling across drivingthe act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal horseback riding, ridingtravel by being carried on horseback air, air travel, aviationtravel via aircraft jump, parachutingdescent with a parachute journey, journeyingthe act of traveling from one place to another leg, stagea section or portion of a journey or course stagingtravel by stagecoach on the road, on tourtravelling about junketingtaking an excursion for pleasure seafaring, water traveltravel by water commutation, commutingthe travel of a commuter tracking, trailingthe pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or marks they left behind shadowing, tailingthe act of following someone secretly stalk, stalkingthe act of following prey stealthily levitationthe act of raising (a body) from the ground by presumably spiritualistic means heave, heavingthe act of lifting something with great effort climb, mountthe act of climbing something soar, zoomthe act of rising upward into the air dive, nose dive, nosedivea steep nose-down descent by an aircraft abseil, rappel(mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body swoopa swift descent through the air crash divea rapid descent by a submarine dropthe act of dropping something collapse, flopthe act of throwing yourself down reentrythe act of entering again remandthe act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial (or the continuation of the trial) sideslip, skid, slipan unexpected slide snowboardingthe act of sliding down a snow-covered slope while standing on a snowboard release, spill, spillagethe act of allowing a fluid to escape flood, outpouring, overflowa large flow acceleration, quickening, speedupthe act of accelerating; increasing the speed decelerationthe act of decelerating; decreasing the speed scud, scuddingthe act of moving along swiftly (as before a gale) run-upthe approach run during which an athlete gathers speed leapfrogadvancing as if in the child's game, by leaping over obstacles or competitors dance step, stepa sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance bolt, dashthe act of moving with great haste scamper, scramble, scurryrushing about hastily in an undignified way takeawaythe act of taking the ball or puck away from the team on the offense (as by the interception of a pass) figurea predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating completion, pass completion(American football) a successful forward pass in football ball hawkinga skillful maneuver in catching balls or in stealing the ball from the opposing team assist(sports) the act of enabling another player to make a good play icing, icing the puck(ice hockey) the act of shooting the puck from within your own defensive area the length of the rink beyond the opponent's goal jugglerythe performance of a juggler obstructiongetting in someone's way baseball play(baseball) a play executed by a baseball team footworkthe manner of using the feet shot, stroke(sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand strokeany one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing blitz, linebacker blitzing, safety blitz(American football) defensive players try to break through the offensive line mousetrap, trap play(American football) a play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then blocked off as the runner goes through the place the lineman vacated gold rusha large migration of people to a newly discovered gold field change the action of changing something 3n the act of changing the location of something the movement of cargo onto the vessel Exp|Hypo|Hyper Berlin airlift airlift in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin deracination, displacement to move something from its natural environment conveyance, transfer, transferral, transport, transportationthe act of moving something from one location to another insertion, introduction, intromissionthe act of putting one thing into another letting down, loweringthe act of causing something to move to a lower level transplant, transplantation, transplantingthe act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location troop movementmovement of military units to a new location transshipmentthe transfer from one conveyance to another for shipment airlift, lifttransportation of people or goods by air (especially when other means of access are unavailable) connection, connexionshifting from one form of transportation to another bringing, deliverythe act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail) drivethe act of driving a herd of animals overland carrythe act of carrying something cannulation, cannulisation, cannulization, canulation, canulisation, canulization, intubationthe insertion of a cannula or tube into a hollow body organ instillation, instillment, instilmentthe introduction of a liquid (by pouring or injection) drop by drop enclosing, enclosure, envelopment, inclosurethe act of enclosing something inside something else injectionthe forceful insertion of a substance under pressure blood transfusion, transfusionthe introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery perfusionpumping a liquid into an organ or tissue (especially by way of blood vessels) lighteragethe transportation of goods on a lighter relocation, resettlementthe transportation of people (as a family or colony) to a new settlement (as after an upheaval of some kind) teleportationa hypothetical mode of instantaneous transportation; matter is dematerialized at one place and recreated at another change the action of changing something 4n a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something Syn|Hypo|Hyper motion crustal movement, tectonic movement movement resulting from or causing deformation of the earth's crust approach, approachingthe event of one object coming closer to another passage, passingthe motion of one object relative to another deflection, deflexionthe movement of the pointer or pen of a measuring instrument from its zero position bend, bendingmovement that causes the formation of a curve change of location, travela movement through space that changes the location of something undulation, wave(physics) a movement up and down or back and forth jittera small irregular movement periodic motion, periodic movementmotion that recurs over and over and the period of time required for each recurrence remains the same heave(geology) a horizontal dislocation backlash, rebound, recoil, repercussiona movement back from an impact kick, recoilthe backward jerk of a gun when it is fired seekthe movement of a read/write head to a specific data track on a disk squeeze, wringa twisting squeeze cam stroke, stroke, throwthe maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam turn, turninga movement in a new direction twist, wrencha jerky pulling movement undulationwavelike motion; a gentle rising and falling in the manner of waves moving ridge, waveone of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water) wobblean unsteady rocking motion commotion, whirlconfused movement Brownian motion, Brownian movement, pedesisthe random motion of small particles suspended in a gas or liquid ascension(astronomy) the rising of a star above the horizon circulationfree movement or passage (as of cytoplasm within a cell or sap through a plant) creepa slow longitudinal movement or deformation breaker, breakers, surfwaves breaking on the shore backwash, wakethe wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward swashthe movement or sound of water riffle, ripple, rippling, waveleta small wave on the surface of a liquid gravitation wave, gravity wave(physics) a wave that is hypothesized to propagate gravity and to travel at the speed of light sine wavea wave whose waveform resembles a sine curve oscillation, vibration(physics) a regular periodic variation in value about a mean fluctuationa wave motion seichea wave on the surface of a lake or landlocked bay; caused by atmospheric or seismic disturbances standing wave, stationary wavea wave (as a sound wave in a chamber or an electromagnetic wave in a transmission line) in which the ratio of its instantaneous amplitude at one point to that at any other point does not vary with time traveling wave, travelling wavea wave in which the medium moves in the direction of propagation of the wave acoustic wave, sound wave(acoustics) a wave that transmits sound wave form, wave shape, waveformthe shape of a wave illustrated graphically by plotting the values of the period quantity against time blast wave, shock wavea region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity crestless wave, swellthe undulating movement of the surface of the open sea lift, risea wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground billow, surgea large sea wave tidal wavea wave resulting from the periodic flow of the tides that is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun tidal wavean unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by a storm or a combination of wind and high tide tsunamia cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption roll, roller, rolling wavea long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore harmonic motiona periodic motion in which the displacement is either symmetrical about a point or is the sum of such motions bounce, bouncingrebounding from an impact (or series of impacts) resilience, resiliencyan occurrence of rebounding or springing back instrokethe stroke of an engine piston moving away from the crankshaft outstrokethe stroke of an engine piston moving toward the crankshaft combera long curling sea wave white horse, whitecapa wave that is blown by the wind so its crest is broken and appears white gravitationmovement downward resulting from gravitational attraction levitationmovement upward in virtue of lightness descenta movement downward shimmyan abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the front wheels) entering, entrancea movement into or inward falla movement downward flow, flowingthe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases) carom, ricocheta glancing rebound deflection, deflexion, refractionthe amount by which a propagating wave is bent reversal, turn aroundturning in an opposite direction or position swerve, yawan erratic deflection from an intended course impulse, pulsation, pulse, pulsing(electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients) flap, flapping, flutter, flutteringthe motion made by flapping up and down gyration, revolution, rotationa single complete turn (axial or orbital) advance, progress, progressiona movement forward ascension, ascent, rise, risinga movement upward spread, spreadingprocess or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space stampedea wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle) translationa uniform movement without rotation coming back, returnthe occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction volutiona rolling or revolving motion happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent an event that happens 5n an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement Syn|Hyper apparent motion, apparent movement, motion optical illusion an optical phenomenon that results in a false or deceptive visual impression 6n a general tendency to change (as of opinion) 2a broad movement of the electorate to the right Syn|Hypo|Hyper drift, trend evolutionary trend a general direction of evolutionary change gravitationa figurative movement toward some attraction neotenyan evolutionary trend to be born earlier so that development is cut off at an earlier stage and juvenile characteristics are retained in adults of the species disposition, inclination, tendency an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others 1n a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end the movement to end slavery Syn|Hypo|Hyper campaign, cause, crusade, drive, effort ad blitz, ad campaign, advertising campaign an organized program of advertisements anti-war movementa campaign against entering or continuing a war charm campaigna campaign of flattery and friendliness (by a company, politician, etc.) to become more popular and gain support consumerisma movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers campaigning, candidacy, candidature, electioneering, political campaignthe campaign of a candidate to be elected fund-raising campaign, fund-raising drive, fund-raising efforta campaign to raise money for some cause feminism, feminist movement, women's lib, women's liberation movementthe movement aimed at equal rights for women gay lib, gay liberation movementthe movement aimed at liberating homosexuals from legal or social or economic oppression lost causea defeated cause or a cause for which defeat is inevitable reforma campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices wara concerted campaign to end something that is injurious youth crusade, youth movementpolitical or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people front-porch campaign, front-porch campaigninga campaign in which the candidate makes speeches but does not travel hustingsthe activities involved in political campaigning (especially speech making) whispering campaignthe organized dissemination of derogatory rumors designed to discredit a candidate stumpingcampaigning for something by making political speeches (stump speeches) sales campaignan advertising campaign intended to promote sales public-relations campaignan advertising campaign intended to improve public relations venture any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome 2n a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals 3he was a charter member of the movement politicians have to respect a mass movement Syn|Exp|Hypo|Hyper front, social movement Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades a terrorist group that has worked with Al Qaeda; claimed responsibility for attacks in Iraq and Turkey Bearer of the Sworda small gang of terrorist thugs claiming to seek a separate Islamic state for the Muslim minority in the Philippines; uses bombing and assassination and extortion and kidnapping al-Aksa Martyrs Brigadesa militant offshoot of al-Fatah that is the newest and strongest and best equipped faction active in the West Bank; responsible for many deadly attacks in Israel in 2002 Revolutionary Proletarian Armyan urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist Party in the Philippines; formed in the 1980s al-Asifaa Palestinian political and military organization founded by Yasser Arafat in 1958 to work toward the creation of a Palestinian state; during the 1960s and 1970s trained terrorist and insurgent groups al-Gama'a al-Islamiyyaa terrorist organization of militant Islamists organized into tiny cells of extreme fundamentalists; emerged during the 1970s mainly in Egyptian jails al Itihaad al Islamiyaa fundamentalist Islamic group in Somalia who initially did fundraising for al-Qaeda; responsible for ambushing United States Army Rangers and for terrorist bombings in Ethiopia; believed to have branches in several countries Egyptian Islamic Jihadan Islamic extremist group active since the late 1970s; seeks to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic state; works in small underground cells al-Ma'unaha radical insurgent Islamist group consisting of disaffected middle-class professionals in Malaysia who want to overthrow the government by violent means and set up an Islamic state al-Muhajirouna hard-line extremist Islamic group in Great Britain who support bin Laden and other terrorist groups Al Nathira Palestinian terrorist organization formed in 2002 and linked to Fatah movement of Yasser Arafat al-Qa'idaa terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries al-Rashid Trusta terrorist group organized in 1996 after the Taliban took over Afghanistan and part of Osama bin Laden's international system; provides financial support for the Taliban and al-Qaeda and Jaish-i-Mohammed and assists Muslim militants around the world; established a network of madrasas and mosques in Afghanistan Followers of the Phropheta resurgent Islamic fundamentalist organization based in Nigeria that is thought to be planning terrorist attacks Divine Unityan Islamic terrorist cell that originated in Jordan but operates in Germany; goal is to attack Europe and Russia with chemical weapons al-Ummaha terrorist group formed in India in 1992; is believed to be responsible for bombings in southern India in 1998 Supporters of Islama radical Islamic group of terrorists in the Iraqi part of Kurdistan who oppose an independent secular nation as advocated by the United States; some members fought with the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan; said to receive financial support from Saddam Hussein Corsican Armya terrorist organization founded in 1999 to oppose the link between nationalists and the Corsican mafia Armed Islamic Groupa terrorist organization of Islamic extremists whose violent activities began in 1992; aims to overthrow the secular Algerian regime and replace it with an Islamic state Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armeniaa militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in 1975 to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in 1915; wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia Army for the Liberation of Rwandaa terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again Band of Partisansan extremist Palestinian Sunni group active in Lebanon in the early 1990s that advocates Salafism; responsible for murders and bombings; seeks to overthrow the Lebanese government and control Palestinian refugee camps; funded by al-Qaeda Aum Shinrikyoa terrorist organization whose goal is to take over Japan and then the world; based on a religion founded in 1987 that combines elements of Buddhism with Christianity Baader Meinhof Ganga radical left-wing revolutionary terrorist group active in Germany from 1968 until 1977 Basque Fatherland and Libertya terrorist organization organized in 1959 by student activists who were dissatisfied with the moderate nationalism of the traditional Basque party; want to create an independent homeland in Spain's western Pyrenees Black September Movementa former Palestinian terrorist organization (now merged with Fatah Revolutionary Council) that assassinated the Prime Minister of Jordan and during the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich killed 11 Israeli athletes Chukaku-Haan ultra-leftist militant group founded in 1957 from the breakup of the Japanese Communist Party; includes a covert action wing Continuity Irish Republican Armya terrorist organization formed in Ireland in 1994 as a clandestine armed wing of Sinn Fein Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestinea Marxist-Leninist group that believes Palestinian goals can only be achieved by revolutionary change East Turkestan Islamic Movementa group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang; declared by China in 2001 to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslimsa Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in 1974; has conducted terrorist attacks in 20 countries Fatah Tanzima terrorist group organized by Yasser Arafat in 1995 as the armed wing of al-Fatah; serves a dual function of violent confrontation with Israel and serves as Arafat's unofficial militia to prevent rival Islamists from usurping leadership First of October Antifascist Resistance Groupan armed wing of the (illegal) Communist Party of Spain; seeks to overthrow the Spanish government and replace it with a Marxist-Leninist regime Force 17formed in 1972 as a personal security force for Arafat and other PLO leaders; became one of PLO's elite units; has built an extensive infrastructure of terrorist cells and weapon depots in Europe while attacking Israeli targets Forces of Umar Al-Mukhtara little known Palestinian group responsible for bombings and for killing Israelis; seeks to defeat Israel and liberate southern Lebanon, Palestine, and Golan Heights Islamic Resistance Movementa militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon; seeks to create an Islamic state in place of Israel; is opposed to the PLO and has become a leading perpetrator of terrorist activity in Israel; pioneered suicide bombing Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islamian extremist militant group in Pakistan occupied Kashmir that seeks an Islamic government and that has had close links and fought with the Taliban in Afghanistan Movement of Holy Warriorsan Islamic fundamentalist group in Pakistan that fought the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s; now operates as a terrorist organization primarily in Kashmir and seeks Kashmir's accession by Pakistan Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestinea Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran; seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon; car bombs are the signature weapon Hizb ut-Tahrirthe most popular and feared Islamic extremist group in central Asia; advocates `pure' Islam and the creation of a worldwide Islamic state International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusadersa terrorist group organized by Osama bin Laden in 1998 that provided an umbrella organization for al-Qaeda and other militant groups in Egypt and Algeria and Pakistan and Bangladesh Irish National Liberation Armya radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland Provisional Irish Republican Armya militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland Islamic Army of Aden-AbyanYemen-based terrorist group that supports al-Qaeda's goals; seeks to overthrow the Yemeni government and eliminate United States interests; responsible for bombings and kidnappings and killing western tourists in Yemen Islamic Great Eastern Raiders-Fronta Turkish terrorist organization that claimed responsibility for bombing a British consulate and bank in Istanbul; a violent opponent of Turkey's secular government and its ties to the European Union and NATO Islamic Group of Uzbekistana terrorist group of Islamic militants formed in 1996; opposes Uzbekistan's secular regime and wants to establish an Islamic state in central Asia; is a conduit for drugs from Afghanistan to central Asian countries Army of Muhammada terrorist organization founded in 2000; a militant Islamic group active in Kashmir and closely aligned with al-Rashid Trust; seeks to secure release of imprisoned fellow militants by kidnappings Jamaat ul-Fuqraan Islamic terrorist group organized in the 1980s; seeks to purify Islam through violence; the cells in North America and the Caribbean insulate themselves from Western culture and will even attack other Muslims who they regard as heretics Anti-Imperialist International Brigadea terrorist group organized in 1970 to overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution; is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists Jayshullahan indigenous Islamic terrorist group in Azerbaijan that attempted to bomb the United States embassy in 1999 Malaysian Mujahidin Groupa clandestine group of southeast Asian terrorists organized in 1993 and trained by al-Qaeda; supports militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia Jerusalem Warriorsethnic Turkish Sunni terrorists who are linked with the Turkish Hizballah; killed a United States Air Force sergeant in 1991 Soldiers of Godan Islamic extremist group of Kurds who oppose secular control with bombings and assassinations; believed to have ties with al-Qaeda Kahane Chaia terrorist organization founded for Jewish defense; fights antisemitism and hopes to restore the biblical state of Israel Association of Islamic Groups and Communitiesa Turkish terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims with ties to al-Qaeda that operates in Germany; seeks the violent overthrow of the Turkish government and the establishment of an Islamic nation modeled on Iran Party of Democratic Kampucheaa communist organization formed in Cambodia in 1970; became a terrorist organization in 1975 when it captured Phnom Penh and created a government that killed an estimated three million people; was defeated by Vietnamese troops but remained active until 1999 Ku Klux Klana secret society of white Southerners in the United States; was formed in the 19th century to resist the emancipation of slaves; used terrorist tactics to suppress Black people Partiya Karkeran Kurdistana Marxist-Leninist terrorist group of Kurds trying to establish an independent Kurdish state in eastern Turkey Lashkar-e-Jhangvia Sunni Muslim extremist group in Pakistan that collaborates with al-Qaeda; the armed wing of Sipah-e-Sahaba Lashkar-e-Omara terrorist organization formed in Pakistan in 2002 as a coalition of extremist Islamic militant groups including Lashkar-e-Taiba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Jaish-e-Muhammad and elements of al-Qaeda Army of the Righteousa brutal terrorist group active in Kashmir; fights against India with the goal of restoring Islamic rule of India Holy War Warriorsa paramilitary terrorist organization of militant Muslims in Indonesia; wages a jihad against Christians in Indonesia; subscribes to the Wahhabi creed of Islam Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movementa violent terrorist group organized in the 1980s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government; leaders are mainly criminals or impoverished youths Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelama terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libyaa Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi Lord's Resistance Armya quasi-religious rebel group in Uganda that terrorized and raped women and kidnapped children who were forced to serve in the army Loyalist Volunteer Forcea terrorist group formed in 1996 in Northern Ireland; seeks to prevent the peace process; murders Catholics and any Protestant leaders who favor peace Maktab al-Khidmata terrorist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the 1980s to provide money and recruit fighters around the world; enlisted and transported thousands of men to Afghanistan to fight the Russians; a split in the group led bin Laden and the extremist faction of MAK to form al-Qaeda Manuel Rodriquez Patriotic Fronta terrorist group formed in 1983 as the armed wing of the Chilean Communist Party Moranzanist Patriotic Fronta terrorist group of radical leftists formed in the late 1980s; seeks to prevent the United States from intervening in Honduran economic and political affairs Moro Islamic Liberation Fronta terrorist group in the southern Philippines formed in 1977 to establish an independent Islamic state for the Moros; have clashed with troops at United States bases Mujahedeen Kompaka militant Islamic militia that was formed in 2005 by hardliners who split from Jemaah Islamiyah Mujahidin-e Khalq Organizationa terrorist organization formed in the 1960s by children of Iranian merchants; sought to counter the Shah of Iran's pro-western policies of modernization and opposition to communism; following a philosophy that mixes Marxism and Islam it now attacks the Islamic fundamentalists who deposed the Shah Nestor Paz Zamora Commissiona terrorist organization in Bolivia that acts as an umbrella for numerous small indigenous subversive groups; a revival of a group with Marxist-Leninist ideologies originally established by Che Guevara in the 1960s National Liberation Armya Marxist terrorist group formed in 1963 by Colombian intellectuals who were inspired by the Cuban Revolution; responsible for a campaign of mass kidnappings and resistance to the government's efforts to stop the drug trade National Liberation Front of Corsicaa terrorist group formed in 1976 to work for Corsican independence; attacks on Corsica are aimed at sabotaging public infrastructure and symbols of colonialism New People's Armya terrorist organization that is the militant wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines; a Maoist organization formed to overthrow the government; uses hit squads called Sparrow Units; opposes United States military presence in the Philippines Orange Groupa terrorist group of Protestants who oppose any political settlement with Irish nationalists; a paramilitary group that attacks Catholic interests in Northern Ireland Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami al-Filastinia militant Palestinian terrorist group created in 1979 and committed to the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine and to the destruction of Israel; smaller and more exclusively militant that Hamas Jabat al-Tahrir al-Filistiniyyaha terrorist group formed in 1977 as the result of a split with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; became a satellite of al-Fatah; made terrorist attacks on Israel across the Lebanese border Palestinian Hizballaha little known Palestinian group comprised of members of Hamas and Tanzim with suspected ties to the Lebanese Hizballah; responsible for suicide bombings in Israel Pentagon Ganga Filipino terrorist group that broke away from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in 2001 in order to continue terrorism and kidnapping and extortion Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinea terrorist group of limited popularity formed in 1967 after the Six-Day War; combined Marxist-Leninist ideology with Palestinian nationalism; used terrorism to gain attention for their cause; hoped to eliminate the state of Israel Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Commanda Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that conducted several attacks in western Europe Popular Struggle Fronta terrorist group of radical Palestinians who split with al-Fatah in 1967 but now have close relations with al-Fatah; staged terrorist attacks against Israel across the Lebanese border 15 May Organizationa terrorist organization formed in 1979 by a faction of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine but disbanded in the 1980s when key members left to join a faction of al-Fatah People against Gangsterism and Drugsa terrorist organization in South Africa formed in 1996 to fight drug lords; evolved into a vigilante group with anti-western views closely allied with Qibla; is believed to have ties to Islamic extremists in the Middle East; is suspected of conducting bouts of urban terrorism Puka Intia small but violent terrorist organization formed in Ecuador in the early 1990s; responsible for bombing several government buildings Iz Al-Din Al-Qassam Battalionsthe military arm of Hamas responsible for suicide bombings and other attacks on Israel Qiblaa small terrorist group of Muslims in South Africa formed in the 1980s; was inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini to create an Islamic state in South Africa Dissident Irish Republican Armya radical terrorist group that broke away in 1997 when the mainstream Provisional IRA proposed a cease-fire; has continued terrorist activities in opposition to any peace agreement Red Army Factiona Marxist and Maoist terrorist organization in Germany; a network of underground guerillas who committed acts of violence in the service of the class struggle; a successor to the Baader-Meinhof Gang; became one of Europe's most feared terrorist groups; disbanded in 1998 Brigate Rossea Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that arose out of a student protest movement in the late 1960s; wants to separate Italy from NATO and advocates violence in the service of class warfare and revolution; mostly inactive since 1989 Red Hand Defendersa paramilitary group of Protestants in Northern Ireland that tries to prevent any political settlement with the Irish Republic; attacks interests of Catholic civilians in Northern Ireland; responsible for arson and bombing and murder Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarios de Colombiaa powerful and wealthy terrorist organization formed in 1957 as the guerilla arm of the Colombian communist party; opposed to the United States; has strong ties to drug dealers Revolutionary Organization 17 Novembera Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Greece that is violently opposed to imperialism and capitalism and NATO and the United States; an active terrorist group during the 1980s Revolutionary People's Liberation Frontan extreme Marxist terrorist organization in Turkey that is opposed to NATO and the United States; attacks Turkish security and military officials Revolutionary People's Strugglean extreme leftist terrorist group formed in Greece in 1971 to oppose the military junta that ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974; a revolutionary group opposed to capitalism and imperialism and the United States Revolutionary Proletarian Initiative Nucleia clandestine group of leftist extremists who oppose Italy's labor policies and foreign policy; responsible for bombing building in the historic center of Rome from 2000 to 2002 Revolutionary United Fronta terrorist group formed in the 1980s in Sierra Leone; seeks to overthrow the government and gain control of the diamond producing regions; responsible for attacks on civilians and children, widespread torture and murder and using children to commit atrocities; sponsored by the president of Liberia Salafast Group for Call and Combatan Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic Group; now the largest and most active armed terrorist group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government; a major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda operations in Europe and northern Africa Sendero Luminosoa terrorist group formed in Peru in the late 1960s as a splinter group from the communist party of Peru; is among the most ruthless guerilla organizations in the world; seeks to destroy Peruvian institutions and replace them with a Maoist peasant regime; is involved in the cocaine trade Sipah-e-Sahabaa vicious sectarian organization in Pakistan that persecutes Shiite Muslims and collaborates with al-Qaeda to attack foreigners and to disrupt the government of Pakistan Movement for Revengean organization of Muslims in India who killed Hindus in September 2002; believed to have ties with Muslim terrorists in Pakistan Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Anarua Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Peru; was formed in 1983 to overthrow the Peruvian government and replace it with a Marxist regime; has connections with the ELN in Bolivia Tupac Katari Guerrilla Armya terrorist group that is the remnants of the original Bolivian insurgents trained by Che Guevara; attacks small unprotected targets such as power pylons or oil pipelines or government buildings Turkish Hizballahan ethnic Kurdish group of Sunni extremists formed in the late 1980s in southeastern Turkey; seeks to replace Turkey's secular regime with an Islamic state and strict shariah law; responsible for bombings and the torture and murder of Turkish and Kurdish journalists and businessmen; receives support from Iran Ulster Defence Associationthe major Protestant paramilitary group in Northern Ireland; responsible for bombing the homes of Catholics and for criminal racketeering and selling drugs United Self-Defense Force of Colombiaa terrorist organization in Colombia formed in 1997 as an umbrella for local and regional paramilitary groups; is financed by earnings from narcotics and serves to protect the economic interests of its members Fighting French, Free French a French movement during World War II that was organized in London by Charles de Gaulle to fight for the liberation of France from German control and for the restoration of the republic art movement, artistic movementa group of artists who agree on general principles Boy Scoutsan international (but decentralized) movement started in 1908 in England with the goal of teaching good citizenship to boys Civil Rights movementmovement in the United States beginning in the 1960s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights of individual Black citizens common fronta movement in which several individuals or groups with different interests join together cultural movementa group of people working together to advance certain cultural goals ecumenism, oecumenisma movement promoting union between religions (especially between Christian churches) falun gonga spiritual movement that began in China in the latter half of the 20th century and is based on Buddhist and Taoist teachings and practices political movementa group of people working together to achieve a political goal reform movementa movement intended to bring about social and humanitarian reforms religious movementa movement intended to bring about religious reforms Zionism, Zionist movementa movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine Abstract Expressionism, action paintinga New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions; the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles Ash Can, Ashcan schoolearly 20th-century United States painting; portrays realistic and sordid scenes of city life Impressionisma school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light Pop Arta school of art that emerged in the United Kingdom in the 1950s and became prevalent in the United States and the United Kingdom in the 1960s; it imitated the techniques of commercial art (as the soup cans of Andy Warhol) and the styles of popular culture and the mass media Islamisma fundamentalist Islamic revivalist movement generally characterized by moral conservatism and the literal interpretation of the Koran and the attempt to implement Islamic values in all aspects of life Ashcan School, Eighta group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life pointillisma school of painters who used a technique of painting with tiny dots of pure colors that would blend in the viewer's eye; developed by Georges Seurat and his followers late in 19th century France PLO, Palestine Liberation Organizationa political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine; when formed in 1964 it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah; in 1968 Arafat became chairman; received recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in 1974 as a government in exile; has played a largely political role since the creation of the Palestine National Authority Sinn Feinan Irish republican political movement founded in 1905 to promote independence from England and unification of Ireland; became the political branch of the Irish Republican Army Red Guarda radical political movement by Chinese youths who espoused Maoist principles syndicalisma radical political movement that advocates bringing industry and government under the control of labor unions FTO, foreign terrorist organization, terrorist group, terrorist organizationa political movement that uses terror as a weapon to achieve its goals art deco, decoa style of design that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s; marked by stylized forms and geometric designs adapted to mass production art nouveaua French school of art and architecture popular in the 1890s; characterized by stylized natural forms and sinuous outlines of such objects as leaves and vines and flowers avant-garde, new wave, van, vanguardany creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts) constructivisman abstractionist artistic movement in Russia after World War I; industrial materials were used to construct nonrepresentational objects suprematisma geometric abstractionist movement originated by Kazimir Malevich in Russia that influenced constructivism cubisman artistic movement in France beginning in 1907 that featured surfaces of geometrical planes dada, dadaisma nihilistic art movement (especially in painting) that flourished in Europe early in the 20th century; based on irrationality and negation of the accepted laws of beauty expressionisman art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized; an inner feeling was expressed through a distorted rendition of reality fauvisman art movement launched in 1905 whose work was characterized by bright and nonnatural colors and simple forms; influenced the expressionists futurisman artistic movement in Italy around 1910 that tried to express the energy and values of the machine age Hudson River school, romantic realismthe first coherent school of American art; active from 1825 to 1870; painted wilderness landscapes of the Hudson River valley and surrounding New England imagisma movement by American and English poets early in the 20th century in reaction to Victorian sentimentality; used common speech in free verse with clear concrete imagery lake poetsEnglish poets at the beginning of the 19th century who lived in the Lake District and were inspired by it luminisman artistic movement in the United States that was derived from the Hudson River school; active from 1850 to 1870; painted realistic landscapes in a style that pictured atmospheric light and the use of aerial perspective minimal art, minimalism, reductivisman art movement in sculpture and painting that began in the 1950s and emphasized extreme simplification of form and color naturalism, realisman artistic movement in 19th century France; artists and writers strove for detailed realistic and factual description neoromanticisman art movement based on a revival of Romanticism in art and literature New Wave, Nouvelle Vaguean art movement in French cinema in the 1960s secession, sezessionan Austrian school of art and architecture parallel to the French art nouveau in the 1890s surrealisma 20th century movement of artists and writers (developing out of dadaism) who used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams symbolisman artistic movement in the late 19th century that tried to express abstract or mystical ideas through the symbolic use of images Age of Reason, Enlightenmenta movement in Europe from about 1650 until 1800 that advocated the use of reason and individualism instead of tradition and established doctrine labor, labor movement, trade union movementan organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement Akhbaria religious movement by Arab Shiite Muslims in 17th century Iraq that is opposed to the Usuli Usulia religious movement by Persian Shiite Muslims in 17th century Iran that is opposed to the Akhbari Counter Reformationthe reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Reformation reaffirming the veneration of saints and the authority of the Pope (to which Protestants objected); many leaders were Jesuits ecumenical movementa movement aimed to promote understanding and cooperation among Christian churches; aimed ultimately at universal Christian unity Gallicanisma religious movement originating among the French Roman Catholic clergy that favored the restriction of papal control and the achievement by each nation of individual administrative autonomy of the church Chabad, Chabad-Lubavitch, Lubavitch, Lubavitch movementa large missionary Hasidic movement known for their hospitality, technological expertise, optimism and emphasis on religious study Oxford movement19th-century movement in the Church of England opposing liberal tendencies Pietism17th and 18th-century German movement in the Lutheran Church stressing personal piety and devotion Protestant Reformation, Reformationa religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches Taleban, Talibana fundamentalist Islamic militia; in 1995 the Taliban militia took over Afghanistan and in 1996 took Kabul and set up an Islamic government Nation of Islama group of militant Black Americans who profess Islamic religious beliefs and advocate independence for Black Americans humanismthe cultural movement of the Renaissance; based on classical studies social group people sharing some social relation n a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata 4the second movement is slow and melodic Hypo|Hyper intermezzo a short movement coming between the major sections of a symphony scherzoa fast movement (usually in triple time) composition, musical composition, opus, piece, piece of music a musical work that has been created n the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock) 5it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement Hyper action, action mechanism the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism n a euphemism for defecation Syn bm, bowel movement |
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