

单词 cardinal
(once / 188 pages)
1n 2adj 3adjn 4n 5n

In Catholicism, a cardinal is a high-ranking bishop. In math, you use cardinal numbers to count. A cardinal rule is one that is central and should not be broken.
Okay, that's a lot of definitions. How exactly are they related? In all cases, cardinal means central or essential. It's a cardinal principle that you use it to describe words of behavior like rule or sin. In the Church, cardinals form the central governing body, and in math the cardinal numbers (one, two, three) are the numbers you learn and use first.
cardinal: cardinality, cardinally, cardinals, cardinalship+/cardinalship: cardinalships
Good sense says the New England Patriots did not need to sign receiver Michael Floyd when the Cardinals released him a few weeks ago.
The Guardian(Jan 02, 2017)
Floyd was acquired last month after the Cardinals released him following a DUI arrest in Arizona.
Washington Post(Jan 01, 2017)
Stanford: The Cardinal is struggling to defend the perimeter and the dribble drive.
Washington Times(Jan 01, 2017)
n a variable color averaging a vivid red
red, redness
red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood
adj serving as an essential component
a cardinal rule
central, fundamental, key, primal
important, of import
of great significance or value
1adj being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order
cardinal numbers
0, zero
indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration
not involving zero
1, ane, i, one
used of a single unit or thing; not two or more
2, ii, two
being one more than one
3, iii, three
being one more than two
4, four, iv
being one more than three
5, five, v
being one more than four
6, half dozen, half-dozen, six, vi
denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units
7, seven, vii
being one more than six
8, eight, viii
being one more than seven
9, ix, nine
denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten
10, ten, x
being one more than nine
11, eleven, xi
being one more than ten
12, dozen, twelve, xii
denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units
13, thirteen, xiii
being one more than twelve
14, fourteen, xiv
being one more than thirteen
15, fifteen, xv
being one more than fourteen
16, sixteen, xvi
being one more than fifteen
17, seventeen, xvii
being one more than sixteen
18, eighteen, xviii
being one more than seventeen
19, nineteen, xix
being one more than eighteen
20, twenty, xx
denoting a quantity consisting of 20 items or units
21, twenty-one, xxi
being one more than twenty
22, twenty-two, xxii
being two more than twenty
23, twenty-three, xxiii
being three more than twenty
24, twenty-four, xxiv
being four more than twenty
25, twenty-five, xxv
being five more than twenty
26, twenty-six, xxvi
being six more than twenty
27, twenty-seven, xxvii
being seven more than twenty
28, twenty-eight, xxviii
being eight more than twenty
29, twenty-nine, xxix
being nine more than twenty
30, thirty, xxx
being ten more than twenty
31, thirty-one, xxxi
being one more than thirty
32, thirty-two, xxxii
being two more than thirty
33, thirty-three, xxxiii
being three more than thirty
34, thirty-four, xxxiv
being four more than thirty
35, thirty-five, xxxv
being five more than thirty
36, thirty-six, xxxvi
being six more than thirty
37, thirty-seven, xxxvii
being seven more than thirty
38, thirty-eight, xxxviii
being eight more than thirty
39, ixl, thirty-nine
being nine more than thirty
40, forty, twoscore, xl
being ten more than thirty
41, forty-one, xli
being one more than forty
42, forty-two, xlii
being two more than forty
43, forty-three, xliii
being three more than forty
44, forty-four, xliv
being four more than forty
45, forty-five, xlv
being five more than forty
46, forty-six, xlvi
being six more than forty
47, forty-seven, xlvii
being seven more than forty
48, forty-eight, xlviii
being eight more than forty
49, forty-nine, il
being nine more than forty
50, fifty, l
being ten more than forty
51, fifty-one, li
being one more than fifty
52, fifty-two, lii
being two more than fifty
53, fifty-three, liii
being three more than fifty
54, fifty-four, liv
being four more than fifty
55, fifty-five, lv
being five more than fifty
56, fifty-six, lvi
being six more than fifty
57, fifty-seven, lvii
being seven more than fifty
58, fifty-eight, lviii
being eight more than fifty
59, fifty-nine, ilx
being nine more than fifty
60, lx, sixty, threescore
being ten more than fifty
61, lxi, sixty-one
being one more than sixty
62, lxii, sixty-two
being two more than sixty
63, lxiii, sixty-three
being three more than sixty
64, lxiv, sixty-four
being four more than sixty
65, lxv, sixty-five
being five more than sixty
66, lxvi, sixty-six
being six more than sixty
67, lxvii, sixty-seven
being seven more than sixty
68, lxviii, sixty-eight
being eight more than sixty
69, ilxx, sixty-nine
being nine more than sixty
70, lxx, seventy
being ten more than sixty
71, lxxi, seventy-one
being one more than seventy
72, lxxii, seventy-two
being two more than seventy
73, lxxiii, seventy-three
being three more than seventy
74, lxxiv, seventy-four
being four more than seventy
75, lxxv, seventy-five
being five more than seventy
76, lxxvi, seventy-six
being six more than seventy
77, lxxvii, seventy-seven
being seven more than seventy
78, lxxviii, seventy-eight
being eight more than seventy
79, ilxxx, seventy-nine
being nine more than seventy
80, eighty, fourscore, lxxx
being ten more than seventy
81, eighty-one, lxxxi
being one more than eighty
82, eighty-two, lxxxii
being two more than eighty
83, eighty-three, lxxxiii
being three more than eighty
84, eighty-four, lxxxiv
being four more than eighty
85, eighty-five, lxxxv
being five more than eighty
86, eighty-six, lxxxvi
being six more than eighty
87, eighty-seven, lxxxvii
being seven more than eighty
88, eighty-eight, lxxxviii
being eight more than eighty
89, eighty-nine, ixc
being nine more than eighty
90, ninety, xc
being ten more than eighty
91, ninety-one, xci
being one more than ninety
92, ninety-two, xcii
being two more than ninety
93, ninety-three, xciii
being three more than ninety
94, ninety-four, xciv
being four more than ninety
95, ninety-five, xcv
being five more than ninety
96, ninety-six, xcvi
being six more than ninety
97, ninety-seven, xcvii
being seven more than ninety
98, ninety-eight, xcviii
being eight more than ninety
99, ic, ninety-nine
being nine more than ninety
100, c, hundred, one hundred
being ten more than ninety
101, ci, hundred and one, one hundred one
being one more than one hundred
105, cv, one hundred five
being five more than one hundred
110, cx, one hundred ten
being ten more than one hundred
115, cxv, one hundred fifteen
being five more than one hundred ten
120, cxx, one hundred twenty
being ten more than one hundred ten
125, cxxv, one hundred twenty-five
being five more than one hundred twenty
130, cxxx, one hundred thirty
being ten more than one hundred twenty
135, cxxxv, one hundred thirty-five
being five more than one hundred thirty
140, cxl, one hundred forty
being ten more than one hundred thirty
145, cxlv, one hundred forty-five
being five more than one hundred forty
150, cl, one hundred fifty
being ten more than one hundred forty
155, clv, one hundred fifty-five
being five more than one hundred fifty
160, clx, one hundred sixty
being ten more than one hundred fifty
165, clxv, one hundred sixty-five
being five more than one hundred sixty
170, clxx, one hundred seventy
being ten more than one hundred sixty
175, clxxv, one hundred seventy-five
being five more than one hundred seventy
180, clxxx, one hundred eighty
being ten more than one hundred seventy
190, one hundred ninety, xcl
being ten more than one hundred eighty
200, cc, two hundred
being ten more than one hundred ninety
300, ccc, three hundred
being one hundred more than two hundred
400, cd, four hundred
being one hundred more than three hundred
500, d, five hundred
denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units
1000, k, m, one thousand, thousand
denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units
ten thousand
denoting a quantity consisting of 10,000 items or units
hundred thousand
(in Roman numerals, C written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 100,000 items or units
(in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units
denoting a quantity consisting of one thousand million items or units in the United States
denoting a quantity consisting of one million million items or units in Great Britain
one million million in the United States
one quintillion in Great Britain
very large indeterminate number
being or denoting a numerical order in a series
indicating an initial point or origin
preceding even the first
1st, first
indicating the beginning unit in a series
2d, 2nd, second
coming next after the first in position in space or time or degree or magnitude
3rd, tertiary, third
coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position
4th, fourth, quaternary
coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude
5th, fifth
coming next after the fourth and just before the sixth in position
6th, sixth
coming next after the fifth and just before the seventh in position
7th, seventh
coming next after the sixth and just before the eighth in position
8th, eighth
coming next after the seventh and just before the ninth in position
9th, ninth
coming next after the eighth and just before the tenth in position
10th, tenth
coming next after the ninth and just before the eleventh in position
11th, eleventh
coming next after the tenth and just before the twelfth in position
12th, twelfth
coming next after the eleventh and just before the thirteenth in position
13th, thirteenth
coming next after the twelfth in position
14th, fourteenth
coming next after the thirteenth in position
15th, fifteenth
coming next after the fourteenth and just before the sixteenth in position
16th, sixteenth
coming next after the fifteenth in position
17th, seventeenth
coming next after the sixteenth in position
18th, eighteenth
coming next after the seventeenth in position
19th, nineteenth
coming next after the eighteenth in position
umpteenth, umptieth, umteenth
last in an indefinitely numerous series
20th, twentieth
coming next after the nineteenth in position
21st, twenty-first
coming next after the twentieth in position
22nd, twenty-second
coming next after the twenty-first in position
23rd, twenty-third
coming next after the twenty-second in position
24th, twenty-fourth
coming next after the twenty-third in position
25th, twenty-fifth
coming next after the twenty-fourth in position
26th, twenty-sixth
coming next after the twenty-fifth in position
27th, twenty-seventh
coming next after the twenty-sixth in position
28th, twenty-eighth
coming next after the twenty-seventh in position
29th, twenty-ninth
coming next after the twenty-eighth in position
30th, thirtieth
coming next after the twenty-ninth in position
31st, thirty-first
coming next after the thirtieth in position
32nd, thirty-second
the ordinal number of thirty-two in counting order
33rd, thirty-third
the ordinal number of thirty-three in counting order
34th, thirty-fourth
the ordinal number of thirty-four in counting order
35th, thirty-fifth
the ordinal number of thirty-five in counting order
36th, thirty-sixth
the ordinal number of thirty-six in counting order
37th, thirty-seventh
the ordinal number of thirty-seven in counting order
38th, thirty-eighth
the ordinal number of thirty-eight in counting order
39th, thirty-ninth
the ordinal number of thirty-nine in counting order
40th, fortieth
the ordinal number of forty in counting order
41st, forty-first
the ordinal number of forty-one in counting order
42nd, forty-second
the ordinal number of forty-two in counting order
43rd, forty-third
the ordinal number of forty-three in counting order
44th, forty-fourth
the ordinal number of forty-four in counting order
45th, forty-fifth
the ordinal number of forty-five in counting order
46th, forty-sixth
the ordinal number of forty-six in counting order
47th, forty-seventh
the ordinal number of forty-seven in counting order
48th, forty-eighth
the ordinal number of forty-eight in counting order
49th, forty-ninth
the ordinal number of forty-nine in counting order
50th, fiftieth
the ordinal number of fifty in counting order
55th, fifty-fifth
the ordinal number of fifty-five in counting order
60th, sixtieth
the ordinal number of sixty in counting order
64th, sixty-fourth
the ordinal number of sixty-four in counting order
65th, sixty-fifth
the ordinal number of sixty-five in counting order
70th, seventieth
the ordinal number of seventy in counting order
75th, seventy-fifth
the ordinal number of seventy-five in counting order
80th, eightieth
the ordinal number of eighty in counting order
85th, eighty-fifth
the ordinal number of eighty-five in counting order
90th, ninetieth
the ordinal number of ninety in counting order
95th, ninety-fifth
the ordinal number of ninety-five in counting order
100th, centesimal, hundredth
the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order
101st, hundred-and-first
the ordinal number of one hundred one in counting order
105th, hundred-and-fifth
the ordinal number of one hundred five in counting order
110th, hundred-and-tenth
the ordinal number of one hundred ten in counting order
115th, hundred-and-fifteenth
the ordinal number of one hundred fifteen in counting order
120th, hundred-and-twentieth
the ordinal number of one hundred twenty in counting order
125th, hundred-and-twenty-fifth
the ordinal number of one hundred twenty-five in counting order
130th, hundred-and-thirtieth
the ordinal number of one hundred thirty in counting order
135th, hundred-and-thirty-fifth
the ordinal number of one hundred thirty-five in counting order
140th, hundred-and-fortieth
the ordinal number of one hundred forty in counting order
145th, hundred-and-forty-fifth
the ordinal number of one hundred forty-five in counting order
150th, hundred-and-fiftieth
the ordinal number of one hundred fifty in counting order
155th, hundred-and-fifty-fifth
the ordinal number of one hundred fifty-five in counting order
160th, hundred-and-sixtieth
the ordinal number of one hundred sixty in counting order
165th, hundred-and-sixty-fifth
the ordinal number of one hundred sixty-five in counting order
170th, hundred-and-seventieth
the ordinal number of one hundred seventy in counting order
175th, hundred-and-seventy-fifth
the ordinal number of one hundred seventy-five in counting order
180th, hundred-and-eightieth
the ordinal number of one hundred eighty in counting order
190th, hundred-and-ninetieth
the ordinal number of one hundred eighty-five in counting order
200th, two-hundredth
the ordinal number of two hundred in counting order
300th, three-hundredth
the ordinal number of three hundred in counting order
400th, four-hundredth
the ordinal number of four hundred in counting order
500th, five-hundredth
the ordinal number of five hundred in counting order
1000th, thousandth
the ordinal number of one thousand in counting order
the ordinal number of one million in counting order
the ordinal number of one billion in counting order
the ordinal number of one trillion in counting order
the ordinal number of one quadrillion in counting order
the ordinal number of one quintillion in counting order
n-th, nth
last or greatest in an indefinitely large series
2n the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
cardinal number
absolute frequency, frequency
the number of observations in a given statistical category
a cardinal number represented as 1 followed by 100 zeros (ten raised to the power of a hundred)
a cardinal number represented as 1 followed by a googol of zeros (ten raised to the power of a googol)
a concept of quantity involving zero and units
n (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes
Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmine
Italian cardinal and theologian (1542-1621)
Cesare Borgia
Italian cardinal and military leader; model for Machiavelli's prince (1475-1507)
(Roman Catholic Church) the head of the College of Cardinals
a senior member of the Christian clergy having spiritual and administrative authority; appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers; considered in some churches to be successors of the twelve Apostles of Christ
n crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
Cardinalis cardinalis, Richmondena Cardinalis, cardinal grosbeak, redbird
any of numerous small songbirds with short stout bills adapted for crushing seeds




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