

单词 musical notation
musical notation
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musical notation: musical notations
The technology can handle free-hand sketches, mathematical equations, chemical structures and musical notation just as readily as cursive handwriting.
Economist(Sep 08, 2016)
Yousician teaches basic playing techniques and musical notation by presenting a challenge and then listening as you try to play in real life.
New York Times(Sep 14, 2016)
I also included a full copy of the lyrics, along with two new verses and full musical notation.
Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind(2007)
n (music) notation used by musicians
bar line
a vertical line before the accented beat marking the boundary between musical bars
a musical notation indicating the fingering to be used
musical scale, scale
(music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave)
interval, musical interval
the difference in pitch between two notes
staff, stave
(music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written
a musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it
key signature, signature
the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key
key, tonality
any of 24 major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of music
atonalism, atonality
the absence of a key; alternative to the diatonic system
musical time signature, time signature
a musical notation indicating the number of beats to a measure and kind of note that takes a beat
bar, measure
musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats
a musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration
musical note, note, tone
a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound
(music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato
a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named
a musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named
cancel, natural
a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat
a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature
a musical notation (over a note or chord or rest) that indicates it is to be prolonged by an unspecified amount
solmisation, solmization
a system of naming the notes of a musical scale by syllables instead of letters
(music) a notation written at the beginning or end of a passage that is to be repeated
(music) a notation written above a note and indicating that it is to be played with a strong initial attack
the entire scale of musical notes
keynote, tonic
(music) the first note of a diatonic scale
(music) the second note of a diatonic scale
(music) the third note of a diatonic scale; midway between the tonic and the dominant
(music) the fourth note of the diatonic scale
(music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale
(music) the sixth note of a major or minor scale (or the third below the tonic)
leading tone, subtonic
(music) the seventh note of the diatonic scale
pedal, pedal point
a sustained bass note
step, tone, whole step, whole tone
a musical interval of two semitones
half step, semitone
the musical interval between adjacent keys on a keyboard instrument
quarter tone, quarter-tone
half of a semitone
musical octave, octave
a musical interval of eight tones
the musical interval between one note and another three notes away from it
the musical interval between one note and another four notes away from it
the musical interval between one note and another five notes away from it
the musical interval between one note and another six notes away from it
the musical interval between one note and another seven notes away from it
shake, trill
a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it
diatonic scale
a scale with eight notes in an octave; all but two are separated by whole tones
chromatic scale
a 12-note scale including all the semitones of the octave
gapped scale
a musical scale with fewer than seven notes
G clef, treble clef, treble staff
a clef that puts the G above middle C on the second line of a staff
F clef, bass clef
a clef that puts the F below middle C on the fourth line of a staff
alto clef, viola clef
a clef that puts middle C on the third line of a staff
C clef
a movable clef that puts middle C on one of the lines of a staff
soprano clef
a clef that puts middle C on the bottom line of the staff
tenor clef
a clef that puts middle C on the fourth line of the staff; used for writing music for bassoons or cellos or tenor horns
major key, major mode
a key whose harmony is based on the major scale
minor key, minor mode
a key based on the minor scale
home key, tonic key
the basic key in which a piece of music is written
double bar
notation marking the end of principal parts of a musical composition; two adjacent bar lines
alla breve
a musical time signature indicating two or four half notes to a measure
(music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch; indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time value
double sharp
a musical notation of two sharps in front of a note indicating that it is to be raised by two semitones
double flat
a musical notation of two flats in front of a note indicating that it is to be lowered by two semitones
solfa, tonic solfa
a system of solmization using the solfa syllables: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti
middle C
the note designated by the first ledger line below the treble staff; 261.63 hertz
a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together
passing note, passing tone
a nonharmonic note inserted for transition between harmonic notes
semibreve, whole note
a musical note having the longest time value (equal to four beats in common time)
whole rest
a musical rest equal in duration to four beats in common time
half note, minim
a musical note having the time value of half a whole note
half rest
a musical rest having the time value of half a whole rest or equal in duration to two beats in common time
crotchet, quarter note
a musical note having the time value of a quarter of a whole note
quarter rest
a musical rest having one-fourth the time value of a whole rest
eighth note, quaver
a musical note having the time value of an eighth of a whole note
semiquaver, sixteenth note
a musical note having the time value of a sixteenth of a whole note
demisemiquaver, thirty-second note
a musical note having the time value of a thirty-second of a whole note
hemidemisemiquaver, sixty-fourth note
a musical note having the time value of a sixty-fourth of a whole note
acciaccatura, appoggiatura, grace note
an embellishing note usually written in smaller size
blue note
a flattened third or seventh
a single tone repeated with different words or different rhythms (especially in rendering liturgical texts)
notation, notational system
a technical system of symbols used to represent special things




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