

单词 gramineous plant
gramineous plant
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gramineous plant: gramineous plants
Properly, the leaf, or flat part of the leaf, of any plant, especially of gramineous plants.
Webster, Noah, Webster's Unabridged Dictionary—(2n...(2012)
Europe is indebted to America for this valuable gramineous plant.
Gillmore, Parker, Adventures of a Young Naturalist(2010)
We passed over an immense plain covered with gramineous plants.
Ross, Thomasina, Personal Narrative of Travels to th...(2010)
n cosmopolitan herbaceous or woody plants with hollow jointed stems and long narrow leaves
graminaceous plant
narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay
Saccharum officinarum, sugar cane, sugarcane
tall tropical southeast Asian grass having stout fibrous jointed stalks; sap is a chief source of sugar
tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems especially of the genera Arundo and Phragmites
woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems; mature canes used for construction and furniture
beach grass
tough grasses with strong roots that can grow on exposed sandy shores
bunch grass, bunchgrass
any of various grasses of many genera that grow in tufts or clumps rather than forming a sod or mat; chiefly of western United States
any of various grasses of moderate height which covered the undisturbed prairie in the United States; includes most of the forage grasses of the temperate zone
short-grass, shortgrass
any of various grasses that are short and can tolerate drought conditions; common on the dry upland plains just east of the Rocky Mountains
sword grass
any of various grasses or sedges having sword-shaped leaves with sharp edges
tall-grass, tallgrass
any of various grasses that are tall and that flourish with abundant moisture
lemon grass, lemongrass
a tropical grass native to India and Sri Lanka
Aegilops triuncalis, goat grass
European grass naturalized as a weed in North America; sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock
wheat-grass, wheatgrass
a grass of the genus Agropyron
bent, bent grass, bent-grass
grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens
broom grass
any of several grasses of the genus Andropogon; used in broom making
Arrhenatherum elatius, French rye, evergreen grass, false oat, tall meadow grass, tall oat grass
coarse perennial Eurasian grass resembling oat; found on roadside verges and rough grassland and in hay meadows; introduced in North America for forage
Arundo conspicua, Chionochloa conspicua, toetoe, toitoi
used by Maoris for thatching
Arundo donax, giant reed
large rhizomatous perennial grasses found by riversides and in ditches having jointed stems and large grey-white feathery panicles
brome, bromegrass
any of various woodland and meadow grasses of the genus Bromus; native to temperate regions
grama, grama grass, gramma, gramma grass
pasture grass of plains of South America and western North America
Buchloe dactyloides, buffalo grass
short grass growing on dry plains of central United States (where buffalo roam)
reed grass
any of various tall perennial grasses of the genus Calamagrostis having feathery plumes; natives of marshland fens and wet woodlands of temperate northern hemisphere
bur grass, burgrass
a grass of the genus Cenchrus
Cenchrus tribuloides, field sandbur, sandbur, sandspur
grass of the eastern United States and tropical America having spikelets enclosed in prickly burs
finger grass
any grass of the genus Chloris; occurs in short grassland especially on waste ground or poor soils
Cortaderia selloana, pampas grass
tall perennial grass of pampas of South America having silvery plumes and growing in large dense clumps
Arundo richardii, Cortaderia richardii, plumed tussock, toe toe, toetoe
tall grass of New Zealand grown for plumelike flower heads
Bahama grass, Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon, devil grass, doob, kweek, scutch grass, star grass
trailing grass native to Europe now cosmopolitan in warm regions; used for lawns and pastures especially in southern United States and India
Cynodon plectostachyum, giant star grass
perennial grass having stems 3 to 4 feet high; used especially in Africa and India for pasture and hay
Dactylis glomerata, cocksfoot, cockspur, orchard grass
widely grown stout Old World hay and pasture grass
crab grass, crabgrass, finger grass
grasses with creeping stems that root freely; a pest in lawns
lyme grass
a grass of the genus Elymus
wild rye
any of several grasses of the genus Elymus
bay grass, love grass
any of various grasses of the genus Eragrostis; specially useful for forage and for the prevention of erosion
plume grass
a reedlike grass of the genus Erianthus having large plumes
Festuca elatior, fescue, fescue grass, meadow fescue
grass with wide flat leaves cultivated in Europe and America for permanent pasture and hay and for lawns
Festuca ovina, sheep fescue, sheep's fescue
cultivated for sheep pasturage in upland regions or used as a lawn grass
silver grass
of Australia and New Zealand
Holcus lanatus, Yorkshire fog, velvet grass
tall European perennial grass having a velvety stem; naturalized in United States and used for forage
Holcus mollis, creeping soft grass
European perennial grass with soft velvety foliage
rye grass, ryegrass
any of several annual or perennial Eurasian grasses
Muhlenbergia schreberi, nimble Will, nimblewill
slender branching American grass of some value for grazing in central United States
Paspalum dilatatum, dallis grass, dallisgrass, paspalum
tall tufted perennial tropical American grass naturalized as pasture and forage grass in southern United States
Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum
perennial tropical American grass used as pasture grass in arid areas of the Gulf States
Paspalum distichum, knotgrass
low-growing weedy grass with spikelets along the leaf stems
Pennisetum ruppelii, Pennisetum setaceum, fountain grass
tall perennial ornamental grass with long nodding flower plumes of tropical Africa and Asia
Pennistum villosum, feathertop, feathertop grass
northeastern tropical African plant having feathery panicles
Phalaris arundinacea, gardener's garters, lady's laces, reed canary grass, ribbon grass
perennial grass of marshy meadows and ditches having broad leaves; Europe and North America
Phalaris canariensis, birdseed grass, canary grass
Canary Islands grass; seeds used as feed for caged birds
Harding grass, Phalaris aquatica, Phalaris tuberosa, hardinggrass, toowomba canary grass
perennial grass of Australia and South Africa; introduced in North America as forage grass
Phleum pratense, herd's grass, timothy
grass with long cylindrical spikes grown in northern United States and Europe for hay
Phragmites communis, carrizo, common reed, ditch reed
tall North American reed having relative wide leaves and large plumelike panicles; widely distributed in moist areas; used for mats, screens and arrow shafts
blue grass, bluegrass
any of various grasses of the genus Poa
meadow grass, meadowgrass
any of various grasses that thrive in the presence of abundant moisture
noble cane
sugarcanes representing the highest development of the species; characterized by large juicy stalks with soft rinds and high sugar content
Saccharum bengalense, Saccharum munja, munj, munja
tough Asiatic grass whose culms are used for ropes and baskets
Andropogon furcatus, Andropogon gerardii, blue stem, bluestem
tall grass with smooth bluish leaf sheaths grown for hay in the United States
cord grass, cordgrass
any of several perennial grasses of the genus Spartina; some important as coastal soil binders
drop-seed, dropseed
a grass of the genus Sporobolus
rush grass, rush-grass
grass having wiry stems and sheathed panicles
St. Augustine grass, Stenotaphrum secundatum, buffalo grass
low mat-forming grass of southern United States and tropical America; grown as a lawn grass
cereal, cereal grass
grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet
any of several creeping grasses of the genus Zoysia
Bambusa vulgaris, common bamboo
extremely vigorous bamboo having thin-walled culms striped green and yellow; so widely cultivated that native area is uncertain
Arundinaria gigantea, cane reed, giant cane
tall grass of southern United States growing in thickets
Arundinaria tecta, small cane, switch cane
small cane of watery or moist areas in southern United States
Dendrocalamus giganteus, giant bamboo, kyo-chiku
immense tropical southeast Asian bamboo with tough hollow culms that resemble tree trunks
Phyllostachys aurea, fishpole bamboo, gosan-chiku, hotei-chiku
small bamboo of southeastern China having slender culms flexuous when young
Phyllostachys nigra, black bamboo, kuri-chiku
small bamboo having thin green culms turning shining black
Phyllostachys bambusoides, giant timber bamboo, ku-chiku, madake
large bamboo having thick-walled culms; native of China and perhaps Japan; widely grown elsewhere
herb, herbaceous plant
a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests




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