单词 | affect |
释义 | affect (once / 67 pages) 1v 2v 3n Affect is most often used as a verb meaning “to have an impact on,” as in “The tornado barreling towards us will affect our picnic plans.” As a verb, affect can also mean “to feign an appearance,” as in, “Don’t let that surfer’s California accent fool you. Although she affects a convincing ‘Dude, that was rad,’ she is from Minnesota and just moved out West last month.” Don’t let that affect your friendship, though, she’s probably really fun. WORD FAMILYaffect: affectation, affected, affecting, affectional, affective, affects, disaffect+/affectation: affectations/affected: affectedest, affectedly, affectedness, ill-affected, unaffected/affecting: affectingly, unaffecting/affectional: affectionally/affective: affectively/disaffect: disaffected, disaffecting, disaffection, disaffects/disaffection: disaffections/unaffected: unaffectedly, unaffectedness USAGE EXAMPLESBut growth did slow slightly more than expected, in a sign that government measures to rein in soaring asset prices are affecting the broader economy. Reuters(Jan 02, 2017) A Pemex spokesman said relatively few gasoline stations were affected, although protesters temporarily blocked storage terminals, delaying the delivery of gasoline to retail points. Wall Street Journal(Jan 02, 2017) But the possibility is affecting migrants' remittance decisions. Reuters(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1v have an effect upon Will the new rules affect me? Syn|Hypo|Hyper bear on, bear upon, impact, touch, touch on strike a blow affect adversely repercusscause repercussions; have an unwanted effect tell onproduce an effect or strain on somebody redoundhave an effect for good or ill excite, stimulateact as a stimulant process, treatsubject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition hydrolise, hydrolizemake a compound react with water and undergo hydrolysis color, colour, distort, tingeaffect as in thought or feeling endanger, expose, peril, queer, scupperput in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position hit, strikeaffect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely subjectcause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to bother, discommode, disoblige, incommode, inconvenience, put out, troubleto cause inconvenience or discomfort to act upon, influence, workhave and exert influence or effect slam-dunkmake a forceful move against propagatecause to propagate, as by grafting or layering bacterise, bacterizesubject to the action of bacteria iodise, iodizetreat with iodine nitratetreat with nitric acid, so as to change an organic compound into a nitrate tanktreat in a tank aerate, oxygenate, oxygenise, oxygenizeimpregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen mercerise, mercerizetreat to strengthen and improve the luster malttreat with malt or malt extract fluoridate, fluoridise, fluoridizesubject to fluoridation; treat with fluoride creosotetreat with creosote chlorinatetreat or combine with chlorine carbonatetreat with carbon dioxide camphoratetreat with camphor bromate, brominatetreat with bromine ammoniatetreat with ammonia irradiate, rayexpose to radiation scaldtreat with boiling water invigorate, quickengive life or energy to refinetreat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition innervatestimulate to action irritateexcite to some characteristic action or condition, such as motion, contraction, or nervous impulse, by the application of a stimulus nitrify, nitrogenise, nitrogenizetreat with nitrogen or a nitrogen compound reverberatetreat, process, heat, melt, or refine in a reverberatory furnace currytreat by incorporating fat seedsprinkle with silver iodide particles to disperse and cause rain dosetreat with an agent; add (an agent) to sulfur, sulphurtreat with sulphur in order to preserve vulcanise, vulcanizesubject to vulcanization chrometreat with a chromium compound bituminise, bituminizetreat with bitumen Agenise, Agenizeage or bleach flour with Agene (nitrogen trichloride) runcause to perform carboxylatetreat (a chemical compound) with carboxyl or carboxylic acid saccharifyconvert into a simple soluble fermentable sugar by hydrolyzing a sugar derivative or complex carbohydrate beneficiateprocess (ores or other raw materials), as by reduction prejudice, prepossessinfluence (somebody's) opinion in advance compromiseexpose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute digestconvert food into absorbable substances vitriolexpose to the effects of vitriol or injure with vitriol putcause (someone) to undergo something shipwreckcause to experience shipwreck refractsubject to refraction exposeexpose or make accessible to some action or influence exposeexpose to light, of photographic film fume, fumigatetreat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests air-conditioncontrol the humidity and temperature of form, imprintestablish or impress firmly in the mind militatehave force or influence; bring about an effect or change manipulate, pull strings, pull wiresinfluence or control shrewdly or deviously color, colourmodify or bias swing, swing overinfluence decisively blackjack, blackmail, pressureexert pressure on someone through threats carry, persuade, swaywin approval or support for get atinfluence by corruption fixinfluence an event or its outcome by illegal means distress, straitenbring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship dominatebe in control incurmake oneself subject to; bring upon oneself; become liable to alter, change, modify cause to change; make different; cause a transformation 2v act physically on; have an effect upon the medicine affects my heart rate Hypo|Hyper attack begin to injure ulcerateaffect with an ulcer calm, sedate, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillizecause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to arouse, brace, energise, energize, perk up, stimulatecause to be alert and energetic strain, tense, tense upcause to be tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious loosen up, make relaxed, relax, unlax, unstrain, unwindcause to feel relaxed crampaffect with or as if with a cramp jaundiceaffect with, or as if with, jaundice registerenter into someone's consciousness inebriate, intoxicate, soakmake drunk (with alcoholic drinks) hypnotise, hypnotize, mesmerise, mesmerizeinduce hypnosis in cathectinject with libidinal energy animate, quicken, reanimate, recreate, renovate, repair, revive, revivify, vivifygive new life or energy to unbendrelease from mental strain, tension, or formality extend, stretchextend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body invigorate, reinvigorateimpart vigor, strength, or vitality to animate, enliven, invigorate, liven, liven upmake lively befuddle, fuddlemake stupid with alcohol alter, change, modify cause to change; make different; cause a transformation 3v connect closely and often incriminatingly This new ruling affects your business Syn|Hypo|Hyper involve, regard implicate bring into intimate and incriminating connection bear on, come to, concern, have-to doe with, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on be relevant to 4v have an emotional or cognitive impact upon 2Syn|Hypo impress, move, strike actuate, incite, motivate, move, prompt, propel give an incentive for action come to, hit, strikecause to experience suddenly infect affect in a contagious way surprisecause to be surprised impress, ingrain, instillproduce or try to produce a vivid impression of awakenmake aware engraveimpress or affect deeply strike dumbrender speechless, as by surprising or shocking zapstrike suddenly and with force jaraffect in a disagreeable way hit home, strike a chord, strike a note, strike homerefer to or be relevant or familiar to smiteaffect suddenly with deep feeling cloudmake gloomy or depressed piercemove or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply impressimpress positively sweep away, sweep offoverwhelm emotionally disturb, trouble, upsetmove deeply stir, touchaffect emotionally movearouse sympathy or compassion in saddenmake unhappy alienatemake withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated amaze, astonish, astoundaffect with wonder explode a bombshellutter or do something surprising catchdiscover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state boggle, bowl over, flabbergastovercome with amazement agitate, charge, charge up, commove, excite, rouse, turn oncause to be agitated, excited, or roused joltdisturb (someone's) composure cark, disorder, disquiet, distract, perturb, trouble, unhingedisturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed prepossessmake a positive impression (on someone) beforehand wowimpress greatly getevoke an emotional response distresscause mental pain to ball over, blow out of the water, floor, shock, take abacksurprise greatly; knock someone's socks off weigh down, weigh onbe oppressive or disheartening to v make believe with the intent to deceive 3Syn|Hypo|Hyper dissemble, feign, pretend, sham make, make believe, pretend represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like play possum to pretend to be dead take a divepretend to be knocked out, as of a boxer bull, bullshit, fake, talk through one's hatspeak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths moutharticulate silently; form words with the lips only lip-sync, lip-synchmove the lips in synchronization (with recorded speech or song) belie, misrepresent represent falsely n the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion Hyper feeling the experiencing of affective and emotional states |
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