单词 | communicate |
释义 | communicate (once / 72 pages) v To communicate is to exchange words, feelings, or information with others. They did communicate through texting and picture sharing, but the hug he gave his mom when he came home from college communicated more love than any instant message. There are countless ways to communicate! Using an exclamation point in the first sentence is a way to communicate excitement at the many ways to use communicate. A facial expression can communicate joy or anger, and something written can communicate ideas and instructions. Cave men learned to communicate by drawing on cave walls, and people in modern times communicate electronically. Up close or far away, humans and animals — and some would say extraterrestrials, too — are born to communicate. WORD FAMILYcommunicate: communicable, communicated, communicates, communicating, communication, communicative, communicator, communicatory, intercommunicate+/communicable: communicably, noncommunicable/communication: communicational, communications/communicative: communicatively, communicativeness, incommunicative, uncommunicative/communicator: communicators/intercommunicate: intercommunicating, intercommunication/intercommunication: intercommunications/uncommunicative: uncommunicatively, uncommunicativeness USAGE EXAMPLESThe scientists, he explained, didn’t do a good job of communicating the nuances of their forecasts. Seattle Times(Jan 02, 2017) “He was communicating and everything - looked positive before he left the field,” coach Mike McCarthy said. Washington Times(Jan 02, 2017) “He was communicating and everything — looked positive before he left the field,” coach Mike McCarthy said. Seattle Times(Jan 02, 2017) 1v transfer to another communicate a disease Syn|Hypo|Hyper convey, transmit pass, pass along, pass on, put across transmit information implant, plantput firmly in the mind send a messagegive or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally relaypass along get across, put overcommunicate successfully bespeak, call for, quest, requestexpress the need or desire for; ask for acknowledge, receiptreport the receipt of carrypass on a communication deliver, render, returnpass down messagesend as a message messagesend a message to transfer move from one place to another 2v join or connect The rooms communicated Hyper intercommunicate be interconnected, afford passage 3v transmit information Please communicate this message to all employees Syn|Hypo|Hyper pass, pass along, pass on, put across implant, plant put firmly in the mind send a messagegive or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally relaypass along get across, put overcommunicate successfully bespeak, call for, quest, requestexpress the need or desire for; ask for acknowledge, receiptreport the receipt of carrypass on a communication deliver, render, returnpass down messagesend as a message messagesend a message to ordermake a request for something askmake a request or demand for something to somebody encorerequest an encore, from a performer petitionwrite a petition for something to somebody; request formally and in writing demandrequest urgently and forcefully appeal, invokerequest earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection supplicateask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer applyask (for something) beg, solicit, tapmake a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently reserveobtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance challengeask for identification beg off, excuseask for permission to be released from an engagement demandask to be informed of claimask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example call for, inviterequest the participation or presence of ask in, inviteask to enter desireexpress a desire for begask to obtain free arrogate, claim, lay claimdemand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to ask over, ask round, inviteinvite someone to one's house callcall a meeting; invite or command to meet ask out, invite out, take outmake a date book, hold, reservearrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance convey, transmit transfer to another 4v be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas He and his sons haven't communicated for years Do you communicate well with your advisor? Hypo|Hyper message send a message interact act together or towards others or with others 5v transmit thoughts or feelings He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist Syn|Hypo|Hyper intercommunicate grimace, make a face, pull a face contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state gab, yaktalk profusely finger-spell, fingerspellcommunicate by means of specific gestures, as an alternative to sign language aphorise, aphorizespeak or write in aphorisms riddlespeak in riddles projectcommunicate vividly contact, get hold of, get through, reachbe in or establish communication with bring down, impose, inflict, visitimpose something unpleasant communecommunicate intimately with; be in a state of heightened, intimate receptivity ask, enquire, inquireinquire about telecommunicatecommunicate over long distances, as via the telephone or e-mail informimpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to jest, joketell a joke; speak humorously blogread, write, or edit a shared online journal greetsend greetings to address, turn tospeak to nodlower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation signcommunicate in sign language mouth, speak, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalizeexpress in speech speak, talkexchange thoughts; talk with speak, talkuse language gesticulate, gesture, motionshow, express or direct through movement telepathise, telepathizecommunicate nonverbally by telepathy writecommunicate or express by writing radiotransmit messages via radio waves writecommunicate by letter networkcommunicate with and within a group sign, signal, signalise, signalizecommunicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs semaphoreconvey by semaphore, of information whistleutter or express by whistling give, throwconvey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture give, payconvey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow give, renderbestow carry, convey, expressserve as a means for expressing something issuebring out an official document (such as a warrant) come across, come overcommunicate the intended meaning or impression sharecommunicate getcommunicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone winksignal by winking squinch, squintcross one's eyes as if in strabismus wincemake a face indicating disgust or dislike exsert, extend, hold out, put out, stretch forth, stretch outthrust or extend out smilechange one's facial expression by spreading the lips, often to signal pleasure frown, glower, lour, lowerlook angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval shrugraise one's shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation clap, spatclap one's hands together screw uptwist into a strained configuration mop, mow, poutmake a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip measure, quantifyexpress as a number or measure or quantity wise upcause someone to become aware of something readlook at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed pingsend a message from one computer to another to check whether it is reachable and active pingcontact, usually in order to remind of something raiseestablish radio communications with phonate, vocalise, vocalizeutter speech sounds trollspeak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice dictate, order, prescribeissue commands or orders for beginbegin to speak or say intrude, obtrudethrust oneself in as if by force clampimpose or inflict forcefully giveinflict as a punishment foistto force onto another prayaddress a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship; say a prayer carry on, continue, go on, proceedcontinue talking prybe nosey call, call up, phone, ring, telephoneget or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone telexcommunicate by telex discourse, dissertate, hold forthtalk at length and formally about a topic lip off, shoot one's mouth offspeak spontaneously and without restraint pontificatetalk in a dogmatic and pompous manner oratetalk pompously instruct, learn, teachimpart skills or knowledge to apprise, apprize, instructmake aware of inoculateintroduce an idea or attitude into the mind of acquaintinform warnnotify, usually in advance informact as an informer fill insupply with information on a specific topic updatebring up to date; supply with recent information misinform, misleadgive false or misleading information to downplay, minimise, minimize, understaterepresent as less significant or important betray, denounce, give away, grass, rat, shop, snitch, stag, tell ongive away information about somebody gag, quipmake jokes or quips fool, fool around, horse aroundindulge in horseplay undeceivefree from deception or illusion acclaim, applaud, clap, spatclap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval bless, signmake the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate warnnotify of danger, potential harm, or risk advise, apprise, apprize, give notice, notify, send wordinform (somebody) of something acquaint, familiarise, familiarizemake familiar or conversant with confer with, consultget or ask advice from cue, prompt, remindassist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned volunteertell voluntarily complimentexpress respect or esteem for dedicateinscribe or address by way of compliment askaddress a question to and expect an answer from nodexpress or signify by nodding cross oneselfmake the sign of the cross; in the Catholic religion bow, bow downbend one's knee or body, or lower one's head acquaint, introduce, presentcause to come to know personally regretexpress with regret shoututter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking) whisperspeak softly; in a low voice peepspeak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice speak upspeak louder; raise one's voice snap, snarlutter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone enthuseutter with enthusiasm designate, indicate, point, showindicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively indicateto state or express briefly indicate, suggestsuggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine speak in tonguesspeak unintelligibly in or as if in religious ecstasy narkinform or spy (for the police) explain, explicatemake plain and comprehensible swallowutter indistinctly verbalise, verbalizebe verbose whiffutter with a puff of air talk about, talk ofdiscuss or mention blubber, blubber oututter while crying drone, drone ontalk in a monotonous voice telllet something be known narrate, recite, recount, tellnarrate or give a detailed account of narrateprovide commentary for a film, for example talk downspeak in a condescending manner, as if to a child spielspeak at great length (about something) dogmatise, dogmatizespeak dogmatically cheekspeak impudently to run ontalk or narrate at length smatterspeak with spotty or superficial knowledge slanguse slang or vulgar language leveltalk frankly with; lay it on the line talk turkeydiscuss frankly, often in a business context monologuise, monologuize, soliloquise, soliloquizetalk to oneself converse, discoursecarry on a conversation account, describe, reportto give an account or representation of in words reportmake known to the authorities cover, reportbe responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism announce, denotemake known; make an announcement bumble, falter, stammer, stutterspeak haltingly rasputter in a grating voice blunder, blunder out, blurt, blurt out, ejaculateutter impulsively inflect, modulate, tonevary the pitch of one's speech deliver, presentdeliver (a speech, oration, or idea) disabusefree somebody (from an erroneous belief) shakeshake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state write inwrite to an organization stylemake consistent with certain rules of style apostrophise, apostrophizeuse an apostrophe rewritewrite differently; alter the writing of sign, subscribemark with one's signature; write one's name (on) type, typewritewrite by means of a keyboard with types handwritewrite by hand jot, jot downwrite briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of scrabble, scribblewrite down quickly without much attention to detail cable, telegraph, wiresend cables, wires, or telegrams facsimile, fax, telefaxsend something via a facsimile machine point out, remonstratepresent and urge reasons in opposition bear witness, evidence, prove, show, testifyprovide evidence for get down, put down, set down, write downput down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc. generalise, generalizespeak or write in generalities e-mail, email, netmailcommunicate electronically on the computer blab, blabber, chatter, clack, gabble, gibber, maunder, palaver, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddlespeak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly chattermake noise as if chattering away jaw, rattle on, yack, yack away, yap awaytalk incessantly and tiresomely butterfly, chat up, coquet, coquette, dally, flirt, mash, philander, romancetalk or behave amorously, without serious intentions wigwagsignal by or as if by a flag or light waved according to a code semaphoresend signals by or as if by semaphore heliographsignal by means of a mirror and the using the sun's rays flagcommunicate or signal with a flag open uptalk freely and without inhibition beckon, wavesignal with the hands or nod dish the dirt, gossipwag one's tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies raptalk volubly snivel, whinetalk in a tearful manner whistlegive a signal by whistling murmurspeak softly or indistinctly maunder, mumble, mussitate, muttertalk indistinctly; usually in a low voice slurutter indistinctly barkspeak in an unfriendly tone bayutter in deep prolonged tones jabber, mouth off, rabbit on, rant, rave, spouttalk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner hiss, sibilate, siss, sizzexpress or utter with a hiss cackletalk or utter in a cackling manner callsend a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message cut, issue, make out, write outmake out and issue babbleutter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way chant, intone, toneutter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically gulputter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly write upbring to public notice by writing, with praise or condemnation punmake a play on words singproduce tones with the voice extend, offeroffer verbally address, callgreet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name interact act together or towards others or with others 6v administer Communion; in church Syn|Ant|Hyper commune receive Communion, in the Catholic church curse, excommunicate, unchurch exclude from a church or a religious community excommunicateoust or exclude from a group or membership by decree covenant enter into a covenant or formal agreement 7v receive Communion, in the Catholic church Syn|Hyper commune covenant enter into a covenant or formal agreement |
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