单词 | plain |
释义 | plain (once / 37 pages) 1adjadv 2n 3n 4v Plain things are simple, unadorned, and even a little boring. Being a plain talker means you don't use pretentious, fancy words. But having a plain face means you're not much to look at. Plain comes from the Latin word planum, meaning "level ground." That's one meaning of the word, as in a flat prairie or low lying coastal flood plain. If something is in plain view, it's out in the open with no obstructions. But usually we use plain as an adjective to describe unembellished, bare, or unimpressive things. A white room with just an old bed and a chair is pretty plain. WORD FAMILYplain: plained, plainer, plainest, plaining, plainly, plainness, plains USAGE EXAMPLESYes, this is still a nation of purple mountain majesties and fruited plains. Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017) The food, stingy during wartime, remains surprisingly plain. New York Times(Jan 01, 2017) This is important if you’re trying to break a chemical addiction — to tobacco or alcohol, for instance — but also if you’re just plain struggling. Seattle Times(Jan 01, 2017) 1 1adj not elaborate or elaborated; simple plain food stuck to the plain facts a plain blue suit a plain rectangular brick building Syn|Ant unadorned, undecorated not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction austere, severe, stark, sternseverely simple bare, mere, simpleapart from anything else; without additions or modifications chastepure and simple in design or style dry(of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish dryhaving no adornment or coloration featurelesslacking distinguishing characteristics or features homelyplain and unpretentious inelaborate, unelaboratenot elaborate; lacking rich or complex detail literalavoiding embellishment or exaggeration (used for emphasis) simpleunornamented tailored, trimseverely simple in line or design vanillaplain and without any extras or adornments unpretentiouslacking pretension or affectation unrhetoricalnot rhetorical simplehaving few parts; not complex or complicated or involved fancy not plain; decorative or ornamented adorned, decoratedprovided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction aureate, flamboyant, floridelaborately or excessively ornamented baroque, churrigueresco, churrigueresquehaving elaborate symmetrical ornamentation busy, fussyovercrowded or cluttered with detail dressyin fancy clothing cracklehaving the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks, as in crackleware damascene(of metals) decorated or inlaid with a wavy pattern of different (especially precious) metals damaskhaving a woven pattern elaborate, luxuriant, ornatemarked by complexity and richness of detail battlemented, castellated, castled, embattledhaving or resembling repeated square indentations like those in a battlement fancifulhaving a curiously intricate quality fantasticextravagantly fanciful in design, construction, appearance lacelike, lacymade of or resembling lace puff, puffedgathered for protruding fullness rococohaving excessive asymmetrical ornamentation vermicular, vermiculate, vermiculateddecorated with wormlike tracery or markings rhetoricalgiven to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought 2adj lacking patterns especially in color Syn|Ant unpatterned solid-colored, solid-coloured having the same color all over patterned having patterns (especially colorful patterns) bandedmarked with bands or strips of contrasting color or texture black-and-tanhaving a pattern of black and tan black-barredhaving a pattern consisting of black bars black-markedhaving black marks blotched, blotchy, splotchedmarked with irregularly shaped spots or blots brinded, brindle, brindled, tabbyhaving a grey or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring; used especially of the patterned fur of cats brown-speckled, brownish-speckledhaving brown speckles brown-striped, brownish-stripedhaving brown stripes burled(of wood) have a pattern from the grain of a tree burl checked, checkered, chequeredpatterned with alternating squares of color cross-banded(of snakes) having crossing bands on the back dappled, mottledhaving spots or patches of color dark-spottedhaving dark spots dotted, flecked, specked, speckled, stippledhaving a pattern of dots figured(of e.g. fabric design) adorned with patterns floral, floweredresembling or made of or suggestive of flowers freckled, lentiginose, lentiginousrelating to or covered with or resembling freckles lacededged or streaked with color marbled, marbleised, marbleizedpatterned with veins or streaks or color resembling marble maroon-spottedhaving maroon spots moire, watered(of silk fabric) having a wavelike pattern patched, spotted, spottyhaving spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture) pointillist, pointillisticof or relating to pointillism pinstripedhaving very thin stripes purple-veined(of flowers) showing purple markings that resemble veins purple-spottedhaving purple spots red-streaked, red-striped, reddish-stripedhaving red stripes ringedhaving colored rings around the body slashedpatterned by having color applied with sweeping strokes spriggeddecorated with designs of sprigs streaked, streakymarked with or as if with stripes or linear discolorations striped, stripymarked or decorated with stripes tessellatedhaving a checkered or mottled appearance tiger-stripedhaving stripes resembling those of a tiger veined, veinlike, venosehaving or showing markings that resemble veins violet-streakedhaving streaks of violet color white-blotchedhaving blotches of white white-ribbedhaving white ribs white-streakedhaving white streaks yellow-bandedhaving yellow bands yellow-markedhaving yellow marks yellow-spottedhaving yellow spots yellow-stripedhaving yellow stripes 3adj lacking embellishment or ornamentation a plain hair style Syn bare, spare, unembellished, unornamented unadorned, undecorated not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction 4adj not mixed with extraneous elements plain water Syn sheer, unmingled, unmixed pure free of extraneous elements of any kind 5adj clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment made his meaning plain it is plain that he is no reactionary in plain view Syn apparent, evident, manifest, patent, unmistakable obvious easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind 6adj free from any effort to soften to disguise the plain and unvarnished truth Syn unvarnished direct straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action 7adj lacking in physical beauty or proportion a plain girl with a freckled face Syn homely unattractive lacking beauty or charm 8adv unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly') 2he is plain stubborn Syn apparently, evidently, manifestly, obviously, patently, plainly n extensive tract of level open land 3they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain Syn|Exp|Hypo|Hyper champaign, field Olympia a plain in Greece in the northwestern Peloponnese; the chief sanctuary of Zeus and the site of the original Olympian Games Nullarbor Plaina vast arid plain of southern Australia stretching inland from the Great Australian Bight; has sparse vegetation and no surface water and is almost uninhabited; the site of a major rocket research center Serengeti Plaina vast plain in Tanzania to the west of the Great Rift Valley known for its wildlife Marston Moora former moor in northern England flat a level tract of land flood plain, floodplaina low plain adjacent to a river that is formed chiefly of river sediment and is subject to flooding llanoan extensive grassy and nearly treeless plain (especially in Latin America) moor, moorlandopen land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and moss peneplain, peneplanea more or less level land surface representing an advanced stage of erosion undisturbed by crustal movements snowfielda permanent wide expanse of snow steppeextensive plain without trees (associated with eastern Russia and Siberia) tundraa vast treeless plain in the Arctic regions where the subsoil is permanently frozen alluvial flat, alluvial plaina flat resulting from repeated deposits of alluvial material by running water salt flat, salt plaina flat expanse of salt left by the evaporation of a body of salt water dry land, earth, ground, land, solid ground, terra firma the solid part of the earth's surface n a basic knitting stitch 4Syn|Hyper knit, knit stitch, plain stitch knitting stitch a stitch taken in knitting v express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness Syn|Ant|Hypo complain, kick, kvetch, quetch, sound off cheer, cheer up, chirk up become cheerful hen-peck, nag, peck bother persistently with trivial complaints backbite, bitchsay mean things grizzle, whine, yammer, yawpcomplain whiningly croak, gnarl, grumble, murmur, muttermake complaining remarks or noises under one's breath grouch, grumble, scoldshow one's unhappiness or critical attitude protestutter words of protest repineexpress discontent beef, bellyache, bitch, crab, gripe, grouse, holler, squawkcomplain inveigh, railcomplain bitterly bemoan, bewail, deplore, lamentregret strongly reportcomplain about; make a charge against bleattalk whiningly declaim, inveighspeak against in an impassioned manner |
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