

单词 compose
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To compose is to put something together, like a song, poem, or even yourself. You might want to compose yourself before returning to the party after a good cry.
The word compose began with the Latin ponere, which means "to put, place," referring to placing or arranging any piece of work. It's been in the music business since the 1590s, and it's generally still used to describe the act of writing songs. But you can use it whenever you're pulling something together: you might compose an essay for English class, or notice that the class is composed of all girls.
compose / comprise

Compose is to make up a whole, and comprise is to contain parts.  Poodles compose the dog class because the class comprises poodles. The parts compose the whole, and the whole comprises the parts. Confused? Everybody else is!

Compose means to make up a whole (it also means to create, but that's not the definition that troubles people). Mention the parts first, then the whole, as in "four rooms compose our small house."The whole can be first if you say composedof, as in "our house is composed of four rooms." Check it out:

Fresh pītal flowers composed the royal throne, Golden blossoms raised the state umbrella. (Vidyapati Thakura)

The nest is composed of dry grass and lined with finer fibres. (Rev. C.A. Johns)

Comprise means made up of, contain, include. When you use comprise, mention the whole thing first, then the parts, as in "the house comprises four rooms." It doesn't need an of after it. (That's the other word.) Here are some examples of the whole comprising the parts:

The stories comprised in this volume deserve to be widely known and appreciated. (Williams Andrews)

"Earth" comprises clay, mud, ochre, marl, and "peculiar earths generally." (Georgius Agricola)  

The Penn State police force comprises 46 armed officers. (Slate)

Often comprise shows up in the phrase composed of, but really, comprise does not like of to follow it around. Usage maven Bryan Garner points out that this error is at stage 4 of his language change index ; many are mixing up the words so much that the language is changing, but it hasn't changed yet. Remember that those fluffy poodles compose the dog class because the class comprises eager pups. Woof.

compose: component, composed, composer, composes, composing, composition, compositor, composure, decompose, discompose+/component: components/composed: composedly/composer: composers/composition: compositional, compositions/compositional: compositionally, decompositional/compositor: compositors/composure: composures/decomposable: undecomposable/decompose: decomposable, decomposed, decomposes, decomposing, decomposition/decomposition: decompositions/discompose: discomposed, discomposes, discomposing, discomposure/discomposed: discomposedly/discomposure: discomposures
He argued that several thousand years ago, at the time the Iliad was written, our brains were “bicameral,” composed of two distinct chambers.
The New Yorker(Jan 01, 2017)
Troop 1532 is composed almost entirely of refugees who hail from far-flung places like Burma, Rwanda and Nepal.
Seattle Times(Jan 01, 2017)
The title track was composed by Billy Harper, who originally released it just over 40 years ago.
New York Times(Dec 30, 2016)
1v form the substance of
Greed and ambition composed his personality
be, comprise, constitute, make up, represent
form or compose
2v put together out of existing material
cobble together, cobble up
put together hastily
anthologise, anthologize
compile an anthology
catalog, catalogue
make a catalogue, compile a catalogue
make by shaping or bringing together constituents
3v make up plans or basic details for
draw up, frame
make plans for something
1v write music
Beethoven composed nine symphonies
write in counterpoint
set to music
write (music) for (a text)
arrange, set
adapt for performance in a different way
write a musical score for
melodise, melodize
supply a melody for
harmonise, harmonize
write a harmony for
instrument, instrumentate
write an instrumental score for
arrange beforehand
put (a piece of music) into another key
reharmonise, reharmonize
provide with a different harmony
realise, realize
expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass
write an orchestra score for
table, tabularise, tabularize, tabulate
arrange or enter in tabular form
create, make
make or cause to be or to become
2v produce a literary work
She composed a poem
indite, pen, write
publish, write
have (one's written work) issued for publication
write a legal document or paper
write lyrics for (a song)
write about, write of, write on
write about a particular topic
write about
write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher
write about in a paragraph
write off
write something fluently, and without hesitation
dash off, fling off, knock off, scratch off, toss off
write quickly
rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose
write copy
write for commercial publications
adopt, dramatise, dramatize
put into dramatic form
draft, outline
draw up an outline or sketch for something
poetise, poetize, verse, versify
compose verses or put into verse
be the author of
annotate, footnote
add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments
cite, reference
refer to
write out, write up
put into writing; write in complete form
write a script for
write new lyrics for (a song)
compose in poetic meter
spondaise, spondaize
make spondaic
elegise, elegize
compose an elegy
compose a sonnet
be a co-author on (a book, a paper)
ghost, ghostwrite
write for someone else
create verbally
create with or from words
v calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet
She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult
calm, calm down, lull, quiet, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize
make calm or still




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