释义 |
gnos·tic I. \ˈnästik\ noun (-s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Late Latin gnosticus, from Greek gnōstikos, adjective : an adherent of gnosticism or of a philosophy or theology influenced by gnosticism; especially : an adherent of any of several Gnostic sects of the 2d to 6th centuries adjudged heretical by the early Christian church II. adjective Etymology: Greek gnōstikos, from gnōstos known (from gignōskein to know) + -ikos -ic — more at know 1. : of, relating to, or characterized by knowledge or cognition : intellectual, knowing 2. [gnostic (I) ] usually capitalized : of or relating to gnosticism or the Gnostics 3. : shrewd, clever • gnos·ti·cal·ly \-tə̇k(ə)lē\ adverb |