释义 |
sep·a·rat·ist I. \ˈsep(ə)rə̇]d.ə̇st, -pəˌrā], ]tə̇-\ noun (-s) Etymology: separate (II) + -ist 1. : a dissenter from an established church: as a. usually capitalized : a Congregationalist or English Independent of the 16th and 17th centuries; especially : one separating from the Church of England : nonconformist < those Separatists who founded the Plymouth colony in America > b. : a member of a congregation of no generally recognized denomination c. : zoarite 2. often capitalized, archaic : one that observes strict piety and morality : pharisee 3. often capitalized : an advocate of political autonomy or independence : revolutionary, secessionist < sided with Quebec separatists in their struggles against … federal usurpation of power — M.S.Stewart > 4. : an advocate of segregation < separatists in the matter of church and state — F.J.B.Flynn > • sep·a·ra·tis·tic \|sep(ə)rə|tistik\ adjective II. adjective Usage: often capitalized 1. : of, relating to, or characteristic of separatists 2. : advocating separatism |