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se·ri·al I. \ˈsirēəl, ˈsēr-\ adjective Etymology: series + -al 1. : of, relating to, consisting of, or arranged in a series, rank, or row < serial pictures > < serial observations > < a serial act like walking — A.T.Weaver > 2. : occurring in regular succession < serial concerts > 3. : appearing in successive parts or numbers < a serial story > < a serial play > < wrote her a serial account of his adventures — J.W.Krutch > 4. : belonging to a series; specifically : belonging to a series maturing in installments periodically rather than on a single maturity date < serial bonds > < serial equipment trust certificates > 5. : causing or producing a series < serial production of a new-model boat > < denies that he is the pursued serial murderer — Siegfried Kracauer > 6. : stichic 7. : of or relating to music based on a series of tones in a fixed order without regard to traditional tonality; especially : twelve-tone II. noun (-s) 1. a. : a novel or other literary or pictorial work published in sections in successive issues of a publication b. : a section of such a serial appearing in a single issue of a publication < a cartoon serial … in a boys' magazine — Malcolm Lowry > 2. : a publication (as a newspaper, journal, yearbook, or bulletin) issued as one of a consecutively numbered and indefinitely continued series 3. a. : a motion picture or radio or television play presented in a number of successive installments or continued indefinitely < soap-opera serials > b. : a single installment of such a serial < sit through six complete showings of the western and the serial — William Humphrey > — compare episode 1d 4. : a subdivision (as of a military force) for movement by marching, by water (as in amphibious operations), or by air < could see shells exploding along the rear of the serial — Combat Forces Journal > < battalion … moving as an independent serial — P.W.Thompson > III. adjective 1. : relating to or being a connection in a computer system in which the bits of a byte are transmitted sequentially over a single wire — compare parallel 2 herein 2. a. : performing a series of similar acts over a period of time < a serial killer > b. : occurring in or involving such a series < a serial murder > < serial monogamy > |