释义 |
serve I. \ˈsərv, ˈsə̄v, ˈsəiv, dial ˈsärv or ˈsȧv\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English serven, from Old French servir, from Latin servire to be a slave, serve, be of use, from servus slave, servant, perhaps of Etruscan origin intransitive verb 1. a. : to be a servant : become employed in domestic service, at manual labor, or upon another's business : do menial service < served on the staffs of various wealthy households > < so they made the people of Israel serve with rigor, and made their lives bitter with hard service — Exod 1:13, 14 (Revised Standard Version) > b. obsolete : to do service (as to God or a feudal superior) — used with to < blessed angels he sends to and fro to serve to wicked man — Edmund Spenser > c. : to do military or naval service : be a soldier or sailor < two of his great-grandfathers served in the Revolutionary War — Edna Yost > 2. a. : to perform the duties of a priest or clergyman : officiate in a clerical capacity b. : to assist a celebrant as server at mass 3. a. : to be of use : answer a purpose : have a function < in a day when few people could write, seals served as signatures — Elizabeth W. King > < nothing he had ever experienced served to quiet him so much as these end-of-the-week concerts — Edward Bok > < a disused fire station served for a clubhouse > b. : to be favorable, opportune, or convenient < met a tide that served for an immediate departure > < told and retold the story wherever occasion served > c. : to be worthy of reliance or trust < it was in the last year of his life, if memory serves > d. : to hold an office : discharge a duty or function : act in a capacity < served on a jury > < served as mayor for several years > 4. a. : to prove adequate or satisfactory : satisfy, suffice < nothing would serve but she must pack a box for me to take back — John Buchan > b. : to prove out : hold good : pass as valid < a safe-conduct that served not only for him but for the entire party > 5. : to help persons to food: as a. : to wait at table b. : to set out portions of food or drink 6. : to wait on customers < serves in a grocery store > 7. : to put the ball in play in any of various games (as tennis or handball) 8. of a male animal : copulate transitive verb 1. a. : to be a servant to : work for (a master or employer) : do tasks set by (a superior) : minister to : attend < his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him for life — Exod 21:6 (Revised Standard Version) > < served several actresses as personal maid > b. : to give the service and respect due to (a lord, sovereign, or other superior) < several times served the queen as prime minister > c. : to comply with the commands or demands of < served the will of venal men > : satisfy the needs or wants of : gratify d. : to render military or naval service to : fight for : be a soldier or sailor of < served the nation as a commander in three wars > e. : to perform the duties of (an office or post) : discharge the requirements of 2. : to offer habitual worship and obedience to (a god or devil) < God whom I serve with a clear conscience — 2 Tim 1:3 (Revised Standard Version) > 3. a. : to assist (a priest) at mass as server b. : to act as server at (mass) < served mass on Sunday > c. : to act as pastor to < served several large parishes > 4. archaic : to pay a lover's or suitor's court to (a lady) 5. a. : to work through or perform (a term of service) < had served his time as a mate in the merchant marine > < served out an apprenticeship > b. : to put in (a term of imprisonment) : spend, undergo < felt that anyone who had served time was a marked man > < served seven years for armed assault > 6. a. : to wait on (one) at table b. : to bring (food) to a diner — often used with up < served him up a hearty dinner > c. : to place food on (the table) d. archaic : to put out food for (an animal) : feed 7. a. : to furnish or supply (one) with something needed or desired < a consolidated school served the children who had attended the several former one-room schools > b. : to wait on (a customer) in a store c. : to provide merchandise serviceable or desirable to (a buyer) < that task has been and continues to be to serve the American customer well — H.H.Curtice > d. : to furnish professional service to < a physician who had served his community with distinction for nearly half a century > 8. a. : to be of use to or answer the needs of : provide for : avail < private reservoirs and canals … serve each separate estate — P.E.James > b. : to be enough for : suffice, last < the slightest smile would serve him for encouragement > c. : to be of help in bringing about : contribute to : promote < engaged … in serving the purposes of the Revolution — Van Wyck Brooks > 9. obsolete : encourage, prompt, permit < certainly my conscience will serve me to run from this Jew my master — Shakespeare > 10. : to treat or act toward in a specified way : deal with : requite < he served me ill > 11. a. : to bring to notice, deliver, or execute actually or constructively as required by law : put into effect < to serve a summons or process is to deliver it, or to read it so as to give due notice, or both > < to serve an attachment or execution is to levy it by seizure or taking possession > b. : to make legal service upon (a person named in a writ) c. Scots law : to declare (someone) heir to an estate after formal adjudication 12. archaic : fit, suit 13. obsolete : to avail (oneself) of someone or something : make use of 14. archaic : to make convenient opportunity for (one) : provide occasion or means for (a person) : favor 15. : to put up or flush game before (a hawk) — used of either the falconer or the dog 16. of an animal : to copulate with : cover — distinguished from settle 17. : to do (one) a good or bad turn : play (one) a trick : deal (one) a blow 18. : to wind spun yarn, canvas, or wire tightly around (a rope or stay) to protect from chafing or from the weather : wrap serving around (a bowstring) 19. : to stand by (one) : prove worthy of trust by — used especially of the memory < that was his last appearance, if memory serves me > 20. : to provide services that benefit or help < the most distinctive characteristic of a profession — its obligation to serve society — H.A.Wagner > 21. : to put (the ball) in play in any of various games (as tennis or handball) 22. : to keep (artillery or naval guns) in action : fire 23. Scotland a. : to give satisfaction to < heirs were served > b. : prove enough or too much for • - serve one right - serve the time II. noun (-s) : the act of putting the ball in play in any of various net or court games (as tennis) < won many games with his powerful and accurate serves > III. transitive verb : present : provide — usually used with up < the novel served up many laughs > |