释义 |
serv·er I. \ˈsərvər, ˈsə̄və(r, ˈsəivə(r\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from serven to serve + -er 1. a. : one that brings food and drink to persons at table b. : one that dishes up food (as in a cafeteria) 2. : the player who puts the ball in play in any of various net or court games (as tennis) 3. : one that assists the celebrant in the Mass, Divine Liturgy, or Holy Communion : acolyte 4. : something used in serving: as a. : any of various articles of furniture (as a buffet or a wheeled table) from which food may be served : credenza, sideboard, tea wagon b. : a tea or coffee service usually consisting of pot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, and tray c. : a tray, salver, or covered plate used as a serving utensil d. : any of various special-purpose implements (as salad tongs or a pie lifter) used to serve a particular food e. : an insulated often decorative vessel for keeping foods hot or cold until served II. noun : a computer in a network that is used to provide services (as access to files, shared peripherals, or the routing of e-mail) to other computers in the network |