释义 |
set up transitive verb 1. a. : to raise to and place in a high position < set up a mark to shoot at > < set up a sail > < set up a flag > b. : to place in view : post < set up a sign > c. : to put forward (as a plan, a theory) for acceptance d. obsolete : to put up (as for sale or auction) 2. a. : to make (a loud noise) with the voice < set up a fearful bawling > b. : to cause (a condition) to come into effect < the wind sets up a humming in the wires > < the added sugar sets up a fermentation > < the splinter set up an inflammation > 3. a. : to make taut (a stay, shroud, hawser) b. : to raise the pitch of (a string) by tightening c. : to transpose to a higher key < a baritone aria set up for a tenor > d. obsolete : to heighten the brilliance of (a color) e. : to tighten firmly (as a nut or a pipe joint) 4. a. : to place in power or in office < plotting to set him up on the throne > < a rival pope was set up > b. : to place in a position of hostility or opposition : oppose < degree of presumption … to set himself up against the authority of so many great men — T.L.Peacock > c. : to raise from depression : elate, gratify < set up by unexpected praise from her husband > d. : to make proud or vain < much set up by flattery > e. : to put forward or extol as a model f. : to claim (oneself) to be < sets himself up as an authority on art > or to be capable of < literary journalist … seldom setting up to pass judgment on major writers — British Book News > 5. a. : to place upright : erect < set up a building > < set up a post > < set up a roadblock > < set up a tent > < set up a card table > b. : to assemble the parts of and erect in position for use or operation < set up a printing press > c. : to put (a machine) in readiness or adjustment for a tooling operation 6. a. archaic : to put aside and save for future use b. : to erect (a perpendicular or a figure) on a base in a drawing or diagram 7. a. : found, institute, inaugurate < set up a religious order > < set up rules and bylaws for a club > < set up a school > < set up a regulating committee > b. : to put (as a way of living or a means of livelihood) in operation especially for oneself < set up housekeeping > < set up shop in a new neighborhood > c. : establish 11 d. : to clear (a route) for the free passage of a train 8. a. : to provide with means or opportunity of making a living < set his son-in-law up in business > b. : to place in or restore to comparative prosperity or a chance of success c. : to bring or restore to normal health and strength d. : to cause (one) to take on a soldierly or athletic appearance especially through drill < set up recruits > 9. a. : to make carefully worked out plans for < set up a bank robbery > : prearrange b. : to execute one or more plays in preparation for scoring (a goal or touchdown) 10. : to pole (a boat) in hunting waterfowl 11. a. : to pay for (drinks) b. : to treat (someone) to something < set him up to a meal and new suit > intransitive verb 1. : to come into active operation or use 2. : to begin business < saved enough to set up for himself as a contractor > 3. : to make pretensions : claim to be or be capable < are you setting up for a wit now > 4. : to solidify too rapidly < ways to avoid setting up in the cement mixer > • - set up one's staff |