释义 |
sev·en I. \ˈsevən, ˈsevəm, ˈsebəm\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, adjective & pron., from Old English seofon; akin to Old High German & Gothic sibun seven, Old Norse sjau, Latin septem, Greek hepta, Sanskrit sapta : being one more than six in number < seven years > — see number table II. pronoun, plural in construction Etymology: Middle English : seven countable persons or things not specified but under consideration and being enumerated < seven are here > < seven were found > III. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from seven, adjective & pron. 1. : one more than six 2. a. : seven units or objects < a total of seven > b. : a group or set of seven < arranged by sevens > 3. a. : the numerable quantity symbolized by the arabic numeral 7 b. : the figure 7 4. : seven o'clock — compare bell table, time illustration 5. : a score in a dice game made by throwing with usually two dice any combination of numbers that totals seven (as 4 and 3, 5 and 2, 6 and 1) < has great luck throwing sevens > — see craps 6. : the seventh in a set or series: as a. : a playing card marked to show that it is seventh in a suit b. : an article of clothing of the seventh size < wears a seven > c. : the rower behind the stroke in an 8-oared boat < is a strong seven on the crew > 7. : something having as an essential feature seven units or members; especially : an English trochaic meter with seven syllables to the line and typically four lines to the stanza — usually used in plural < a poem in sevens > IV. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to cast a seven in craps < the man sevened — A.B.Guthrie > — often used with out < has just sevened out with the dice — Florabel Muir > |