释义 |
grease I. \ˈgrēs\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English grese, grees, from Old French craisse, graisse, cresse, gresse, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin crassia, from Latin crassus fat + -ia -y — more at hurdle 1. a. : rendered animal fat especially when softer than tallow, inedible, and obtained from waste products b. : fatty tissue : fatness < put some grease on those thin bones of yours — S.H.Adams > c. : oily matter or a thick oily or buttery preparation especially when not fine or pure d. : a thick lubricant (as a petroleum oil thickened with a metallic soap) < axle grease > < silicone greases > 2. a. : grease heel b. : cutaneous horsepox of the pasterns 3. or grease wool : wool as it comes from the sheep retaining the natural oils or fats • - in grease II. \-ēs, -ēz — for -s/-z regional differences see greasy\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English gresen, from grese, grees, n. transitive verb 1. a. : to smear or daub with grease < grease a cake pan > b. : to lubricate with grease c. : to soil with grease 2. : to influence or persuade by gifts or bribes < long-striking soft-coal miners would return to the pits in a two-week truce, greased by retroactive pay — Newsweek > 3. : to smooth or make easy of passage < bribes greased their path > : facilitate, expedite < this greases the decline in department store sales — Wall Street Journal > 4. slang : to land (a plane) smoothly < greased the plane down the rain-slick runway — B.M.Bowie > intransitive verb slang : to make a smooth landing with a plane < he greased in on the first hundred feet of runway — Hugh Fosburgh > • - grease the hand - grease the wheels |