

单词 ground
释义 ground
I. \ˈgrau̇nd\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English ground, grund, from Old English grund; akin to Old High German grunt ground, bottom, Old Norse grunnr bottom, Gothic grunduwaddjus foundation wall, Greek chrainein to graze, touch slightly, and perhaps to Old English grindan to grind — more at grind
 a. obsolete : the lowest part : the surface that limits the downward extent of something : bottom, foundation
 b. : the bottom of the sea or a body of water : solid bottom — now used chiefly in nautical phrases
  < had to anchor about a mile off shore and the holding ground was not good — A.F.Ellis >
  < the boat struck ground >
  — compare aground
 c. grounds plural
  (1) : sediment at the bottom of a liquor or liquid
  (2) : ground coffee beans after brewing
 d. obsolete : the pit of a theater
 a. : the foundation or basis on which knowledge, belief, or conviction rests : a premise, reason, or collection of data upon which something (as a legal action or an argument) is made to rely for cogency or validity
  < the reference to natural law as a ground for the authority of civil law — Glenn Negley >
  < opposing divorce on religious grounds >
 b. : a sufficient and determining condition : a logical condition, physical cause, or metaphysical basis — used especially of what is regarded as more fundamental than a merely natural cause
  < the first principle or ground of the universe — Frank Thilly >
 a. : the area surrounding and delimiting a figure or design : background
 b. : the basic surface for figures in relief
 c. : the surface upon which a picture or decoration is painted (as a preliminary coating laid on a canvas)
 d. : the surface appearance of a fabric distinguished by a weave, color, texture; specifically : the plain or background portion of a patterned fabric
 e. : a stiff yet yielding substance (as wood or a pitch bed) on which a design is beaten into relief in repoussé work
 f. : the pieces of net or the brides that support or hold together the patterns in lace; also : the net that serves as a foundation (as for appliqué)
 g. : an acid-resistant liquid or paste that is made from varying proportions of wax, gum, and resin and that is used in etching to carry the design and to protect areas of the plate where no biting action is intended — see hard ground, lift ground, soft ground
 h. : a plain tinted coat which is applied to a wallpaper and over which a pattern is then printed
 i. : wood or metal strips placed around all openings and along the top of the wall base to serve as guides in finishing the plaster
 a. : a plainsong or other traditional tune used as the bass of a polyphonic musical composition
 b. : ground bass
 c. : a composition making use of a ground
5. : the surface on which man stands, moves, and dwells and on which objects naturally rest: as
 a. : the surface of the earth
  < deep under the ground >
  < a branch 60 feet above the ground >
  < uneven ground >
  < high ground >
  : the earth as contrasted with the air
  < ground troops >
  < ground attack >
  or the water
  < glad to feel firm ground again after the rough voyage >
 b. obsolete : country, land
 c. now dialect : a parcel of land enclosed for tillage or pasturefield
 d. : an area appropriated to or used for a particular purpose
  < picnic ground >
  < parade ground >
  < camping ground >
 e. grounds plural : the gardens, lawn, and planted areas immediately surrounding and belonging to a house or other building
  < hospital grounds >
 f. : an area to be won or defended in or as if in battle
  < yielding ground step by step >
  < shifting the ground of his attack >
 g. : a topic or field of study or discourse : subject
  < touch on forbidden ground >
  < cover a great deal of ground in an hour's lecture >
  (1) : a cricket field
  (2) : the part of the field beginning at the popping crease and extending backward past the stumps
   < a batsman may be stumped or run out only when he is out of his ground >
  (3) or ground staff : the professional players employed by a cricket club
 i. chiefly Britain : floor
  < kneeling on the ground beside the couch he leaned over her — Aldous Huxley >
  < her gown swept the ground >
 a. : soil, earth
  < till the ground — Gen 2:5(Authorized Version) >
 b. : a special soil
  < produce of each ground >
 c. : rock or formation through which mine workings are driven
  < soft, wet, or loose ground >
 a. : a metal object buried in the earth to make electrical connection with it (as in a telephone or radio circuit)
 b. : a large conducting body (as the chassis of a car or radio, the fuselage of a plane, or the earth itself) used as a common return for an electric circuit and as an arbitrary zero of potential
 c. : electric connection with the earth or other ground
Synonyms: see reason

- from the ground up
- into the ground
- off the ground
- on the ground
- take the ground
- to ground
- to the ground
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English grounden, grunden, from ground, grund, n.
transitive verb
1. : to bring to the ground : force down on the ground : floor
 a. obsolete : to set (a building) on a foundation
 b. : to furnish a ground for : set on a basis (as of reason or principle or belief)
  < sought to ground the social good on the good of individuals — K.J.Arrow >
  < grounded their philosophy of life on logic as well as on metaphysics — Frank Thilly >
 c. : to instruct in elements or first principles : furnish (oneself or others) with a foundation of knowledge
  < the study helped to ground them in the mechanics of research >
  < must have every American citizen well grounded in the classical ideals — Calvin Coolidge >
3. : to cover (a painting surface) with a ground
4. : to place on or cause to touch the ground
 < ground a rifle >
 < ground a ship on a sandbar >
5. : to prepare the surface of (leather) by scraping the flesh side with a moon knife
6. : to connect electrically with a ground
 a. : to restrict (a pilot, passenger, or airplane) to the ground to avoid accident (as from mechanical failure, ill health, or unfavorable flying weather) or to enforce a regulation (as of licensing or discipline)
 b. : to bar (a jockey) from racing
 c. : to bar (a licensed driver) from operating a vehicle
intransitive verb
1. : to have a ground or basis : rely — usually used with on or upon
 < the institutions … ground on … four socializing forces — S.H.Chapman >
2. : to run aground : strike bottom
 < the ship grounded gently on a mud bank >
 < masses of ice had grounded on the shore >
3. archaic : to come to the ground : fall or light on the ground
4. : to hit a grounder
 < grounded into a double play >
 < grounded out to the shortstop >
Synonyms: see base

- ground arms
past of grind
IV. transitive verb
: to throw (a football) intentionally to the ground to avoid being tackled for a loss




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